Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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The picnic season has arrived in
all its glory and this last week was
typical of what the rest of the term’s
week-ends will resemble. The Mc
Kenzie highway, the mill-race, and
all the nearby picnic spots for which
Eugene is famous, have cofne into
their own, and will undoubtedly
dominate the tone of the social ac
tivities till school closes.
Aside from the predominance of
picnics, several house formals and
spring informals were given during
the week, and the houses and lawns
■on the campus presented a festive
apearance both afternoon and evo
« * *
Beta Formal Dance
Given Saturday
With the lawn covered with tables
and huge colored umbrellas, a rain
bow colored fountain splashing in
the mill-race, and soft flood lights
over all, members of Beta Theta Pi
fraternity gave their formal dance,
Saturday i.' rht. The interior of the
chapter house was lighted by candle
light, and the Kollege Knights fur
nished music for the dancing.
Songs were featured by Prank
Bohr and Dave Mason, from a canoe
which floated from down the mill
race, and the Campa Shoppe trio,
accompanied by Billy O’Bryant,
sang. Allen Bracher, Walton Crane
and Herbert Lewis were in charge
of the arrangements.
Patrons and patronesses were, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Pranklin, Mr. and
tylrs. Hugh Bosson, Mr. and Mrs.
I Harold White, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ober
teuffer, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas I.
* * *
Phi Delta Theta
Entertains at Formal
The home of Mr. anti Mrs. Camp
bell Church on Fairmount Heights
was the scene of the Phi Delta
Theta formal, Saturday, May 5. The
house, lawn and tennis court were
decorated with palms, spring flowers,
and numerous lights. Refreshments
were served in the tennis court, and
sky rockets were displayed between
the clances.
Music was furnished by George
Weber’s orchestra, with features by
Kenneth Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
Church, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
E. Hudson acted as patrons and
patronesses for the affair.
Phi Delta Theta »held their anntfal
picnic at Robinson’s Grove on the
' Willamette river, Sunday. Out-of
town guests that came down for
both the picnic and the dance were
Kenneth McKenzie, Percy Bolstead,
Allen Kelly, and Mort Frayne of
the University of Washington, and
Vern Haffenfeldt, William McAlit,
A1 Thelien and Kenneth Tully of
Oregon State College.
* * *•
A calm, peaceful barn, about ten
miles from Eugene, was turned into
a festive, collegiate structure last
Friday evening when Alpha Omicron
Pi sorority entertained at their an
nual barn dance. A huge rustic
lantern, suspended from the rafters,
lent an appropriate light for the
scene of dancing to music furnished
by a four-piece orchestra and the
disturbed kine that resided below
the dance floor.
Bandannas worn by the party car
ried the programs on them, and pop
and doughnuts wore served. As a
side entertainment, jumping into the
hay loft was indulged in by all.
Patrons and patronesses for the
dance were, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Miner, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Zane, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Reinhart, and Mrs.
Lucy Abrams.
* * *
Members of Gamma Phi Beta
were hostesses at a formal dance
given at their chapter house, Satur
day evening. Spring flowers and
palms were used in decorating, and
a soft lighting effect was produced
by candles on the grille tables. In
the latter part of the evening several
vocal selections were sung by Ken
neth Allen. Dean , Virginia Judy
Esterly. Mrs. Josephine Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hudson, and
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hitchcock were
the patrons.
Previous to the dance the mem
bers entertained their out-of-town
guests at dinner at tiie Anchorage.
* * *
Coming as a very complete sur
prise to her Alpha Xi Delta sorority
sisters was the announcement of the
betrothal of Miss Lois Everson to
Phil Jvordling at a dinner at the
Alpha Lambda chapter house Satur
day evening. Tiny cards, bearing
the names of the betrothed, wero
drawn to the place of each guest by
tiny pink ribbon streamers from be
neath the centerpiece of pink tulips
and snapdragons. Tall pink tapers
in crystal holders also adorned the
Miss Everson, who is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Everson of
Creswell, Oregon, is a senior major
in music and is a member of Mu Phi
Epsilon. Mr. Nonlling, who is in
business in Eugene, formerly at
tended O. S. C.
