VOLUME XXX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1928 NUMBER 1G Student Vote Imperiled? ---By ARDEN X. PANGBORN The daily press is full of the news that an organization in Eugene, operating under the ambiguous name of “Federated Church Brotherhoods" has taken a step in the direction of pre venting students of the University of Oregon and the Eugene Bible university from voting in the coming election. The word “brotherhood" has generally been accepted as signifying an attitude tending toward democracy; yet this organization plans to eliminate the exercise of a right granted by the United States constitution. $J: iff iff iff It is strange, to use a mild word, that this “Brother hood" has waited so long to decide that students cannot legally vote- There seems to be some slight connection between the sudden interest in the status of student voters and the fact that the students are almost certain to dis agree with the “Brotherhood” on the question of Sunday movies. It is no interest in legal election that has in spired the “Brotherhood," but a fear that its pet project will go to the boards in November. iff iff iff iff If the allegations of the legal adviser of the “Brotherhood” should happen to be right and some of the students have voted illegally, can city officials feel safe in their positions? Oh, what, disgrace the fair city of Eugene must feel realizing that for years past it has been guided in part by illegal votes! Shades of Chicago! The purpose of the Emerald today is neither to con demn nor praise the move afoot in the city to open moving picture theatres on Sunday.- To the normal man or woman it would be self-evident that the question of Sunday movies is one of only comparatively minor importance in the elec tion. It is dwarfted by the presidential situation, no matter how clouded the latter may become by meaningless poli tical harangues in the next couple of weeks. I * # # # One cannot help wondering when regarding one move such as that attempted by the “Brotherhood" just what motives prompted the act, Sunday movies, of course, are the physical reason. But, suppose the measure is voted down, do the churches expect thereby to swell their attendance?.. If they do they have a lot to learn about the psychology of the average young man and woman of 21 years of age. The churches, if they are, sincere in their desire to fulfill their real mission, will recognize the mind of the student body and will gracefully back out, for there is nothing inherently wicked in moving pictures and if the students want them the churches will gain absolutely nothing by antagonism. Certainly Eugene will not go so far as to revert four hundred years to forced church attendance. % # % Here is the position of the student voter in a nutshell: For yeai*s his predecessors have been permitted to vote. Anticipating that he shall be allowed to do likewise, and exhorted by county and state officials to register, he has placed his name on the registration lists of Eugene, acting all the time in good faith. Now at the last moment, when it is too late for him to vote in any other way, the ‘4 Brother hood” has attempted to take his right of franchise. The question is far from settled yet, despite the legal opinion arrived at by the “Brotherhood’s” attorney. Pro vided the churches want to prosecute the matter to the limit, just what can they do? * • * * * It should bo remembered that the majority of voters on the campus are among upper division students. Many of these men and women are wholly self-supporting and many of them are qualified under the strictest interpretation of the law to vote. There can be no blanket ban of student voters and the only tiling left for the churches to do is to station watchers at every polling place. These watchers can challenge, one by one, the voters who come in. If this procedure is followed the com ing election probably will assume a most unusual complexion; for the students, if they Wish, may also station watchers at the polls who can question the right of the voters of the churches. Under the circumstances the voting could well degenerate into a mockery of democracy. * # # # What is proof that a student does not intend to make Eugene his permanent home? Strange things If a voter is challenged the next step of procedure is for the judge at the polling place to administer an oath and conduct an inquisition to decide whether or not the ballot should be cast aside. As proof of residence the ques tions probably will run along this line: 4 4 When you have a vacation, where do you go?” “Do you receive any money from your parents?” “If you were suddenly to go blind, what would you do?” =» * * * Now, if the student in answer to the first question de clares that he remains in Eugene, and in answer