Oregon Team Shows Power Even in Defeat McEwan's Line Outshone Warner'’s Throughout Much of the Game By JOE PIGNEY It isn’t often that a team shows greater promise after a defeat than it did before. This, however, is the case at Oregon, and the "opinion is supported by coaches, officials, and newspaper men of the Pacific coast. Even Pop Warner, the wiley watch man of the Cardinals’ success, wa£ infinitely relieved when the timer’s gun ended the bewildering barrage of Webfoot passes, riot until then did Pop comfortably suck down a cloud of cigarette smoke. Fourteen points is nearly a hope less lead in the fourth quarter of an ordinary game. But Saturday’s battle was not an ordinary one. The 20 to 12 score was only a temporal thing to the Webfcet until the final gun brought complete conviction of a Stanford victory. Oregon, not content to hold the champions to a low score, fought for the lead from the beginning to the finish. It was a tougher battle than the Cards had played in years. Oregon’s rise in fortune and bid for success is practically wholly the result of McEwan’s line. “Me Ewan’s line” because McEwan, without the aid of assistants, has himself groomed the linemen for conference competition. Throughout a great part of the game it became a question whether the Stanford line was able to give the competi tion. Individually, many of the Web foot linemen arc outstanding, but it was ns a team that the forwards functioned against Stanford. Young, green, and inexperienced. . . That was McEwan's line a week ago. Saturday it was through the fire, and today it is nearly on a par with the best of the coast. George Chris tensen, Austin Colbert, Marshall Shields, John Donohue, and Jerome Lillie, who were untried sophomores last week, are now veterans with the best of their football careers still to come. McEwan’s team, it appears so on paper, accomplished more against Stanford than it did all last season. The Webfoots scored twice in the Cardinal game. They scored only once the whole conference season of 1927. Oregon took the lead, held it for a time, and was always a gloomy threat to the invaders. A year ago the Webfooters were only a “prac tice scrimmage” for the champions. In 1927 the Oregonians were still in an experimental building up pro cess. Oregon, in the third season of McEwan’s system, is beginning to play the sort of football that the “rabid fans” have been shouting for in the last two seasons. Glen S. Warner, the Stanford coach, predicts that no team will finish the Pacific coast conference season undefeated. Perhaps it would be a wild dream to boost Oregon for the champion ship, but it is reasonable to consider the Webfoots stilll in the running. The schedule this year is an ideal one to keep the team in ' condition. (Continued on Page Two) U.ol W.\ oting On Change to U. of O. Plan President Gives Approval Of Oregon’s New Lower Division Course Idea | Freshman Survey and Option Classes Item L. M. Spencer Proposes Laxer Entrance Rules Tlio University of Oregon plan for undergraduate work during the first two years lias been under the con sideration of the faculty of the University of Washington for some time and a plan similar to it lias been approved by Ur. Lyle M. Spencer, Washington president, ac cording to Ur. Arnold Bennett Hall. The new proposal is to bo voted on October 22. The plan here, which went into effect at the opening of this term, provides for a completely re-organ ized program for the first two years, and it offers a wider and more gen eral background for the student. It also provides a definite stopping place at the end of the second year, .when the student may obtain a cer tificate of graduation. Entrance Easy The new Washington plan is very similar to the one in use here, al though it differs markedly in one respect. Ur. Spencer proposes to open the academic gates to -thou sands of prospective students now barred on account of entrance re quirements. Only a high scdiool di ploma would be necessary for ad mittance under his plan. At Oregon not only is a high school* diploma necessary, but students must have a certain number of units in required subjects and must have also demon strated scholastic fitness. The plan in use here, which has already attracted national attention, provides “survey” and . “option courses” in four general groups for all freshmen and sophomores. En tering students in the college of science, literature and the arts no longer “major” in a specific subject such as English or mathematics, but indicate their preference field and are assigned to one of the four groups. Before the second year is finished courses must be completed in tbroe of tile four groups, thus giving a broad, general background so that the young man or woman can then turn his attention to a specific field, in which ho can do highly specialized study. Upperclassmen