Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 18, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
Arthur Schoeni ...Managing Editor William Haggerty .Associate
Carl Gregory .Asst. Managing Editor Leonard Hagstrom .Associate
Joe Pigney .Sports Editor Dorothy Baker .Society
Donald Johnston .Feature Editor
News and Editor Phone 665
William II. Hammond . .Associate Manager Charles Rood.Advertising Manager
George Weber, Jr.Foreign Adv. Manager Richard Horn.Asst. Adv. Manager
Wilbur Shannon.Circulation Manager
Business Office Phone 181)5
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year. Member of the Pacific inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office
at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Adver
tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2790.
Day Editor Thin Issue—■ Serena Madsen
Night Editor This Issue— Charles H. Iiarr
Asst. Night Editor This Issue— Willis Duniway
“Tempered Pep” Is
Need at Portland
Except for the cynical senior with the coffee stained mus
tache, there are few students on the campus who will refuse
to admit that enthusiasm is a desirable attribute. Football,
more than any other activity, tends to bring emotions to a
focus, and since enthusiasm is largely dependent upon emo
tionalism, enthusiasm is at its peak before a crucial encounter
oji the gridiron.
Oregon and Washington are scheduled to meet on the
Multnomah Civic stadium field in Portland on Saturday. To
morrow afternoon and Saturday morning special trains will
leave Eugene for the scene of the clash. Every student who
can possibly get away ought to have enthusiasm enough to
chuck his notebooks in the closet and climb aboard. A day
or two of getting completely away from college serves to
build an appreciation of university life and of higher education
more, perhaps, than any other one thing.
There is always a problem, however, confronting the stud
ent body as a whole when an occasion such as the Oregon
Washington football game approaches. The rivalry of the
two schools, growing over a period of nearly three decades,
is intense and the enthusiasm of the students who attend con
sequently great. This enthusiasm must have some 'outlet.
’What, will it be?
In the excitement before the game between Oregon and
California last year and that between Oregon and Washington
the year before some students allowed their idea of emotional
expression run away with itself. The result of such an occur
rence is a widespread feeling that the small group at fault
is entirely representative, not only of the whole student body,
but of the university in its entirety. Since there always will
be football fans who have no connection with any school,
except perhaps in the past, and who arc not at all interested
in what their actions may mean to anyone else, the problem
is greatly complicated.
Only by strict avoidance of everything objectionable can
students play square with their school, and only by their
avoidance of those who do not care can they prove to the
public in general that the university is not to blame for every
thing unpleasant which may occur in a city the night before
a game
Enthusiasm hr its healthful state will not lead anyone to
excess. It will, rather, temper any such tendency by directing
extra energy into channels which will lead toward accomplish
ment of the task arousing the enthusiasm. It will help beat
mance. Also comedy, “Mclnnis
Verses the Joneses.” Coming, Fred
Thompson in “Kit Carson.”
McDonald- -Last chance, “Un
cle Tom’s Cabin,” with James Lowe,
George Siogman and an all star cast.
Harry Pollard's greatest production.
Coming, Emil Jannings in “The
Last Command.”
A1 Smith •
Arthur Hicks, instructor in Eng
lish on the campus, is riding a new
hobby, and A1 Smith is it.
“I consider A1 Smith a new po
litical Messiah,” he said, “who will
load the nation out of the welter of
the last eight years.”
Mr. Hicks has been following the
two candidates, Smith and Hoover,
for eight years, and he has decided
that Smith has gained in political
ability while Hoover has lost. “The
only thing that Hoover has done
since the war, which has gained him
recognition, is being adviser to
Coolidge, who, everyone knows,
can’t get along with congress,” he
said. Ho believes that Hoover did
good work during the war, when ho
was food administrator, but has been
deteriorating ever since, us indicated
by the .fact tiiat he hasn’t said a
word about the corruption of the
present administration.
Has Studied Candidates
M r. Hicks has made a study of the
activities of the two men, and, he
says, “Smith has it all over Hoover
in ability to guide legislation. He
has put through many acts in the
face of a hostile legislature.”
