Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 17, 1928, Image 1

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    Cast Your Emerald
Straw Ballot!
Speaker Will
Dr. W. 1\I. McGovern To
Describe Adventures in
Climes of Far East
Made During Journey
Into Forbidden Tibet
Motion Pictures of Journey
Are Feature of Program
Forcing liis way into Tibet, against
seemingly insurmountable hardships
and thence along the most hazardous
route into the sacred city of Tdiasa
•was the experience of Dr. William
^ Montgomery McGovern, noted lec
turer and explorer, who will speak
before the student body Thursday
afternoon at four o’clock in Vil
lard hall. This meeting will take
the place of the regular assembly.
Dr. McGovern was compelled to
make two attempts to get into Tibet.
The first time, with a party of ad
venturous Englishmen, lie was forc
ed by the high officials of Tibet
to abandon liis plans after reaching
-LriSglllSCU, T-iIlLCIS JL 1 Ijlb
In the disguise of a Tibctian
poolio, after -many hardships cross
ing tlie snow-blocked Mont Blanc,
always in peril from the fanatical
monks who put to death every
stranger found in their land, T)r. Mc
Govern managed to reach Lhasa, the
capit.ol of Tibet, which is known
as the forbidden city.
There McGovern was kept as
prisoner of the state for four weeks
bv Dalai Lama, the Supreme Budd
hist Pontiff, who detained the
traveler in order to protect him from
the monks. Later the pontiff pro
vided McGovern with a guard and
had him escorted tack to India in
* safety.
McGovern managed to smuggle a
motion picture camera in with him
and the story of his adventures will
be shown the students Thursday
afternoon. These are the first mo
tion pictures over taken in “The
Forbidden City.”
Oxford Graduate
McGovern, who was born at
Augusta, Georgia, attended the Uni
versity of Oxford where lie received
his 1’h. D. degree. In 1920 he was
appointed Furlong Lecturer by the
Royal Asiatic, society. McGovern
is assistant, curator of South Ameri
can Ethnology, of the Field Museum
of natural history, Chicago. lie is
a Fellow of thr, Royal Geographical
and Royal Asiatic, societies.
Dr. McGovern is the author of a
number of books, mostly of a scien
tific. nature. They are: “Moder;
Japan, Its Political, Military, and
Industrial Organization;” “Collo
quial Japanese;” “Introduction to
Mnyhnna Buddhism;” “Manual of
Buddhism Philosophy;” “To Lhasa
in Disguise;” and his latest work
“Jungle Paths and Inca Ruins.”
Joe Pigney and
Walter Coover,
Fill Positions Left Vacant
On Northwest Newspaper
And in Publicity Field
Joe Pigney ami Walter Coover are
the new members of the group of
correspondents for various papers of
the northwest.
When Richard Godfrey left the
University to join the sports staff
of the Portland Oregonian, there be
came vacant the position as campus
sports correspondent for tho Port
land Journal and assistant in the
publicity department of the asso
f ciated students. These two offices
arc now being filled by Pigney, who
is sports editor of the Emerald and
a member of the Oregon Professional
Sports Writers association. He is
also a member of Sigma Delta Chi,
national professional journalism fra
Walter Coover, president of Sigma
Delta Chi, is now doing correspond
ence work for Portland papers out
side of the realm of sports. Coover
was associate editor of the Emerald
last year, and has been very active
in joprnalism activities throughout
his college career. He will graduate
in December of this year.
Glen Godfrey, who acted as
sports correspondent for the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer last year, did not
return to school this fall, and his
k work is being cared for by George
Godfrey, director of the public rein
tiou bureau of the University.
Class Dance To Be
Held Winter Term
Murdina Medler Elected
Now Junior Vice-prexy
Discussion of plans for postponing
the class dunce from the originally
scheduled date, October 19, occupied
most of the time of the junior class
meeting which was held in. Guild
hall last night. Equally of impor
tance, although it took much less
time, was the unanimous election of
Murdina Medler to the office of
vice-president of the class to fill
the place of Glenna ITeacock, who
did not return to school this fall.
