Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 11, 1928, Image 1

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Frosh Team
With Varsity
* -
Webfoots and Yearlings
Hold Two Hour Clash
On Hayward Gridiron
McEwan Plots Attack
For Willamette Contest
Team in Fine Condition
After Cardinal Battle
Two hours of scrimmage with the
freshmen last night gave the varsity
a real taste of action in preparation
for the game with Willamette at
Salem next Saturday. This was the
first time this season that, the frosh
have been brought in to wrestle
with the Webfooters.
The scrimmage gave McEwan an
excellent opportunity to try out
Some of his new offensive forma
tions. Several changes in the Ore
gon machine are planned for the
Bearcat contest. Their success will
largely determine the mode of at
tack against Washington in Port
land, October 20.
Strong Line Needed
The line, one of the strongest the
Webfooters have had in many years,
is the center of McEwan’s tittention.
The Oregon coach believes the real
strength of a football team depends
upon the power of the forwards. If
the line can not open holes for the
backs, the team’s offensive is
spoiled. The line’s failure on the
defense means the loss of yardage
before the backfield can stop the
opponent’s rushes.
The Webfooters are fortunate, for
there are no serious injuries as a
result of the hard battle with' Stan
ford. The Cardinals, however, are
reported to be in bad shape. Wilton,
Warner’s fleetest back, is out of the
game for perhaps a couple of weeks.
Mason Is Injured
Everett McCutehan, guard, who
scored Oregon’s touchdown on the
first kick-off, was on the side linos
last night. McCutehan has just had
a tooth removed, but will bo back
in uniform tonight. John Kitzmil
Icr, fullback, was bothered with a
sprained toe before the Stanford
game, but ho is nearly well now.
Dave Mason, halfback, was forced
out of practice early yesterday.
Mason twisted a leg in a nuixup with
the frosh. He will be out on the
field again tonight. The rest of the
squad is in fine shape, and unless
there arc some injuries in the Will
amette game, Oregon will have its
full strength against the Huskies.
Running Attack Developed
Oregon failed to gain consistently
in its running plays against Stan
ford. Tho Webfoots, however, out
passed the Cardinals throughout the
entire game. The California team’s
yardage from passes amounted to
much less than Oregon’s. The Card
inals’ line gains were several times
greater than tho Webfooters’.
McEwan hopes to develop the
Oregon running attack before the
Washington game, and may even or
der passes taboo for the Willamette
contest. If the Webfooters are not
permitted to forward pass against
the Bearcats, they will have to make
their gains on smashes.
Dean Rebec Announces
Graduate Fellowships
Fifteen graduate fellowships, with
stipends varying from $400 to $750,
will be available, at Stanford uni
versity on January first, it is an
nounced by Dr. George Rebec, dean
of the University graduate school.
Thirty-six scholarships, ranging in
value from $200 to $400, are also
open to students in graduate work.
Applicants in their second or third
year of graduate study will be given
first preference.
Applications for these fellowships
should be in the hands of the Stan
ford registrar not later than Novem
ber first. Forms for application may
be had from Dr. Rebec.
Those not over thirty-five years
of age who possess the Ph. D. de
gree are eligible for fellowships in
economics, history, political science,
psychology, sociology, and allied
fields offered by the .Social Science
Research Council, whose headquart
ers are in New York City. The clos
ing date for application this year
for one of these awards is December
Undergraduates are urged by Dean
Rebec to keep the awards in mind
so that they may be planning their
work in order to make themselves
eligible for a fellowship later.
Ancient Ramon Coin
Over 1500 Years Old
Received by F. S. Dunn
Professor Frederick S. Pnnn, iiend
of the Latin deportment, one of
whose hobbies is collecting Bomnn
coins, yesterday received a. coin
that is over 1500 years old.
