Dave Mason Is Injured In Late Practice Star Halfback Fractures Ankle in Practice With Freshman Grid Team Coach Must Rebuild Backfield Combination Team Leaves in Morning For Willamette Game Gloom has replaced the buoyant spirit of the Oregon football team. Dave Mason, fleet halfback, is out for perhaps the rest of the season with a fractured ankle. Mason was injured Wednesday night in the frosb-varsity scrimmage. At best, Mason will not get back into the ^ lineup before the homecoming game with Montana, November 24. John J. McEwan was yesterday rejoicing the fact that his Wcbfoot team was uninjured after the tough battle with Stanford last Saturday. Now the Oregon mentor is gloomily wondering who will fill Mason’s shoes. Yesterday’s scrimmage was not a strenuous one, and it was first thought that Mason’s hurt rvas only a slight sprain. X-rays later re vealed the fracture. New Combination Necessary Oregon has plenty of baekficld reserves, but none as good as Mason. The whole backfield combination will have to be reconstructed, and the mode of attack changed. Me Ewan is planning to do considerable shifting until he can find a set of backs as nearly equal as possible to the original one. Bob Robinson, who led the Ore gon running attack against the Cardinals, may be moved over to half permanently. Art Ord and Cecil Gabriel are other halfbacks likely to take Mason’s place. Ord, 145, is handicapped by the lack of weight, and Gabriel, 190, does not even approach Mason in. speed. Coach Is Experimenting McEwan may shift Kitzmiller, regular fullback, to half, and put Cotter Gould at full. Several other changes are possible. Charles Wil liams, reserve fullback, plays an ex cellent game at half, and even Choppie Parke, quarterback, can be moved over in an emergency. The absence of Mason from the backfield will not impair Oregon’s chances against Willamette univer sity at Salem on Saturday. Mc Ewan, however, fears the Bearcat encounter because of the possibility of further injury to the squad. McEwan Fears Injuries Any other additions to the hospi tal list would practically ruin the Webfoot chances against Washing ton in Portland, October 20. Until today Oregon was considered a slight favorite over the Huskies, but Mason’s loss has put Washington in the advantage. Practice last night was almost en tirely devoted to the organization of a new backfield set. McEwan will I not be able to determine which com bination will be the strongest until the Willamette contest. The Bear cat contest will afford the oppor tunity of seeing which manner of attack is Oregon’s forte. Starting Line Oregon’s line for the Saturday’s game will probably be the same that started against Stanford. It i3 pos- [ siblc that there may be a shift in ' the guards. Marshall Shields, who ! relieved McCutelian last Saturday, j may break into the starting lineup, j Merrill Hagan will play the other guard. George Christensen and Aus- j tin Colbert, both sophomores, will start at tackles. Harry Wood and Woodward Archer are the likeliest among the ends, and George Stadel- | man will bo in at center. Reception Given Freshman Class University Heads Greet ’23 at Annual Affair Presiednt and Mrs. Arnold Ben nett Hall, Dpnn and Mrs. Elmer L. Sliirroll, and Miss Ha7.pl Prutsman entertained tlio frpshnian class and all new students at a. reopption in the 'Woman’s building yesterday afternoon. The students were greeted by President Hall, Joe McKeown, president of the A. S. IT. O., Dean and Mrs. Shirrell, Dean John Straub, and Miss Peterson in the receiving line. Dancing furnished the entertainment following the re ception. During the dancing re freshments were served. The reception is to be held every year. It will promote the friend ship between the students and also give them an opportunity to meet members of the faculty. Favorites Enter Second Round of Donut Net Play. Many Exciting Matches in First Round; Tourney Again This Afternoon Pairings for the second round of tlio annual fall intramural tennis tournament were announced last night by Henry Neer, varsity player in charge of the affair. All matches in the first round were played yes terday afternoon on the university tennis courts and several close fought battles took place. Most of the favorites won jtheir matches easily although some of them were extended to take their less exper ienced opponents into camp. Today’s play will bring some of the best men together and several good matches should develop. Twen ty-two men remain in the running for the donut championship and of these eleven will be eliminated to day. The third "round of play will be played Monday afternoon. The time schedule for the tourney today follows: Dob IIoog3 vs. L. Scoville, 