After much discussion as to the
advisibility of either dropping or
postponing the class dance the class
agreed to postpone the affair indef
initely, probably till the first of
the winter term, and appointed Sid
Dobbins, Jim Biloy, and Tom Stod
dard as a committee to look into
dates. A motion was also passed
to recommend that all classes hold
their class dances that day.
Wallace Giles, treasurer of the
class reported tl>t over one hundred
and forty dollars were in the treas
ury now, which did not include the
class fees to be turned over later.
Big Soph Dance
Scheduled For
Saturday, Nov. 3
Stanford Brooks Is Named
Chairman of Directorate
For Annual Informal
November the third will be a
red letter day on the campus, for
that is the date set for the annual
splurge of the sophomore class—
the Sophomore Informal. The class
of ’31 is preparing to give Ore
gon its best and most elaborate
dance of all times, according to
“Rod” Hill, president of the class,
and Stan Brooks, general chair
man of the informal.
Following is the list of people
who will put the dance over:
Brooks and Luders to Lead
General chairman, Stanford
Assistant chairman, Sam Luders.
Decoration: Helen Grey Gatens,
chairman; Maurine Smith, Charles
Reynolds, Chleothiel Woodward,
Dorothy Shaw, Eleanor Patton, Wil
bur Sohn.
Finance:* Clarence Barton, chair
man; Francis Hill, Stanford Brooks.
Floor: Foard Smith, chairman;
Bill Knight, Windsor Calkins, Cal
Refreshments: Dorothy Eberhard,
chairman; Lavina Hicks, Jane Cul
lers, Josh Alexander.
Vigilance under Creech
Vigilance: John Creech, chairman;
Bill Wlritely, Bill Pitman, Charles
Laird, Ed Seigmund.
Vigilance (women): Kathryn
Langenburg, Alberta Rives, Kath
ryn Tapseott, Louise Lockhart, Le
one Barlow.
Publicity: Harry Tonkin, chair
man; Anton Peterson.
Music: Jim Dezendorf, chairman;
Phyllis Van Kimmell, Tom Dunham,
Edith Pearson.
Programs: Kenneth Curry, chair
man; Robert Everts, Edith Lake.
Patrons and patronesses: Reba
Brogdon, chairman; Alice Morrow,
Ed Appelgren.
Tussing in Charge of Location
Location: Rex Tussing, chairman;
Koke Smith.
Clean up: George Lowe, chairman;
Dick Manning, Bill East, Dave Fer
tig, Hal Paddock.
Features: Gladys Claussen, chair
man; Wilma Enke, Preston Gunther.
Colds and Sickness
Keep Infirmary Full
Continued colds and sicknesses or
the campus are keeping the infirm
ary so full that several have been
refused admittance. Since the be
ginning of this term there have been
but few vacant beds. Patients iu
the infirmary at present arc: Mary
McKinney, sophomore; Edwin Chase,
graduate; Ruth Gallawav, sopho
more; and Howard Dirks, James
Overturf, Robert Brandon and Doug
las Tennant, all freshmen.
Ac if O. S. C. Hall Units
Bear Regents’ Names
I vallis, Oet. lti.—(P.I.PO—The new
■5460,000 men’s dormitory, here was
thrown open for inspection to all
recently. Each of the five units of
this modern structure was named
after a regent or prominent pro
! motor of the college. The total ca
pacity of the halls is 34S men.
Oswald West
At Guild Hall
Ex-governor Speaks for
Democratic Nominee;
Everyone Is Invited
Reconciliation of Dry
And Wet To Be Feature
Former Regent Noted as
Friend of University
Democrats on the campus are en
tertaining Oswald West, ex-governor
of the state of Oregon, who will
speak in the Guild theatre at four
o’clock today. He is appearing here
under tjio auspices of the Smith
College league.
One o£ the Oregon alumns spoke
of Mr. West as a regent who could
really “rege,” and ns a still power
ful speaker and leader. This opin
ion was given by George Goodall,
Oregon graduate and former football
star, recently as he was reminiscing
over his acquaintanceship with Mr.
