VOLUME XXX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1928 NUMBER 12 Oregon Coach Selects Team For Big Game Shifts Made in Webfoot Lineup Since Cardinal Game Two Weeks Ago Team Goes to Portland Tomorrow Morning Oregonians To Hold Final Grid Practice Tonight Thirty - tliroe Oregon football plovers, eager to topple the Huskies in Portland on Saturday, leave Eugene Friday morning at S:00 o’clock. The Webfooters will hold a final workout on the Multnomah Civic Stadium gridiron Friday after noon. The slight touch of gloominess in John .T. McEwan's opinion of the team at the first of the week has lifted, and the Oregon mentor is beginning to express some of the confidence of his players. McEwan’s statement that the team is in per fect condition and should give the Huskies a tremendous battle in Portland Saturday adds further en thusiasm to Oregon’s prospects. The final selection of Oregon’s starting line-up is the culmination of nearly two weeks of experimen tation. Dissatisfied by the lack of co-ordination between the backfield and tiie line, McEwan and the coach ing staff immediately set about after the Stanford game to discover new combinations. Oregon Lineup Oregon’s lineup for the Husky game announced by Mc-Ewan Wed nesday night includes George Stadcl mr.n, center; Merrill Hagan and Marshall Shields, guards; Austin Colbert and George Christensen, tackles; and Ted Pope and Wood ward Archer, ends. In the back field will be George Burnell, Charles Williams, John Kitzmiller and Cot ter Gould. The backfield cojnbination has been giving the Oregon coaches trouble since Dave Mason, star half, was put out of the game indefinite ly after sustaining a fractured ankle in scrimmage with the freshman team last week. McEwan believes, however, that the new backfield set carries as much power as the orig inal one. Oregon’s revamped backfield car ries both speed and power and .a strong passing attack. Burnell and Kitsiiniller furnish the speedj al though both, particularly Kitzmil ler, are line plungers. Most of the line smashing will be up to Gould and Williams. Burnell in place of Ira AVoodie and Bob Robinson, will call signals, and do much of the passin g. Kitzmiller, playing his'first year on the varsity', has already been dubbed the “Flying Dutchman.” Kitzmiller started the Stanford game but was slowed up by an in jured toe. lie is in excellent con dition now, and should be one of Oregon’s chief threats for the rest of the season. He will play safety against the Huskies, and do all the punting. Changes Since Card Game Two changes have been made in the Oregon line since the Stanford game. Marshall Shields has replac ed Everett McCutchan at guard, and Ted Pope shoved aside Harry Wood on end. Shields is one of the most alert linemen on the squad, according to McEwan, and has a keen knack of sensing the emenies ’ (Continued on Page Three) Young Spanish Instructor Thinks Students in Spain Have Advantage Juan Centeno Says Exams Come but Onee; Likes Both Football and Oregon Weather Spanish university students have nn advantage over those in Ameri can universities in at least one re spect, believes Juan Centeno, young Spaniard who has been employed since the first of the month in teach ing fine points of his native tongue to one or two hundred Oregon stu dents. “In Spain a student is given only one examination during his col lege career,” he says. “It is given orally by a professor, and if he passes it he receives his degree and I graduates. If he does not pass, lie stays in school until he does.” Mr. Centeno is a very popular gentleman, and extremely hard to pin down long enough for an inter view, but a, merciless reporter cor nered him in his office in Oregon hall yesterday, and found out some very interesting facts about higher educhtion in old Castile. “Residence at the universities in Spain is not required in order to ob tain a degree,” Mr. Centeno said. “A student registered in a univer sity can be away as much as he pleases. All that is required of him is that lie be able to pass his big examination when the time comes.’' Upon coming to this country Cen teno was struck by the ease of so cial contacts between men and women of the universities. “It seems so easy for the men here to become acquainted with the wom en,” he said. “In Spain it is very different. In the universities there one must be acquainted with a girl for several months before it is considered proper to ask for permission to call. But it seems not so at all here in America.” Any one looking at Mr. Centeno as he said this would very naturally think that perhaps he finds Ameri can girls so easily approachable for other reasons than their natural amiability. He is a real Castilian in appearance. Large brown eyes attract the attention at first glance. Wavy brown hair, olive