Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 10, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    Staff Named
By Pod Sten
Turnbull Made Adviser;
Book Being Prepared,
Motif To Be Futuristic
Oregaua Office Is Located
^ In Friendly Hall Room
twenty-two students are announc
adg by Marion Sten, editor of the
Dregana, as members of the 1928-29
statt and Profes
sor George Turn
bull lias been
named adviser.
Material for the
book is already
being prepared,
the art motif
probably being
futuristic. T h e
Oregano office
has been moved
from the second
floor of the jour
nalism building to
t ii e back of
Marion Sten Friendly hall.
1 ^ The appointments follow:
Associate editor, John Allen, Eu
gene; assistant editors, Dorothy
Baker, Salem, and Mary McClain,
Portland; art editor, Martha Stev
ens, Portland; office manager, Flor
ence McNerney, Portland; adminis
tration, Miriam Swafford, Oregon
City; college year editors,, Dorothy
Baker, Salem, and Elise Schroeder,
Eugene; senior editor, Katherine
Galbraith, Portland.
Junior editor, Leonard Delano,
Portland; underclass editor, Jean
Patrick, Portland; drama, Serena
Madsen, Junction City; music and
art, Mary McClain, Portland, and
Crystal Ordway, Linnton; publica
tions editor, Florence King, Port
land; forensics editor, Wilfred
Brown, Camas Valley; R. O. T. C.
editor, Harry Tonkon, Portland;
athletics editor, Joe Pigncy, Port
land; women’s editor, LaWanda
Fenlason and Dorothy Thomas, both
of Portland; lionoraries editor, Mir
iam Shepard, Eugene; sororities,
Diana Deininger, Portland; frater
nities, Carvel Nelson, Portland;
humor, Don Johnston, Aberdeen,
Tiro Noted Artists9
Work To Be Shown
In Campus Exhibition
■ University students and towns
people will have the privilege of
seeing the paintings and drawings of
two internationally known artists of
tire younger American group when
the work of Nura Woodson Ulreieh
and Eduard Buk Ulreieh will be
exhibited tomorrow in the little art
gallery on the campus.
This group of paintings comes to
Eugene through the courtesy of
George A. Mansfield of Olds, Wort
jngn and King, Portland, a graduate
of the University of Oregon.
;Mrs. Ulreieh, better knbwn as
Npra, will exhibit 15 pictures, all
of which are child studies. They
afb expressions of the imagination
of a child rather than faithful por
traits of children. Nura being of
the modern school, shows a great
dfal of originality.
||KMr. Ulreieh, who signs his pic
tures Buk, favors a separate and dis
trict school from that represented
by Mrs. Ulreieh. He dislikes being
called a modernist saying that lie
is|a contemporary and not a follower
of any school. His work shows the
shmc imaginative quality displayed
in that of Nura, but is rather more
decorative than hers. This collection
includes three pictures by Buk.
lEllis P. Lawrence, ’ dean af the
school of architecture and allied arts,
characterizes the exhibit as inter
esting and unusual.
Smith? Hoover? Sunday Movies?
Preference for President:
Herbert Hoover (R).
Norman Thomas (Soc.)-—
Alfred E'. Smith (D).
Thomas Varney (Pro.).
Sunday Movies:
For . .
Against .!.
Name ... Sex. Class.
Volumes Added
At High Hat Book
Shop This Year
Large Number of Students
Show Interest Early
In New Co-op Service
The Inrgc number of students that
are visiting the “High Hat” book
shop so early in the school year
proves that the effort made by the
University Co-op to give students a
selection of good books is being ap
preciated. • This is the opinion of
Bob Warner, who has charge of the
book shop. Nearly a quarter of the
students are freshmen, Warner
states. The number of books has
been increased from about 1000 vol
umes to 1500 since last year.
A collection of books of excellent
typography and illustrations is at
tracting considerable attention of
the lovers of good books. This is
the Ebony Library of Dodd Mead
company. They are illustrated by
Henry Keen, Laurence Irving, John
Austen, and Frank Pape. These
books will be bought by collectors
who have read them and wish a high
grade book for their library, Warner
believes. As the prices range high,
the average person will buy a cheap
er book unless they lfnow the par
ticular volume that they are buy
ing. Some of the titles of this col
lection now at the book shop are:
Anatole France’s “At the Sigh of
the Roiiie Pedauguc,” “The Gods Are
Athirst,” “Tais,” and “Golden Tales
of Anatole France,” and “Penguian
Island”; Richard Garret’s “The
Twilight of the Gods”; Lord By
ron’s “Don Juan”; and Oscar;
Wilde’s “Picture of Dorian Gray.”
“Friend of Jesus,” book by Ernest
Sutherland Bates, a former instruct
or in the English department here,
is expected in the near future. New
books of interest which can be found
at the book shop are “Beneath
Tropic Seas,” by William Beede;
“Barren Ground,” by Ellen Glaseo;
“All Kneeling,”. by Anne Parrish
(chosen by American Book associa
tion as the best book of the month);
“The Children,” by Edith Wharth
on, and “Casper Hauser,” by Jacob
Have you engaged
your music for that
house dance?
If not, the Purcell-Rob
instyi booking agency is
ready to furnish you with
an organized jobbing or
chestra of any size. Phone
2240 or 445-M
3010 or 324
Phone 252
Domestic Laundry
143 7th Ave. W.