“1 am going to vote for A1 Smith
because he is a liberal,” Mr. Hicks
declared. He is voting for the man
and not the party. “Smith is a fine
political genius and a greater ad
ministrator than Hoover. He is a
finer master of detail.
Likes Smith
“I like Smith,” he said, “because
lie is the one man who can make
democracy a reality. He can arouse
interest in public affairs among the
people and make them understand
them, for instance, he has shown
this in New York by taking such
matters as the bond issues for recon
struction of state institutions and
reorganization issues, to tile people
in face of opposition of the legisla
ture and has won out against great
odds by arousing; intelligent public
interest in public questions.
“1 like Smith’s stand on prohibi
tion because he is intellectually
honest, while the Republicans are in
tellectually dishonest. I personally
think that the eighteenth amend
ment is a violation of personal
Flays O. O. P. Regime
“Corruption and inaction have
characterized the Republican admin
istration,” Mr. Hicks continued,
“and those who vote for Hoover
will give a vote of confidence to
Republican inactivity because Hoov
er has endorsed Coolidge as a leader.
“Hoover has forfeited the confi
dence of people by a campaign
based on misrepresentation. He has
misrepresented the stand of A1
Smith on the tariff, grossly. Hoover
hasn't taken a stand on any vital
“By silence, Hoover is tacitly
sanctioning the vile religious propa
ganda about Smith. He should come
out and talk about it as Smith
Mr. Hicks agrees with Jim Reed,
who said, “Throw the rascals out
and give an honest man a chance.”
Bullet i
All renenids must he present at a
very important business meeting j
at 7:30 at the Craftsmen’s Club.
All Sophomore Informal committee;
members meet this morning at 11
o’clock at the Villard assembly
hall. Very important.
Order of the O meeting today
(Thursday) at 11 a. m, in the old
men’s gymnasium. Important.
Dial will meet Monday night at
8:00 o’clock at Mrs. McClain’s,
1300 Alder St.
Professor Russell Lewis has taken
the place of vice-president of the
Pacific college faculty left vacant |
b}' Floyd Perisho, who is going east j
to work for a doctor’s degree.
what kind dojoii write?
JLf the profs find it
hard to read your hiero
glyphics, they really can’t
be blamed if they give you
lower marks than you may
think you deserve.
Take no chances. Get a
Remington Portable and
let it do your writing for
you. It will speed up your
writing and the full legi
bility and neatness of type
written work cannot fail
to help your grades.
Remington Portable—the
recognized leader in sales
and popularity — is the
smallest, lightest, most
compact and most de
pendable portable with
standard keyboard. Car
rying case only 4 inches
high. Weighs 8XA. pounds,
Let us explain to you our easy payment terms.
Remington Rand Business
Service Inc.
206-7-8 Broadway Building
Eugene, Oregon
, Commun
--ate, u-a—
To the Editor:
J lienrl ily iij'm1 with your edi
torial in vest onlay \s Emerald de
nouncing the present “hit unit miss”
form of lushing, Kush week or
freshman work is st renuous enough
on any front! unusoit to ttui wheels
of tin' machinery of oxiinin unit rog
istriition of tlio University, without
adding "111811 (lutes” unit utl tlie ex
citement unit nervousness which
goes with the doubt of where to go.
Of course it is n noe.ossury evil,
iiinl cun not be ilisbunileil until there
is adequate dormitory space. Per
haps now there is for the men, with
the new dormitory mid Friendly
both. Hut the women’s dormitories
will not house them nil. Three hun
dred is u conservative limit for the
room capacity of Hendrick's, Susan
('umpbell, Timelier, and Mary Spillcr
A term for prospective* to live ill
the dormitories or elsewhere will
give them a chalice to make their
grades, a start in campus activities
not forced by the houses, and a
chance for a better choosing of can
didates, and a bcttci choosing of
houses for the freshmen.
(1. S. ('. has "Kush Week” at the
end of fall term, 1 believe, and they
find it most satisfactory. Perhaps
the ideal way would be to pledge
sophomores; but that is too far
B. S.
■Theaters v, ,1
COLONIAL Last day, • Tin- Love
Mail,” Manilla Billie I'ovo and
Noah Beery. Also ' Smith’s Arnn
Life,” a Mack Bennett comedy.
