University of Oregon, Eugene ARDEN X. PANGBORN, Editor LAURENCE R. THIELEN, Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Arthur Schoeni Carl Gregory. Joe Pigncy. Leonard Delano. Serena Madsen... Managing Janitor Managing Editor .Sports Editor . P. I. P. Editor .Literary Editor Jo Stofiel. l^eonara naguirym. William Haggerty.Associate Dorothy Baker..Society Donald Johnston.Feature Clarence Craw.Makeup .Secretary Editor I Editor Editor News ana suitor /'none* voo DAY EDITORS: Lawrence Mitchelrnore, Gregory, Llr/ne Crawford. NIGHT EDITORS: Rex Tossing, chief: H. Barr Mc.lyn E. Maygcr, Mildred Mary Frances Dilday, Serena Madsen, Carl Winston J. Londagin, Walter Butler, Chas. xx. Mja. i .. __ -vjuoreu E. Dobbins. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Ted Hetvitt, Alyce Cook, Mary Ellen Mason r red Bechill, Stivers W. Vernon, Ruth Gaunt, Nils Ecklund, Barney Miller, Carl Metzen, H. A. Wingard. SPORTS STAFF: Estill Phipps, Delbert Addison, AY. Brown, Fred Schultz, Harry Van Dine. UPPER NEWS STAFF: Ralph Millsap, LaWanda Fenlason, Harry Tonkon, Chrystal Ordway, Margaret Claik, Mary McLean, Wilfred Brown. REPORTERS: Mary Klerom, Evelyn Shaner, Myron Griffin, Lester McDonald, Maryhelen Koupnl, Glcta Me. Ken non, Audrey Henricksen, .Margaret Reid, Gene i . • -.1 r p .. U, 1 f .. A O. .wi.i'it, '1’ \’/nl rr'ivlnr \A/ I 111 c Tamkin, Chan Brown, Joe Maryhelen Koupnl, Gieta niaKonnon, /\uurey nciirn^.^ii, alarum.: I.aird, Rath Hansen, Alice Gorman, 'I'. Neil Taylor, Willis Iluniway, Loia Nolaon, Vinton Hall. Dorothy Thompis, Dorothy Kirk, Carol Hurlhurt, I’hyllil „ , • t) ... . 1. ’.I tA/;i. .... \/5. W •. ■ ■ fm ri 111.II,r Ilitrnnf A , Phyllis VanKimmel, Beatrice Bennett, David Wilson, Victor Kaufman, Dolly Horner, Aileen Barker, El ise Schroeder, Os bur Wilson, victor iuiiiiiiihii, uuny xbmiiit, dud Holland, .John Dodds, Henry Lumpee, Lavina Hicks BUSINESS STAFF William It. Hammoml Associate Manager (iconic Weber Jr. ..Foreign Aclv. Manager Wilbur Shannon.Circulation Manager Charles Reed. ...Advertising Manager Richard Horn....Asst. Advertising Manager Harold Kester..„Asst. Advertising Manager lousiness uince x none xovo The Oix-Kon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of the i’aeific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Adver tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2790. Day Editor This Issue—Mary Frances Dilday Night Editor This Issue— Waller Butler Asst. Night Editors This Issue— Ruth Gaunt Mary Ellen Mason Irony Marks Addition To Student Fees It is ratlin' ironical that within a few days alter students of the university voted dowin a measure 1o inerease student | fees by the comparatively slight amount of $1.~5 a term tlie regents of tin university should slap additional tax of $6.50. Il is not only ironical led a Irifle tragic. Many students have in scrape lo the limit ot their finances to remain in school under the present levy ol $10.75. 'I hough $6.50 is not a great-sum of money, it nevertheless, when added to the present fee and the amount necessary for hooks and living expenses, assumes pretty large proportions to some especially since il is demanded in one lump. Payment of the additional $6.50 will be like making the last foot of a shot-put for the | world's record. The first foot is infinitely more easy to make Ilian the last quarter inch. One of the sad aspects of Ihe additional fee is that, nothing can lie done about it. 'Die money is absolutely necessary to the functioning of the university. Dr. Hall does not favqr the addition, except on grounds of necessity, and lie will not, if he remains true to his interest in the welfare of the students, per mit its collection after the time when it ceases to be imperative. Brotherhoods Bark But Can’t Bite 'Pile federal ion of Church Itrolherhdods yesterday chal lenged student voters with pious assiduity but without much success. Il is a promising sign of interest in national issues on the part of campus voters that; a great majority of them refused lo pay any attention to the challengers other lihan to go through the formalities necessary in easting their challenged ballot. The Brotherhoods. with all their harking, didn't, get much of a bile. Our only hope now is that they will lie kind enough to carry the east' to a test so that 1the students will know in the next election exactly what