I Student Total ; Rises To 4087 All Oregon’s Enrollment Increased by 1,000 Since 1924 Full-time enrollment at the Uni versity of Oregon, including the Eu gene campus, medical school and ex tension divisions in Portland, and correspondence work, has reached the total of 4,087, it is announced here. This figure means an equivalent of that many students taking 15 hours j of work each term for the school! year, and is not the total of indi vidual students. In order to arrive; at the figure, the credit hours of! extension and correspondence stu-1 dents were added and the total divided by 45. Summer school stu- ■ dents carrying full schedules were' counted as one-half of one term, or six summer session students counted as one full-time student. This shows a marked increase from 1924, when the total was ,'1,075. Much of the increase is shown, in extension and correspondence work, since the I regular campus enrollment icreased during this time from 2,443 in 1924 to 3,131 in 1928. Inereirse in total enrollment is 36 per cent, and since much of this increase is due to ex tension and correspondence, a much higher ratio of idividuals is being reached by the University. In the year 1924 campus enroll ment was 2,443, summer and post session at Eugene equalled 64 full time students, Portland summer ses- j sion equalled 77, Portland extension! equalled 102, and correspondence! study equalled 172. Medical school j was approximately 225. In 1928 the i campus enrollment had increased to I 3,131, summer and post-session at J Eugene equalled 110, summer session ; at Portland equalled 129, extension j classes equalled 313, and correspon-! deuce, 181. Medical school enroll-! ment, which is limited, remained at j 223. Standards at the University have i been consistently raised during this period also, it is pointed out, and thus the increase is attributed to student^ wh$,q,re taking th«>,business, of getting an education seriously, and to those who are unable to at tend on the campus, but who are continuing their studies by extension work and by correspondence study. -‘ | Dispensary To Treat Week-end Casualties The dispensary will be open over' Junior Week-end, as usual, to care for all casualties sustained during the events on and off the campus. Fainting,”bruises, and small cuts, the latter consisting mostly of “mixtures of blood, paint and dirt,” are the types of cases treated most during, this time, Ur. Fred N. Miller, Uni- j versity physician, said yesterday. No serious injuries have resulted j from Junior Week-end accidents in J previous years, according to Dr. Miller. With the discharge of three pati ents and tli'e admittance of another the infirmary population has de ceased to six. Those under the nurses’ care are: John Walker, Al fied Taylor, Robert Luckey, Arnell Gillett, Stanley King and William Baker. Kathleen Clarke, ’25, Has Book Published Mrs. Kathleen MoNeal Clarke (Oregon, 1925), has just had her first novel accepted by tne Macauley Pub lishing House of New York, and the publishers have contracted for two more books. “Under the Skin,” which is the title of the book, is a psychological r evel of race mixture. The scene is laid in Hawaii. Mrs. Clarke has taught school in Oiegon for several years. She has had several poems and plays pub lished, but this is her first novel. She took much of her University work by correspondence. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Mrs. Clarke is now at work on her second novel. Frederick J. Libby Coming Here June 1 Frederick J. Libby, executive sec retary of the National Council for the Prevention of War, is expected to bo on the campus about the first of June. While here Mr. Libby will be entertained by the local branch cf the"*eouncil, of which Professor Edgar E. Du Cou is president and W. P. Maddox secretary. A lunch eon or dinner will probably be given m his honor. Exact details will be printed at a later date. Mr. Libby’s visit is looked for ward to with great expectation, for he is well known all over the coun try as being active in building up peace societies. Cap and Gown Orders Must Be in by May 15 Orders for commencement supplies must be in before May 15, is the Warning to-, seniors . issued iky -’the Co-op. The extension of time is being given because orders have been coming in very slowly. The Co-op urges seniors to enter their orders for commencement sup plies at once, and avoid the incon venience occasioned by delay. HOUSE PRINTING — “Our Printings is always delivered when promised” Eugene Printing Company^ Guard Building 1047 Willamette Street ou like it ,'Good music—good food and fast service. You like to eat here and we like to have you. Come in. Lundy’s Have You a 100.000 Mile Car or a 30.000 Mile Car You can have either one at the same price—if you will do just one thing One may runs a ear 100,000 miles and spends very little for upkeep. Another man runs the same make of ear 30,000 miles and it's ready for the junk heap! Any engineer will tell you that the difference usually is not in the ear, but in the way you lubricate it. For lubrication is the life of a ear. But don’t just have your ear “greased.” If you want a sweet-running ear have it Alemited! There is a vast difference!.... McGinty’s Service Station Telephone 201 Broadway and Pearl I Will Call For and Deliver Your