Tbe copper coin bears the portrait
of the Empress Faustina, wife of
Antoninus Pius, who reigned over
the Roman Empire from 138 to 101
A. P. This he compared witji a coin
of a later date, in his collection,
bearing the portrait of Faustina’s
daughter, who was the wife of the
famous Marcus Aurelius. The coin
profiles represented both women as
very beautiful, and looking so much
alike that differentiation would be
impossible if it were not for the
fact that Faustina wears her hair
on the toj) of her head, while her
(bwighter is shown with her fair
tresses looped gracefully on the nape
of her neck. The women of ancient
Rome, Professor Dunn remarked I
humorously, did not change their j
style of hairdressing every year or j
two as do the women of modern 1
America, but pronounced changes !
occurred at least once every genera-j
tion. Thus he is. able to date the
The Empress Faustina was so
highly esteemed by her subjects that
after her death they deified her,
and erected a temple to her in the
forum, which is still standing, al
though it is now used ns the church
of .San Lorenzo. This explains the
inscription on the coin “Diva (di- j
vine) Faustina.” The reverse bears
tho figure of some goddess, and the
letters “S C,” standing for “Senat
us Consulto,” or “by decree of the
A friend of Professor Dunn’s, a
high school teacher in Tacoma, sent
him the coin for his inspection. She
says in a letter accompanying it that
the coin was picked up by a student
of hers'on the north coast of Africa
and sent to her.
New Coach. 130
Students Begin
Year in Drama
Mrs. O. T. Seybolt Plans
To Let Students Build
Play on Plot Skeleton
Activities of tlie Guild Thentre
will soon bo under way, according
to Miss Constance Roth, assistant
in the drama department of the
Mrs. Ottilic T. Seybolt, a gradu
ate of Grinnell, is the new head of
drama on the campus. Mrs. Seybolt
has been active in dramatic, work in
various parts of the country, having
at one time been first vice-president
of the national chapter of Mask and
Buskin, organization of collegiate
There are about 1.10 students in
this department, and Mrs. Seybolt
is inspiring much enthusiasm with
her ideas. One of the plans she is
developing is to have the students
compose their own conversations and
stage settings on a given plot
The University chapter of Mask
and Buskin, with Lawrence Shaw as
president, is preparing a play to be
given in the late fall. The name of
this play has not as yet been decided
upon. This fraternity scored heavily
last spring with its brilliant presen
tation of “The Patsv.” Its advisors
arc Mrs. Seybolt, Mrs. Alice Ernst,
who has recently returned from a
year’s study in the East; Dr. C. V.
Boyer, head of the English depart
ment, and Lloyd Reynolds, instructor
in English.
Tennis Tournament
Drawings Completed
The first round of the fall intra
mural tennis tournament was drawn
up today by Henry Nc-er, supervisor
of the matches.
The pairings are: Bob Iloogs vs.
Loren Scoville; Arthur Potwin vs.
Roger Bi swell; Sheldon Laurenc-te
vs. Scott Milligan; Earl Miller vs.
Warren Tinker; £!en Oestraling vs.
A1 MacClaren; Del Boyer vs. Leslie
Buell: Bill Whitelev vs. Delan Thom;
Marsh Hopkins vs. Bill Adams; Gor
don Jason vs. Amos Lawrence; Bill
Finley vs. George Anderson; Jack
Blanchard vs. Paul Wagner; Arnold
NieveA vs. Monty Jacobs; Walt
Evans vs. Hienze Sonoquist; Wins
ton Strong vs. Joe Kalisky; Dave
Bloom vs. Art Bolander; Wilford
1-ong vs. Joe Kcyser; Don Ragen
vs. Randolph Robe.
Appointed to
Make Probes
Co-op Store an<l Infirmary
To Be Investigated by
Members of Council
Action To Be Taken on
Campus Chest Drive
Bill Eddy and Edilli Dodge
Head Two Committees
Dissatisfaction with tlie present
system of operating the University
Co-op and with the University health
service led to the appointment of
two committees l>y the student
council at their meeting yesterday
to conduct, investigations into the
existing conditions of the two
Tiio student council expressed
themselves as favoring a probe into
the profit-sharing system/ and other
features of the Co-op and appointed
Bill Eddy, Burr Abner and Bov
Herndon as the investigating com
mittee to examine tlie University
store’s business policy and compare
it with tflose of other schools.
