Meet To Eat at the Pioneer’s Feet VOLUME XXIZL NUMBER 123 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1928 World News Events Today Chinese Divided Al Smith Quizzed Flood Bill Presented _by United Press._ Foreigners Endangered SHANGHAI, May 10.—The Japanese at Tsinan-Fu today at tacked the menacing Nationalists following a three-hour bombard ment and forced them to surrender, a dispatch received here tonight said. The Japanese offensive was said tr have completely demoralized the Nationalists, who suffered heavy casualties. A Japanese brigade enroute from Dairen to Tsinan-Fu also fought a pitched battle with the southerners at Koteim, 15 miles east of Tsinan Fu and forced the Chinese to retreat in disorder, after heavy losses. The Japanese had 25 casualties. They are reported to have split the Chinese army, one section of which is now crossing the Yellow river. The other section is in retreat south ward toward Tsinan-Fu. Hostility toward foreigners is increasing here and the Japanese authorities announced they will send marines outside the foreign settle ment if the menacing situation war rants it. C. C. Wu, Nationalist delegate, was ordered to leave Paris Thursday for Washington to confer with Sec retary Kellogg regarding the Tsin an-Fu situation. Smith Answers Committee NEW YORK, May JO.—The A1 Smith-for-President headquarters here has collected $103, 301 and spent $92,090.28, George R. Van ramee, Smith’s campaign manager, told the senate campaign investigat ing committee. Vannnmee’s detailed statement was submitted after Gov. Smith had put aside his big cigar for a quiet half hour on the stand in the hotel where the hearing was held. “I haven’t any plans for cam paigning,” Smith said. “I promised the people of this state when I was inaugurated governor that I would do nothing that would take time from the discharge of my duties as governor. “I told them I would be governor rf this state and that the job would, take all my time. “I don’t know anything about anything other than in New York City,” Smith said. “I just know my friends have been working here. You can get what they have done ficm them.” Flood Bill Up to President WASHINGTON, May lO.^Presi dent Coolidge received the $325,000, 000 flood control bill for considera tion and signature late today. The president is expected' to sign the measure, but approval may not be announced until late within the ten-day period allowed by law, be cause of the necessity for sending the bill to the justice and other de partments for study. Bremen Crew Start West CHICAGO, May 10.—The Germsfn Irish crew of the Bremen arrived at the municipal airport here at 4:55 p. m. today from Cleveland to the enthusiastic cheers of several thous and persons who had waited in the rain all afternoon to see the famous trans-Atlantic fliers. Ford Confers with Lindy DETROIT, Mich.—Henry Ford conferred with Colonel Chas. A. I indbergh on the airmans’ European flight plans within an hour after he returned from England today. The conference was held in Ford’s office at. Dearborn and dealt with Lind bergh’s project of using a Ford plane. The conference lasted about an hour but no announcement of Lind bergh ’s plans was forthcoming. Co-op Will Purchase Books After May 15 It w&s the intention of the Uni versity Co-op to begin taking in old books on May 10, but the date is to be extended to May 15, when it is hoped that all courses for next year will be settled upon, according to a statement issued yesterday. Because of the unsettled plans re garding a junior college for the cam pus next fall, and because of the numerous professors who are leaving this year, the Co-op has been unable to get complete lists of the books to be used next year. Nobile Plans Polar Flight in Dirigible As Wr cat her Is Good COPENHAGEN, May 10.