to the second says that he does not, and in answer to the third that he. would go to an institution for the blind, there is little that could be done to prevent him from voting, no matter how illegal his particular vote might be. Provided the election were close, it might be contested and the challenged voters checked upon, but this is improbable. The best bet of the “Brotherhood” is to pray that it maj be able to scare a few students away from the polls by its wide advertisement of its own rather narrow-minded view point. There is little else that it can do. And before attempting to do this, it iniglit be wise for the “Brotherhood” to scan a few figures, to,wit: # # # ’ fc (1) The assessed valuation of fraternity and soror ity property in the city of Eugene- amounts to approxi mately one million two hundred thousand dollars. Students pay taxes on this property. (2) The estimated amount of money spent in Eugene every year by the students is more than two million dol lars. (3) The question has been brought up at Princeton, and the following news story carried over the wires of the Associated Press, explains the reaction there: PRINCETON, N. J., Oct. 18.—(AP)—A boycott of Princeton merchants was threatened today by 2000 under (Continued on rage Two) Soph’s Annual SplurgeTo Be Biggest Ever November 3 To Be Bi" Day for Entire Campus; Early Dates* Advised Committee Promises Big Supply of Punch McArthur Court or Armory To Be Scene of Dance The annual splurge of the Sopho more class, better designated as the Sophomore Informal will be a big ger and more elaborate splurge than ever according to Stan Brooks, gen eral chairman, and “Bed” Hill, president of the class of Ml. The decoration idea is being kept a deep secret, but without doubt it will more than surpass the fondest expectations of the newest frosh. Helen Gray Gatens, chair man of this committee, has worked up a novel idea which will cause a good many gasps on November Dorothy Elierhard, refreshments chairman promises a goodly supply of punch. She went to the trouble of finding out the exact amount consumed at last year’s Informal and then added enough to please the dryest of the dry. Programs to Be Surprise The programs, too, will be a great surprise in keeping with the general idea. Kenneth Gurry, ('hair man, lias contributed all his origin ality to make them as new and different as possible. The music will be the snappiest available and the floor ns slick as a group of husky sophomore men can polish it. Jim Dezendorf and Ford Smith will see to that. Although there is yet nearly two weeks to go the co-eds are already wondering about men and men about dates. It would be well to get dated up before the usual elev enth hour rush.' The biggest debate of all as to the location is yet. to be decided. It will be either one of two places, McArthur Court or the Armory. The final decision will be published as soon as possible. Admission Is Free With the best music, the slickest floors, the most palatable punch and the newest programs, the Sophomore Informal has another attraction. Ad mission will be strictly free. With such features and a good live student crowd taking in the whole campus the sophomore class may truly look forward to the most successful and snappiest dance in campus history. Appointments of Evelyn Shaner and Neil Taylor to the publicity committee for the Sophomore In formal were announced yesterday by Harry Tonkon, chairman of the advertising division of the annual affair. Frosh Eleven Start Practice For Rook Game First Game To Be Saturday In Portland; Second To Be Here in Few Weeks The freshman football squad open ed up with a stiffer workout, last night, beginning the grind to get in shape for the Aggie Kooks next Saturday. The coaches, Billy Reinhart, Spike Leslie, Beryl Hodgen, and Bill Spears, seiit their charges through a practice session (that included assignment drill, dummy scrim mage and scrimmage. The first squad, under the tutelage of Rein hart and Leslie, wound up their afternoon with p stiff session against the super-freshjnen under Hodgen and Spears. The O. S. C. yearlings are credit ed with wins over St. Martin’s Catholic college in Washington, and over Southern Oregon Normal school at Ashland. They beat Asli land Normal one touchdown to noth ing,* and St. Martin’s 13 to C. The University of Washington frosh won from the Saints by the same score, one week previous to the Aggie game. The Oregon and Oregon Aggi< first year men are meeting twice this year, once in Portland this coming Saturday, and again a feu weeks Infer in Eugene. Last yea the game was played in Corvallis oi _ Bell field. The frosh won the garni with a last minute touchdown. Student Receives Atlantic Air Mail Graf Zeppelin Carries 2 Postcards for Campus When the German