West while lie was governor. West,
says Goodall, would not have any
but young regents on the board,
young men who could stay up all
night if necessary to get the student
Many Expected to Attend
Ex-governor West’s interest in
the University, as well as the fact
that he is speaking with the idea
that he is satisfied with reconciling
his support to Smith with his views
of prohibition, is expected to bring
many of the members of both parties
and especially the students to hear
his speech.
West, who has been quoted as a
connisseur of good horses and good
candidates, is still an active and
vigorous leader. In his dealings in
politics both before and after his
governorship he has always been a
commanding figure in national
Exposes Land Fraud
In his expose of the fraudulent
land deals in Oregon with the help
of Francis J. Hedney, an attorney
who was appointed by the govern
ment to handle this case, lie' dis
closed the practice of selling forged
land certificates of the state land
board in the middle west where they
were being taken on good faith.
Hugh Biggs, president of the local
Smith College league, will be chair
man of the meeting this afternoon,
and Fred Fiske, a regent of the
University of Oregon and an ex
senator from Lane county, will have
charge of the meeting at the court
house in the circuit court room at
eight o’clock this evening. The
meeting will also bo open to all stu
dents of the University and the
people of Eugene and Lane county.
Republicans To Hear
Colonel James Drain
On Thursday Evening
Colonel Janies Drain, former na
tional commander of the American
Legion, will speak Thursday evening
at 7:30 o’clock in the Lane county
court house. All Oregon students
are invited by the Campus Republi
can club.
Colonel Drain is here on a speak
ing tour of the country under the
auspices of the Republican Nation
al committee. Drain has won recog
nition throughout the United States
for his political addresses.
The address will be of particular
interest to students of political
science as it will include opinions
on national and local governments.
The Campus Republican club plans
to invite Colonel Drain to speak
to the Oregon students Thursday in
Guild hall at 4:00 o’clock. This
is the first of a series of addresses
arranged for Eugene by the Repub
lican National committee in co-op
eration with the Republican organi
zation on the campus.
Hoover Has Safe Lead;
W ill Probably W in Vote
Hoover will win the Emerald’s
straw election if he keeps up his
steady, daily gain until Thursday
night, when the balloting ends. With
but two days left, it will be hard
for Smith to overcome Hoover’s 3d
per cent lead.
Figures for the four candidates
named on the Emerald ballot now
stand: Hoover 278, Smith ISO,
Thomas 14, and Varney 1. Opinion
on the Sunday movie question runs:
For 3S2, against 84.
The ballot bos in the main library
will be there until 6 p. m. Thursday,
when the final count will be taken.
Reserve Libraries
Issue More Books
Number of Questions
Asked Shows Increase
Are students studying harder this
year than Inst? If statistics gath
ered from the reserve libraries for
the first two weeks of the term are
used as a basis of comparison, it
would seem that, students really are
starting the new school year right
by studying more.
The Condon reserve library shows
a slight decrease the first two weeks
of this year below last year, but
averaging these figures with those
of the English history reserve on
the third floor of the old library
and the business administration re
serve on the third floor of the Com
merce building, we find that 1,105
more books have been issued this
yea r.
On the other hand, the number of
books taken out over night show a
decrease of 741. Students have bor
rowed 1.100 fewer books from the
general circulation department, but
have asked 241 more questions at
the information desk, 4.‘!4 queries
having been made this year aud 193
the first two weeks of the fall term
in 1927.
The increase in the number of
books issued by the reserve libraries
may be due to a greater total stu
dent enrollment or to more books
being placed on reserve by pro
lessors, our me per cent increase
in the number of questions must
surely indicate a greater desire for
Comparison first 14 days of school:
Sept. 26
Oct. 1-14 Oct. 9
1928 1927
Condon Reserve:
Total . 11,870 12,20.1
Overnight . 421 1,079
English History
Reserve: Total .. 5,471 5,114
Overnight . 321 351
Business Ad Reserve:
Total . 3,091 2,490
Overnight . 189 205
Permanent 4094 4,902
Temporary S72 1,770
Total -5,507 0,673
Rent . 78 02
Periodicals . 80 112
Questions . 434 193
Hall Addresses
Class of ’32 on
President Tells Freshmen
Of Opportunities for
Suceess in University
A college education considered in
the light of an opportunity to pre
pare ones self for a threefold life
was the keynote of Dr. Arnold Ben
nett Hall’s first speech to the fresh
men, which was delivered to a ca
pacity audience in the music school
auditorium yesterday morning.