—General Umberto Nobile plans to leave at 4 s. m. Friday in the dirigible Italia for the North Pole, it was announced here tonight. Nobile issued orders for a start at 4 a. m., after receiving a weather report from the meterological insti tute, Aauromsoe, indicating condi tions for a flight wool ’ ^ cellent. Mothers Will I Honored at Event Saturday Afterm - Is In Alumni Hall Most recent announcements in the plans for the Mothers’ Week end program, which begins on the campus today, center around the tea to be given Saturday afternoon and the special vesper service Sun day afternoon, according to Luola Benge, general chairman of the first University of Oregon Mothers’ Week-end. The tea, which will be held in Alumni hall and the sun porch of the Woman’s building from 3 to 5 Saturday afternoon, will bo given by both sons and daughters in honor of their visiti'ng mothers. Miss Benge especially stressed the invi tation to the men of the University, assuring them that they will enjoy the affair. All faculty folk and townspeople are also invited to the tea as guests. Music by members of Mu Phi Ep silon, music honorary for women, will be featured in Alumni hall at intervals throughout the tea hours, and will consist" of piano solos by Mary Clark, Virginia Hunt, Lois Everson and Bernice Bercovieli; vocal numbers by Mrs. Harry Scou gal, Gretchen Kier and Evelyn Dew; violin solo by Beatrice Wilder; and a harp solo by Emily Williams. Members of Mortar Board and It was expected Nob the Italia direct to tli in view of the fine weat he also had planned to Joseph land. O r St. ether prominent senior women of the campus will act as hostesses, and members of Kwama will servo. Doris Wells, in charge of the receiv ing line, has announced that the fol lowing will greet the guests: Mrs. Arnold Bennett Hall, Dean Virginia Judy Esterly, Mrs. Frank Chambers, Mrs. Elmer Shirrell, Mrs. Eric W. Allen, and Miss Hazel Prutsman. If the men of the campus who have their mothers as guests this week-end cannot be persuaded to come to the tea by any other means, the sherbet, wafers, and tea or cof fee should entice them, the commit tee believes. The vesper program has been planned to begin at 4 o ’clock Sun day afternoon, in order that mothers motoring back may leave as early as possible. The program will last a half hour. President Arnold Ben nett Hall will talk briefly during the vesper service, and Henry W. Davis, head of United Christian work on the campus, will preside. Two selections from the oratorio, ‘“Elijah,” will be presented by the combined glee clubs and Eugene Ora torio society under the direction of Eugene Carr, instructor in music. Emily Williams will give two harp numbers, and members of Kwama will usher. Margaret Nugent is in charge of the vesper program. Miss Benge wishes to stress, again, the fact that students should re serve seats for their mothers for the canoe fete, if they have not already done so, and also that they provide rooms for their mothers during their stay in Eugene, as these cannot be provided by the committee. Stu dents are also asked to see that their mothers are registered at the Ad ministration building this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Music Students Give Program Down Town Students from the school of music presented a varied program before the weekly luncheon meeting of the chamber of commerce, yesterday. IV ill Kidwell, ’27, who is in charge of music week in Eugene, gave a short explanation of the pur pose in observing a national music week, and then introduced the players. Madame MeOrew spoke on “Music for Everyone,” and gave a brief history of the music department at the University. Those appearing on the program were Kenneth Brown, violinist; Violet Mills, contralto; Lawrence Wagner, trumpet; John Mohr, baritone; they were accom panied by Vera Eatcliffe and George Barron. R. J. Moore Fatally Hurt In Accident Crash Results in Skull Fracture, and Brain Concussion Hilyard and 16tli Streets Scene of Collision; Parents Here Robert J. Moore, Chi Psi, of New berg, Oregon, died at 12:35 yesterday afternoon from a double fracture of the skull and concussion of the brain, received in an accident at Sixteenth avenue east and Ililyard street at 11 c ’clock yesterday morning. The mo torcycle on which he was riding seutli on Ililyard stieet collided with a car driven by Miss Harriet W. Thomson, professor of physical edu cation,,in the University, who was driving west on Sixteenth street. Moore was hurled about 36 feet through the air from the spor'where the collision took place before his head hit a water pipe sticking about two feet out of the ground. The force with which he hit. the pipo broke it off and threw him complete ly around. He fell against the house on the southwest corner of the in tersection. Miss Thomson Tells 'Story Miss Thomson tells the following story of the accident: “I was travel ing west on Sixteenth street and he was