Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 10, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    Parade And
Open House
Worry Frosh
Social Affair Saturday
Night Lures Yearlings
To Miss Paddle Party
Cigarettes To Be Popular
With Sophs on March
Evidently, tlie humble fresh were
not. given any consideration last
night by the heads of the various
houses. The leaders of the living
quarters failed to realize that this
Saturday is the day of the annual
frosli parade when the pitiless first
year men will be forced to yield to
a gauntlet of paddles and other
Just how these young fellows who
sport the emblem of the class of
19.12 will be able to hobble their way
to the dances on the night of open
house is a question that is puzzling
many folks on the campus, let alone
the fact, that the freshmen will have
Ay dance.
freshmen will probably argue that
sm-h affairs as open house are con
ducted for the benefit of the new
students, and therefore they should
be given some consideration in the
matter of selection of a date for
open house. They feel that they will
not lie able to recuperate from the
effects of the freshmen parade in
time to peacefully enjoy the five
minute dances at the various wo
men \s houses.
Frances Hill, president of the
sophomore class, who is general
chairman of the frosli parade, states
that the scheduling of open house
for the night of the parade does
not in any way exempt the male
members of the class of li).'12 from
participating in the activities during
the morning. Hill again warns the
yearlings that they must be present
early Saturday morning when the
line forms for the parade. More
sophomores will probably be hired
to roupd up the delinquent first
year men who wish to evade their
initiation in order to attend the
nocia.1 affair in the evening.
Sophomores have requested all
freshmen entrants in the lino -of
march Saturday to bring sufficient
number of cigarettes or cigars, for
the second year men will be cold and
busy, and therefore will not be able
to get along without their regular
smokes. And, above all, freshmen
are advised that extra “hacks” may
be forthcoming if no matches ac
company their packages of wrapped
Any frnsli who thinks (lint lie will
ko a bio In “crash the gate” at the
parade without laying down a ten-!
cent piooo is gravely mistaken, for
Clarence Barton, head of the collec
tion committee, is devising a system
whereby every initiate will be corn
ladled to hand over a dime.- If
treslimen insist upon asking ques
tions and the like as to what the
dimes are for, they may readily ex
pect more and heavier swats.
Realizing that there may not bo
as many lottermea present at the
affair this year as have appeared
before, the paddles committee, head
ed by Stanford Brooks, is arranging
to secure pieces of oak that will give
an everlasting effect to the young
sters of I
It looks like the ghosts are reallv
eoming; it looks like the fresh will
be due for something horrible, judg
ing from what will lie the contents
of the posters advertising the par
! It equals “Beau Geste’
Thursday conn's—
in “THE COP”
i ode. Foard Smith and his assistants
| arc preparing something in the way
of death notices that will be more
frightening than anything that lias
| ever been placed before the eyes of
the wee frosli.
Bill East, chairman pf the paint
committee, urgently requests that,
the freshmen organize to paint, the
most beautiful “O” ever seen on
Skinner’s butte.
Frosh are again reminded that
five hours of house-to-house dancing
Saturday night will not be accepted
as an excuse for non-participation
in the initiation ceremony Saturday
morning. The practice of asking
special privileges and absurd ques
tions regarding exemption and other
details of a similar nature will be
disregarded entirely by the commit
tees for the parade.
Journalistic Sorority
Will Initiate, Sunday
Theta Sigma Phi, national wom
en’s journalistic honorary, will have
an initiation meeting, to be followed
by a breakfast, next Sunday morn
ing, it was decided yesterday noon
when in the first session of the year
members of the chapter met at
luncheon at the Anchorage, with
Miss Dorothy Baker, president, in
Miss Serena Madsen, junior, and
Miss Both Hansen, senior, will be
initiated at Sunday’s meeting, ar
rangements for which are being
made under the direction of Miss
Margaret Clark.
Detailed plans for the event, in
cluding the selection of the meeting
place, have not yet been made, ac
cording to Miss Clark.
Miss Clark was chosen treasurer
of the chapter following the resig
nation of Miss Marion Sten, editor
of the Oregano. The newly elected
treasurer is a member of the junior
Welcomes were extended to Mrs.
Harris Ellsworth, who with Mr. Ells
worth, field manager of the Oregon
Editorial association and now of the
school of journalism faculty, moved
to Eugene from Portland this fall.
Plans for inviting Kathleen Nor
ris, noted California author, to
speak before a meeting of Theta
Higina Phi, national journalism hon
orary for women, were made at the
Dean Prutsman Talks
At College Banquet
Miss Hazel Prutsman was t lie
principal speaker at a formal ban
quet at the lleathman hotel, in Port
land Friday, October 5, given by
Mill’s college. Dr. Reinhart, presi
dent of Mill’s college, talked on the
undergraduate curriculum from the
viewpoint of the woman’s college.
Dr. Coleman, of Reed college,
spoke on the undergraduate curricu
lum from the viewpoint of the pri
vate college. Miss Prutsman spoke
on the undergraduate curriculum
from the viewpoint of the stat.o uni
versity. The topic, of her speech
was “The Undergraduate Curricu
lum, Its Content and Method.”
‘Bill’s’ Frosh
Prove Worth
In First Mix
Jim DeMers, Fullback,
Makes Big Rents in
Second String Line
Thirteen New Aspirants
Answer Pigskin Call
The freshman class ami “Bill”
Reinhart have a good football team.