“All our treasured day dreams
can never become real,” said Dr.
Hall, “unless they are based on a
foundation or preparedness for a
threefold success: material, civic,
and spiritual. It should be the am
bition of every freshman to lay this
foundation during his four years of
Grades and Success
Dr. Hall then took up the relation
of good grades to material success
! in later life. “Good grades are
j worth little in themselves,” he said,
“but the determined effort and con
i stant application of the student who
I receives them develop in him habits
! of industry, perseverance, and mas
I tery which prove to be invaluable
i assets in the struggle for economic
The problems of college life can
be met in part by the development
of a habit of self-criticism, accord
ing to Dr. Hall. “You will find,”
he said, “that many of the problems
of maladjustment which every fresh
man meets to some degree, can be
solved if you will learn to analyze
yourself, your personality, your
powers and your weaknesses, and to
make a sincere effort to correct your
own failings.”
Physical Fitness Needed
Dr. Hall also stressed the import
ance of physical fitness for college
work, and pointed out that broken
health plays a part in nearly all of
the student suicides, which are
played up in the newspapers.
Dr. Hall announced that he would
address the freshmen again Thurs
day morning on the subject of civic
Final Tryouts
Place 113 On
Glee Club List
Women’s Chorus Has 59
In Membership; 54 Men
Compete Successfully
First Practice Tonight
At 5 in Music Hall
Selections Matle as Result
Of Song Examinations
Results of tlie fin.nl try-out for
the men’s and women’s glee clubs,
show that 113 were successful in
passing the tests. There are 14
first sopranos and 15 second sop
ranos. Fourteen first altos and 16
second altos have been named. Of
the men there are 10 first tenors,
15 second tenors, 17 baritones and
12 basses.
The choice came as a result of
try-outs, which tested the ability
of the singers and narrowed down
the number contesting.
Fourteen First Sopranos
Girls first soprano: Esther Sager,
Gretchen Kicr, Prudence Spiglit,
Francois Woods, Henrietta Alters,
Lucy Norton, Grace Burnett, Vir
ginia Hunt, Helen Asliliman, Doro
thy Weaver, Anna K. Garrett, Kath
erine Miller, Cecil Coss, Florence
Second soprano: Caroline Haber
laeli, Margaret Farrell, Claire Oli
ver, Irene Moore, Katherine Starr,
Clara McGrath, Louise Hewitt, Car
olyn Cooper, Nihla Hines, Ruby
George, Pauline Guthrie, Werdna
Isbell, Alice Edwards, Evelyn Hol
lis, Ruth Griffin.
First Alto: Elizabeth Strain, Mil
dred Gibson, Blanche Thorp, Emma
Bell Woodworth, Mathilde Tuerck,
Betty Higgins, Esther Wicks, Vir
ginia Vaughn, Dora McClain, Anne
Maler, Katherine Blood, Agnes Pet
zold, Helen Peters, Marjorie Clark.
Second alto: Florence McMonagle,
Velma Garout, Rae Stevens, Mar
garet Slusher, Mildred Clark, Ruth
Helms, Lucille Lyon, Rose Simons,
Katherine Perigo, Bess Andrews,
Alice Gorman, Anne Dolph, Juanita
Wilkinson, Louise Storla, Jo Ral
ston, Stella Fishburne.
Men first tenor: Ernest McKin
ney, Hollis Carey, Kermit Stevens,
Howard Green, Ted Leafdahl, Ralph
Penland, Kermit Ragan, Stewart
Riddell, Arthur Hansen, FletcJicr
Second tenor: Grant Van Dorn,
Jack Dennis, William McNab, Joe
Gerot, Thurstjon Shell, Don Cnlty
Harold Kinzell, James Hughes, Rob
ert Holmes, Judd Bilknap, Kenneth
Allen, Lionel Lane, Kay Neil, Don
Eva, Ross Williams.