going south on Hilyard. I slowed up for the intersection as I always do because people travel pretty fast going out that way. I saw no cars coining and was just about ready to put on the speed again when I saw him flash into sight. I started to turn my car to the left to keep from hitting him. It seemed to me that he tried to put on a little extra speed to get by. His motorcycle hit the right front wheel and fendei of my car and turned it- over. He was thrown clear over the handle bars and landed under the shrubbery around the front of the house. I got out of the car as soon as I cculd. I had to climb out of the window. I rushed right over to where he was and had some one call an ambulance and the police. They came right away and took him down to the Pacific Christian hospital and then I went down and stayed there all afternoon.” Jackson Tells of Crash Bob Jackson, senior in tlie Uni versity, was sitting in tjie \Findow at his home on the opposite corner of the street from which the acci dent happened. He heard the im pact of the collision and looked out tc see Moore flying through the air. He and his mother rushed out im mediately and then pliontrd for an ambulance. Mrs. Jackson said that at first she did not know that there was a boy in the crash until Miss Thomson asked about him. The car driven by Miss Thomson had turned over on the motorcycle, completely revering it, and Moore had been throwh under the shrubbery next to the house. Moore was rushed to the hospital, where he died one hour and 35 min utes later. He did not regain con sciousness. Virginia Moore, Chi Omega, sister of Bob, was- notified immediately after the accident and phoned her parents at Newberg. They caught the next train and ar rived hero at 3 o 'clock yesterday af ternoon, not knowing of their son’s death until they had arrived here. No inquest will be held on the case, Coroner W. W. Branstetter an nounced last night, as it appeared that no one was at fault. Eye wit nesses of the accident reported that Moore, who was traveling fairly rapidly before he entered the street intersection, speeded up in an at tempit to avoid the collision. Miss Thomson was driving at a moderate rate of speed, it was said. Bob was 19 years of age. He was a sophomore in pre-law. His sister is the only other child in the family. He was a graduate of Newberg high school and three years ago was pre sident of the high school conference held here. Out of respect for their brother the Chi Psi's have withdrawn from participation in the junior week end festivities. The body will be taken care of by the Finley Under taking parlors of Portland. Com plete funeral arrangements have not as yet been made. Second Collision Averted1 A seaond serious accident was narrowly averted at the same spot. In the confusion attending the ac cident two ambulances were called and rushed to the scene. The first one to arrive stopped dTagonally across Sixteenth street. A few see (Continued on page two) Mary H. Perkins W ill Help Collect Words For New Dictionary _ Miss Mary H. Perkins, of .the Uni versity of Oregon English depart ment, is assisting in the collecting of words for the New American Dic tionary, under the direction of Pro fessor W. F. Ornigio, editor-in-chief, of the University of Chicago. Professor Craigie recently complet ed the Oxford dictionary, the new English dictionary, published at the I Diversity of Oxford press. The book went to the press in March, i and was the culmination of years of extensive research and labor. Then Professor Craigie came to America and is planning a dictionary, modeled on the same lines as the Oxford dic tionary, but having in it only Eng lish as it is spoken ill America, since the 17th century. This will include the “Americanisms,” “col loquialisms” and phrases peculiar to various parts of America. The words will be gleaned from the material printed since 1620. Miss Perkins will spend the earlier part of the summer reading pioneer material in Oregon searching for werds, and she will also seek words from the logging camps and other language breeding centers. The word list in this dictionary will be a tremendously large one, according to Miss Perkins, and it will proba bly be years before it is completed. Decorations On Prom Near End Dream Follies Pony Chorus To Be Feature The interior Sf the Igloo is fast assuming the appearance of an im