Privileged At the end of the second year the student is placed in one of three classifications, depending upon ability demonstrated. If lie lias shown only mediocre work, he is granted a “sertificate of gradua tion,” and his University career automatically ends. If he has com pleted all requirements satisfactorily lie is given a “junior certificate” which entitles him to enter the upper division for specialized work. If scholarship has been above the average and all requirements are met, the student is given a certifi cate which entitles him to do “hon ors” work, and to graduate at the (Continued on Page Three) 'Whew-a Hard Game" Admits "Pop” After Stanford-Oregon Battle Royal “Whew! That was sure a hard old | game! ” Thus remarked Glenn S. “Pop” Warner, the old fox of Stanford, as he sank back gratefully into the cushions bf a davenport in the Eugene hotel lobby immediately j after the fray, lie evidently thinks] with the rest of us that Oregon is a hard-cracking nut this year. “Oregon has a good line, they’re tough and hard to break through,” said Mr. Warner. It is in the Oregon line where most of tlie team’s inexperienced men are playing, while Stanford’s rela tively big line' has been credited by critics with being unusually strong. Asked how he though George Stadelman showed up in the game, Mr. Warner said: “You mean the big fellow playing center?.Well, it sure took a long time to wipe that smile off his face. He’s a good player, all right.” Pop chuckled. Now this next may have been an impertinent question, considering everything; but it got an effect. ‘ ‘ Would you sav that Hoffman looked exactly—all-American to day?” ‘ E°P. ’ Warner; you knowj and two associates, coaches Tad Jones of Yale, and Knute Bockne of Notre Dame, compose a committee that each year names the official all American team. It has.been rumor ed that Warner has been grooming big Bill Hoffman, Stanford captain and fullback, for a place on this team. Though he did not appear particularly disturbed, ‘Pop’ hesi tated. “— No,” he said, “Hoffman didn’t do so very well today. I wouldn’t say that he did look all American. I use him for passing and punting mostly, but quite often he’s good on off-tackle plays. But he couldn’t do anything off tackle today—Biff is a good man.” Bemember the cries of “Bone head!—Take him out! etc.” when during the last minute of the first half one of Oregon’s passes got messed up with the result of a touchdown for Stanford? ‘Pop’ Warner doesn't see anything wrong about the play. It was just an ac cident, he said, and the best players get caught like tha’t onue iu a while. “There was sure a lot of life in ^Continued on Togo Three^ League Tea Waits Week F. McNerney in Charge; All Women Welcome The 'Women’s league ten which was scheduled for Wednesday lias been postponed until next week, due to the faculty tea on the same day and the president’s reception the following day. The teas this year are in charge of Florence McNerney, with Marjorie Chester, chairman of the food com mittee, and Eleanor Flanagen, chair man of the entertainment committee. A different place has been secured for these social gatherings than the one used last year, and it is to be decorated with flowers and made at tractive each time. Novel refresh ments are to be served and a program of music being planned. Not only freshman women are in vited but all university women. A largo attendance is expected at the first tea of the year. Hugh Frame, Former Oregon Prof., Drowns Instructor Was Student About T transportation; Taught at Washington Hugh Campbell Frame, former professor of economies at the Uni versity of Oregon, was drowned in Puget sound Sunday when he was swept from a small boat in a gale near Point Monroe. During the past year Mr. Frame has been professor of business administration at the University of Washington. Professor Frame came to the Uni versity in the. fall of 1926 and taught classes in principles of eco nomics, and railway and water trans portation during that school year. Because of his scholarly attitude and fine personality he proved him self to be a very popular member of the faculty of the economics department. He was a graduate of Uolhousie, Canadian university, and took his M. A. and Ph. D. degrees at Har vard, receiving his doctors degree in 1926. Ho did service in the world war, taught two years at Emory university in Georgia, and later taught at Iowa state college be fore coming to Oregon. During his career ns a student teacher ho did work in connection with the national and state railway commissions. He wrote a remark able thesis on the theory of joint costs in determination of railway rates. Last year he won recognition at the University of Washington. He was appointed chairman of the com mittee for revision of the curricu lum in the direction of establishing a junior college. Ho