Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 26, 1928, Final Edition, Image 1

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Not Prohibition
Needed, Maddox
Bratt System of Sweden
Cited as Example for
Government Control
By William P. Maddox
No reasonable man will object if
seme one proposes that a national
investigation be undertaken to de
termine whether our laws of capital
punishment are actually ;i deterrent
te murder nor will he likewise op
pose a consideration of alternative
methods which may be in use in
other countries. The great majority
of people are eager to reduce the
number of murders and their only
disagreement lies in the fact that
some believe an extreme death pen
alty and others a life imprisonment
would be more effective.
Prohibition presents a similar prob
lem. Many fairmindecl people be
lieve that drunkenness is a social
problem capable of some regulation.
But some believe that methods
should be absolute and drastic as
at present and others that they
should be moderate and reasonable
in the face of human nature. In
any event, we should in view of very
strong opposition to the present
laws, and in the best interests of
society, permit and approve a thor
ough-going investigation of the
working of these laws and of the
more reasonable regulations in effect
Prohibition in Minority
Of all the countries which adopted
some prohibition as part of the war
and post-war psychological and
economic, conditions, and they in
clude eight of the nine provinces of
Canada, Norway, Sweden, Russia,
Finland, Turkey and the United
States, only two, the United States
and Finland, and one lone province
of Canada, still maintain the system
in spite of accumulating evidence in
both countries as to their lack of
success. But no country which has
repealed prohibition has gone back
to the open saloon; each has substi
tuted governmental operation or
strict governmental regulation of a
non-profitbearing social corporation.
Perhaps the system which has had
the most success is that known ns
the Bratt plan in Sweden. The pro
hibition movement is of long stand
ing in Sweden, but a vote of its
members shows that Dr. Ivan
Bratt, a 'physician who believed he
could regulate the traffic by another
method and was given a trial, con
verted more than 000,000 ardent ab
solute prohibitionists to his system
of control after only five years of
experience from 1913 to 1918.
Bratt set out to help Sweden to
become temperate, not to compel
them by law to abstain. This is
vhat. he has achieved. He lias re
duced national consumption of alco
hol by estimates ranging from 27 to
40 per cent; he has reduced drunken
ness by 49 per cent; he lias reduced
annual deaths from chronic alco
holism from 110 to 10; and crimes of
violence have decreased by about 45
per cent. And this all in the space
of ten years! Meanwhile, her neigh
bor state, Finland, strictly prohibi
tionist, has four times the per cap
ita arrests for drunkenness as does
What is the secret of the Bratt I
system? He says it is partly human
nature, if you tell a man ho can’t I
drink, he will find it an adventure]
to do so, whereas if you permit him !
reasonable quantities, his interest]
declines. First of all, then, the sys
tem permits a general ration of pur
chases from centrally controlled
stores, which are regulated by the
“motbok,” a booklet with detach
able slips upon which the owner
must sign his name. Secondly, use
of alcohol is denied to confirmed al
coholics and those known to abuse
drink. And thirdly, all private1
money interest in the industry is,
removed by the establishment of a
monopolistic but humanitarian cen
tral control, in which stockholders]
are guaranteed 5 per cent only and ;
the balance going to the govern
ment. There are 120 distributing:
centers, which permit no drinking i
on the premises and in ^addition i
there are licensed restaurants and j
taverns which may sell wine and
beer with food.
Prosperity Causes Mooted
The systems in effect in the vari
ous provinces of Canada vary some
what but in each spirits are sold
only through government retail
stores, for which in four provinces,
permits are required. Quebec per
mits wine in restaurants and a few
other provinces allow beer to be sold
in taverns or at grocers in addi
tion. Several of these systems have
restrictions as to quantity and all
prohibit sale to those known to
abuse drink.