3:00 p. m. Arthur Fntwin vs. Roger Biswell, 3:00 p. m. Sheldon Lawrence vs. Carl Ger linger, 3:00 p. m. Warren Tinker vs. MaeLaren, 2:00 p. m. Hendricks vs. Boyer, 3:00 p. m. Hoppie Hopkins vs. Bill Whitelv, 2:00 p. m. Jason vs. Anderson, 2:00 p. m. Blanchard vs. Wagner, 3:00 p. ,m Bloom vs. Art Rolander, 3:00 p. m. ■ Long vs. Ifeyser, 2:00 p. in. Milligan vs. man to bo selected, 2:00 p.' m. Students Urged To Fix Addresses at Offices The student directory will go to press tomorrow morning, Students who have changed their addresses, since registering are urged to cor rect the same at either the dean of women, dean of men or the regis trar’s offices. The new directory, which will probably be out within a week or so, will include a complete list of the students, their Eugene and homo address, their majors, class and tele phone numbers. Since a special attempt is being made to have a correct and com plete listing of students, Jack Bene t'iel, graduate student manager, asks for all mistakes or changes to be corrected or made today. Dr. Wm. McGovern, Famous Explorer, To Speak In Villard Hall October 18 Stories of travels through the dark" heart of South America where white men are practically unknown, of canoe journeys along treacherous livers whose bend might hide an ambush, of days spent in Indian vil lages learning the strange customs and beliefs of the natives, of dig ging in the nameless ruins of lost pre-Inca cities whose builders were forgotten before Piz'arro sailed from Spain—these are just a few of the tales which can be told by Dr. IVm. M. McGovern, explorer, author, and lecturer, who is to speak here on the afternoon of October 18, at 4 o’clock in Villard hall. Although a British subject, he is a native American. He was born in New York and his mother is a I native of Georgia. Dr. McGovern received Lis Ph. D. from Oxford. He has been about all over the world, but his most important expedition prior to the South American trip was made in 1922, when he went to Lhasa in disguise. And with it all he is barolv "5 years old. Finds “Animal People” One of the most interesting events of Or. McGovern’s Amazonian ex pedition was the finding of “the animal people.” Indians almost un believably low in the human scale, without shelters, canoes or agricul ture of any kind. Dr. McGovern believes that these people are rem nants of what is eulled the pre Asiatic race. Roughly, the theory is that the Indian of North and South (Continued on Page Three\ Russian Choir Will Entertain Monday Night Popular Artists Return for Second Engagement on Campus of University Singers To Appear in McArthur Court, 8:15 Critics Praise Members of Symphony Choir Group Again Eugene will welcome the twenty-two gingers of the Rus sian Symphonic. Choir, and with even greater enthusiasm than two years ago. Because of their suc cessful performance at that time, the student bo'dy requested their return, and they will be here a second time Monday night in McArthur court. Five years ago they came to New York for their first appearance in the United States and were re ceived with utter amazement from the music critics who claimed never to have heard anything like them; but, after wagging their heads to gether, the critics proclaimed the Choir “wonderful,” and the United States has now so embroidered that first praise that even the mention of the Choir brings thrills to music lovers. Those who have heard Basile Kibalchich's Russian Symphonic Choir, say that it is like no other clioir_ they ever heard. The fact that it is a body of solo singers, each superior in himself, but per fectly joined together under Basile Kibalchich’s able leadership, per haps explains this. Leader Is Famous Mr. Kibalchich’s life shows some reason for his remarkable success. He was born in Tehernigoff, south ern Russia, a country rich in folk lore, folk songs, and a love of choral music. Basile Kibalchich showed musical talent as a small child, when only twelve years old, he was asked to lead a. large choir in his native city. In 1906 he headed Russia’s most famous choral organization, the Archangelsky Choir iof Petrograd, now rechristened into Leningrad. Since then he has toured Russia as a choral director and has led the choir of the Russian Cathedral of Geneva, as well as the choir of the Russian Cathedral in Paris, and lias appeared throughout Europe as a Choral director. He took the sym phony (orchestra as his model for his own Choir and has given each individual voice the same value as each instrument has in the orchestra. The effect lias been mighty. A. S. U. O. Tickets Admit The A. S. U. O. has never spon sored more popular artists, they say, and in order that no one will be turned away this