mense Chinese temple. By tomorrow evening it will portray as closely as possible an ancient Chinese place of worship. A feature of the decora tions is a giant Buddha. This statue will stand twenty feet high and is about twenty feet thick at the base. It will be surrounded by hideous, glaring dragons, all lending to the great effectiveness of the quaint Chinese architecture. The pony chorus from the “Dream Follies” will furnish the feature for the prom, with two or three good numbers. The chorus was secured for the prom by Jane Cochran, in charge of the feature arrangement. “The decorations are very likely to be os much of a surprise to 99 per cent of the junior class as they will be to the rest of the campus,” said Ed Winter last night. The rea son for this statement is the poor turnout on the part of the juniors to help in the decorating. All juniors are urged to go up to the Igloo and give a little help on the job. Paul Wagner, who is in charge of the floor, plans to have an ideal dancing surface by Saturday night. The floor is being first cleaned with gasoline to remove all the dirt which has accumulated there since tfie last dance. After the dirt has been removed, a coating of wax powder will be sprinkled on the floor and will be worked over until a proper dancing surface is obtained. With Governor and Mrs. Isaac L. Patterson leading the list, a host of distinguished patrons and patron esses have been invited to attend the prom by Ethel Lou Crane, head of this committee. The other dis tinguished persons asked to be pres ent are: President and Mrs. Arnold Bennett Hall, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Gerlinger, Judge and Mrs. G, F. Skipworth, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Brown Barker; Dean and Mrs. John Straub, Mr. and Mrs. George Turn bull, Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly, Dean and Mrs. E. L. Shirroll, Dean and Mrs. James II. Gilbert, Dean and Mrs. H. D. Sheldon, Dean and Mrs. Eric W. Allen, Doan and Mrs. John F. Bovard, Dean and Mrs. F. E. Folts, Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Pallett, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Spencer, and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Oberteuffer. Dr. Taylor To Address Portland Class Tonight Dr. Howard II. Taylor, professor of psychology, will address the adult education class, Portland extension center, tonight on the “Psychology of Vocational Guidance.” NOTICE All freshman and sophomore men meet this morning at 10 o’clock at the railroad bridge on the mill race for the annual tug o ’-war. Freshmen numeral foot ball players and Order of the “O” men meet at the Phi Sigma Kappa corner. Freshmen bring brooms and lettermen have pad dles. Oregon All Set For Invasion Of Orangemen Today’s Tilt on Diamond Will Shake Existing Northwest Tie Aggies Described as Hard Hitting; Webfoots Said To Be in Form Northwest Conference Division Won Lost Pet. Oregon .. 1 1 .500 Aggies . 2 2 .500 Washington . 3 3 .500 By HARRY BUTTON The threc-eornere^ tie that exists between tho northwest division teams is due to go by the board this arternoon, w n o n the Webfoots and tho Aggies clash at 1:30 cm Rein liart diamond. When the dust has settled, Oregon will either be lead ing the conference or trailing it. The same thing goes for the Beavers. The strength of the two nines may be judged by the results of the Col Goliath” Epps miibia games. Oregon bent the cliff men during tlm fore part of Ibis week 15-7 and 0-2. Earlier in the season O. A. 0. lost to the Irisliers 11-9 in one game but came back in the second tilt to win 10-5. Aggies Are Hitters In the case of the Aggies this showing may not do them justice, for they are reported to have shown considerable improvement recently, .lorry Calhoun, Washington chucker, who has pitched two games against the Ags this season, winning one of them, believes Ralph Coleman has the heaviest hitting team in the conference, which makes up to some extent for their medi'ocrq pitching staff. Oregon has apparently hit its ; stride and the boys seem to be find | ing the apple and socking it with I great gusto. Ray Edwards is get ting especially adept at knocking it into the open spaces. In Wednes day ’s game with Columbia he con nected for two homers. And errors? The varsity succeeded in making but two in the Columbia tilts, both in the first