There lias been no searching in
quiry of these Canadian systems
but one is needed, as their problem
(Continued on page four)
Name of Very Host
Student on Campus
To Co in This Frame
, »oa HNCtt.m
1 *i TMf, tUIU H
j A/ltB. miH.u
This is a duct ion. of the special
art liookplati designed for the Em
erald by Ah Lawrence, senior in
architecture, i! will distinguish the
low award of i' mt $d0 in books to
go to the bes all ’round student
on the campus. {
The honors council, headed by Dr.
C. V. Boyer of the English depart
ment, is now working on the elimin
ation of secondary candidates. They
expect to make their final decision
as soon ns the honors examinations
arc finished next week.
H. Hall R. O. T. C.
Honors Student
Officers Board Decides
Yearly Award -
Henry “Heime” ITnll, Chi Bsi
from Portland, has been selected by
the board of K. O. T. 0. officers ns
tlie honors student from the military
department’s group of graduates
this year. He was picked from
among the 11 cadet officers who
will receive commissions of second
lieutenants with tlieir military di
plomas next Monday.
The board of officers consisted of
Captain F. M. Moore, Captain Clar
ence Bragg, Lieutenant George F.
Herbert and Colonel William S. Sin
clair, ox officio.
“In view of liis grades made in
this department and his abilities
shown during Iris time here, Hail
was selected as the most deserving
student,” declared Colonel Sinclair.
The award carries with it exemp
tion from the mental entrance tests
for the regular army. Hall is ex
pecting to follow a military career.
William C. Rutherford, one of the
11, has been awarded Hie position
of second lieutenant at the C. M.
T. C. camp at Fort Lewis this sum
mer. The appointment is for 30
days. ,
The 11 graduating cadet officers
to be given their second lieutenant
commissions at the last ceremony
Monday are William C. Rutherford,
Wavde A. Rutherford, Wilbur E.
Read, Earl J. Racss, John R. Keat
ing, Eugene C. Howe, Ileury W.
Hall, Verne O. Folts, Marvin M.
Cone, William R. Brown, Robert F.
Benjamin. Edward T. Johnson and
Carl M. Brode"son have already re
ceived their commissions. July 2d
Francis D. Welt, Walter A. Erick
son, Kenneth E. Martin, Walter R.
Padrick, Mark M. Taylor, and Carl
E. Williams will receive commissions
at a ceremony at Vancouver bar
Kallege Knights Plan
To Produce Columbia
Records This Summer
Strains of music drift upon the
air. It. is George McMurphey and
l.is “College Nights.” This summer
Oregon students, no matter where
they are, will probably he dancing
to it or paddling in rhythm to the
tunes on some nearby water just as
they do in college, for George and
his well-known band are going to
record this summer for the Columbia
record company.
The eleven members, all Univer
sity students, will leave for Seattle
as soon as final examinations are
ever, where they will do the record
ing, and also play at MeElroy’s
Spanish Ball Room there.
The first record made by the
giouf) will be released June 22, it
has been announced. This orchestra,
so familiar to all of the Oregon stu
dents, is said to be the only Univer
sity orchestra recording records in
the count1-;’
Seniors To Attend Tea
At Alumni Hall June 10
An entirely new feature of Com
mencement Week will be introduced
this year. Sunday afternoon, June
10, Dean and Mrs. Elmer L. Ship-ell,
and Dean Virginia Judy Esterly will
give a tea for the men and women
graduating, from 4:00 to 7 o’clock
ii_ Alumni hall.
Filial Action *
On Assistants
Up To Regents
Throe Business Ad Men
Selected To Fill
Instructor and Assistants
Recommended By
English Head
Many recommendations for ap
pointments to teaching positions in
tlio University will be acted upon
by the board of regents at its next
session, .Time 11. Additional names
have also been added to the list of
graduate and research assistants for
1928-29 recommended to the gradu
ate council.
Three specialists in business ad
ministration work have been select
ed to fill the remaining vacancies
in the school of business administra
tion. Those leaving the staff are
Dean E. 0. Robbins, Acting Dean
Franklin Folts, "both going to Har
vard; Professor A. S. ICingsmill, who
is returning to Harvard to work for
his doctor’s degree; Rov ,T. Bullock,
who has accepted a position at Johns
Hopkins University, and Victor E.