their legal rights are sufficient Iv long enough before election time that they can arrange to vote elsewhere if not in Jthyjoiic. Baditf May Simplify College Sport The radio has made great things possible. It lias all but used Ihe air for a punching hag. It has all but dt»iven pegs in it and played horseshoes. In fact, the radio is very wonderful. Look wliat it lias done for college, it has enlarged the range of the educator until now tdiero is no limit to the number of people who may hear his learned words, although the ranks of the teaching profession have been sadly thinned by the call of the huge salaries paid radio bed'time story tellers. lint in the realm of sport the radio’s marvels will ever lie the greatest, football games can almost he visualized, play by play, with the cheering of stands thrown in for atmosphere. And the next step television. Someday, who knows? we may be able to buy tickets to all the football games in the fnitted States, go into a large room where dozens of screens are placed around the walls, each one portraying some far off struggle, and seating ourselves in revolving chairs, proceed to be visual witnesses of fifty games in the short spare of an hour and a half, fifty loud speakers could carry the cheering to the watchers Watson, Old Man, the needle please. L. 11. I The Ambler I| YKKTKKUAY W i: SAW: JOK TAMl'KA :iM• l» i.* I1KTI1 AUKlf \v ny l;i \ i llic 111:1 i hn. 11 sit; si: A sin IKK writing mi tin1 anu of :i tlmir \ I * A 1.1 \ K\ Mils niiikiii^ m;i|'s M. I I H>U(' I, A s, liliun i:iu muni'!i ing' an :i j ■ j 11** .1 \l'K 11 K M I 'ST K A I > sitting on tl»o miildlo uI lii" loo k M AIM IkAXU’A Kol.l ih.iuuinu on u straw Al. KlflKS al'cuinj; \ olio moil 1I \ •• K t: I»” I. A N(1 WOli’l ll\ 1 ninto 1 lt>l.\ |!K\(iK’!S o\r. ('ll A l..\l KHX NOOK mK 11• 11 i 11.• 1 las.-. Thirlcn (Continual from (hit) go It, juninr, has boon named vir filiation manage!, following a Muir's r vjMt ifiUT as assistant in ID27-2S. Ho is assistt xl b\ Fred Fd t»or, gpphoniore, of Portland, who is working lor tin* first time on the staff. Salesmen Selected A'l\ m t*i.sing salesmen selected are Addison Pioekman, Kugone; Jna J'reniblay, Wnrrenton; Hott\ ilagt‘11, Bridal Veil; Kobert Mil b*r, Pendleton; Larry Wiggins, Portland; Jack t»regg, Portland, Robert Holmes, Portland; Margaret Pnderuood, Eugene; ami Ralph llrookman. Port land. Those who will assist in the ot'* tiee are .Jam* Praley, Portland; I>on»t h\ .loms, Pugoue; Katherine IVrigo, Hood Ivi\ i‘i ; Harriot Aron/., Portland; Cai*d Hurlburt, Hood Ui \ er; .1 ulianne l»ent<»u, Hood River; Janus l.amhvth, P>aker; Lawrence .hirksun, Portland. Classified Ads LOST Small Ida* k leather; note l*ook and pair of ll-imh shears, at \rinorv, PJ imh pair ot* shears m Engine loom of Aits building. Leave at Emerald office. UK I ssM AKlNti, I'A l LOR l NO. Al. ri:k \ noNs. ^uu k service. miss NiSSEN. PIION i: 22 * * J. ots K. LVFH. to 11*10 LOST V Waltham wrist watch Priday, in tlu Woman’s building. Reward. Phone LMSd ,1, ll-b-7 LOST Cheek for tjuh) made out to Porothv Kathryn Webster. Kinder please tall Kappa Alpha Theta. d-b-7 ■ > } TERM PAPPUS expertly typed. » hie oarhou copy free. Myrtle M. McAlpin, public stenographer 1 Eugene hotel. J-ti-7*i Turning.. Back Pages In Campus History That Tell How The Collegians Used to Act. Twenty-five Years Ago From Oregon Weekly, Novembtr 9, 1903 After the football game between O. A. 0. and Albany college last week, one of the members of the Albany team approached Captain Pilkington of the “Aggie” eleven and offered him the signals of Ore gon’steam, which had beaten Albany a few weeks before. The offer was promptly rejected, for although the Corvallis boys hope to defeat the varsity, they will not resort to un derhand methods. President I’. L. Campbell will leave for Seattle Friday in order to witness the football game with Washington the following day. “This contest will, in all probability, set tle the northwest championship for the season of .1903.” Society work among the Laurcans, who compose the oldest literary or ganization in the university, “is steadily becoming a factor in col lege life.” Fifteen Years Ago From the Oregon Emerald, November 8, 1913 Prof. H. IN'. Allen praises the spirit and self-sacrificing service of I he workers for Oregon, who almost without campaign funds, made pos sible the victory of the university’s building and repair measures in the election November 1. Last night an attempt was made to burn the nearly completed fresh bonfire pile before the appointed time, luit it was foiled by the night watchman,,who was unable to iden tify any of the would-be firebugs. 