Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    F. E. Foils Takes
Harvard Position
Second Business Ad Dean
To Leave Oregon
Franklin E. Foltg, assistant (lean
of the school of business adminis
tration at the University of Oregon
for several years, has accepted a
position as professor of industrial
management in the graduate school
of business administration at Har
vard University, it was announced
here this week. Professor Folts has
been acting dean here for the past
year, taking over tho work of Dean
E. C. Robbins, who was away on
leave of absence.
Professor Folts will work with
Dean Robbins at Harvard in the
field of industrial management.
Dean Robbins resigned recently here
to accept the place at Harvard.
Folts Oregon Graduate
Professor Folts graduated from the
University of Oregon in 1919, and
in 1920 was made instructor in the
school of business administration. He
received his degree of master of
arts in 1923, and in 1924 became as
sistant dean of the school.
At Harvard Professor Folts will
continue research studies started
here, particularly in the field of in
dustrial management. Much of his
time will be in research, ho states,
and tho results of his findings will
bo available for the University of
Oregon as well as Harvard.
In collaboration with Professor A.
B. Stillman, Mr. Polts has written a
textbook on interpretative account
ing that is soon to be published. He
has also written for periodicals and
professional magazines.
The present accounting system
now in use in the school of business
administration here is the work of
Dean Bobbins and Professor Polts.
Both men have also assisted for sev
eral years in the annual short course
held here for commercial secretaries.
School Heads Praised
The rapid growth of the school of
business administration here is held
to be largely due to Professor Polts
and Dean Robbins. Enrollment has
increased from .1415 in 1924 to 462 at
the present time, and during this
period standards have been steadily
raised. The graduate school has also
shown marked progress during this
Officials of the University are
warm in their praise for Professor
Polts, whose Work on committees
and in other activities has also been
Both Professor Polts and Dean
Robbins will remain here for sum
mer session, and will offer courses
in the school of business adminis
Argentinean Lead*
Second Golf Round
(By United Press)
SANDWICH, England, May 10—
With all the American leaders in,
Jose Jurndo, of Argentine, led the
field in the second round of the
open golf championship today with
an aggregate of 146.
Walter Hagen and Gene Snrazen,
of tho American team, were tied
for second place with 148.
Wild Bill Mehlhorn, the leader
yesterday with a 71, shot a 78 today
for an aggregate 149. Hagen scored
a splendid 73, but it was. of no avail
against the heartbreaking pace the
I quiet Argentinean machine gun set.
Tommy Armour of the American
| team and Douglas Grant, Anglo
; American amateur, passed out of
i the tourney with mutual aggregates
1161—16 strokes behind Jurado. John
J McHugh, San* Francisco, and Bob
Stupple, Chicago, also were elimi
Tax Bill Delayed by
More Amendments
ress toward a vote on the tax bill
in the senate was delayed today by
a new amendment by Senator Cara
way, democrat, Arkansas, proposing
a fifty cent tax on every $100 on
futures transactions in wheat, cot
ton, and other produce exchange.
The amendment was a substitute
for tho one Caraway advocated yes
terday calling for a tax of ten cents
per $100. It exempts from the high
tax, however, all cotton and grain
dealers ho swear to carry out their
contracts by actually delivering the
Caraway’s amendment was defeat
ed 24 to 47, after an hour’s debate.
The senate then adopted a finance
committee amendment restoring a
tax of one per cent per $100 on
futures produce trades. This was
eliminated in the house bill.
Kapowsin, Washington,
Swept by Huge Fire
(By United Press)
TACOMA, Wash., May 10—Fire i
of undetermined origin swept Ka
powsin, HO miles southeast of here,
early this morning and wiped out
in its entirety the principal business
block of tho town. This loss was
estimated at between' $40,000 and
$50,000, largely covered by insur
Engine company No. 11 of the Ta
comt fire department rushed to the
scene in 40 minutes following an
appeal for help, but it was tpo late
for any service, the flames having
completed their work of destruction;
Flyer Plans Non-stop
Frisco-New York Flight
est Smith, first civilian to fly to
Hawaii, announced today he was
having a plane built for a non-stop
flight from here to New York, a
feat heretofore unaccomplished.
(Continued from page one)
ends later the second ambulance
came speeding up Sixteenth street
and suddenly seeing the first one
parked in the middle of the street,
the driver stepped on the brakes
ami skidded his car for several feet.