Rtorli, who will go into accounting
practice in Oregon. »
Those recommended are E. L.
Moser, John M. Rae, and James T.
Brown. Professor Moser will come
ns associate professor in business
administration and will specialize in
finance. He received his bachelor’s
degree at Grinnell College in 1920
and received the degree of master
of business administration from the
Harvard graduate school of business
administration. He has been an in
structor in English at the American
University of Cairo, Egypt, and as
sistant professor of finance at the
University of Kansas.
Rae From Wisconsin
Mr. Rae comes highly recommend
ed by Harvard University, where
he has been studying in the graduate
school of business administration,
lie will be associate professor of
business administration. Rae gradu
ated from the University of Wiscon
sin in 192.T and received his master
of administration degree from Har
vard this year.
Brown is recommended for the
position of assistant professor of
business administration. He received
his bachelor’s degree from De Pauw
University in 1926. He will receive
the degree of master of business
administration from Harvard this
David Eaville, recommended dean
of the local school for next year, has
interviewed and highly recommends
these men.
Two assistant professors and one
instructor have been recommended
for appointment to the University
English staff by Dr. C. V. Boyer,
head of the department.
Edward Leach, for assistant pro
fessorship holds bachelor’s and mas
ter’s degrees from the University of
rilinois and is now taking his doctor
of philosophy degree at Princeton.
wiuiamson Assistant irruiessui
George Williamson, named as tlie
other assistant professor, is a gradu
ate of Stanford University, holds a
master’s degree from Harvard, 1925,
and will receive his doctor’s degree
from Stanford this year. Mr. Wil
liamson has served as an assistant
professor at Washington State Col
lege and has spent two years in the
same capacity at Pomona College,
Robert D. Fnner, who is taking his
master’s degree at the University of
Iowa next month, will be an in
structor in English. lie did his
graduate work at Alleghany College,
The law school will recommend P.
V. Harper, professor of law at the
University of North Dakota and an
expert on labor legislation, to a po
sition on the law school staff here
and to the position as editor of the
Oregon Law Review. He has been
highly recommended by prominent
lawyers and professors of law
throughout the country.
Dr. Nelson L. Bossing, professor
of education, who has spent the last
year in Portland with the University
extension division, will take over
the work of Dr. Ilarl Douglass, in
the school of education at Eugene,
for the coming year. Dr. Douglass
will spend the year at the University
of Pennsylvania, engaged in re
Assistants Named
The, latest list of graduate and
reasearch assistants that have been
appointed to serve at the University
for next year contains the following
names: Lloyd M. Collins, at pres
ent dean of men at Kansas State
Teachers’ College, graduate assistant
(Cont inued on page f our)_
Oregon Weight Men Meet Aggies at Corvallis Today
This quartet of tracksters will put the shot and throw the javelin ancl discus when the Webfoots meet
the Beavers today in the last dual meet of the season. Left to right: Captain Vic Wetzel, who faces the
Aggies for the last time, climaxing a colored athletic career for Oregon. George Stadelman, sophomore,
serving his first year on Hayward’s team. Homer Dickson, new performer on the campus who formerly
starred for Southern Oregon Normal school of Ashland. George Stager, lettered discus thrower, who should
place against the Orange and Black cinder artists. i
Co-op Rebates
Total $1,734.85
Inventory Low; No Spring
Sale; McLain in East
{Students have been profiting by.
the University Co-Op this year, it
is shown by statistics given out by
Marie (i. Hadley, bookkeeper. Re
bates from the University Co-Op to
students tli is year amounted to
$1,734.85, an increase of $75.87 over
the refunds of last year, and an in
crease of $588.21 over the discounts
allowed in 1924.