was much in terested in the recent legislation establishing the lower division at Oregon and last spring asked for data regarding the Oregon plan. Professor Frame was a single man, still in his early thirties. Famous Paintings On Library Rent Shelves Not only books, but pictures, can now be rented from the university library. Mrs. Mabel McClain, head of the circulation desk, has super vised the purchase of about 2~> prints of famous paintings, which have been mounted by the library and are now available for students to rent and hang in their rooms at the rate of 10 cents a month. The prints were purchased from tlie Alinari Brothers in Florence, Italy. Their subjects are princip ally religious and paintings of fam ous characters. Some of the paint ers represented are Leonardo' de Vinci, Raphael, Rubens, Botticelli, and Ghirlandais. None of them are the work of the more modern artists. The pictures may be secured at the circulation desk. Campus Parkers Hit At Oregon State Too Oregon State College, October 4. (P. I. P.)—Ware the parking rules! Automobiles are taboo on campus parking spaces during the day this year and J. D. .Wells, campus police man, will see that drivers obey the rules. Three different areas are being reserved for parking grounds to handle the student automobiles which would otherwise block the streets. Fines for violation of the rules go to the student loan fund after the expense of enforcement is deducted. Will The Faculty Kick Through? -By ARDEN X. PANGBORN Now that the passage of a week has made broaching the subject of registration less physically dangerous than it was a few days aco, a pertinent inquiry concerning this most grievous of university functions suggests itself. Here’s the question: , Why won't the college sniff meet the student half way? Why should department heads, professors and their as sistants sit in comfort in their hidden away nooks and cran nies all over the campus while the student chases about in ■an almost hopeless game of hide-and-seek trying to get signa tures? Registration is no fun, not even for the freshman who gets a kick out of almost everything—for the first week. A simplification of tin* procedure is a boon alike to the faculty, registrar and student. The move to McArthur court this year was a step in the right direction. The process was greatly speeded up despite the addition of more cards to be filled out and more red tape to go through. The spacious floor of the igloo easily accom modated the cheeking booths, the cashier’s office and the idesks of the dean of men and women. If the faculty members were to move their quarters into the outer hall of McArthur court for the registration period and arrange their class rolls there, the average student would be diilv grateful and, no doubt, would in gentlemanly spirit ignore the severe sacrifice to professorial dignity. Students could call for their registration material in the morning. The first few hours could be reserved for conferences concerning courses and for temporary arrangement of pro grams. The rest of the first day and the morning of the next could be devoted to the final registration, checking and extraction of $19.75. As many of the students know almost exactly wliat their courses will be. conferences could be eliminated to a large extent. This would cut the average enrollment time to less than one day—and a much easier day than one of running (Continued, on Page Two) Broken Bones Cant Keep Loyal Oregon Woman From Game It took more than a broken bone, a bruised leg, and sundry cuts to keep one loyal rooter from attending the Stanford-Oregon game hero last Saturday. This loyal Webfoot was Miss Thirza Anderson, a reporter on last year’s Emerald. Miss Anderson, who did not at tend the University this year, jour neyed from Klamath Falls for the sole and express purpose of seeing the game. Thursday afternoon she had the misfortune to be run down by a bicycle. Her fall was such that the injuries sustained were quite serious, and it was found necessary to remove her to the Pacific Christian hospital, al though it was not discovered until Friday that bones wero broken. Doctors finally gave in laughingly to her pleas, and Saturday after noon, armed with a bright yellow chrysanthemum, she was driven and carried to Hayward field, where she at once became an excited and loyal Oregon rooter. It was evident that her injuries did not include any damage what soever to her vocal chords or to her live Oregon spirit. Tennis Tournament Now in Full Swing The first elimination matches of the fall tennis tournament for Ore gon women were played Monday afternoon on the University courts with the following results: Blanche Griggs was defeated by Irene Green baum, Helen Detrieh by Virginia Mynard, Grace Vath by Malhalah Kurtz, Mary Steinhauser by Beat rice Phipps, Henrietta Steinke by