game. This is consider ably different from the 1.1 chalked against them in the second Wash ington rampage. With elouters like Edwards, Epps. Gould, Ridings, McCormick, Mason, Gabriel, Robie, and Nelson, ambling up to the rubber for the Webfoots, and onion smashers of similar ilk for the Beavers, in the persons of Quayle, Belleville, Maple, Hammer, Logan, and Bauer, taking their cuts, the game should be an interesting spectacle to witness. It looks as if the old horsehide is scheduled to re ceive some real battering today. Pitcher a Mystery Coach Reinhart has not definitely decided who will start against the Aggies in the box. “Curly” Fuller and “Big Train” MacDonald are both raring to go for the opener this afternoon. Fuller is the likely man and will probably get the as signment, leaving tomorrow’s tilt in Corvallis for MacDonald. Cecil Gabriel is apt to get the call to catch although Tra Woodie will make a close bid for the job. Ira has been steadily pressing his sophomore competitor in the last week. The chances are good for Carl Nelson starting on first. Los Johnson may draw the berth, how ever, as he has been whetting up his hitting eyo of late. Gordon Ridings seems to be out of his slump. He’s fielding them and hitting them and he is getting on speaking terms with his heaving arm. He will begin at second. “Rabbit” Robie will cover the short lot. This snappy little fielder can’t be budged from his berth. Third Base Popular Third is another place where you have two guesses. One is Don Mc Cormick, the other is Dave Mason. It’s nip and tuck between them. Don has a little the edge at present be cause Dave is bothered with a sore arm. Don will probably start on the hot corner today. In the outfield Ray Edwards will cavort in right. In left field Dave “Goliath” Epps will likely do his (Continued on page three) Campus Day Starts ■ Annual Celebration Of Junior Week-end Full Program of Events Outlined for Today Witli Frosli-Soph Mix, Luncheon, Athletic Contests and Phantom Fete By RILL HAGGERTY Today the University easts aside the cares and worries of classroom work and prepares to take a whole-hearted part in the numerous festivities of Junior Week-end. The campus is favored with ideal weather, and bright smiles and spring attire are in vogue from now until tomorrow night when the grand social event, the Junior Prom, will be the center of attraction. • Starting with the frosh-soph mix at 9 o'clock this morning and ending with the Phantom Fete at 8:15 tonight, the campus day program will be filled with a succession of varied events. Painting the “0,” the tug-of-war, and the burning of the green lids will occupy most of the morning. The campus day luncheon holds sway from 11:30 to 1 :30, and two athletic contests will bo held in the afternoon, the 0. S. C.-Oregon baseball game at 1:30 and the Washington-Oregon frosh track meet at 4. Then the canoe festival in the evening completes one eventful day. Green cap men of the class of ’31 will be promoted from their lowly position today and henceforth the campus will look upon Junior Week-end Program Friday— Campus Day 9:00-10:00—Painting of “O” by frosh football men. 10:00-10:30—Frosh-soph tug - of - war. 10:30-11:00—Burning of green lids at Kineaid field. 11:00-11:30—Exhibition tennis matches by University stars at library tennis courts. 11:30-1:30—Campus day lunch eon. 1:00-6:00—Registration of moth ers at Administration building. 1:30—O. S. C.-Oregon baseball gamo at varsity diamond. 4:00—Washington - Oregon frosh track meet at Hayward field. 8:13-—Phantom Fete at the An chorage. Saturday 9:30—O. S. C. - Oregon tennis matches between varsity and frosh teams, 9:00-12:00—Registration of moth ers at Administration building. 2:30—Washington - Oregon track meet at Hayward field. • 2:30-6:30—Household arts tea for mothers. 3:00-8:00—Mothers’ Hay tea at Woman’s building. 