'The “O” on Skinner’s butte was also attacked some time during the night and shone forth yesterday morning in a coat of orange and bhjck paint, but under the minis trations of a band of fresh it soon Was reclothed in its proper splendid adoi nment. i D UCK > SO UP - i NOTICE Two tickets to the McDonald i theatre will be given to the person - submitting the best, original contri bution to this column beforo Friday | < noon. | I ELECTION RETURNS HUN DA V LIBRARY CLOSING— (Carried.) ANTI-CODDER, BILL, a bill I which abolishes the office of cam- j pus cop. (Camoil.) JOHNSTON - ROB’S i-P T BILL, a bill restoring freedom of the cem eteries. (Carried.) CO-OB CURRENCY BILL, which would have made Co-op money legal tender only in purchase of life time pens. (Defeated.) MILL RACE FLOOD LIGHT BILL authorizing the University to illuminate the mill race. (De feated.) It’s a funny world. Stud ents reject a $1.25 raise in fees—regents slap on a $15.00 increase. Ashes to ashes And dust to dust If the fees ain’t raised The school will bust! n * * SENIOR (in bed) "Is it dawn yet? FROSII (struggling with cx- R. O. T. C. boot) " !? ?’’ nope! Foot’s too big!’’ HAROLD KELLEY. V JUNIOR. WAS OBSERVED SITTING ON THE SENIOR BENCH. HOW ABOUT HOME VCTION FROM 'THE ORDER OF THE “O”.' * * * ' It is reported that sorority * ’ girls on the campus have been * ’ objecting to the "whispering campaign” being waged against ' ' t|]em by tin; fraternity boys. ' j It isn't very political, they say, ' and besides the going is too 1 rough. A FIJI GETS A HAIRCUT Ho walked into the barber shop, sat down in the chaiy and said gruffly: "I don’t care to talk about the Sunday movie question, sports or any other topic. I’m a #iji, un married, and live on top of the hill with the rest of the tong. My car is running in good shape. My studies are coming along fine. No I’ve never been in Portland. Yes, I think the weather’s fine for fall term. I want a haircut. Don't need a shave or a shampoo. Now get busy with the scissors and clippers and shut up! contributed by a, 1. s. THE COOlx. CAMPU/ Ballet ir^ Cosmopolitan club meeting toniglit at 7:00 o’clock, Y. M. C. A. Hut. There will be a meeting of the Thespians tonight at 7:00 in the Woman’s building. Be there on j time! Y. W. C. A. choir will practice at 4:00 today at the Hut. All members of the decorations com mittee of the Homecoming board will meet in 104 Journalism today at 4 o’clock. Advertising staff of Emerald. Meet ing at office 7:10 tonight. Im perative that you be there. I Oregon Knight meeting, room 1, Ad ministration building, 8:00 p. m. sharp. Important. Pi Sigma business meeting will be held today at 4 o’clock in room 107 of flic Oregon building. It is important that all members be present. Those who have been to Seabeck please meet at the Y Hut at 7:30 Wednesday night for a brief meeting. Dr. R. C. Clark, head of the history department, will speak at the regular meeting of lie Cosmopoli an club, 7:30 Wednesday, on “The Probable Attitude of Administra tion in International Affairs.” Alpha Kappa Delta will honor Mr. Howard Knight, execctive secre tary of the National Conference of Social Workers, with a dinner, (1:30 Thursday, November 8, at the Anchorage. Mortar Board will meet at !) o’clock tonight at Alpha Xi Delta. An open meeting for all women journalism majors will lie held Thursday evening at 7:45 in the men's lounge of the Woman’s building by Theta Sigma Phi, women’s journalism honorary. Tcmcnids will hold a social and business meeting, 7:30 tonight at the Craftsmen's club. Horner {Continued from 1'agc One) ms we can secure, both old and new. We can not get too much good ma terial.” The question . for' the tryout will bo: Resolved, that the nation’s wa ter power resources should be gov ernment controlled and operated. Mach man will have five minutes at his disposal to be used as he sees fit on either side of the question. “Every man who decides to try out should post ,his name and the side of the question he is defending on tho paper; provided on the door of my office, No. 4, Friendly