Praise Given Rockefeller Attempt To Dismiss Chief Earns Oil Magnate Good Name fPv United T’rPSfl'' WASHINGTON, May 10.—Senate Teapot Home investigators today praised John I). Rockefeller, Jr., for his attempt to oust Robert W. Ste wart ns head of the Standard Oil company of Indiana, as United States Attorney Leo Rover prepared to ask a grand jury here today for a perjury indictment against the oil man. Rover, noting on senate orders re sulting from the same eireumstnncos which caused Rockefeller to act in the house cleaning attempt, said l.e would go before the grand jury today to lay before it the record of Stewart's conflicting testimony be fore the Teapot Home inquiry. Sena tors Thomas J. Walsh, of Montana, and Gerald I’. Nye, of North Hako ta, the directors of the investigation, applauded Rockefeller’s action, ex pressing their belief that in it lay a fulfillment of hope for a general drive to clean up the business. Walsh, the prosecuting attorney of the original Teapot Home inquiry of 1923-24, as well as the recent ony ] into the Hontinental Trading com-! ] any deal, which finally disclosed Stewart's one-fourth participation [ in mysterious profits of $3,000,000, noted that Rockefeller’s act followed immediately upon a U. S. chamber, of commerce advocacy of a house cleaning. Speculation centered to day on possibility of success of the (lister movement. Senate observers , pointed out that Rockefeller told the Teapot Home committee two months ago that the holdings of his family and the various Rockefeller founda tions amounted to. less than 20 per cent of the total of the stock of thej Standard Oil company captained by St ewa it. Senator Walsh's statement said lie loped “that, at last the business' world is waking up to the enormity! of the offenses which have been re vealed.” “We are utterly at a loss in every sense if such conduct may pass mi ll linked ns well ns unpunished,” Walsh said. Senator Nye congratulated Rocke feller on the stand taken, adding that “there is probably some room for complaint that such action was not token sooner.” R. D. Horn Is Guest Of Extension Class A dinner in honor of Robert D. Horn nml Mrs. Horn, wns given nt You Find the Date and the Flowers Then Phone 1970 and we’ll brinp the two to pe! her with dispatch Pacific Messenger Service (lie Anchorage on Wednesday eve ning. May 9, by ttie members of Mr, | Horn’s evening extension classes of I Eugene. Mr. TIorn is leaving after the summer session for the east, where he expects to get his master’s de gi ec. Dan Clark To Speak At Portland Center The annual dinner of the faculty ot the Portland extension center will be held on Saturday evening, May 12, at the University club. Dr. Dan E. Clark, assistant direc tor of the extension division, who has just recently returned from the rest, where he attended the conven tion of the National Association of University Extension Divisions, will address the group on “The Present Movement in University Extension and Adult Education.” Technicians Course Provokes Interest The laboratory technicians course which is being planned by the Port land extension center will definitely materialize, according to Alfred Powers, dean of the extension divi sion. Requests for* information have belli coming in from Washington, Idaho, and all parts of Oregon, ac cording to Mr. Powers, and all in dications point to a large enrollment. Linen I Knickers Will Get Dirty \ I Youf white linen knickers will per sist in getting dirty. The only and the best way to keep them white and clean is to phone 825 New Service Laundry MOTHER’S DAY Send Her Flowers Tlit» beauty, the fragrance, the romance of flowers serves as no other means does to carry your message of love and devotion Corsages for visiting mothers Hoses, carnations, sweet peas, snapdragons Extensive selections in bouquets Member of the Florist Telegranh Delivery Association vmrxz-- * .. neeassm Chase Gardens Florists Conner Broadway and Oak Phone 1950 v ..