Difficulties Mended
By Interclass Dance
cow, Oct. 9.—(P.I.P.)—Tho usual
difficulties which have been accru
ing these past two weeks between
the freshman and sophomore classes
were patched up here at the annual
Bury-the-Hatchet dance on the eve
ning of October C. The dance, an
all-college affair, had no extra en
tertainment or program.
The sophomore physical supremacy
was decided the day previous at the
traditional Hulme fight conducted
by the “I” club. Boxing bouts,
wrestling matches, cock fights, the
Ilulme fight, a tug of war and other
events were on the schedule.
LOST—A grey and white kitten.
Finder please call 225 or return
to Kappa Delta 3t
LOST—Sheaffer’s fountain pen en
graved, Rob’t Boals. Call 2968.
LOST — Shell - rimmed eye-glasses
near Condon hall Saturday' even
ing. Lois Seoffern, Call 125.
LOST—Part of green fountain pen.
Finder please return to Carolyn
Cooper, Gamma Nu.
“Service DeLuxe”
1991 Franklin
Phone 416
To represent us in every frater
nity and sorosity on the campus.
Liberal Commission
Tennis Plans
Outlined For
Opening Tilt
Henry Neer, Varsity
Player, Is Named To
Handle Annual Meet
j Drawings To Be Given Out
In Men’s Gym This Noon
The first event on the fall pro
gram of intramural sports will start
this afternoon when the prospective
varsity and freshman racquet wield
ers start play. Henry Neer, varsity
tennis player, will have charge of
the meet and drawings for the first
round will be announced at the
men’s gym at noon today. Play will
start promptly at two o’clock each
day, weather permitting, and all
men registered are requested to ap
pear at the gym today to obtain
their instructions. Every man should
leave his telephone number on the
list posted there.
Eules given out by Coach E. P.
Abercrombie, general supervisor of
the tournament, are as follows:
1. In case of postponement by in
clement weather the schedule will
Where Most Col
lege folks buy their
Buster Brown
Shoe Store
“For Hosiery Too”
Just Returned
from a buying trip with a largo assortment of new 3.
felts anJ soleils. >.
Next to White Electric Co.
Frosh !
Romany's is the place to have your picture taken ’
Romane Studio
over J. C. Penny Store
We Give - -
best service
in town
. (i ? \'S
Broadway and Olive
r _—_____—-——
be postponed one day. All matches
will be plavod the following day.
2. All matches must be played on
the day scheduled. Violation of this
rule will cause default of the match.
A total of almost 40 men have
registered to start play and regis
tration is still open this morning.
All matches will be played on the
varsity tennis courts. The Univer
sity, for the first time, will furnish
balls for play. Coach Abercrombie
expects to develop some of the most
outstanding players of the tourney i
into future varsity material.
The names of the men registered
last night are listed in the order in
which they registered: Jack Blanch- j
ard, Robert Hoogs, Gordon Jason, !
Arnold Niewen, Marshall Hopkins, j
George Anderson, Arthur Patcvin, j
Del mar Thom, Paul Wagner, Winston
Strong, Wilford Long, A1 MacLaren, j
Ben Oestroling, Bill Adams, Don j
Ragan, Warren Tinker, Edward !
Rick, Amos Lawrence, Scott Milli- j
gan, John Keyser, Roger Biswell, I
Dave Bloom, Del Boyer, Bill White- j
ly, Lauren Buell, Loren Scoville, |
Monty Jacobs, Sheldon Laurence,
Art Rolander, Don Baird, Randolph
Rebn, Earl Miller, Bill Finley, Walt
Evans, and Heinz Somiogest,
‘Big Dick’ Godfrey
Goes to Oregonian
Richard L. Godfrey, prominent
sports writer on the campus, leaves
for Portland today to accept a po
sition on the sporting staff of the
Morning Oregonian. While on the
Try our delicious electrically
“Best iu Town”
is what they all say
campus Godfrey was correspondent
for the Portland Journal, the Se
attle Time*, and the Christian
Science Monitor. He is a former
president of the Oregon professional
sports writers’ association and an
active member of Sigma Delta Chi,
honorary journalism fraternity.
Students who have not turned
in their correct University ad
dress to the registrar, Dean of
Women, or Dean of Men will have
their last chance to do so today
•or tomorrow. The corrections
must be turned in by Thursday
night in order that they can be
put into the student directory,
which will be off the press in
a short time.
Chemistry Professor
Has Book Published
“Laboratory Manual of Organic;
Chemistry,” written by Roger J.
Williams, Ph. D., associate professor
of chemistry at the University of
Oregon, and Ray Q. Brewster, Ph.
It., professor of chemistry in the
i University of Kansas, has been rc
i reived from the publishers recently,
and will be used as a- class text.
This book is a laboratory accom
paniment of the book “Introduction
to Organic Chemistry,” written last
year by Mr. Williams. It is being
used for a text in 200 universities.
Mr. Williams has been at Oregon
for 8 years. He received a doctor’s
degree from the University of
- Refldy.mad^ jj
—.AmJ Ci»t to Order
v—| r
1 apers
The most complete line
of Tapers
All sizes and colors
University Pharmacy
The Student’s Drug Store
Ilth and Alder
Grill Dance
— at —
Eugene Hotel, Friday, Oct. 12
— music by —
Johnny Robinson’s
Varsity Vagabonds
Cover Charge 75c
Reservations Already Going Fast
, Phone '2U00 for Yours