He was going with such speed that I
he was unable to stop before tearing
the rear bumper from the first am
Spring Frocks
$13.50 and $16.75
Margaret Coldren
Third Floor Miner Building
f?iiilimiiiimmfmiiiimiHimiimimiimHHiiimiimmiiiiiiiiiniiltii«mmiii!iii!ii>ii!!i!imim! iinmiii !• hmmiiim w mn: ..w . 1 a a : •« .niiiiHinr
Let’s Go For
A Ride
Crack another funny one. Just imagine anyone taking
us any place.
Well, why let that worry you? Taylor has cars for
rent that will far outclass these campus cars. What's
more, it is just as reasonable to rent as to own one.
Phone 2185
Special Week Day Kates to Students
Joe McKeown
Swings Gavel
., __i
Problems Are Presented
By Retiring President
• •
I At the summons of Donald Beelar,
i retiring president of the student
! body, the retiring officers marched
j before the audience to' make their
I farewells at the 11 o’clock assembly
! yesterday morning. ' Heading them
was Herbert Socolofsky, viec-presi
I dent during the past year. The chair
man then summoned in the recently
j elected officers, headed by Joe Mc
“1 feel like a condemned man,”
Heeler remarked before the installa
tion, “beause of this custom that
obliges every retiring officer to tell
Vi hat he did or didn't do.” The ex
president felt .extremely grateful, he
said, for the confidence that has
been placed in him by the: University
of Oregon.
Briefly he outlined the problems
which the new officers would have to
face during the coming year—build
ing programs, the problem of fin
ances. In regard to the latter, lie
presented the fact that every time
Oregon ‘State College, has an income
of $1000, that of the University of
Oregon is only $800—making an an
nual difference 1 of approximately
$.100,000. Beelar is of tile ojiiniou
that there is nothing to justify such
a huge balance in favor of O. S. C.
Other problems that the retiring
Classified Ads
FOR SALE—A good canoe, cheap.
1915 Fairmont St. 2
Phone 349
City Barber' Shop & Beauty Parlor
Odd Fellows Bldg.
7 ROOM HOUSE, half block west
■of University campus oil 13th St.,
conveniently arranged for renting
rooms;, in first class condition.
Call at 849 E. 13th or phone
Springfield- 73-W. - - ' • -1
IMP I ISO WANTED—Theses; term 1
papers, etc. Experienced stenog
rapher. Paper furnished, one car
bon copy free. Attention given
to spelling and punctuation, if de
sired. Public Stenographer, Eu
gene Hotel. Phono 228-J, . Res.
phone 1175.
SMALL, shaggy, black dog answer
ing to name of “Topsy” is lost
again. Will finder please call Kay
Talbott, at- iW-i-n * - :
Mother’s Day
Imagine 1 lie thrill mother
will get to find a ..lovely
corsage at her plate
by telegraphing' them
University Florist
Thirteenth and Patterson
Phone 054
president presented are the keeping
of committees alive, and keeping
politics cleap., Iu spite of the A. S.
j (J. O.’s difficulties, Beelar still
' thinks that politics at the University
of Oregon are far cleaner than at
middle-west schools.
“I want to thank you sincerely for
the high office to which wou have
elected me,” were the first words of
Jce McKeowri arter taking the oath
of office as new president of the
student body. “I will give you the
best I’ve got,” lie said in retiring,
“and I’m sure the other officers
will do the same. I hope we can
prove ourselves worthy of the of
fices as Don Beelar and his admin
istration have done.”
During the last ten minutes of as
sembly, Christine Holt introduced
the visiting Japanese dolls which
l ave been displayed on the campus
for the last two days.
Whitman May Queen
To Be Elected Soon
Walla, May 10—(P.I.P.)—The elec
tion of the May Quoen will be held
the latter part of this week. The
queen this year will be chosen from
. lie senior class, whereas before she
could be chosen from any clasS in
college. The votes arc 25 cents i
each. It is expected that there will
bo much competition among the
sororities for the queensliip.
Senior Orators
To Win Awards
Failing - Beekman Prizes
Amount to $250
Prizes totaling $250 will be award
ed winners of the Failing and Beek
man Oratorical contest, which wil
lie held during commencement week
This is a senior contest and five
have already signified intentions ot
competing, says J. K. Horner, pro
fessor of public speaking.
Becanse of the valuable and worth
while money awards offered, it is
hoped that many will write orations
and enter the contest.