Alpha Phi chapter of Sigma
Kappa held their installation ball at
the Eugene hotel, Friday evening,
May 4. Guests for the affair in
cluded members of Epsilon chapter,
Oregon State College, and the presi
dents of the various fraternities and
sororities of the campus.
A feature of the evening was a
toe dance by Lucile Larson, Patrons
and patronesses included President
and Mrs. Arnold Bennett Hall, Dean
Virginia Judy Esterly, Dean and
Mrs. Elmer L. Shirrell, Dean and
Mrs. John Straub, Mrs. Jennie Bur
rows, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Simpson,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis E. Bean, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. A.
S. Kingsmill, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Lomax, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Beattie,
Miss bertha Whillock.
Underclassmen of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon entertained at a very clever
spring informal, Saturday evening.
The dancing rooms of their chapter
house wero decorated with massive
paper tulips and earthen jars of
spring flowers. Red, blue, and green
lights cast dim shadows on the grille
tables Where the guests were seated.
Jack Waldron played several har
monica selections as the feature.
Their patrons and patronesses
were, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tugman,
Mr. and Mrs. If. J. AdamsJ and Doan
and Mrs. Elmer L. Shirrell. Orvil
Thompson had charge of the dance.
Thirty-five couples were present
at the Alpha Beta Chi sport dance
which was given at their chapter
house on Saturday, May 5. The ceil
ing wasj composed of white, yellow,
orange and red streamers, and bas
kets of Scotch broom were about the
. Patrons and patronesses wero
Dean and Mrs. J. H. Gilbert, and
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Fish.
Phi Mu sorority entertained at an
informal dance Saturday evening at
the Eugene hotel. Forty couples at
tended, including out-of-town guests
and alumnae of the chapter.
Amelia Kiplan was chairman for
the dance. Patrons and patronesses
were Dean and Mrs. Elmer L. Shir
rell, and Mr. and Mrs. McDuff.
The annual picnic- of Alpha Tau
Omega was held at Triangle Lake
on Sunday. Members of the fra
ternity and their guests left early
in the morning, and the day was
spent in swimming, boating, hiking,
and dancing.
Dean and Mrs. John Straub, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Miner, and Lieu
tenant and Mrs. George F. Herbert
chaperoned the affair. '
The Three Arts Club was decorat
ed with tulips and dogwood, and
lighted by candles for their informal
lance on Saturday evening. Diana
Deinanger, Helen Wood and Harriet
Ever Present
the rose: “It is perfect in every mo
ment of its existence.”
And more true of the unchanging
gem is this fact of ever-present
A diamond from our collection may
be possessed on terms -which .
w'ork no hardship
“If It Comes From Skeie’s It Must Be Good”
McLeod were in charge of t£e eve
Mr. and Mts. W. R. B. Wille-ox,
Miss Kertehen, of Berkeley, Cali
fornia, and Mrs. Mary W. Fairfowl
were patrons and patronesses.
The spring informal of Sigma Nu
fraternity was given in the form of
a grille sport dance on Friday night.
Music by Hap Stewart’s “Chestnut
Kernels,” and several “blues” fea
tures were on the evening’s pro
Palms were used in decoration.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jewett, Dr. and
Mrs. S. M. Kerron, and Dr. and Mrs.
I B. W. DeBusk were the patrons and
| patronesses.
Grace Fleming and Miriam Shep
ard, Sigma Kappa, were guests of
Upsilon chapter of Sigma Kappa at
the spring informal given at the
Alderwood Count ry Club in’ Port
land, Saturday evening.
An oriental atmosphere prevailed
at the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority,
Saturday, May 5, when the members
entertained at an informal dance.