complexion, (Continued on Page Three) Women, Hoover Lead in Emerald Straw Balloting A1 Smith 111 Votes Behind Opponent; Campus Poll Strong for Sunday Films Women and Hoover led yester day’s balloting, it was shown by the returns from the Emerald straw vote. The women led the men more than six to one, and Hoover received almost throe times as many votes as Smith. University women are taking more of an interest in the straw balloting as the voting draws to a close, and the few women who voted at first are being replaced by a flood of votes which far out-class the men. Only five, men voted yes terday and 34 women cast their choice for president. Hoover’s 29 votes yesterday brought his total to 301 votes, giv ing him a lead of 111 over Smith, whose 10 votes brought his total to 190. The campus vote seems to be very strongly in favor of the Sunday movie question as the “ayes” lead the field by 330 votes, the present total on this vote being 420 for to 90 against. Today’s vote will decide the cam pus’ opinion on the measures pre sented on the Emerald straw ballot, as the final balloting must be done before six o’clock this evening. The ballot box at the old library will be closed at this time and the results will bo computed and will be an nounced in tomorrow’s paper. Going to the Game? ‘Act Now’ Is Advice Want to see the Washington game? Got a dollar? All right, but hurry and borrow it. “It’ll be too late to remember to do it after Fri day morning, and just try,” says “Doc” Robnett with a glint in his eye, “to get one in Portland on the rating of your student body ticket.” Sure, go ahead and try it. In the meantime put it down in your note book—one dollar—Co-op—grey tick et—Rah, Rah, Oregon. We won! Students and Faculty Members Frolic at Gay Allied Arts Party Bright frocks, cords, “red hot” jazz, hum of voices intermingled with laughter, the scornful but in terested-looking stag line near the door—this was the frolic held by the arts students last night. The annual “bust” of the school of architecture and allied arts, hon oring new students and freshmen in the department, was held in the dancing room of the Woman’s build ing from 7:30 until 10:30. This get together was the first of the year. Not only students but faculty members in painting, sculpture, architecture, interior decorating, de sign, and the normal arts aided in the creation of an atmosphere of gaiety. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the University, talked to the stu dents for a few moments. Ellis F. Lawrence, dean of the school, also said a few words. Plans for the bust were made by the council of the Allied Arts League, which sponsored the mix. Members of the council are Carl Heilborn, Murlin Drury, Glen Gard iner, Kenton Hamaker, Hilda Wank er. John Breneiser, Fred Stevens, Katherine Talbot, and Dorothy Chapman. Hilda Wanker was in charge of the refreshments which were served during the evening, and Murlin Drury engaged Clare Hartman’s three-piece orchestra to play for the dancing. Chaperones for the party were Mr. and Mrs. Nowland B. Zane, Mr. I and Mrs. Eyler Brown, and Mr. and I Mrs. Kenneth Hudson. Over 200 I students and faculty members at tended the “bust.” Classes Will Be Dismissed This Saturday, Hall U. of O. President Believes Make-ups Ought To Be Given Students Later All Saturday classes will lie dis missed so tliat Oregon students may go to the Washington game in Port land, according to word received from President Hall. The adminis tration believes that enough inter est is being shown by the students in the game to warrant a dismissal from Saturday classes providing these classes are made up later. The message from the president follows: The football game in Portland on Saturday, October 20th, has aroused so much interest on the campus that the event will be marked by a gen eral exodus of students. It is fear ed by some that the work of fol lowing the Tuesday, Thursday, Sat urday schedule, will be seriously crippled if sessions are held on Sat urday of this week. Instructors in charge may, at the request of stud ents, dismiss the Saturday exercises provided provisions are made for a substitute session at some time when the schedule is free and at a time convenient to instructors and stud ents alike. We believe it desirable to adhere to the principle that no work should bo omitted as a conse quence of suspension on Saturday. ARNOLD BENNETT HALL, President, Horace McClure Dead; Graduate of Oregon, Noted in Journalism Horace McClure, Oregon graduate of the class of 1890, died last Sun day in Seattle leaving many friends in the northwest. Professor E. II. McAlister of the mechanics and astronomy department was one of Mr. McClure’s 12 classmates. Mr. McClure, an excellent debater in his college days, was active in student affairs. He was a member of the men’s