Coming, Thomas Mcighan in "The
Racket. ”
HEILZO Last day, ‘•The Km
ciiiv,” with Lillian (liah and Ralph
Forbes. Also Will Rogers in "Ba
varia.” Coming, Singer’s Musical
Comedy company.
REX Last day, "Anybody Here
Soon Kelly?” featuring Tom Moore
and Bessie Love. Real Irish ro
Three Triumphant ’Yankees
conduct the Blindfold test. . .
and Miller Huggins picks OLD GOLD
1 he Babe and Lou here will tell you
that there is only one way to choose
a pitcher . . . and that's to send him
into the box and let him twirl a few
So the best way to choose a ciga
rette is to put them al! through their
paces in the blindfold test.
In the test I have just made, Old
Gol d played right into my mitt. Its
zippy flavor and mellow smoothness
couldn’t be touched by the other
three brands.
P. Lonllard Co., Est. 17b0
Mude from the heart-leaves. of the tohaceo plant
(witness to the test)
(who made the test)
— ...| Ulil it | l
(witness to the test)
. .... ;
hi tii- dressing room at Navin Field in Detroit,
luibi Ruth and J on Gehrig ga\ tile blindfold
cigarette test to Manager Miller Huggins.
1 he faniou.. ^ ankee pilot was asked to smoke
each of the four leading brands, clearing his
taste with coffee between smokes, Onlv one
question «as asked, ‘‘which one do vou like
* i
Council of Women’s
League Meets Tonight
Consideration of new plans to be
Idopted by the Women’s League for
die coming year will be discussed
it the council meeting of the league
onight at 7:15 in the Woman's |
Those serving on the council this'
pear are Edith Dodge, Jane Coch
•an, Betty Sch nicer, Helen Peters,
Tracia Haggerty, Dorothy Kirk,
Teddy Swafford, Joanne Patterson,
Bea Milligan, Florence McNcrney,
Louise Clark, Dorothea Lensch, Mar
garet Edmundson, and Miss Hazel
Prutsman, dean of women, and Mrs.
Katherine Ross, assistant dean.
For Quick Sale
To Individual or Group
Will sacrifice
17 foot 2 horsepower inboard
motor canoe
Speed 10 miles per hour
Electric Running Lights
Guaranteed first class shape
with no “bugs”—has towed
4 canoes 140 miles without ef
fort, will demonstrate this
week-end by appointment.
Phone Portland
Atwater 2588
Our Introductory
$1.00 Box Coty Face Powder
$4.00 Bottle Coty Perfume
Both for 98c
50c Bottle Williams Aqua Velva
35c Tube Shaving Cream
Both’ for 69c
$1.25 and $1.50 Box Stationery
with lined envelopes
Special 89c
The Oregon Pharmacy
538 E. 13th St.
“Your Neighborhood Drug Store”
Use Parker Duo fold
Ink and Parker Duo
fold Leads in pens or
pencils of any rngfo
■f to get the suits
Geo. S. Parker’s
iicTouch-and-G o”
Makes Writing Twice as Easy
Touch a Parker Duofold Pen to paper and off it
goes with a steady, even flow as fast as you can move
your hand.
No pressure! The light weight of the pen itself— %
28'/o lighter than rubbei—does it all! No effort, no
This is Geo. S. Parker’s 47th improvement. 32 pen
patents are included—36 years’ experience in making
fountain pens.
Here is true efficiency in the Modern Style—five
flashing colors, all in Non-Breakable barrels.
This master pen is ‘guaranteed forever against all
defects, so you are sure of satisfaction lasting through
the years.
Parker Duofold Pencils and Parker Duofold Pens,
matched in color, make handsome sets.
Look for the imprint, “Geo. S. Parker—DUOFOLD.”
That mark identifies the only genuine.
sTo prove Parker Duofold is a pen of lifelong per
fection, we offer to make good any defect provided
complete pen is sent by the owner direct to the factory
with 10c for return postage and insurance.
Parker Duofold Pencils, $3, $3.50, $4