year, as happened two year3 ago when 600 more than the Methodist church could accom modate were disappointed, the Choir will present its program in Mc Arthur court at 8:15 o’clock Monday evening, October 15tli. Reserved seats will be $2.00 for the faculty and townspeople, and general admission $1.00. The season reserve seat tickets are $4.50 and include the Russian Symphonic Choir, Tito Scliipa, and the Flonza lev String Quartet. Students will be admitted on their student body A. S. U. O. tickets. Tales of Paul Bunyan Reissued by Company “Paul Bunyan Comes West,’’ a book written in 1921 under the direction of Ida Virginia Turney, then an instructor in the English department here, and printed at the university press under the direction of Eric W. Allen, dean of the school of journalism, will be reissued, ac cording to word received by M. II. Douglas, librarian, from the Hough ton Mifflin company in Boston. The stories in this 34-page book Miss Turney’s classes in English. Mirs Turney’s classes in English. They are western adaptations of the stories of Paul Bunyan, put into the mouth of a survivor of tho “airly” days in the Willamette val ley. The illustrations are from linol eum blocks made by students in the school of architecture and allied arts, under the direction of Helen N. Bhodes. The book was reissued -October ,11 and will be sold for $1.25 a copy. Russian Singers Quintet, of female voices, which will appear Monday evening in a return engagement to the campus. Frosh Honored At Big Assembly Held Yesterday President and Deans Lead New Students to Seetion Reserved at McArthur With the greatest dignity possible the freshmen of the University formed a procession just outside the doors of McArthur court yesterday morning and, led by President Arn old Bennett Hall and the deans of the school who were clad in full academic regalia, they solemnly marched to their places. All the freshmen were there—or at least enough to fill the whole of the cen ter section of seats which was re served in their honor. Joe McKeown, president of the A. S. U. O., was the first person to greet the freshmen. After welcom ing them on behalf of the old stu dents he asked them to keep up the traditions, the scholastic standards, and the spirit of Oregon. The im portance of securing other new stu dents for the University was em phasized. The now students were officially welcomed to Eugene by Frank Jenk ins, president of the Eugene chamber of commerce. True hospitality is something different than mere words, he explained, and added that Eugene wanted to display that real hospitality. The purpose of the chamber of commerce was to build a real city here, ho explained, and added that the only way to do that was to make the state grow. This must be done by the citizens of Ore gon, he went on, and as the young people were future citizens here he officially welcomed them. MaTe Oregon Grow “Your task is to make Oregon grow,” Jenkins told the new stu dents. “Some of you will stay here and make the city grow and others of you will go out and make the state grow.” Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, presi dent of the University, wase the last speaker to welcom,e the freshmen. “The faculty can only help you to help yourselves,” he told the stu dents, and added the hope that the instructors might inspire them back to the things that were beautiful, lovely, and noble whenever they felt themselves slipping toward cheaper things. When students como to college they start building an intellectual tower, President Hall said, and must eome here prepared to struggle. “I want you to learn the spirit of power,” lie continued. “Meet peo ple of contending opinions. Don’t shun them.” The importance of learning the spirit of tolerance and open miudedness in connection with the spirit of progress was empha sized by the speaker. , University To Help “The purpose of the University is to help you with your problems and equip you with intellectual power,” he said. It should also give one a clearer understanding of society and polities, he explained. Tho University of Oregon’s four great traditions of obeying the United States’ laws, of being demo cratic, following the rules of chiv alry, and getting the Oregon spirit were explained to the students by President Hall and their support in carrying them out asked. Dean John Straub presided over the meeting. Roy Bryson, of the school of music faculty, accompanied by John Stark Evans, sang Kipling’s “Boots” and Ireland’s “Sea Birds.” Immediately after the assembly a panoramic picture of the student body was taken in front of the Woman’s building. Church Night Observed By Campus Folk Nine Denominations Plan Music, Programs, Open House