Graf Zeppelin last week made tlie first commercial dirigible flight across the Atlantic from Friedrichsliafen in Germany to Lnkohurst, X. J., it carried in its mail ponchos a consignment of two post cards addressed to the “Uni versity of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon; U. S. America.” Both post cards were addressed to Miss Louise 11 uls, of Susan Campbell hall, a young lady from Berlin who is this year’s international exchange student on the campus. This was the first time that regu lar mail had been carried across the Atlantic via the air route, and the German government printed o spe cial stamp for the occasion. It is of a light blue color, and depicts a zeppelin flying above a globe map of the world. The post cards were sent to Miss Hails by relatives in Germany, and although they were written and posted several days before the zep pelin began its flight, they arrived in Eugene in several days less time than they would if they had made the best of connections with boats. The cards bear large blue and white stickers with the words “Mit Luftpost,” meaning “By air mail.” They also bear the cancellation stamp of the post office on board the zeppelin, which reads: “Mit Luftschiff LZ 127, Befordet,” which means “By airship LZ 127, on board.” Delegate Brings Back Report of P. I. P. A. Meet Stanford Named as Place For 1929 Convention; Informal Sessions Held Larry Thielen, business manager of the Emerald, lias returned from Berkeley where he represented the University of Oregon at the 1928 Pacific Intercollegiate Press associa tion. During the three day conven tion, in session October 18, 19, and 20, a number of problems were dis cussed and probable changes con sidered. Under the leadership of James Wickheis, president of the associa tion for this year, editors and man agers from most of the Pacific col leges met in small discussion'groups. The possibility of introducing a rotogravure section in P. I. P. A. papers was brought before the rep resentatives, but no definite action* was taken. Business managers were coneerned over the possible increase of na tional advertising, and a new plan whereby the central office of the P. I. P. A. will act as a publisher’s representative to sell the associa tion group to national advertisers. A better system of exchange of news items between the papers was also considered. Following the informal sessions at a general meeting of about thirty delegates Stanford was selected as the 1929 .conference place, and the president and vice-president of the group were named. It is customary for the two main officers to be elected from the same school since this system affords a better oppor tunity for working out convention plans. Delegates were guests of the Uni versity of California at the game Saturday afternoon. Two-thirds Let Fees Go Until Lust Few Days In the few days left until Octo ber 27, two-thirds of the students in the university will have to pay their fees to avoid a fine of $2, E. I’. Lyon, cashier, said. “It’s going to take every minute of the time,” he declared. The excitement of the game and of the rally Monday caused every body to take a holiday from classes, from paying fees, and from every thing else, lie thinks. Consequently, only about a third of the students had paid up to yesterday noon. Foreign Student Club Invites Mew Members All students interested in joining the Cosmopolitan club, organization for students of all nationalities, are requested to attend the initiation ■ meeting tonight at 7:110 at the Y. \V. j bungalow. Sam Whong, president i of the group, is anxious to haye a I large turnout present. U-Boat Chief To Talk Here November 15 Lecture Series To Feature Count You Luekner’s Talk On His Own Life Richard Halliburton; Gay MacLaren Listed ‘Doc’ Rolmett Announces This Year’s Program Tlio principals of this year's lec ture series, sponsored by the asso ciated students, was announced yes terday bv "Doc” Robnett, assistant graduate manager. On Thursday, November 15, Count Felix von Luckner, a German naval officer, and an outstanding figure in the war, will tell the story of his own life. Wednesday, January Kith, Richard Halliburton, romantic literary vagabond and author of "The Glorious Adventure—In the Tracks of Ulysses” and “The Royal Road to Romance,” will tell of the laughable incidents and incredible dangers which have made his life one of superb adventure. Saturday, March it, Miss Gay MacLaren, dra matic artist, will give a play in which she will take all parts. Count von Luckner, known ns the “Sea Devil,” has the unique record of having sunk fourteen Al lied boats and capturing prisoners without ever having killed anyone. It is an interesting fact jthat Count Luckner is a direct descendant of Field Marshal Niekalus Luckner of