Others Pay Cash
A member of the council cited
several eases where university co
operative. stores gave a cash rebate
of ten per cent instead of a five
per cent exchange plan as used in
the loeal store.
A committer, composed of Edith
Dodge, Dena Aim and Chet Floyd,
was appointed to investigate condi
tions at the infirmary and dis
Upon a request from Major F. W.
Barker of the B. O. T. C., the council
granted permission for a yellow
“O” to be placed on a green back
ground for tlie band pouches.
Plan Laid on Table
The campus chest discussion was
laid on the table in order that 'mem
bers of the council may have time
to “sound out” student opinion, and
to consider the matter. The plan
was declared “right in yirinciple,”
but not so successful in practice.
Outside of the Y. Ws and Y. M. or
ganizations, the only other groups
entering into the drive question are
the Bed Cross and American Legion.
If the present system is retained,
a special effort will be made to
reach out and organize the independ
ent students; lack of organization
was responsible for last year’s some
what unsuccessful drive, it was de
Attendance Urged at
First Senior Meeting
Tonight in Guild Hall
All members of tlie senior class
are urgently requested by Francis
McKenna, class president, to be at
tlio meeting tonight at Guild hall
at 7:45 to discuss many important
“For one thing,” McKenna said,
“we must discuss our part in the
class dances to be given on the
19th. We want to have the best
music and the best dance on the
“Then there must be some dismis
sion and plans suggested for financ
ing the deficit incurred during out
junior year. This is something we
must get off our hands as soon as
The president also announced that
an election would have to be held
to elect a sergeant of arms to re
place Tom Montgomery, who is not
back at school this year.
Possibly the most interest will be
shown by members of the class in
the plans for the frosh parade Sat
urday. Seniors are to act ns cops,
and the class barber, Bernice Kazor,
will be there to see that the unde
serving do not keep their mustaches.
Commerce Fraternity
Elects Year’s Officers
At the first meeting this fall of
Beta Gamma Sigma, national schol
astic commerce fraternity, held yes
terday, officers for the year were
elected. Those elected arc: Wade
Newbegin, president; Herbert Las
selle, vice-president; C. F. Johnson,
Plans for bringing several promi
nent speakers to the campus during
the year were discussed. David E.
Faville, dean of the school of busi
ness administration, was recently
elected to membership.
Traditional "Hello” Discussed by
Grads Visiting On the Campus
Opinions Vary, but Most
In Favor of the Custom
Tlioro 1ms boon n g-oat deal of
speculation and discussion on the
campus recently as to whether the
old “hello” tradition survives or
not. Opinions seem to vary. Some
would have it that we are still as
fyiendly and democratic, as ever
and that as many “hellos” echo
over the campus as of yore, and
others say that the dear old spirit
is of the past and is extinct or rapid
ly becoming so.
“I don’t think that the old custom
of saying "hello” to everybody you
meet on the campus has changed at
all,” says Cliff (Sheet) Manerud,
’:20. “Why, just as many students
speak to me now as when I was in
school, and I don’t know them all
by a long sight. T didn't then.”
On the other hand “Baa” Wil
liams, a member of the same class
as Mr. Manerud, thinks that the
spirit has died out almost entirely.
He says:
“It isn’t the same, the old “hello”
spirit, as it was when I was in
school. Why, thou everybody you
met spoke to von and everybody
knew everybody else at least by
sight and sound. It was a wonderful
tradition, and I hate to see it go
because with it Oregon loses some
of her fine old “spirit.”
And then he added,
“But say, the spirit at the Ore
gon-Stanforil game the other day
was certainly fine. It. couldn’t be
Bean Eric \V. Allen, school of
journalism, who has been on the
campus since 1!)12, thinks that while
the old tradition of saying “hello”
to everyone that you meet on the
campus is passing, it is not to be
deplored because of the size of the
school. There were 700 attending
the University when he came, and
it was not difficult for students to
remember all the faces. But now
when there ate so many on the cam
pus he thinks it is an almost im
possible custom. He says,
“I think the custom of friendly
greeting to everyone is one that
ought to be cherished but whether
the word ‘hello’ is the best policy
(Continued on Page Two)
French Instructor
Publishes Book On
Count de Gobineau
Professor Rowbotham, an instruct
or in Freneli, who joinocl the Uni
versity of Oregon fneulty this term,
is the author of a book, “The Liter
ary Works of Count do Gobineau,”
which is now being published in
Paris by the Champion house.