and Informal* Custom Is Observed By School Each Year Students Invited To Visit A Number of Groups Tonight is Church Night. All university students are invited to visit their own churches sod par ticipate in the programs and recep tions arranged for their entertain ment. Church night is a special event each year, which is set aside for the purpose of having tho univer sity students become better acquaint ed with their own churches in Eugene. The churches which are enter taining tonight are: First Baptist, High and Broadway. A program of music and some games will be fol lowed by a “Carnival.” Thq, enter tainment starts at 8 o’clock. The Congregational, East Thirteenth and Ferry Streets, is giving a well bal anced program of games and stunts; refreshments will be served. Infor mality is to be the key-note there. The time is eight o’clock. The First Christian church, Oak streets, near East Eleventh is having an informal reception and get-ac quainted gathering at 8 o’clock. The Roman Catholic, West Elev enth and Charnelton, under the sponsorship of the Knights of Col umbus and tho Catholic Daughters of America will give a reception an.l program at St. Mary’s Hall at 8 o’clock. The Methodist Episcopal, 12th and Willamette. Here tho program will be in the nature of “A Fairy Party.” Tho time is 8 o'clock. The Lutheran churches will unite in a joint reception and program in the Y. W. C. A. bungalow, on Kincaid Street, just west of the campus. The Central Presbyterian church and the Westminster Foundation will hold “Open House” from 7:20 to 9:30 at the Westminster house, Kincaid and Fourteenth. The St. Mary’s Episcopal church, under tho auspices of the St. Mary’s Chapter of tho National Student Council, will hold a reception at 8 o ’clock in tho Parish House, on Olive street near West Seventh. At the Christian Science church an informal reception sponsored by the Christian Science organization of the University students, will be held at 8 o’clock in Alumni Hall in the Woman’s building. “Students are invited to visit other churches than their own if they desire,” said Mr. Davis, stud ent advisor of the Y. M. C. A. Laboratory, Class Fees Will Be Due October 17 to 27 Laboratory or syllabus fees, class fees, and a special assessment of 50 cents for the Homecoming luncheon will be payable at the office in Johnson hall from October 17 to 27, it is announced by E. P. Lyon, cashier. “Don’t take anybody’s word for it—come and see whether you owe anything or not,” is his advice the students. If you wait too long, he said, you will be assessed an extra $3, for after October 27 a late pay ment fee of $3 for the first day will be- charged, with an additional 25 cents for each day thereafter. Stu dents are also urged to watch their bank accounts, for no checks will be accepted during the rest of the term from those having had bad checks returned. Phi Sigma Kappa Awarded Plaque Hoads Fraternity List In Scholastic Rating Plti Sigma Kappa, national social fraternity for mon, was awarded tlio Sigma Nir plaque for having at tained the highest scholastic aver age of any fraternity on the Oregon campus during the year 1927-2S. The plaque was awarded l>y the Sigma Nu alumni association of Portland and is given this veaq for the first time. It. consists of a silver block, oblong in shape, and mounted on a fumed oak board. In winning the honor, Phi Sigma Kappa took first place among the men’s organizations last fall term, second Iplace $ir fho winter term, and second for the spring. Laurence Ogle, president of the chapter, re ceived the plaque from Elmer L. Shirrell, dean of men, speaking for the university scholarship commit tee. Frosli Assured Protection by Senior ‘Cops’ Class of 1932 Must Clean Bench Before Sports Affair at Hayward Field Excitement is running liigli on the campus, especially among the humble freshmen, as the day fast approaches for the annual frosli parade and other festivities connected with the initiation ceremonies. Members of the senior class through their class officers have as sured the frosli that the “cops” will bo on hand to see that tho freshmen are not treated in any too brutal manner. Tho senior police force will also attempt to prevent unap pointed paddlers from making their way into the ranks of tho chosen 31 who have been named to do all tho paddling along with tho varsity lottcrmen. Frances Hill, president of tho sophomore class, who was slated to direct the entire affair, will journey to Salem Saturday morning with tho football team to play Willamette university, and thus will not be able to act as general chairman of the parade. Chet Floyd, sophomore man on the student council, will substi tute for Hill. Kincaid Field Is Start