Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1928, Sports Section, Page 4, Image 12

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N.W. Net Title;
Prospects Indicate Rid
For Coast Honors
Next Season
In introducing tennis, ns n major
sport on the Oregon campus, the
1928 Webfoot varsity has won the
pionship of the
The two meets
in which the Ore
gonians have met
conference teams
i n t, h i s section
have turned out
decidedly in favor
of Oregon; Wash
ington falling by
a 5-1 score, and
the Aggies from
Corvallis shut out
without a win;
score, 0-0.
Two early season mods wore lost,
to Stanford and California by 5-1
scores, but until time to go south
the Webfooters lias not boon able to
secure a single practice outside Mc
Arthur Court, without which, ac
cording to Coach Edward Aber
crombie, Oregon could not have boon
in condition to moot even the teams
of tha Northwest.
Necr Stayed at No. 1 Post
Henry Noer played throughout the
year as No. 1 man. Probably the
highlight of his play this season was
his defeat of Herrington, Stanford
ace, and fifth national collegiate:
player. It: was the second time in
his two years of varsity experience
that he hail beaten a Stanford star,
having conquered McElvenny in the
conference tourney held here last
year. He will return next year and
should prove himself one of the
leading college players of the
flare Hartman and Howard Shaw
jockeyed about throughout the sea
son between second and third posi- :
tions. Both men won their matches
against Washington and O. S. C.
Hartman paired with Neer in the
California matches to score a victory
over the first Bear doubles team.
Dick Edge Plays No. 4
Dick Edge played fourth man on
the squad, won his letter and paired
with Shaw, won his doubles matches
with O. S. C. and the Huskies.
Til Peterson, Tom Cross, and Bill
Powell were other players of ability
on the squad. Peterson won his sin
gles match with the Aggies, but due
to the change in requirements, will
not receive his “O” this year.
Two Ecttermen Graduate
With only two seniors, Dick Edge
and Bill Powell, missing next year,
and with the crack material coming
up from the freshman team, Oregon
should stand fair to better any team
on the const next year. Brad Har
rison, singles champion of Oregon,
Washington and British Columbia,
has also been enrolled in school this
year and will be eligible for confer
ence competition in 192!).
All in all, here’s the list from
which Coach Abercrombie will be
forced to pick his next varsity ten
nis team: Neer, Shaw, Hartman,
Cross, letfennen ; and Harrison, Al'm
quist, Lockwood, and Peterson.
That’ll make more than a few of
the coast conference tennis coaches
worry a little the coming season,
won’t it?
An interesting sidelight on the
Oregon-Oregon Aggie matches dur
Gifts for Commencement
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Oriental Art Shop
On the Balcony 1026 Willamette St.
Until June 15 a special discount of 20 per cent will
l>c given on all purchases
ing the time Abercrombie has been
here is the imposing record the Web
footers have made During the past |
three years, Oregon lias won a grand
total, of thirty matches while the \
best the Stators could do was to
come out on the long end of but
four. At least it’s interesting from
our point of view. ,
(Continued from page one)
n:a! school at Monmouth managed
to slip over enough runs to lead the
fiosh 5-3 at the end of the first of
a series of two games.
The next day, with Vernon Arn
ett doing the best pitching credited
to any frosh liurler throughout the
season, the yearlings drubbed the
normal team 11-0. Arnett pitched
six innings of no hit- no run ball
and two singles in the seventh were
all that prevented a perfect record
for him.
A wild, one-sided first inning cost
the frosh their first game against
the O. S. C. rooks. Dave Bloom,
(pitcher, lost control of his fast
curve ball, walked four men and
let the Aggie batters get two hits.
The five-run lead thus gained by the
rooks was good as gold until the
seventh inning, when the frosh tied
the score at 8-8. The Oregon year
lings had had their spree, however,
and failed to score, while the rooks
piled six more runs to win, 14-8.
In the second meeting of the frosh
and rooks there was doubt until the
last strike was called as to the out
come. The frosh managed to
squeeze through with a 17-10 vic
tory. A home run l>v ITande in the
first half of the ninth brought in
three scores ahead of it and placed
the freshmen far enough ahead to
The third and fourth tilts went to
the Aggies, the first by a 14-9
count and the second by a one-run
margin^ 13-12. In these tilts as in
the two other series games Spike
Leslie was forced to use every
pitcher on his staff, even pitching
Clinger, left fielder, in the last
game. Olinger did some pitching in
high school.
A trio of infielders, who with a
little experience, should give varsity
men a hard run next year arc A1
Ililgers, “Frannie” Andrews, and
Harold Blackburn. They play sec
ond, short and third, respectively.
Koke Smith at first base showed an
aptitude for the game but lacked
the snap characteristic of the rest
of the infielders.
Ilande and Ilorncr, outfielders,
displayed an ability to hit the ball,
literally and figuratively, through
out the season. Hande got two home
runs and several singles and doubles
We Appreciate
The opportunity we have had during the past
year to—
Serve Your Food Needs
And Remember That
We will be more than glad to help you figure out
your food problems of
Next Fall
Our plan will save you money in the long run
Table Supply Co.
Eugene’s Food Department Store
while Horner wns fast in the field
and fairly consistent, at bat.
Pitchers on the frosh squad were
not of the outstanding variety^ but
with a good deal of work some of
them might develop into capable
men. Dave Bloom, credited with
more loses than any of the other
pitchers, has more stuff than any
of the others if he can learn to get
the ball under control with greater
Vernon Arnett, slow ball pitcher,
may show better next year after
this year’s experience. This is only
his second year as a pitcher.
George Chappel, Cordis Barbar,
Fred Basehe, and Frank Long make
up the remainder of the pitching
staff of this year’s frosli team.
Southern Cal Awards
Sweaters in Sports
23—P.I.P.—At t!ie banquet of the
Circle Varsity club Monday night
in the Student Union building,
sweaters were given to the members
!of this year’s golf, swimming, ten
nis, and water polo teams, as well
as the initiation of the twenty now
pledges of the. organization.
The Circle Varsity clnb is com
posed of members who are active in
some minor sport and who have been
awarded the Circle S. C. letters. The
20 new members all played last
season on one of seven minor sport
squads. Swimming, tennis, golf,
1 water polo, ice hockey, fencing and
[ rifle teams all contributed to this
year’s pledges.
You have been sqvfare with us and we thank you for your
patronage. J ,
A square deal has always been our motto. Ask any house
We wish you success and happiness this summer and we
will be here to serve you this fall. , jr
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Letters Reflect Personality
lfow important to tlu* impression which letters
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display shows a wide variety of styles—there's one
for every taste.
reason to be proud of your achievement.
Keep on with the same industry and de
termination which brought you the covet
ed sheepskin—you’re sure to reach the
same success in the work you have chosen.
Again—congratulations and good luck,—
we’re all for you.
Gifts for the Graduate
Those of us who remain share the happi
ness of commencement time. Let your
gift express your true friendship—your
wishes for continued success to the friend
who wears the cap and srown—and reflect
your own good taste. You will find here
a wide selection of r^ost appropriate pres
ents. You may wish to take advantage of
this selection to fill your own needs.
How often you hear some one sav, “Oh, I wish I
had a picture of that! Tf I only had a kodak!”
What vivid memories will be recalled by snaps of
college pals, and of these many events which come
with commencement. And that vacation trip, too
-—kodak as you go.
We can furnish kodaks in all popular styles as well
as complete accessories and supplies. Our develop
ing and printing service is hard to beat.
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