France, who sent Lafayette to America to aid General Washington and the man to whom “The MarSel laise,” national anthem of France, was dedicated. Early Life Uneventful Count .Luckner led a compara tively uneventful life up to the age of thirteen. Realizing then that he could never learn enough in school to fulfill his father’s wish that he become a lieutenant in the German army, he ran away. Ho shipped aboard a Russian boat, but was treated so badly that he deserted in an Australian port. His experiences became more and more varied. He was a bar-boy in San Francisco, a bell-boy in New York, a kitchen boy in Chicago. In Rangoon he was assistant to a Hindu fakir, in New Zealand he became a Salvation Army recruit, and in Queensland a champion prize fighter by reason of his six foot heighth and better than 200 pounds in weight. After eight years sep aration from his family he returned to Germany and there won a com mission as a naval lieutenant. At that time he had saved the life (Continued on Page Three) I)r. Hodge Asked For Oregon Data On Earthquakes Underwriters Think Fire Hazards Are Related to Seismic Disturbances What arc the possibilities of hav ing an earthquake in Oregon? Be cause groat earthquakes are often followed by great fires, the Fire Underwriters association of tlie Pa cific coast has asked that question of I)r. E. T. Hodge, professor of economic geology. These men have realized in the last few years that they can better establish a basis for proper fire in surance rates with the aid of geolo gists. Thus a new field in which geologists play an essential part has developed. Last year at the request of the Fire Underwriters association, Pro fessor Bailey Willis of Stanford university discussed the possibilities of earthquakes in Oregon and Wash ington. During the five years that Dr. Hodge spent in British Columbia and Alaska, and the eight years he has spent in Oregon, he has devoted con siderable thought to the study of earthquake phenomena. Oregon appears to be nearly free of earthquakes, while to the south in California, and north in Wash ington exist strong’ seismic zones. In the paper to be presented to the fire underwriters, Dr. Hodge will atempt to offer a rational explana tion for this fact. He will also give some accurate data concerning the risk from quakes so that fire under writers may predict reasonable fire and quake hazards anil establish equitable insurance rates. Churches Move To Curb Voting Brotherhood Would Prohibit Students Froiii Casting Ballots on November 6 By HARRY TONKON Whether students of the University of Oregon who have registered as voters in Lane county arc legally entitled to the right of f ranch is** is the basis of a battle now being waged be tween the K'ngene Federated Church Botherhoods on the nega tive and the students of the University of Oregon on the at' firmnt ive. Declaring that many students on Ihe campus are not legally entitled to vote in regular elections in this precinct, the brother hoods are organizing a move to place a ban on whom they claim to be illegal voters. The federation has employed a Eugene Michigan University Lures Three Former English Professors The University of Michigan has lured to its fold, this year, throe faculty members of the University of Oregon English department, ac cording to Dr. U. V. Boyer, head of the department. Kenneth Rowe, instructor here, was offered a position at the Uni versity of Arizona at the first of the summer, but refused it; then came an offer from the University of Michigan ip make him an assis tant professor, which the University of Oregon was unable to meet, so he accepted the position. Robert Horn, an assistant pro fessor last year, has a leave of absence for a year. He earned a fellowship at Michigan this year, but will return next year to the English faculty. While in London this summer doing research work on Coleridge, Earl Griggs, was offered a. place on the Michigan teaching staff as assistant professor, which he also accepted. Hempstead To Present Illustrated, Lecture An illustrated lecture on impres sions of Indian, Egyptian, and Euro pean architecture will be given by Jack Hempstead on Thursday eve ning at eight o’clock. The talk will lie sponsored by the Allied Arts league of the school of architecture and allied arts. “One of the clearest impressions one gets in travel,” says Hempstead, who went around the world with the Oregon debate team last year, “is an appreciation of the architec tural splendor and artistic beauty of old world civilizations.” He plans to discuss the mosques of the eastern world, the Kali Tem ple, Taj Mahal, and other gems of architecture. The talk will be made from an architect’s standpoint, but any one who is interested is invited to attend. Hempstead will speak in the