literary society and was especially interested in journalism. Although there was no glee club at that time, he sang with a boys’ singing club. After gradua tion, he went to Seattle where he entered journalism. He rose to prominence there and was at one time managing editor of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Surviving Mr. McClure are four brothers and one sister, all of whom were graduated from the University of Oregon. One of his brothers is Professor S. E. McClure for whom McClure hall was named. Professor McClure lost his life in a storm on Mount Rainier. S. P. Will Sell Tickets From Campus Booth A representative of the Southern Pacific will be stationed in a booth in front of the library steps today and tomorrow to sell railroad tickets to Portland for the Washington game. Students can procure their tickets there at the regular rates. Homecoming Aides Chosen By Qiairman Herndon Selects Six Men, Two Women to Head Executive Committees Bill Eddy Made Head Of Rally and Parade Ability Records Control Choice, Says Herndon 1928 Homecoming Directorate General Chairman....Hov Herndon Secretary .'.Florence McNernoy Assistant Chairman Robert Ilynd Finance .Ronald McCreiglit Welcoming and Accommoda tions .Beatrice Milligan Dances .Tom Stoddard Campus Luncheon ...Luola Benge Publicity .Walter Coovcr Rally and Parade.. William Eddy Features .Kenneth Hamakcr Decorations ..Toe Holaday Adviser .Jeanette Calkins Preparations for this year’s Home coming were officially launched yes terday when Roy Herndon, newly appointed eliair man, announced a complete list of staff assistants. In commenting on liis choice of committee chair men, H e r n d o n said, “Strict at tention to the vast amount of detail work in connec tion with Home coming prepara tions seems to be the primary requi site for success. I Roy Herndon feel that every member or tins ui rectorato lias demonstrated Ills oi lier ability, and I am confident that all will be energetic, thorough, and painstaking in their work.” McCreight Capable Ronald McCreight’s position as chairman of the A. S. II. O. finance committee has provided him with a wealth of experience in money mat ters. He is also a senior man on the executive council. Beatrice Milligan is a junior mem ber of the student council. Tom Stoddard is a member of the Greater Oregon committee, and has been assistant circulation manager of tlie Oregana. Luola Benge was chairman of the campus Mothers’ Day held last spring. Walter Coover was associate-edi tor of the Emerald last year, and at present is president of Sigma. Delta Chi, journalism honorary. Eddy Is Senior Man William Eddy is this year’s chair man of the rally committee. He is also a senior man on the student council. Kenneth Hamaker learned all about putting on features when he was a member of the canoe fete • directorate last spring. A year ago he was treasurer of the sophomore class. Joe Iloladay is an ex-member of | the student council, and two years : ago was the A. S. U. O. delegate to ! the National Student Council. At present he is president of Ye Tabard Inn. Jeanette Calkins is executive chairman of the Alumni association. University Officials To Visit Eastern Oregon President Arnold Bennett Hall, ac companied by a group of other Uni versity officials, will leave Sunday for a weeks trip through Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho in the interests of the University. The other members of the party arc Burt Broun Barker, vice-president of the University, Alfred Powers, dean of the extension division', and George If. Godfrey, director of public re lations. The Oregon officials will visit the towns of Pendleton, MAlton-Frec water, Walla Walla, La Grande, Union, Ontario, and Boise, Idaho, where they will attend meetings of the University alumni and the As sociation of Oregon Dads, and talk: to high school students on the Uni versity of Oregon and its possibil ities. President Hall will be one of the principal speakers at a teachers’ institute at Boise. McKeown Admonishes Students In Regard to Game at Portland Oregon Students— The result of Inst, year’s football trip to l'ortlaml is known to us all. The University received a bad name because of the conduct of supposedly Oregon students. The Portland peo ple and alumni were dissatisfied with the showing of both the Ore gon team and the Oregon student body. This year it must lie different. The University administration at first decided to handle the affair, but after careful thought and de liberation it was decided that the students themselves should assume the responsibility. Consequently, the problem becomes the obligation of every Oregon student. Every plan for tho Portland trip has been worked out by the student committees. The special trains have beeif arranged—a rally planned— and tlu‘ Oregon