Chinese lanterns, cherry blossoms,
and wisteria decorated both the in
terior of the house aiid the lawn.
Refreshments were served to the
guests out on the lawn, which was
representative of a Chinese garden.
Their patrons and patronesses
were, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harth
am, Mrs. Abbie 2. Marsh, and Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Hudson.
The Craftsman club was the scene
of an attractive dance, Saturday
night, when Susan Campbell hall
entertained with their annual spring
informal. Huge basets of coral
tulips and lavcndar lilacs decorated
the rooms. Miss Elizabeth Pennock
was in charge of decorations.
Patrons and patronesses for the
dance were, Miss Fannie McCamant,
Miss Ernestine Troemal, Mr. and
Mrs. N. B. Zane, Mr. and Mrs. Gil
bert Hermance, and Mr. Lawrence
de Ryeke.
* * *
Psi Kappa fraternity gave a
spring dance at the Anchorage on
Friday evening, with red as the
decorative color scheme, carried out
in red tulips, candles, and red and
silver programs.
Captain John J. McEwan and Mr.
Next to First Nat’l Bank, Eugene
and Mrs. Everett Hartham acted as
patrdus and patronesses.
Ruby Russell and Mildred Low
den. Gamma Nu, visited on tho 0. S.
C. campus over the week-end.
• • .
A picnic was enjoyed by members
of Fhi Mu sorority at Swimmer’s:
Delight. on Sunday. Dorothy Gay
was in charge of tho day. and about
eighty-six attended. Miss Badollett
and Mrs. Lang, Kappa Delta house
mother, chaperoned the affair.
To-Ko-Lo, men's honorary frater
nity, gave their formal dance at
We Never
Stop for
Fellows, we realize
that this is a mighty
busy season for stu
dents. There are so
many extra-curri
cular a c t i vities,
then at your odd
moments there are
many recreational
stunts you cannot
Every moment of
your time is valu
able. Don’t waste
it by carrying your
laundry downtown
Call 8-2-5 for im
mediate laundry
taxi service. ^
’New ’
A supporting bill of excellence,
including MAX DAVIDSON in
“Como the Dawn,” Freddy Holt
in song slide novelty, Patho
News and Aesop Fables.
Time to Order
A New Supply
of slabwc::d. The weather is fine and
deliveries can be made promptly. If
you order now the fellows will have
more time to put it in than later in the
season. Just call—
Lucille's Tea Room on Friday night.
The rooms were exquisitely decor
ated with spring flowers and colored
lighting effects.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Oberteuffer
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Erl) were
patrons and patronesses for the
f/r*srs=cst23^.--r:- i v - .v„
vallis, May 7—Oregon State jumped
into the lead in the northern divi
sion Pacific Coast baseball confer
ence by a victory over the Wash
ington nine hero today. Tho final
game of the scries will be played
tomorrow. •
Washington, .4 ,7 3
Oregon State .5 9 2
liatteries: Washington, Kevins,
Davis, McKenzie. O. 8. C. Cloys, Bo
stock ami Maple.
Flaming Love
Drama of
Romance and
The screen’s perfect lovers in &
a glowing drama of a man’s
reborn love and a woman’s re
demption to honor and virtue,
vividly told upon the screen.
Powerful . . . Sensational . . -
Beautiful . . . human . . . splendor
. . . magnificent ... A romance
that will capture and live forever In '
your heart. <j
-- .
Shrine of the
Photoplay and Music
by Frank D. C. Alexander
May the Ninth marks the anniversary of the advent in Eugene of de luxe
entertainment, the birthday of the McDonald. That Eugene appreciated the
many modern appointments for comfort and perfection of presentation is evi
denced in the patronage the McDonald has enjoyed since that memorable
night, three years ago. It is with a feeling of keen delight, that we announce
a full week of celebration, May 7 to 12, an ‘‘Anniversary Week” during which
we will present two of the most colorful programs ever seen on any screen
and stage.