Alice Wingate, Frances Haberlack by Lucille Murphy, Louise Hulls by Caroline Haberlack. This afternoon at four o’clock the following matches will take place: Jean Bell will meet Irene Green baum, Virginia Mynard, Beatrice Phipps; Malhalah Kurtz, Alice Win gate; Lucille Murphy, Caroline Haberlack; Jane Cochran, Gladys Haberlack. The tennis tournament has at tracted many entrants among them Louise Hulls, the German scholar on the campus this year. Miss Hulls has had very little practice in this sport, but is very enthusiastic over the game. Miss Hazel Prutsman, acting dean of women, has also de cided to enter. Further results will be given in the Emerald tomorrow. Wetjen Selects Three Former Students as Leading Fictionists Of eight fiction writers selected in a recent news, article by Albert Richard Wetjen as leading men in this field in the Pacific North west, two are graduates of the Uni versity of of Oregon and another is a former student. The graduates are Robert O. f'asc and Ernest Hay cox, and the former student is Edi son Marshall, now an noted novel ist. All took work In the short story department hero and were promi nent in writing while on the cam pus. Mr. Wetjen describes Marshall as a writer of considerable talent, Case as a man of considerable ability, and says Haycox has done very creditable work. Of the eight, two others are from the state of Oregon These are Charles Alexander, of Al bany, and Ben Hur Lampman, of the Oregonian, Portland. James Stev ens, well known in literature now, has also spent much time in this state. Mr. Wetjen himself is described by Prof. W. F. G. Thaclier, head of the short story department of the university, as a writer of genuine merit, and one of the best in the west. Rooks Elect Henkle President of Class Oregon State College, October 8. (P. I. P.)—Clark Henckle, Portland, has been elected president of the freshman class here. Helen Reid received the most votes for vice president, Marjory Reynolds, the largest number for secretary, and George Reese was elected •treasurer of the class. For yell leader, Rob ert Burke received the largest num ber of votes, and Charles Bergensen was voted the office of sergeant-at arms. Hugh Biggs’ Father Dies After Long Illness Circuit Judge Dalton Biggs of Ontario died Saturday afternoon after an illness of several weeks, lie was the father of Hugh Biggs, past student body president who is at present taking post graduate work in the law school. Judge Biggs had served three terms in the ninth district and last spring was nominated by both par ties in the primaries for a fourth term. Smith? Hoover? Sunday Movies? EMERALD’S PRESIDENTIAL STRAW BALLOT Preference for President: Herbert Hoover (R). Alfred E. Smith (D). Norman Thomas (Soc.) Thomas Varney (Pro.) Sunday Movies: For ... Against . Name. Fate of Open House Is Near Question To Live or Die Tonight; Heads Meet Tlir» open house question will either live or die tonight. Heads of all organizations will meet this evening at 7 o’etoek in room 1 of Johnson hall to deride upon some definite plan. A number of suggestions have been submitted during last week, but have now been boiled down to about two alternatives. Some houses favor com plete abolition of the traditional open house night, and others approve of a modified plan where two evenings will be taken for the “going around” process. Perhaps the most plausible sugges tion is that submitted bv heads of the women’s organization. Their plan provides for an open house af fair for house presidents, pledges and hew students on the campus. Students point out that the latter plan accomplishes the old open house purpose—that is, getting new students acquainted—and still eliminates all the confusion and tiresome effects. Tennis Drawing For Donnt Meet Conies at 2 p. m. Harrison and Lockwood Ready for Real Action; Made Summer Record With football deafening nil, with only 16 signatures and heaps of fina weather to stall awhile, Coaeli Abercrombie has decided to post pone tho final tennis drawings in the intramural class until this after noon at 2 o’clock. Meanwhile a slip will bo posted on the bulletin board in tho men’s gymnasium under the charge of Henry Neer. These matches arc only open to players who have not competed under Oregon colors in any inter collegiate tennis tournaments. As soon as tnesc contests are under way the varsity doubles tour nament will volley into action. Har rison and Lockwood, tlie big Bills of Oregon, will again team up. These boy3 have been making an enviable record in tennis circles all along tho coast this summer. Among tho now material this year is Boh Hoogs, youngest of tho fam ous Hoogs brothers who represent tho University of California. Then there is Don Hagen, Portland star from Lincoln high school. Gordon .Taosson, ranking junior in the Cali fornia tennis tournaments, who is favored