Although the Co-Op has been in
business only eight years, the vol
ume of sales has increased rapidly
each year. Following are some com
parisons of the net sales:
2nd year .$53,122.33
3rd year . 54,556.03
1th year . 61,399.98
6th year . 71,949.21
Tli is year . 76,928.88
There will be no spring sale this
year, according to report of the Co
Op. A sale is not necessary be
cause stock lias been cut down to
a point where it can be conveniently
carried until next fall..
Usually the Co-Op has to carry
many books which were unsold dur
ing the year, and which form an
overstock. Some of these books are
returned to the publishers, costing
freight and handling charges. This
year by efficient work on the part
of tlie stock clerk, the overstock
has been cut considerably. It is
$3,000 less than that of last year.
The Co-Op employs six persons
full time, and several students part
time during the year.
Many ticket sales have been
handled by the office staff during
the year, such as football, basket
ball, Junior prom, concerts, etc.
M. F. McClain, manager of the
Co-Op, is at present in Atlantic
City, attending the College Hook
Store Association convention, ns a
representative of the Pacific. Coast
College Book Store Association, lie
is expected to be home in ISugene
about May 28.
Strawb’ry Sundaes,
Dances, Thursday
Night, Says W.A.A.
Twenty cents, and as many nickels
as you want to (lance on, spells tlie
Strawberry Festival. It happens
next Thursday evening, from 0:110
to 7:30, on the old tennis courts
between the commerce building and
Oregon building. George McMur
pliey and his Kollegc Knights will
furnish the music of the hour.
W. A. A. authorities say “no
date,” so you only need twenty
cents, for one sundae (unless you
can consume more). All extra nick
els mean that many dances.
Thu Strawberry Festival, the third
annual one sponsored by W. A. A.,
is the place for everyone next
Thursday evening, and there will be
no dessert served in the houses that
W.A.A. To Have Picnic,
Sweaters To Be Given
W. A. A. members are giving a
wiener roast tonight beginning at
(i:00, when all are to meet at the
Woman ’s building to go to the
Betty Summers, chairman of the
affair, wishes each girl to bring her
own lunch, preferably taking wein
ers and buns. Girls who can get
canoes will paddle up the mill race
to the Portage and others will hike.
After a swim The athletic awards
will be given by Mary Jo Shelley
to the girls who have earned sweat
ers and letters through many hours
of hard work.
Yellow Fang To Yowl
Six Pages W orth of
Scandalous Oozings
A week from today the campus
will lie agog'. Murders, suicides and
the breaking up of many happy
homes will be only a. few of the
minor ontnstrophios in Eugene. What
were thought to be merely platonic
friendships will be revealed as much
more serious. ,
Local courts will be filled with
libel suits. Editors and staffs will
go to jail. Everything on the Uni
versity of Oregon campus will be
chaotic. You ask me why? Oh, yes,
we forgot to mention it. The
“Yellow Fang” of Sigma Delta Chi,'
well-known “scandal sheet,” will
make its appearance next Friday
morning, June 1. Save your dimes.
You may want to buy up the entire
Art Sclioeni, local southpaw, is
writing some of the “dirt” with his
left hand, dial Nooe is managing
the issue and Dick Syring will see
that they fall into the hands of
every student.
Italia Lost In
Frozen North
Dirigible Long Overdue;
Wireless Messages
Fail To Come
(Tlv United Press)
KINGS BAY, May 26.—Tears for
the safety of tho polar dirigible
Italia, under command of Goenral
l mborto Nobile, wore intensified
rarly today as hour upon hour passed
with no word coming out of the
frozen north where the ship appar
ently at the mercy of arctic storms.
The Gitti de Milano, mother ship
(if the polar dirigible, lost wireless
contact with the Italia at. 11 a. m.
Friday and since that time the great
dirigible’s whereabouts have been a
At 3:05 a. m. today the Italia had
been away from its base 70 hours
and .10 minutes, a time which was
considered alarming in view of the
fact it was believed since Nobile’s
fuel suuply must be running dan
gerously low, if not actually ex
hausted. t
Dirigible experts remaining here
were uncertain as to the exact time
that Nobile’s fuel supply might last
in view of the uncertainty of the
storm condition. More fuel prob
ably would bo consumed, they
pointed out, if the ship was bucking
lit ad winds.