Last night was the first bit of
scrimmage biit one glance at the
huskies on the first .string line-up
would convince the Q.'st skeptical.
If anyone needed any further evi
dcfice he had only to watch big
Jim DcMers pick his holes and
plow through them.
While these 22 men on the first
and second strings were mixing up,
there was a. similar, if less polished,
scrimmage going on in another part
of the field. The third and fourth
string men battered each other with
the gusto of the first actual play
of the season.
13 New Aspirants
At the present time tha’o are
88 aspirants for the yearling team.
Coach Reinhart says that there will
bo no cut, this season and that he
welcomes all frosh between the
weights of 100 and 300 pounds to
try out for the team. Several new
men have shown up during the last
week; Heyden, Lane, Hollingshead,
Smytlie, Case, Mahan, Bean, Bu
zan, Moaffit, Kjoness, Tenant,
Guske, and Bbutcher.
As yet there has been no regular
first string picked but A1 Brown is
getting the call at quarter, DeMers
at fullback, with Glenn and Dis
ney at the two halfback positions.
Erdley and Tarbell seem to be get
ting (lie preference in the call for
ends, and West and Schulz are cap
able of holding down the tackle
posts. Last night Fetters and Bes
sonettc were at guards, but Ander
son rates in that position too. Forsta,
at center, looks good.
Oregon freshmen meet Monmouth
normal on Hayward field October
19 and everything is boi’ng pointed
for that game. Monmouth is sup
posed to have a good aggregation
this year and it will be a real battle
for the frosh.
y. W. Vespers To Be
Held On Thursdays
Tlx? Y. W. C. A. vesper services
will henceforth he held on Thursday
afternoons at five o’clock, it was
decided yesterday at the cabinet
meeting. These five o’docks will
be in charge of Harriet Fuller, with
Margaret Lee Slesher handling the
musical part of the program.
Six new members have just been
added to the cabinet. Mary Klemm
is the newly appointed secretary,
interchurch work is in charge of
Eva Davis, Elizabeth Gessler is
chairman of the service committee,
and Mildred Johnson heads the so
cial committee. Dorothy Thomas is
handling publicity, and Eleanor
Poorman is the new adviser of the
frosh commission. As soon ns the
president of the frosh commission
is elected, she will take her place
on the cabinet.
Postponed Matches
W ill Be Held Today
Due to unfavorable weather con
ditions the women’s tennis tourna-]
merit matches wore postponed until
this afternoon at four o’clock. They
will be held today rain or shine and
all racquet wielders are advised fro
show up at the University courts to
play off their schedules.
For those in doubt as to whom
they are to meet the schedule will
again be listed. Jean Bell plays
Irene Greenbaum; Virginia Mynard,
Beatrice Phipps; Mallialah Kurtz,
Alice Wingate; Lucille Murphy,
Caroline Haberlack; Jane Cochran,
Gladys Haberlack.
J'ne tennis tournament' this year
has attracted „:any entrants, and is
proving very popular with the Ore
gon co-eds who wish to become more
proficient in this sport.
General Dentistry
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to the music of
Johnny Robinson’s
Varsity Vagabonds
Oregon’s Greatest College Players
Donut League
Heads Decide
Basketball and Handball
Fall Sports Taken Up
At Meeting Tuesday
Reinhart and Milligan To
Have Charge of Sports
The first intramural league meet
ing of the year, under the auspices
of the physical education depart
ment, was held yesterday afternoon
at 4:13 o’clock.
Basketball and handball, the only
two fall sports that necessitate the
sanction of all houses, were taken
up by the 18 members who repre
sented their halls and fraternities.
The problem that confronted the
league in regard to pledges of
houses, living at the present time
in the dormitory, and their eligibil
ity for playing for either was
smoothed out satisfactorily. By an
unanimous vote it was decided that
any man pledged to a fraternity but
living at the dorm*must play for
his respective house. An additional
ruling was, however, inserted, stat
ing that a man pledged while play
ing for a hall team, remains witn
the original group throughout the
On October 22, the first basket
ball game will be unleashed, and
the following day the doubles hand
ball tournament will start.
A practice schedule sheet will be
posted in the gymnasium office at
2:30 o’clock today. House repre
sentatives are urged to affix the
practice hours most available; .
All the teams will be divj*lod into
several leagues and the winner of
each division will play off in a
round robin tournament for the
The essential rules and regulations
for the intramural leagues of last
vcar remain the same as follows:
No awards are given for any
events. Participants in varsity or
freshman contests or any intercol
legiate contests are not eligible. No
additional entries will be recognized
after the drawings have been made.
Candidates for varsity teams may be
declared ineligible for intramural
“Service FeLuxe”
1391 Franklin.
Polnie 41G
To represent us in every frater
nity and sorority on the campus.
Liberal Commission
competition at the discretion ot the
coach of the sport. Each entering
team or organization must provide
the intramural league with one re
sponsible -representative.
Billy Reinhart and Scott Milligan
will supervise the basketball and
handball tournaments, respectively.
Gilbert S. Hcrmance, instructor
in physical education and conductor
of league meetings, requests that all
organizations who have not signed
up for these sports, do so by 5
o’clock this afternoon in order to
hasten the drawings which are
planned to be completed by 3 o’clock
McArthur court will soon be
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