lecture room of the arts building. University Professors Attend Roseburg Meet Dr. If. D. Sheldon, dean of the school of education, and Dr. Dan E. Clark of the extension division spoke at the Douglas county teach ers’ institute at Roseburg Monday. Dr. Sheldon reported that about lit) enthusiastic Oregon alumni were present. attorney, Donald Husband, a uni i versify graduate, to direct the legal aspect of the case. The current ease is the first of its kind in the state of Oregon and al ready is creating considerable com ment. throughout the state. A simi lar legal controversy is in progress now at Princeton university, where several riots have taken place. To Present Opinion The legal opinion as compiled by Mr. Husband will be presented at a meeting of the brotherhood Friday night by a special committee, con sisting of <_'. I. Collins and F. C. lleffron. Reports and articles were printed Tuesday stating that Dr. A. K. Cas well, professor of physics at the University, was a member of the. special committee of the brother-, hood, but he emphatically denied, the report last night. Dr. George A. Simon, president of the brotherhood and a candidate for a position in the city council from the first ward, the University dis trict, refused yesterday to take a. stand and had referred the whole matter to the special committee. Laws Are Controversial Conflicts in the interpretation. of the law as regards legal voters is evidenced in the opinions handed out by various attorneys. “Persons who take an oatli that they are qualified to vote, accord ing to the prbvisions in article 11, section 2 of the United States Con stitution and in section 4056 of tlio Oregon laws, are entitled to regis ter,” was the statement issued for the Emerald by W. B. Dillard, county clerk, last night. The coun ty clerk stated that so far as he is concerned the students can vote and that he has no authority to place a ban on them. Attorney Gives Opinion Sam Wilderman, Eugene attorney, was not at all in accord with Mr, Husband. Mr. Wilderman, who at various times has represented the associated students, was of the opin ion that students could vote in Eu gene if they complied with the let ter of Iho statute, which is six months’ residence in the state and 30 days’ residence in the city. “1 have looked over several au thorities Mr. Husband cites,” Mr. Wilderman said, “and find the laws in those states different from our own. Wo have had no cases on the matter in this state, but if some should come up and the letter of the law is followed, the students will be permitted to retain their, vote. Students Pay Taxes “The fact, of course, that most of the students live in sororities and fraternities and, therefore, indirect ly are taxpayers, has nothing what ever to do with the law. Before the (Continued on Page Two) Dr. Thorstenberg’s Papers Reveal Lifetime Study of Lapp Literature Dr. Edward Thorstenberg, late pro fessor of Scandinavian languages, devoted a life time of study to Lapp literature and at the time of Ids death in April of last year, ho left a liyge mass of manuscripts concern ing this subject. During the 11 years that lie was an instructor in Vale university before he came to the University of Oregon in IDUi, he began doing research in that field. He continued the work dur ing Ihc 15 years that he was a pro fessor here. One manuscript of several hun dred typewritten pages in length is a scholarly presentation of the an cient mythology of the Lapps, a peoplo who inhabit northern Scan dinavia and adjacent parts of Itus sia. Their sacred places, idols, gods and goddesses, sprites, ghosts, dem ons, cures, superstitions, and wiz ardry are treated in great detail. It is illustrated by many full page plates. The long bibliography be speaks extensive and diligent re search. Professor Thorstenberg had also made Knglish translations of many folk tales of Lapland. Tlioso bear interesting and (|ueer titles sueli as “Goodwights,” “Kuoblm, tlm Giant and the Devil,” “I’elkho and Piru,” •‘The Bird of Fortune,” “The Prince, the Peasant Boy, and the Sister of the Sun,” “Yulo-Stallo,” “The Giant Who Had His Life Con cealed in an Kgg.” , A Lapp-Knglisli dictionary was left unfinished by Professor Thor stenberg’s sudden death. An endeavor is being made by in terested professors to find persons or organizations interested in the mythological phase of Lapland lit erature in the hope that the manu scripts might be finished and a pub lisher found for them. Dr. Thorstenberg apparently work ed alone in this specialized field as there is no record left of correspond ence with others engaged in such research. Suggestions as to an outlet for these manuscripts will bo welcomed by l)r. K. L. Packard, professor of geology, who now has charge of Professor Thorstenberg’s papers.