Women’s Dean To
Study for Degree
Year’s Leave of Absence
Given Mrs. Esterly
Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly, dean
of women at the University of Ore
gon, has been granted a year’s leave
of absence during which time she
will study for her M. A. degree at
the University of California. This
summer Mrs. Esterly with her two
daughters, will spend in La Jolla,
California. She will enter California
University in the fail.
Miss Hazel Prutsman, assistant
dean, will be acting dean of women
during tlio school year 1928-29 while
Mrs. Esterly is away.
Mrs. Esterly assumed her duties
as dean of women at Oregon in tho
fall of 1923,
Abercrombie To
Sail For Europe
Tennis Team May Have
Trip Into Japan
Edward E. Abercrombie, varsity
tennis and swimming conch, will
leave the campus Monday, May 2S,
for a trip through Europe, lie will
take in the American zone finals of
the Davis cup tennis matches before
he sails from New York, June 2d,
on the transcontinental liner, Ma
He has been given early leave
from the' University in order that
he may interview the Japanese ten
nis players at Chicago. He hopes
to make arrangements with them
for a trip through Japan next year
for the tennis team.
If necessary financial backing is
procured, a four man tennis team
will tour Japan next year, playing
college and club teams.
The Davis cup matches will be
held at the Chicago Town and Ten
nis club, June 1, 2, and 3. Ameri
can and Japanese players are doped
to meet for the zone championship.
“Abbio” says that he will “do
Europe.” lie will include in his
journey the Davis cup finals in
Paris, July 27 to 2S), and the Olym
pic swimming finals at Amsterdam,
August 4 to 11.
Not content with taking a trip
himself and making plans for a ten
nis tour, Abercrombie also plans to
get in touch with the Japanese
swimmers to arrange for a Swim
ming trip. He will endeavor to plan
the swimming tour in collection with
the proposed tennis trip, or inde
pendently the following season, lie
plans to return about the middle of
Men To Compete For
Jewell Prize Thursday
Finals of the Jewett men’s ex
tempore speaking contest will be
held Thursday night, May 31, at
8:00 in room 107 Villard hall. Win
ners will receive a total of $00 to
lie divided in $30, $15, $10 and $5
Seven men, who will have been
selected as the best of the 115 in
the introductory and extempore
speaking classes of .1. K. Ilorncr and
A. H. Uahlridge will compete. All
have not been determined so far, but
will have been chosen by Thursday.
“Crime” is the general topic, which
will be used, with drawings for spe
cial subjects to bo made in 103
Sociology at 7:00. Ten minutes will
be allowed for each speech.
All members of the speech classes
will be required to attend the meet.
The judges are yet to be chosen.
Last year there was no men’s
meet of this typo on the campus,
but the two years previous Jewett
extempore contests were held.
The women had the opportunity to
show their speaking ability last
Wednesday night, when Florence
McNerney took $20 as the best
speaker in the Jewett for women.
[Glee Clubs To Sing
In Twilight Concert
Immediately following the wom
en’s pageant, the flow and fern
procession on the women’s quad
rangle, Saturday night, June 9, the
combined glee clubs of the school of
music under the direction of John
Stark Evans, will present a twilight
concert. Special work on this music
j lias been in preparation for some
FroslV Defeat Vi
Rooks By 68
To 53 Score
Second Relay Meet In
Two Weeks Develops
Another Win
Sicgimunl la Oregon Star
Despite Ilia Poison
Oak Handicap
For tho second time in two weeks
Hie Wei (foot freshman einderpat h
adherents have handed 0. S. C. rooks
(lie short end of the score. Yester
day on Hayward field the frosh had
the most markers from the finish of
the first race, the 100-yard dash,
to the end of the relay. The final
score stood (IS for the frosh and 5t!
for the rooks.