to win in the semi-finals, is another. Despite tho fact, that the gym classes arc well filled tho sessions are running along smoothly. With tho fine weather indoor workouts arc being replaced with socer, out doors. Wrestling and boxing classes are being held Monday, Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday from 4 to 6 o’clock under tho tutelage of coaches Earl Dutch Widmer and Herman A. Gower. Handball courts aro jammed daily with many adherents. The swimming tank comes in for much punishment those days witli all the splashing and noise of mer men. I Straw Ballot Oil President Race Slated i I ■ -. * Campus Vote To Be Taken On Hoover ami Smith's Standing at University, Do You Want Movies In Eugene Sundays? Contest Will Be Run This Week, Closing Friday With flip formation of two poli tical groups on tlio campus in the past week, tlio “A1 Smith-for-Presi dont” and tlio “IToover-for-Prosi dont” clubs, the bid for the Oregon collegiate vote has been started in earnest. The Emerald, starting in this morning’s issue, will hold a straw ballot to find out which of the four candidates for president is the most favored on the campus. Because of tlio interest in the Sunday movie question which is coming before the Eugene voting public on November (>, the ballot has also been made to include this issue. A ballot box lias been placed in tlio main library and interested parties are asked to fill out the ballot on this page and deposit ,it this week. The contest will run until Saturday when the final re sults of the political pulse at the University will be announced. No New Proposition Straw v*tes have been conducted all over the country at every elec tion in the past decade and always result in considerable doping out of how the campaign will swing in cer tain sections. With the. closo of registrations on Saturday, October (1, about 90 per cent of the students on the campus eligible to vote were signed up, it has been estimated. Republicans havo named William Adams as president of their club and Hugh Higgs was selected to head the Dem ocratic organization. These two clubs have already commenced their activo campaign to swing votes for Hoover and Smith. Norman Thomas, Socialist presidential candidate, and Thomas Varney, Prohibition party nominee, havo no organized groups supporting them here, but may poll a few votes in the Emerald’s con tost. To Study or Not? Because of the intense campus interest in the Sunday movie ques tion which is coming up at the No vember elections on the city ballot, the Emerald is also including this phaso in its straw vote to find out what the students think of the pro posal to have moving picture shows open on Sundays as well as the other days of the week. All students registered in Eugeno are eligible to vote on this ques tion. Sunday movies have long boon a thorn in the side of University officials and students and have aroused considerable interest now that they have been placed on the ballot. It is not necessary to vote for presidential preferences and also on the movie question in this straw ballot, but students are urged to hand in their opinions on ono or both questions. Voters’ names must be signed to the ballots or they will not be counted. Youngest Freshmen Find Campus Place to Realize Their Ambitions Mias Edith Marcia Monro lias the distinction, of being the youngest woman enrolled in the University of Oregon this year. She will be “swoet sixteen” on the 20t,h of this month. Edith was graduated from Eugene high school last year. She is not particularly fond of sports nor does sho care for the study of science. She is majoring in lan guages with the intention of teach ing Latin and French. Edith, having attended Eugene schools sineo entering the eighth grade, is thoroughly imbued with Oregon traditions and Oregon fight. Edith said, “I’ve always intended to go to the University of Oregon, and now that I’m here I’m not the least bit disapp&inted.” On March 17, 1912, the youngest boy on the campus, David Carnalran Williams, was born. David is a typical Irishman with black hair ’ and blue eyes anil as happy-go-lucky a disposition as could be exported of an “Irisher” born on St. Pat rick’s day. Ho entered the Univer sity from Lincoln high school, Portland. A scholarship prize of $225 was awarded David as the best student in the high school; his record being thirty-five terms of E. David is gifted in versification. Ilis ballad, "The Sea Eight,” jvon second prize, a “Hook of Modern Verse,” collect ed by itittenhou.se, in the poetry con test. David worked on the high school paper, the Cardinal, for throe years, starting as a reporter with rapid promotion to feature editor. Although David possesses literary ability, he has enrolled in the school of architecture. He intends to enter into business with his father, an , architect in Portland.