Count do Gobineau was a nine
teenth century French author whose
work lias been attracting a great
deal of attention in France since the
war. Diplomat, orientalist, ethnolo
gist, ns well as a literary artist, he
was known before the war chiefly
for his work on race theories, being
one of the protagonists of the so
called Nordic, theory.
P/of. Rowbotham’s book treats
not only of de Gobineau’s .literary
works, but also supports his claim
to literary greatness. Of recent
years do Gobineau’s skill as a short
story writer has been gaining in
creasing recognition.
Many Girls Get Jobs
From Y.W.C.A. Bureau
Calls for University girls to do
work are received in great quanti
ties by Dorothy Thomas, secretary
of the y. W. C. A. She is the ono
who supplies University girls to
take care of the baby while mother
goes shopping, girls to accompany
the aspiring young musician, and
girls to work for their room and
“Last year $10,500 was earned by
girls who received work through the
Y. W. C. A.,” said Miss Thomas,
“but this year we have placed more
girls than ever before.”
So far this year thirty-nine women
have received regular jobs through
the Y. W. C. A., and a great number
of others have been supplied with
temporary work..
Girls who will work for board and
roonu are most in demand, though
there are many calls for students to
do housework once a week in vari
ous Eugene homes.
R. W. Earl, Oregon 921,
Coaching Football at
Monmouth Normal
Robert W. Karl, graduate of the
University of Oregon with the class
of 1921, is coaching football at Ore
gon Normal school, Monmouth, this
Heretofore Oregon Normal has not
had a regular coach. Bob, as he is
known to his many friends, is a
prominent insurance man of Eugene,
but being very interested in foot
ball, is taking time from his regular
work to help develop a football team
at Monmouth. He is a coach of ex
perience, having coached tlte fresh
man team at the University of Ore
gon in 1922-2.1, in the Lincoln high
school in Portland for several years,
and in the Cottage Grove high
There,are but four lettcrmen back
this year; all tho rest will be new
material; but under Mr. Earl’s lead
ership the Normal team is expecting
a very successful season. Bob is as
sisted by Larry Wolfe, a graduate
of Colorado college.
The Normal has five games sched
uled for tho season with tho follow
ing teams: Linfield college, Mc
Minnville, Ore.; University of Ore
gon freshmen, Eugene, Ore.; South
ern Oregon Normal, Ashland, Ore.;
Columbia university, Portland, Ore.,
and Chico Normal, Chico, Calif.
Big Increase of Sophs
Noted in Chemistry
An increase >of 100 per cent over
last year’s registration of second
year students in chemistry, is re
corded by O. F. Stafford, head of
the chemistry department. Upper
class students have risen 20 per
cent while freshmen remain slightly
under normal.
A growing appreciation of chem
istry, in life, is the explanation
Professor Stafford gives for this
increase. Nearly half of the chem
istry sophomore classes are com
posed of pre-medical students, who
feel that in the future chemistry
will be necessary for successful
practice, he thinks.
An Editorial That Failed
It is oiu duty herewith to record the fact that we have j
written an editorial which has failed in its purpose, failed
completely, utterly and without reservation.
The editorial was published in Tuesday’s issue of the
Emerald under the heading, “Will the faculty kick through?”
The idea it sought to express was that student and
faculty should co-operate in the tedious process of registration;
and the remedy it offered was the placing of faculty repre
sentatives in the outer hall of McArthur court during the
registration period so that the student would not be forced
to hunt from one end of the campus to the’ other to find his
future profs.
We feel that the editorial has failed because as far as
we have been able to ascertain, not one professor, not one
assistant professor, not even one instructor has held it up to
his classes as an object for ridicule. The success of an editorial
generally can be gauged by the response it receives from those
at whom it is aimed, whether it be an editorial of praise,
condemnation—or as in the ease of the one in question—of
Ridicule is the rear line trench of a retreating army.