Seventeen Sing Baritone
Baritone: Walter Durgan, Wilfred
Moore, Olev Frigaard, George Bar
ron, Ray Foss, Thomas Johnson,
Palph Coie, George Harrington, Ivan
Kafoury, John McMullen, Fred Tib
betts, Chown Philips, McKenzie
Ward, William Morgan, Robert
Kelly, Richard McGuire, Edwin
Bass: Edward Fisher, Curtis
Wright, George Tibbetts, John
Dodds, Spencer Caldwell, John Helt
zell, Robert Goodall, Allan Williams,
Dale Robins, Kenton Hamaker, Rob
ert Giules, Clifford Constance.
Y. W. Bungalow Has
Quiet, Relaxation for
Tired Tea Drinkers
A cup of tea, a comfortable chair
and some congenial people to talk
to. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it,
especially along about four o’clock
in the afternoon when the pursuit of
knowledge begins to pall.
No, it isn’t a tea. Rather it is
the informal tea hour at the Y. W.
C. A. Bungalow, held every day be
tween the hours of four and five.
This an an opportunity to do just
as you please. If you want to bring
your friends, students or faculty,
they are welcome. If you want to
make friends, here is your chance.
If you are tired, you can relax. If
you want to stay five minutes or
fifty-five, drop into the Bungalow
and have a cup of tea.
Tickets for the Washington
Oregon game to be played in
Portland Saturday will be on sale
at the Co-op from now until early
Friday, it was announced yester
day by “Doc” Robnett, assistant
graduate manager.
Students may obtain tickets by
presenting their student body
tickets and one dollar.
Two Students Get
Year Suspension
Advisory Com m ission
Takes Drastic Action
Two students of 1 lie University of
Oregon were suspended for one year
by action of tlie student advisory
committee Tuesday. One student,
a junior, was found guilty of cheat
ing in final examinations last spring,
and upon applying for admittance
this fall was asked to appear before
the committee, where he was found
Tlie other student, a freshman in
the school of business administra
tion, was found guilty of drunken
ness. Only the fact that ho was
a freshman prevented the committee
from expelling him outright. He
may enter one year from now on
In passing sentence on the fresh
man the committee pointed out that
the university has very strict regu
lations in regard to liquor, and'that
in the future, as in the past, strict
sentence will be passed on any stud
ents who are found guilty on these
These are the first, cases in which
severe penalties have been metd out
this year.
Tea To Be Given
In Alumni Hall
This Afternoon
Women’s League Affairs
Include Sophs, Juniors
And Seniors This Year
What—Women’s League ten.
Where—Alumni hall.
When—Today, 3-.00-5:00.
Why—For a good time.
That’s the whole thing. It is the
first league tea of the year and it
promises to be an interesting one.
They are no longer for freshmen
only but all university women are
invited. Many new plans are to
bo inaugurated for this year, ac
cording to Florence McNerney, who
is in charge of the teas.
Entertainment consisting of sev
eral features, dancing and music are
scheduled for the afternoon. The
refreshments arc being kept a sur
prise, the only thing known about
them is that they will convey one
of Oregon’s traditions.
The girls will meet in Alumni
hall for a social time and tea. and
those who wish may dance in the sun
room where music will be provided.
It is to be extremely informal, cam
pus clothes predicted as the vogue.
Starting a new plan of each living
organization acting as- hostess once
during the year, Alpha Chi Omega
will be in charge of today’s affair.
The list is to be followed alphabet
Emerald Will Initiate
Neiv Literary Section
Plans are being made for a spec
ial literary page in the Emerald,
featuring book-reviews, verse, short
sketches, short essays and news of
recent books in the library.
Have you read' a new book- you
liked lately, or one you didn’t like?
Write your impressions of it, and
send it to the literary editor. Has
autumn inspired you to do a poem?
Send it in, and it may get into
print. Any articles of a bookish
nature will bo considered.