spirit must dominate the whole affair. The students should go to Portland—display their enthusiasm- but do it in a manner that will reflect credit rather than discredit on this school. Remember, if last year's perform ance is repeated, it means no more games in Portland. Such a situation will result in Oregon’s becoming n second rate in football because tlie large institutions will play else where, the gate receipts in Eugene being too small. Then, too, another episode like last year’s means a bad reputation for Oregon. Fellow-students, it. is a serious matter. The University administra tion has left it up to us. Wo must not ignore the responsibility. If a single Oregon student is guilty of misconduct it reflects on the whole school. We can all go to Portland,; the rate is low; and trains come and go for three days. Let’s show Portland a real rally on Saturday and Oregon fight at the game. Those who do not return on Saturday night’s train, conduct yourselves as men and women repre senting an institution of which you are proud and of which you think too much to hurt her good name. Then when if is over not.only will our football team, but our student body as well, deserve the praise and admiration of the whole state. Sincerely, .TOEMcKEOWX. Railroads Plan Student Specials To Husky Game Southern Pacific, Oregon Electric To Send Trains On Friday and Saturday Several special trains will lie pro vided for students who plan to go to Portland this week-end for the Oregon-Wnshington football game. Friday morning at S:00, two or three special coaches will leave from the Southern Pacific depot ar riving in Portland about 12:00 o ’clock. The train which is expected to carry the most students is the Southern Pacific special which will leave from Villard hall at 4:00 Fri day afternoon. The specials will be equipped so that passengers may go from one car into another with out opening any doors or tho tike. These conveniences are being pro vided to enable the students to en joy themselves thoroughly. The Oregon Electric will have a special leaving Saturday morning at 8:00, but students may go on the regular trains. The Southern Pacific will also have a special leaving Sat urday morning at 8:00 o’clock. A special booth will be placed between Oregon and Commerce halls on Thirteenth street so that stud ents may secure their railroad tickets there. Both railroad com panies offer the students the spec ial price of $.'1.80 with the return limit of Sunday evening. Duckling Cookies Make First League Tea Popular Affair The “Webfeet" paraded, in full consciousness of their pride and value ns Oregon rooters, for the benefit of the exclusive “400” at the Women’s League tea given Wed nesday at Alumni hall. The “Webfeet” were duckling .cookies. They were and are no more, as they were quickly con sumed, along with their puddles of tea, by the some 400 voracious stu dents who attended the affair. These students were not only freshmen, as last year, but every one from the dean of women and the seniors down to the lowliest fresh man. Every woman on the campus was invited. During the afternoon Theresa Kelley played the piano. Louise Storla and Gretchcn Kier sang two duets. Musetta Blair gave a clog dance. The Alpha Chi Omegas, headed by Florence McNcrney as chairman, acted as hostesses for the tea. This was the first of a series of teas that the Women’s League is putting on, one every other Wednesday, with a different living organization to act as hostess every time. L. Marnus Will Give Lecture at 4 o’Clock T„. Marnus, noted Danish architect, will give his lect’ure on “Danisii Architecture” at four o’clock in stead of three, it has been an nounced. His talk will be given in the lec ture room of the school of architec ture. Dr. Hall Soars Over University For First Time Flight in Travelair Plane Enjoyed; Favors Airport Development in Oregon Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall had his first hird’s-eyc view of the univer sity of which he is president yes terday afternoon when for half an hour he soared above Eugene in an airplane with Cl. TL Eckerson, pilot and instructor for the Ilobi Airways Inc. This was Dr. Hall’s second air plane ride—and he assured friends that he found it more enjoyable than the first. Dr. Hall expressed himself ns fav oring development of air ports and ns approving of the state-wide air port program as it is being promul gated by the Oregon department of the American Legion. The flight was made in a Travel air biplane, the same plane in which 1 George H. Godfrey, director of pub lic relations, went up last week, tak ing pictures of the campus for use in university publications. Upon getting out of the plane after j the flight Dr. Hall complimented the pilot upon his ability in handl ing the plane and assured Mr. Ecker son that ho had thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Miss Marian Phy, secretary to Dr. Hall, accompanied them. -— .41 ton Gabriel Now Studying at Cornell Alton Gabriel, a graduate of the University in 1027, and graduate assistant last year in chemistry, is now working for his doctor’s degree at ( omoll. ord has been received here by Professor Grin F. Stafford, head of the chemistry department, from Dr. Clyde Mason at Cornell, that Mr. Gabriel is doing well in the microscopic chemistry department. Dr. Mason is also an Oregon gradu ate, received his doctor’s degree at Cornell, and is now prominent in microscopic work. Big Rally Set For Saturday In Portland Long Serpentine To Slart At Imperial Hotel; Noise To Be Spirit of the Day ‘Radio Rallies’ To Bo Held Over KEX, KORE Band Concert, Yells, Pep Speech On ‘Air Stunt’ Oregon's greatest, rally will be held Saturday afternoon in Portland at one o’clock, it was announced yesterday bv Joe MeKeown, presi dent of tlie stud ent body, and Hill Eddy, chairman of the rally commit tee. Fifteen m e m - bora of the rally committee are now completing fjh e details of the program for the next few days so that every Oregon Bill Eddy student "'ill uo popped up about nic Orogon-Washington game in Port land this Saturday. In fact, the loyal Oregon students will be so pepped up by tomorf'ow morning that it will be almost impossible for the average professor to secure the undivided attention of all his students in Friday classes. Everything from rattles to bombs are being secured by the rally or ganization to make Saturday’s af fair one of the noisiest events ever held in the state. Meet at Imperial Hotel Oregon men will meet at the Im perial lintel on the corner of Broad way and Stark streets in Portland Saturday at one o’clock to organ ize for the longest serpentine lino ever to parade through the streets of that city. “Every Oregon man must be at the Imperial hotel at the appointed tifne Saturday,” stated President Me Known, “because wo wan|t to show the people of Portland and Oregon in general what Oregon fight and Oregon spirit really is.” Tho bandsmen will bo on hand 50 strong dressed in their snappy green and yellow uniforms. Serpentine to Parade From tho Imperial hotel, where the big noiso event will bo held, tho men will form tho serpentine and parade through the streets of the city up to the Civic, stadium where the football classic will bo hold. Traffic officers on motor cycles will clear the streets for tho rooters. Two rally cars will lead tho pro cession with rattles and sirens to keep the Portlanders well informed of tho fact that a big gamo is being held there. Bombs will be exploded from place to placo and also at tho game. Tho Portland Chamber of Com merce has lent, its cooperation to tho University students in conduct ing tho rally Saturday, it was an nounced. “No one will bo admitted to the rooters’ section at tho stadium un til all tho serpentine participants have taken their places,” it was emphasized by McKeown. Athletes to Help Order of the “0” members will (Continued on Page Three) Blonde to Brunette-or How To Enter Lhasa, Will Be Told l»y Dr. McGovern Dr. William Montgomery McGov ern, tlie scientific explorer, who speaks to the student body this afternoon at four o’clock in Villard hall, and who sneaked into the sac red city of Lhasa disguised as a Tibetan coolie four years ago, sug gests this little hint for unpreferred blondes. Dr. McGovern tried the following trick and found that it worked successfully—and painfully. When entering Tibet a few years ago he found that all Tibetans had dark eyes. Dr. McGovern’s are blue. To complcto his disguise ho found it necessary to change the color of his eyes and succeeded in doing so with the aid of a few lemons. The strange part of the story is that the ruse worked on all the Tibetans he met, and he was within the gates of the sacred city of Tibet when the discovery came. Strangely enough it was a barking dog that camped on his trail and howled so dismally that attention was attract ed to him. I>r. McGovern was the first white man to enter the sacred city and come out alive. Strong religious fanaticism has decreed that Lhasa is for the Tibetans only. Not only did he succeed in getting into the eity but he got out safely and brought with him several thousand tcet of motion pictures which will In: shown to the.University students tomorrow afternoon. The pictures tell the thrilling story of his haz ardous experiences. One of the high spots of the trip was the photographing of a religious parade by the Lamas of Tibet who were celebrating an important reli gions festival. The parade passed directly by Lis window and ho was able to get some very fine motion pictures of the procession without detection. The Lamas passed within (Continued on l'ago Three)t