All freshmen must meet on Kin caid field back of Condon hall at 8 o’clock Saturday morning to form the lino of march, and receive what ever instruction? are necessary. The line will then march down to Skin ner’s butte where the dimes will be collected by Clarence Barton and his aids. The first-year men will then pro ceed up the hill to paint the “O.” After a short slide down tho butte, the boys will tramp their way back up to Villard hall where tho frosli will one by one kiss the Oregon seal. Then, the gang will proceed to tho senior bench whore the lowly .frosli must repent for violation of a sac red tradition when tho bench was marred with a splash of green paint spelling “1932.” “The freshman class must have that bench completely washed up on Saturday morning,” doclarcd Fran cis McKenna, president of tho sen ior class, “and we advise the fresh man class to bring plenty of kero sene with which to clean off the dirty numerals.” When the membors of-the class of 1932 have done their duty as re gards tho senior bench, they will bo led up to Hayward field where the junior class will put on tho under class mix. Events that will bo held on the field arc the cane rush, horse and rider contest, push ball melee, and tho pole rush. Contestants in these meets will bo tho freshman and sophomore classes. Fair Treatment “The frosh-soph mix this Satur (Continued on I'age Two) Smith? Hoover? Sunday Movies? EMERALD’S PRESIDENTIAL STRAW BALLOT Preference for President: Herbert Hoover (II). Norman Thomas (Soe.). Alfred E. Smith (D). Thomas Varney (Pro.). Sunday Movies: For . Against . Name .. Sex. Class. CAST THIS BALLOT AT MAIN LIBRARY Hostesses Plan Schedule For Open House Annual Campus Affair Holds Sway Tomorrow Night From 7 Until 12 Fifteen Minutes, Time Limit at Each House List Includes 27 Men’s, 25 Women’s Organizations “Tramp, tramp, tramp,” will bo the cry from seven o’clock on till midnight tomorrow when open house will have made a red letter day in many a freshman’s diary. Following is tho schedule worked out by the hostesses for the evening: Delta Zeta—Theta Chi. Alpha Phi—Beta Theta Pi. Gamma Phi Beta—Chi Psi. Alpha Delta Pi—Sigma Alpha Ep silon. Gamma Nil—Phi Kappa Psi. Chi Delta—Sigma Chi. Independents (V. W. C. A.)—Psi Kappa. Kappa Delta—Sigma Phi Epsilon. Phi Mil—Sigma Nil. Alpha Xi Delta—Kappa Sigma. Oregon Club—Alpha Hall. Chi Omega—Delta Tan Delta. Kappa Alpha Theta—Aplha Beta Chi. Kappa Kappa Gamma—Phi Sigma Kappa. Pi Beta Phi—Alpha ITpsilon. Alpha Chi Omega—Phi Delta Theta. Delta Gamma—Delta Epsilon. Alpha Gamma Delta—Bachelor don. Alpha Omricon Pi—Friendly Hall. Sigma Kappa—Phi Gamma Delta. Delta Delta Delta—Alpha Tan Omega. Hendricks Hall—Zeta Ilall and Sherry Ross Hall. Susan Campbell—Omega and Sig llia Hall. Thatcher Cottage—Sigma Ti Tan. Three Arts—Gamma Hall. Nurse at Infirmary Is III; One Student Undergoes Operation One pan hardly blame a mere stn dent for falling sick and being re moved to tlio infirmary, when a nurse, a head nurse at that, fortified as she is with medicines, catches a, cold and is put to bed in her own hospital. That is exactly what has happened to Miss M. L. Callahan, the head nurse at the infirmary. Edwin Chase, senior, who was infirmod because of appendicitis, was removed to the Pacific Christian hospital at a late hour last night, where Dr. Ilurly operated success fully. At present, seven occupy beds in the infirmary. They are: William Prendergast, third year law; Fred Stanley, senior in economics; Ralph Fisher, senior in prelaw; Elmer Hauke, Frank Walton, Mirian Mc Gowan, and Hensenia C'ampen, all freshmen. Y. W. C A. President Attends Spokane Meet Margaret Edmonson, president of the Y. W. C. A., left yesterday for Spokane where she will attend the meeting of the division council of the Y. W. C. A. It is this council which is to make plans for next year’s V. W. work for Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho. Margaret is conference chairman and is consequently to make arrangements for the annual Seabeck conference for next year. Dorothy Thomas, secretary of the Y. W. C. A., is also attending the conference. They will return Mon day morning, mission. Playground To Open In Woman's Building All children from the age of 5 to In are invited to attend the opening of the playground, held at the Women’s building, under the auspices of the Women’s Physical Education department of the Uni versity of Oregon, Saturday, October 13, from nine to eleven o’clock. Miss Florence Alden, director of physical education for women, is in charge of the work, assisted by the playground classes, composed of both men and women. Swimming, games of all sorts, and gymnastics, will be offered to the children present.