hall,” Mr. Horner announces. Wliat Oregon Students Think Campus Views on Day’s Topics Are Gathered By Inquiring Reporter Today’s Question: What do you think of professors who lock their doors immediately on the hour ? Louise Ireland, sophomore in his tory: “We have to wait five min utes after the hour until we leave a class when professors are late so why should the professors lock their classrooms on the hour?” Dennis Trulove, junior in archi tecture: “There are other classes in the university besides their own. and professors shouldn’t lock the doors in consideration of the other classes! where the doors are not locked.” Charlotte Caill, senior in romance languages: “I can certainly see why they want to, I only think it is common courtesy that students should be on time.” Dick Horn, junior in journalism: “I think it’s terrible—they don’t even give a man a chance to smoke a cigarette in between periods.” Leonard Steele, sophomore in physics: “I don’t think much of Reporter converts News Editor to this Pipe Tobacco London, England, Feb. 7, 1928 Larus & Bro. Co. Richmond, Va. Dear Sirs: About two years ago I bought a tin of Edgeworth tobacco. 1 was sc pleased with its slow-smoking qualities and wonderful aroma that I became an Edgeworth enthusiast and have smoked no other tobacco since, al | though up to that time I think I can 1 truthfully say I had tried every well I known British mixture and flake. Moreover, I introduced one of the other reporters to it. He in turn in troduced another and he another unti1 i finally it reached the News Editor There are now five of us all smoking Edgeworth and enjoying it so muci that 1 thought you might like to hav. this little appreciation of what, tc Britishers, is a comparatively un known tobacco. I wish you everj success. Yours faithfully, (signed) David Moon Edgeworth Extra High Grade Smoking Tobacco 11, Ijt'Cii u»'- mun> luino ■*-*■*■*'.I liave plausable excuses for being j late. Besides ’ college students j should hare that privilege.” Shumaker To Lecture At Teachers’ Institute L. K. Shumaker of the English j department will deliver two ad dresses at the Clackamas County Teachers’ Institute in Oregon City, November 13 and 14. He will stress particularly the entrance require ments in written English maintain ed by the university for the pur- ' pose of giving the teachers gather- i cd at the institute a better idea, of the kind of preparation they! should give. Mr. Shumaker will also have charge of the round table • discussion of problems of teaching; English in high schools. Old Grad Night CHEER WITH ISUAN N.B.C. NETWORK Hear the old college songs—and in the spirit of the occasion have some Isuan handy. Imported Isuan Dry Ginger Ale, tangy of fresh limes, spicy of fresh ginger! In Manila they say L'SWAJN --- Does it rain on the Grand Banks? Rain and sleet and spray are all in the day’s work for Fish Brand Slickers. They’ve cov ered the backs of deep-sea fishermen for 92 years. tf The famous Varsity model is built of the same sturdy stuff. It’s a handsome coat, full-lined, with big, book-carrying pockets that won’t rip. Strap-collar or plain, buttons or buckles, and your choice of colors. If you want a lighter, dressier slicker, there’s the “Topper”—smartly cut and finely tailored. Tower’s Slickers are sold everywhere. Look for the Fish Brand mark. A. J. Tower Company, Boston, Massachusetts. i Ready-madcf. Jj .. _'P"^ And Cut to Order, ^ E ST A B LtSH ED E N G LI S HONIVE RSITY STYLES, TAILO RE DOVE R\YO UT H FU L CHARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE IN THEUNITED STATES. All! *j/(Jhtseers returning from the Alps never fail to babble of the marvelous echoes that re verberate so obligingly from peak to peak. But no such phenomenon matches a certain echo that keeps circling this whole mundane Sphere. It is the best-known cigarette slogan ever coined — the Chesterfield phrase “They Satisfy.” Originated to describe a unique coupling of qualities seemingly opposed—“they’re mild, and yet they satisfy’’—its descriptive accuracy was instantly perceived. Today it echoes and re echoes wherever cigarettes are smoked: “Satisfacen... ils satisfont.. .THEY SATISFY! ” And rightly enough,for Chesterfields rfremild — and jhey DO satisfy ... and what more can any cigarette offer? MILD cn ongh f o r anvbody. and je{..THEY SATISFY IICGETT J MYERS TOBACCO CO.