-.". v:..:.. .;ai!i;ui;;illisi:i.,1 Over 100 Actors On Senior Play Midsummer Night’s Dream Elaborate Affair Pup tn tho intense work which the presentation of “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” the 1928 eommeneement play, is going to take, Miss Wilbur has found it. necessary to turn her freshman class o^r to Harriet Haw kins, student of drama, for the rest of the year. The class is busy now, working on “Alice in Wonderland,” a play which they hope to present at Guild theatre srine time before school is out. Miss Hawkins has had several leads, most ly character roles, in the plays given this year. “I have every confidence in Har riet’s ability to jiandlo my class, for besides being capable in the drama work, she is most dependable,” Miss Wilbur said when she announced the appointment. The production of the Shakespear ean play is going to involve more work than has ever been demanded by any previous production. The entire east will include approximate ly 100 students. Rehearsals will be difficult to manage since there will be three distinct groups, the actors, the dancers hnd fairies, and the mu sicians. Mendelssohn’s “Overture” will be used by the members of the Univer sity orchestra for the musical atmos phere. A stage, which will accom modate sixty musicians, will have to be erected over the race. Miss Wilbur has been working out a tentative sketch arranging for the two stages gnd the bleachers. After conferring with Madame McGrew, the drama director will name those who will have song leads. Leads for the play, which will be given .Tunc 8, have beer, appointed and are now holding early rehearsals. The list of dancers and fairies will be completed soon, and work on the various groups will get under way. The play, as it is being planned, will be one of the most colorful rpd ef fective performances ever given at the University. UNIVERSITY OF WASHING TON, Seattle, May 10— (P.I.P.)— Vernon Louis, professor of English at the University of Washington, whose As easy to remember as your A. B. C.’s— For •good service and clean clothes CALL 2-5-2 The Domestic Laundry Whitman’s Candy Jimmy Baker,‘22 Says —“We’ll wVap and mail Mother’s Day candy to any place in the world. Just drop in or phone, and* we wijl do, the rest. Eugene, Oregon Frocks Take Many V* To Smartness This Summer Season Pleats, tucks, contrasting bands, ruffles, tiers and drapes — all of these are ways to Fashion approval this spring and summer. A score of modes appeal for every occa sion. Plain Colors—Prints Bright shades and pastel tones —-they are both included,, as well as gay, individual prints that are a favorite of fashion. Lace—Ruffles—• Draperies Soften the Line 13 A decidedly feminine tendency is apparent in frocks of every kind— particularly georgette and chiffon tends toward softer, flattering lines. book “Main Currents of American Thought’’ won the $2000 Pulitzer award, has spent In years on the work, and has written a history of American culture from 1620 to 1860. His prize was the highest award offered. Pageant Will Depict Magna Cbarta Signing ° ° 0 ° ® o o « — UNIVERSITY OF WASHING TON, Seattle, May 10—(P.I.P.)— Produced for the first time in the United States, a pageant depicting the signing of the Magna Charta will be presented in the University Pavillion at the convention of the For Sale or Rent FULL DRESS SUITS and TUXEDOS University Tailor 1128 Alder American Bar Association here July 20, the dramatie art department an nounced Monday. Aviation Department Possible at U. C. L. A. U. C. L. A., Los Angeles, May 10 — (P.I.k)—That the United States, navy department favors the estab lishment of a ground school of avia tion, possibly in conjunction with the University of California, at Los ' Angeles, was indicated last week by a communication received from officers of the department, at Washington by Harry Tafe, presi dent. of the aero club here. “The navy department is anxious that a ground course be established in the city of Los Angeles which will give the instruction necessary before af student is allowed to take flight training,” the letter stated. Lieutenant A. P. Flagg wrote it. in reply to pertinent inquiries by Tafe. An Artistic Photograph i Is a Joy Forever We Make That Kind Telephone 1697 for Appointment Kennell-Ellis Studio More Than a Store - An Institution Phone 2700 —— Phones In All Departments Here’s the Newes. Combination XX Plan Value cAt-Home •! jc '■ - v- * i As Cheerful As Though a Ray of Sunshine Was Sewn In Every One A Wealth of Materials, Colors, Trimmings, and Patterns Makes Selection a Pleasure Every At-Home Frock is made of material produced by Marshall Field & Company, Wholesale. Such well known quality fabrics as “Scotch Dundee” Dimity, “Crystal” Batiste, and“Brighton”Cambricwere printed in cheerful, summery designs and colors exclusively for this occasion. They have smart individual touches in Organdie, Dotted Swiss, and Broad cloth trimmed collars, sleeves and pockets. Many have gay ribbons and contrasting colored piping. This Combination XX Plan brings yon another quality Item at a great aa ing. All At-Home Frock* were produced for us and thousand* of othcrmcrchants coopera ting oa this Plan. E Six Styles In spired by the demands of American Women Sizes: Misses,Small, Medium, Large NOW ON SALE EUGENE’S OWN STORE