Car Madame Schumann-Heink Seeks Successor In Some American Girl Some of the younger generation, and to put it more pointedly, some University students who sigh for a Utopia of perpetual vacation, or who look forward to middle life and old age as a haven of surcease from labor, have little in common with Madame Schumann-Heink, the fam ous contralto, whose farewell pro gram will be giveu in Eugene this evening. At sixty-six, and after a career of half a century, Madame Schumann Heink has no desire for the prover bial slippered ease; but remarked to a friend who commented on ITer abil ity to still sing opera roles: “Wily I am not old. I am as happy as a child to think I can still do the parts of ‘Erda’ and ‘Frickn’ in Wagner's great operns, but I don’t think it is anything phenomenal. I hope to do it ten or twenty years from now. One cannot afford to get old today. You would miss too much that is wonderful. I expect to see the day when aeroplanes are as popular as automobiles.” So, with the termination of twenty-eight years of concert sing ing in America, Madame Schumann Heink plans to teach young Ameri can girls the principles and technique that have made her famous and to foster the production of amateur operas in the smaller cities of the United States. Through the influ ence of community choral and opera organizations she believes that moral conditions as well as the popular American taste for music will be im proved. “Let them all come together,” she declares in a formal statement of her plans, “and sing—not jazz, but the great musical compositions, and we will sec a proportionate decrease in the lawlessness, anarchy, hip flasks and degrading tendencies that arc now noticeable.” Madame Schumann-Heink is now searching for an American girl to whom she may pass tlio finer points cf her art. Of the qualifications the girl must have she says: “She must be the contralto, an j unspoiled American girl to whom I shall teach all the secrets of my art. She must be a worker. She must be intelligent. She must have great art. When I find such an American girl I shall teach her as I would my own daughter; anil I will love her' too as my own.” Madame Schumnnn-Heink intends to instruct the girl who has these i requisites in the subtleties of telling the poet’s message with faithfulness end conviction. The Eugene program of Schumann-Heink, to be given on ' May 18, at the McArthur Court, will include numbers for wTtich the singer has won fame through this interpre tative quality. Students who wish to attend may present their' student body tickets at the Co-op now and obtain regular admission tickets. Miss Hardeman, the Kentucky violinist, who for five years played solos with Sousa ’s band, will be the assistant artist on the concert. Geology Grad Wins Columbia Fellowship Granting of a Columbia University fellowship to Don Fraser, Ashland, a graduate of the University of Ore gon department of geology, has been announced by Dr. E. T. Hodge, pro fessor of economic geology. Fraser, one of thb outstanding students in We Now Serve Strawberry Shortcakes With Whipped Cream 15c Electric Toastwich Shoppe 786 E. 11th St. Don’t Forget a For Mother’s Day Remember Her with a Gift That Lasts We Have Just Received The New $35.00 Wrist Watch Which has created a country-wide sensation. See all the new models in our window. An ideal gift for mother. Come in and let us show you K:'J/ Al Wear a Laraway Diamond Seth Laraway Diamond Merchant and Jeweler * With colorful flocks of printed cotton or linen, the all-white shoe, or white with a touch of harmonious color is exceedingly smart. We arc now showing many different patterns in straps and tics the department here in the class of J 1927, has been instructor in geology at Occidental College, near Los An geles, California, this year. “The work which Fraser will take up at the New York institution holds much promise for future recognition in this line,” saill Or. Hodge. Fraser's fellowship is the second granthd by Columbia university to a 1 1927 graduate of the local depart-1 ment. Eugene CalUighnn, Beaverton, lias been at Columbia this year work ing under p similar fellowship. Accounting Problems Discussed by Speaker William II. Anderson, accounting controller of the Lipntan and Wolfe company in* Portland, talked to the ■ members of Beta Alpha l’si, profes-j sionnl accounting fraternity, Thurs-' day evening on the general prob-, bins of accounting in a department store. The talk followed a banquet in Mr. Anderson’s honor at the Anchorage. ‘ Also COMEDY NEWS NOVELTY CONTINUOUS PRICES REX MUSIC John Evans To Give Recital in Portland John Stark Evans will go to Port land this week-end in order to give an organ recital in the now Jewish Synagogue, Temple Beth Israel, on Sunday afternoon. Tho organ in stalled there is the largest organ in the northwest and is of the same make as the one in the school of music auditorium. Goodwill— —is the disposition of the well pleased customer to re turn to the place where he has been Well treated You will find good will here— COME IN Buster Love’s mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmamam TODAY and The Greatest Saturday Comedy Ever Made! You’ll laugh, you’ll scream, you’ll roar at this comedy of War Days an(J Pari sian Nights. I cjf Comtdfj Cbssk *fllktr2km 'Plirisian