We had hoped, therefore, that some one might ridicule the
suggestion. But no such luck. Our shell was a dud and not
even a volley of musketry rewarded us.
It is possible that the effort was not read, as comparatively
few editorials are. It is more probable, however, that it was
(Continued on Page Two)
Results of Tryouts
For Symphonic Choir
Announced by Evans
John Stark Evans is still trying
out voices for tho University sym
and women's glee elulis nro to he
chosen. Further tryouts nro being
held this evening nt. 7:1.' o’clock in
the music building. The following
fire those who successfully passed
the first tryouts and are to appear
again this evening at 7:15 for sec
ond tryouts: Lucile Lyon, Com
stance Weinman, Mildred Clark,
Dora McClain, Alice Hosier, Gladys
Mack, Eleanor Morton, Mary Fen
ton, Betty Higgins, Anne Bricknell,
Emmabell Woodworth, Virginia
Paris, Dorothy Billiirgton, Carolyn
Haberlach, Patricia Bovd, Eleanor
Ballantyne, Mathilda Tuerck, Elsie
Moller, Slusher, Dolph, Helm, Lari
mer, DeVaney.
L. Ireland, L. Wirth, It. Lent, E.
Murphy, M. VanSc.oy, Rao Stevens,
K. George, D. Lieuallen, If. Robert
son, E. Williams, R. Simmons, H.
Carlsop, C. Stoddard, V. Beck, E.
Payne, N. Hines, B. Ross, Esther
Wicks, Esther Sager, Marian Patul
lo, Camille Harris, Carolyn Cooper.
Men: R. Morfitt, Judd Bclnap,
Win. McNnb, Ted Leafdalil, Grant
VaiiDorn, McKenzie Ward, Robert
Denver, Art Johnson, Ellis Thomp
son, Edward Blake, Myron Black
well, John Dodds, John Heltzel, H.
S‘ensei, C, Phillips, B. Goodnll, T.
Johnson, George Tebbetts, R. Call,
G. Harrington, F. Moon, Caldwell,
H. Green, F. Udnll, James Hughes,
Robert Holmes, John lfawkes, Don
Call, Joe Corot, Ivan Kafoury,
Thurston Shell.
Eugene Co-eds
Schedule Tea
At Y. W. Friday
Dances During Vacations
Planned; Organization
To Be Effected Soon
Dancing and refreshments, “not
ten and wafers,” will be features
of thotEugenc University girls’ tea
which will bo held at the Y. W. bun
galow Friday (afternoon from 4 to
5:30, according to Helen Barnett,
temporary chairman of the group.
Two-hundred-fifty invitations have
been sent out for the affair. Mrs.
F. 0. Endieott, Mrs. A. II. Ross, and
Miss Hazel Prutsman will chaperone.
Both affiliated and unaffiliated
Eugene girls who aro attending the
University or who have attended for
two years and are out of school but
have not been graduated, are urged
to attend, Miss Barnett said. The
tea is to In1 very informal, no sor
ority pins will be worn, and campus
clothes will bo iu order.
Charlotte Carl I has been appoint
ed chairman of the program com
mittee, Joy Ingalls heads the invi
tation committee, Dorothy Bello En
dicott is chairman of tho refresh
ment group, Beatrice Milligan heads
the social committee, and Josephine
Stofiel is publicity chief.
Tho organization plans a dance in
Eugene during the Thanksgiving va
cation and some social affair at
The purpose of tho organization
is to have all the Eugene women
students become better acquainted
with each other, to promote friend
liness between residents of Eugene
and the University, and to provide
opportunity for social times to those
students who remain in Eugene dur
ing vacations.
Permanent organization of the
group will be effected after tho tea
Friday, Miss Barnett said. The stu
dents will then have had a chance
to become better acquainted, she
Opera Class Promises
Good Entertainment
Madame Rose McGrow is again
conducting a class in operatic fun
damentals, and with the pupils she
finds enrolled, she is promising the
University a splendid taste of opera.