The page will begin next week if
enough material comes in, and will
be featured every other week, if
Address all contributions to the
literary editor, and leave on the
bulletin board of the journalism
building. *
Art Bust To Be Tonight
At Womans Building
The school of architecture and
allied arts will hold its annual
“bust” at the Woman’s building
at 7:30 o’clock this evening. A
group of unusual features has been
arranged, it was announced by Carl
Heilborn, president of the Allied
Arts league, which is sponsoring the
Heilborn stressed the fact that
the affair is absolutely informal,
and that campus clothes will be in
Mr. and Mrs. Nowland B. Zane,
Mr. and Mrs. Eyler Brown, and Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Hudson will chap
erone the get-together. Over 250
students and faculty numbers are
expected to attend.
An orchestra has been secured,
which will furnish music for danc
ing. Refreshments will be served.
Husky ieam
One To Beat
For Pennant
Washington’s Vietory Over
Montana Boosts Stoek
In Coast Conference
Oregon Undaunted by
Reports From North
Changes Made on Varsity;
Donohue Moved to Half
The increasing reports of the Hus
kies’ strength lias not daunted the
Webfooters, anil the nightly prac
tices are marked by a silent deter
mination to defeat Washington - in
the stadium at Portland, Saturday.
Oregon is more equal to Washington
this year than has been the case
for several seasons, and the possi
bilities of a victory are bright.
Tiie varsity, polishing its offen
sive plays, worked against t ho
freshmen Tuesday night. The line,
particularly, had a hard session. The
forwards this year are showing more
improvement and finish since Me
Ewan is personally instructing
Several changes in the lineup are
likely before the Washington game.
John Donohue has been moved out
of the line into the backfield. Dono
hue played halfback on last year’s
freshman team, but was shifted to
guard at the first of the season.
This change adds further uncertain
ty to the starting backfield com
Pope Back on End
Ted Pope, regular end last year,
has moved up to one of the regular
wing positions, replacing Harry
Wood. Woodward Archer has se
cured a permanent jobson the other
end. Marshall Shields has fought
his way onto the varsity, and prob
ably will get the call over Mc
Cutclian as guard next Saturday.
The Webfoot punters had a full
quota of work last night. Me
Ewan timed each boot and had
the kickers work along the side
lines for accuracy. Speed in getting
off the punts is one of Oregon’s
offensive maneuvers this year. The
backfield arid ends were also drilled
on a passing attack.
Huskies Set to Win
Portland, Ore., Oct. l(i. (Special
to The Emerald)—Deports, herald
ing the University of Washington
football machine as a team to beat
from now on, have reached here as
thousands of fans are awaiting the
Husky-Oregon grid classic slated for
Multnomah field Saturday.
The Husky pack, headed by the
dynamite coach, Enoch Bagshnw,
have tasted the fruits of victory.
(Continued on Page Two)
Campus Tennis
Stars To Meet
In Tournament
Many Ranking Players To
See Action in Tryouts
For Regular Squads
Campus tennis fans will get tlieir
big chance.to see the outstanding
court stars of the university when
the tourney for Varsity and fresh
men stpiads, begins Monday.
It is expected that about 14 teams
will be entered in the doubles
matches with plenty of action in
store for this week-end and the
biggest part of next week.
Included in the entrants arc such
famous racket-wielders as Bradshaw
Harrison and Sherman Lockwood,
who will be paired together. Lock
wood, it will be recalled took the
donut title last year. Stan Alm
quist and Bob Hoogs are all set to
clean up the slate; and primed to
stop all others are Henry Neer and
Don Itagen. Howard Shaw has
Gordon Jason for his mate. These
two men are expected to cause
plenty of trouble for the other en
From these men and many others
who show good work in the coming
events, Coach E. E. Abercrombie will
be able to pick the best tennis teams
in the history of the school. Both
frosh and varsity will be formid
able contenders for any honors in
collegiate competition.
Plans are rapidly being formed
to carry out last year’s policy of
using the Igloo for exhibition ten
nis matches during the basketball
season. These contests went over
big last year and big galleries turn
ed out to see Oregon’s nationally
known tenuis flashes in action.