9:00—Junior Prom. Sunday 4:00—Mothers’ Hay vespers at music auditorium. Girls’ Oregon Club Elects New Officers Maybollo Robinson, sophomore in English, was elected president of the Girls’ Oregon Club at the house meeting last Monday night. The other members of the newly-elected cabinet are: Vice-president, Ruth Woughter; secretary, Serena Mad sen; treasurer, Violette Cole; social chairman, Maybello Beakley; ser ge ant-at-arms, Ruth Johnson; report er, Cornelia Martin. The installation of the new offi cers took place immediately after ♦ lie election and the new officers will assume their duties at onco. The cabinet of the past year was composed of Evelyn Anderson, presi dent; Juanita Wolfe, vice-president; Emily Gruppe, secretary; Lois Tut tle, treasurer; Hazel Ililberg, social chairman; Harriet Duer, sergeant-at arms; Naomi Grant, reporter. The present project of the club is a rummage sale to be held the third week of May. The patronesses of the club are Mrs. H. D. Sheldon, Mrs. Robert Horn, Mrs. Earl Griggs, and Miss Margaret Daigh. Phi Clii Theta Elects Eight New Members Phi Chi Theta, national honorary commerce fraternity for women, elected to membership eight girls. The new members are as follows: Prances Kuhl, Maxine McLean, Iva Curtis, Ruth Holmes, Lucille Cor rutt, Ethel Conway, Myrtis Gorst and Ruth Conrad. Phi Chi Theta was installed on the campus in 1920. To be eligible for membership the girls must bo majors in the school of business ad ministration. Tiie biennial national convention of Phi Chi Theta will bo held this year in Berkeley, California, June 20-2.3 inclusive. Miss Grace Griggs, vice-prnsident, will represent the Eugene chapter. thorn ns a necessary part of the in stitution. The only barrier standing in the way to freedom is the sopho mores, who are ever jeqlous of see ing their inferiors elevated, and will put forth their utmost to sink the opposition today. At 9 o’clock the frosh football men will meet at the old Sigma Chi corner preparatory to the long and arduous trek to paint the “O.” All Order of the “O” men are requested by Bill Eddy, chairman of campus day, to be present so the proper amount of attention may be admin istered these husky gridiron veter ans. Fair Tug-of-war Promised Returning at 10, the whole pro cession will march to where the millraco is crossed by a railroad bridge near the end of Kincaid street. Here the historic frosh-soph tug-of-war will be held in all. its fierceness. Dave Epps, head of this event, promises a fair contest to both sides this year. Keith Hall, presi dent of sophomore class, urges all members to bo present and uphold , the honor of last year. After the tug is qver and all the frosh nion have swum- tivq millrace, a lino will be formed and tho group will march over tp Kincaid field back of Condon hatl where the last rites will be given. Prank Riggs, president of ,the Or,<|er of .“O,” will deliver a soul-inspiring lecture to tho first year men and then they will run the gauntlet of senior cops and varsity lettermen wielding ma licious paddles. At the end of tho lino all green lids will bo thrown into a blazing fire and with them will expire tho freshmen’s period of homage. Promptly at 11:30 tho campus luncheon will bo served in front of Friendly hall by Jo Ralston and her trusty crew of helpers. Preparations have been made to serve 3000 stu dents and several hundred mothers who will be the guests of honor during tho week-end. George Me Murphcy and his Kollege Knights will play between 12 and 1 o’clock, and there will be other musical fea tures for the mob reclining on tho campus. The baseball game between Oro gon State College and Oregon at 1:30 appears to be one of the cru cial games of the northwest confer ence and should prove an interest ing attraction. Tho track meet at 4 between the babes of Washington and the frosh of Oregon looks like a closely matched contest and will be the first opportunity tho frosh have had to test their strength. Phantom Fete Promising The evening attraction at 8:1a will be tho Phantom Fete, the first canoe festival to be held in two years. Roy Herndon, general chair man, promises that this event will be one of the highlights of tho week-end. Mary Lou Hutton, head of the decorations, and- her assist ants, Olive Ritan, Bus McDowell and Harriet Atehinson, havo devoted long and difficult hours in arrang ing the setting for the floats and, although they are keeping the motif secrot, they assure the campus the scenes will be worth seeing. Fourteen floats will be entered in the competition for honors and Agnes Chipping has arranged first and second prizes that will be worth more in the first case than the $.10 allowed for expenses on the floats. Twenty dollars credit at Wetherbee Powers store and a silver cup will bo tho first prizo for tho men. The women paired with the winners will (Continued on page’four)