Pauline Guthrie, who distinguished
herself as Melisande in last spring’s
operatic production, is again in the
class, as well as Ernest McKannoy,
and Jack Dennis, both of the men’s
glee club, and Madame’s class of
last year. Of the new talent en
rolled, Madame is expecting much,
and particularly of Kogcr Pfaff,
new student from Iowa, and a law
major, with a real bass voice. Much
enthusiasm is being shown by tho
pupils, aud definite work on the
operas will begin as soon as the
voices are placed.
List of Paddle
Wielders Now
Has 31 Sophs
Names of Frosli Parade
Walloping Squad Given
By Committee Chairman
_ I
Class of 1932 Must
Clean Senior Bench
Senior Class To Supply
20 ‘Cops’ for Initiation
'Road it and weep, frosli!
Rond below tiro list of 31 men,
all members of the class of 1931, wlio
will do all the paddling Saturday
morning at tlie frosli parade along
with the Order of the ‘O’ men. Read
it till tears come down from your
eyes as you wonder whether you will
lie able to survive the hefty wallops
that, these men will pass out liber
Stanford Brooks, chairman of the
paddles committee, announced last
night that the official paddle wield
ers will hold a meeting today at
which time it is expected that the
chosen 31 will bo given a few point
ers in ttie technique of paddling.
No one but the Order of the ‘O’
members and tho designated sopho
mores will be allowed to “hack” any
freshman at the parade, and this rule
will bo strictly enforced, Brooks
Sophs Give Warning
When Francos Hill, president of
the sophomore class, hoard that, the
senior bench in front of the library
had boon smeared with a ghastly
coat of green paint spelling “19.12,”
he immediately gave warning that
the freshman class must take action
to have every drop of paint, com
pletely erased from the bench be
fore 8 o’clock Saturday morning,
when the parade starts. Heavier
and more bountiful wallops at the
hands of the paddlers will bo forth
coming if any tints of green remains
on the cement bench%early Saturday
Several upperclassmen have sug
gested that tho frosh bo marched
past the bench during tho parade
to remove the dirty numerals, and
crack a few pieces of oak on the
paint-soaked members of tho class
of 1932.
Tampering with traditions layed
down by seniors is a dangerous prac
tise, declared Francis McKenna,
president of tho senior class. Be
cause of the freshmen’s erring ac
tion, more half-inch pieces of oak
will probably be ordered for tho
skin-scalping affair this week end.
McKenna also nnndunced that a
corps of 20 senior “cops” will bo
on hand during the festivities to
see that the pitiless frosh are not
given any unnecessary humiliation.
They will also form a blockade
against any unappointed sophomores
or upperclassmen who attempt
to harm tho first-year men with un
desired paddles.
Juniors Will Direct
Tho events at Hayward field will
bo directed by members of the junior
class. George Moorad, president of
,the junior class, will soon name the
complcto list of committees who are
working on the field events.
The “frosh-soph square mix”
plans to be fairer than ever be
foro with more opportunity being al
lowed tho humble frosh to alight
upon their sophomore brothers.
Crutches, invalid chairs, canes and
what nots may be needed Saturday
evening if many of the first-year
lads plan to make tho rounds at
open house. It is expected that
many of tho frosh will recuperate
in time enough to at least be able
to hobble their way to tho sorority
Tho linn for the parade will prob
ably begin from Condon hall about
8 o’clock in the morning when Clar
ence Barton and his cohorts will
do their stuff at collecting dimes
from tho mystified frosh. The
paddle-wielding sophomores are
again asking the freshmen to bring
cigarettes, and most important of
all things—bring matches.
Paddlc-Wielders Named
One sophomore from each living
organization on the campus has been
appointed on tho paddling squad
along with Stanford Brooks, chair
man, Coke Smith, George Lowe, and
Windsor Calkins, official committee
members. The entire paddle wielder
squad will meet at the school of
journalism immediately before tho
assembly today to have their photo
graph taken. The photographer re
quests all men to bo thero promptly
so that the men may go to the as
sembly in plenty of time.
Well—frosh—here goes the list of
(Continued on rage Three)