Any member of the senior class
who is enrolled in the classical, sci
cntific or literary courses of the
University, is eligible to try for the
first prize of $150, known as the
Failing prize, or the Beekman award
of $100.
All orations must be original and
they Will be judged oil the basis of
originality of subject, the style of
treatment and the manner of deliv
Money for the awards is derived
from a gift of $2,500 from Henry
Failing of Portland and $1,600 from
Ci C. Beekman of Jacksonville, the
interest being used to encourage ora
tory in tlie senior class.
' It is planned that the judges will
bi three University alumnae chosen
Surprise Mother with a
Piece of Jewelry
Mother’s Day only comes once a year and.it is the
appropriate time to give her a token of your affection.
Our large line of jewelry will make it easy to select
a gift.
_ 790 Willamette
iT'S % * ! 1
Bargain Shoe Store
Formerly Buster Brown Store
921 Willamette Street
Women’s Novelty Pumps
for dress and street wear;
See these splendid values
Cuban or French ..heels.
Bargain Shoe Store
Wherever you go
—whatever you do—golf, dance, swim, ride—the most
successful finale is a cooling drink or a bit to eat. You’ll
find the Peter Pan has the best fountain specials served in
booths that are cool
Cor. 10th and Willamette
fiom those present for the com
mencement exercises.
Mr. Horner asks that as many as
possible make efforts to compete.
They should see him as stftm as they
make their plans to do so, as he de
sires to keep a record of all pros
pective competitors.
Sand Island Object
Of Compromise Bill
WASHINGTON, May 10—Senator
; C. C. Dill, democrat, Washington,
has introduced a compromise bill in
:the senate which is designed to end :
the controversy between Oregon and
Washington :»* to possession of Sand
Island at the mouth of the Columbia
The bill would divide between -the
two states the* fund of more than
$400,000 collected by the federal
government stipulating it shall be
used for the propagation and pro
tection of fish in both states. Fu
ture revenues would be divided and
expended by the Oregon and Wash
ington fish and game commissions.
in front of
This Week’s
Hottest Tunes
(Hear them on our Electric Demonstrators)
Gene Austin Sings—
Romona—Girl of My Dreams
So Tired—Tomorrow
Maurice Gunsky’s Newest Hits—
Romona—Desert Song
Paul Whiteman, the Incomparable
When You’re in Love
Little Log Cabin of My Dreams
Sherman,play & Go
West Broadway
The May Stores, Inc.
Formerly J. C. Brill Stores
(Ax Billy Department Store)
Observe Mother’s Day,
Sunday, May 13th
—The sweetest day of all the yar is the day on which
tribute is paid to the most wonderful person in the world
—One form of showing your true affection for dear
mother is to remember her with something appropriate—
gift merchandise, of course, is always acceptable.
—Just an inkling:
New, Chic
Kidskin Gloves
$2.98 and $3.50
—Very simple cuffs impart a
5 mite of sauoiness. to these
g-loves, which your youthful
mother will adore. The fact
they are the celebrated
“Fownes” make is your as
suranee they are correct in
every respect.
Lovely Washable
Gloves, Pair 79c
To §1.25
—Their silk finish give them
a distinguishing air. Varied
colors and patterns.
New Silk Moire
Handbags $2.98
—They qualify as Mothers’
Bay gifts because they have
so much charm about them.
Choice of amber, brass and
nickel embellishments, in de
lightful styles. They take to
such fashionable colors as
brown, tan, navy, grey also
Leather Purses
Are 98c to $6.90
—A bag with clever angles is
a favorite with our modern
mothers. So varied are the
styles that it would be con
fusing to define them in
Some Fragrant
—Will delight her, whether
she's young or older. If you
know her favorite sceut, give
her that, in a brand that is
good. In attractive bottles.
—Three Flowers, $1.50
—Coty's, Priced at $3.50
—Djer Kiss, $1.50-$1.95
—Hourbigant, Price $3.00
—Richard Hudnut’s Nar
cisse, Jasmin or Violet,
At $1.50
Georgette Silk
Hankies 35c
—If she is far away, tuck a
pretty hand painted ’kerchief
into the special delivery letter
she'll get on Mothers’ Day.
—Women's pure linen
handkerchiefs in white,
are daintily hemstitched,.
—Oil, yes, Marcel Caps
are much in demand.
Priced at 29c and 59c.
Women’s Dress Pumps,
tan, patent and kid;' val
ues in this lot to $7.85