‘‘Bill" Hayward, Oregon’s track
coach, called his shot Thursday when
he said that the meet would lie won
before the relay. ITe didn’t say who
would win. Yesterday, when ques
tioned about the Webfoot-Bcavor
varsity meet at Corvallis this after
noon, he said the same thing, that
the meet would be won before tho
relay. Ho didn’t sav who would
win. .
Siegmund Wins
Tt was an inspired bunch of frosh
that took the field against the rooks.
It might have been because they
won from the rooks in Portland two
weeks before and were determined
to repeat, or it might have been
because a certain frosh star, ill with
a severe case of poison oak, begged
to be allowed to enter regardless
of consequences. Edward Siegmund,
the frosh in question, donned Iris
track suit and won both tho high
and low liurdles.
Two other frosh stars came
through the afternoon’s perform
ance in excellent shape. Lowry,
dash man, took both tho century and
the 220-yard sprint, and then gath
ered in a second place in tho broad
jump. Ralph Hill, miler, who was
expected to have trouble beating
Garrett, the star four-lap man of
the rooks, simply walked away from
his man in the last quarter, winning
the race by more than HO yards.
The varsity meet with the Beavers
at Corvallis at 2 o’clock this after
noon will bo one round of excitement
after another. According to the
dope available, the Oregon Staters
have tho edge, but it is so slight
that it may take the relay to decide
tho meet. With Cyiwfojd back, into
shape, running the high aud low
hurdles and high jumping, Oregon
can \ unt on n few more points.
sure romt-u-etters
The sure-fires are McCulloch in
the liif>li ,jtiin|>, Wetzel in the jave
lin, and Crowley in the polo vault.
Ross and Standard can ho expected
to rake in a few points in their
various events, and Kelly always
comes through with some markers.
If MeKittriek is on the 880-yard
run can he put down in Oregon’s
favor right now. Bredthauer is
nearly certain to win the broad
ju mp.
Results of the frosli-rook meet:
100—1. Lowry, fresh. 11. Tuttieli,
fresh, .'i. Hill, fresh. Time, 10 flat.
880—1. Johnson, rook. 2. Mullin,
rook. H. Milton, rook. Time, 2:04.3.
220 1. Lowry, fresh. 2. [fill,
fresh. 3. Tuttieli, fresh. Time, :22.1.
High hurdles- 1. 8iegmund, fresh.
2. Otis, rook. 3. Wood, fresh. Time,
: 16.3.
440 - I. Anderson, frosh. 2. John
son, rook, 3. Vinacke, reek. Time,
Mile—1. R. Hill, frosh. 2. Garrett,
rook. 3. K. Hill, rook. Time, 4:30.4.
High jump- I. Kvorts, frosh. 2.
Kit/.miller, frosh 3. Otis and Me
Kalip, rooks. Height, 0 feet.
Shot put-—1. McGilvary, rook. 2.
Hall, frosh. 3. Dudficld, rook. Dis
tance, 41 feet Yj inch.
Pole vault—1. Maltby, frosh. 2.
Murphy, rook. 3. llendcrshot, rook.
Height, 11 feet, 0 inches.
Low hurdles—1. Siegmund, frosh.
2. Cosgrove, reek. Time, :26.0.
Broad jump—1. MeKulip, frosh. 2.
Lowry, fresh. 3. Heiberg, frosh.
Distance, 22 feet lYj inches.
Discus 1. Hall, fresh. 2. Larson,
rook. 3. McCloud, reek. Distance,
123 feet, 3 inches.
Javelin—1. Hanley, rook. 2. Ma
kiuen, frosh. 3. Heiberg, frosh. Dis
tance, 154 feet, 7 inches.
lielay won by rooks—Mullin, Mil
ton, Vioacke, Johnson.
Varsity Lineup
Varsity entries for today’s meet
at Corvallis:
100 dash—Ross, Kelly, Prender
880 — MeKittriek, Overstreet,
220 — Prendergast, McKennon,
High hurdles—Crawford, Kelly,
(Continued on page two)