Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
Claudia Fletcher.Managing Editor Walter Coover-Associate Editor
Carl Gregory . Telegraph Editor Richard H. Syring _ Sports Editor
Wilfred Brown.P. I. P. Editor Donald Johnston ---Feature Editor
vrden X. Pangborn - Literary Editor Elizabeth Schultze .Society Editor
News and Editor Phones, 666
DAY EDITORS: William Schulze, Mary McLean, Frances Cherry, Marian Sten,
Dorothy Baker, Miriam Shepard.
NIGHT EDITORS: J. Lynn Wykoff, chief; Lawrence Mitchelmore, Myron
Qriftyi, Rex Tussing, Ralph David, Floyd Horn.
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Joe Rice, Mil Prudhomme, Warren Tinker,
Joe Freck. Glenn Gall, Harold Bailey, W. J. Loundagin, Harold Kester, Charles
Barr, Wilfred Brown, Thomas Pumfrey. ,
SPORTS STAFF: Joe Pigney, Harry Dutton, Chalmers Nooe, Chandler Brown,
Warren Tinker, Scott Milligan.
FEATURE STAFF: Florence Hurley, John Butler, Clarence Craw, Charlotte Kiefer.
THEATER NEWS: William Schulze, John Caldwell.
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Amos Burg, Ruth Hansen, La Wanda Fenlason, William
NEWS STAFF: Grace Taylor, Elise Schroedcr, Maryhelen Koupal, Josephine
Stofiel, Thirza Anderson, Etha Jeanne Clark, Mary Frances Dilday, Elaine Crawford,
Audrey Henricksen, Phyllis Van Kimmell, Margaret Tucker, Gladys Blake, Ruth Craeger,
Leonard Delano, Chrystal Ordway, Margaret Reid, Glenna Heacock, Irene Urfer, Joe
Rice, Leonard Hagstrom, Margaret Thompson, Alice Gorman, Thelma Kem, Evelyn
Shaner, Floyd Horn, Jean Young.
LARRY THIELEN—Associate Manager
Ruth Street .. Advertising Manager Bill Bates .....Foreign Adv. Mgr.
Bill Hammond ™ Ass’t Advertising Mgr. Wilbur Shannon _ Circulation Mgr.
Charles Reed . Ass't. Advertising Mgr. _ ' . *
Luciefle George _Mgr. Checking De.*>t. Dudley - Assistant Circulator
EdL B insert —.. Circulation Manager Frederica Warren . Circulation Assistant
ADVERTISING SALESMEN—H. Day Foster, Richard Horn. Harold Kester, Ray
Smick, John Caldwell, Kenneth Mpore, Eugene Laird, Margaret Underwood, Ina
ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS—Harold Bailey, Herb King, Ralph Mlllaap.
OFFICE ADMINISTRATION—Lova Buchanan, Margaret Foorman, Dorothy David
son, Helen Kutenhrink, I’uuline Frigmore, Elizabeth McCord.
The Oregon Dally Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily exeept Sunday and Monday during the
College year. Member, United Press News Service. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate
Press- Entered in the postoffice at Epgene, Oregon, as seoond-ciass matter. Subscrip
tion rata, 12.60 per year. Advertisin'? rates uppn application. Residence phone,
editor, 721; manager, 2709. Business office phone, 1896.
Dag Editor This Issue—Pod Sten
Night Editor This Issue—Floyd Horn
Assistant Night Editor— Warren Tinker
TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1928
Inspection of Plant
Should Include Teachers
“TAADS,” on organization limited
to fathers of students at the
University, sprang into being only
last term, but already it has taken
on the shape of an instrument that
means business. At a brenfast get
togethor of the executive committee
last, Sunday the members talked
ovpr the student situation at the
University and made some decisions,
mysteries as yet to the public^
which are hinted to bo epochal. 1
Two weeks from Thursday the
same body is coming down to the
campus to look over the condition
of students and University at first
hand. Their avowed interest, in the
main, is to find out as well as they
can in so limited a time just about
the present working facilities in
each school and department.
Although the investigating group
will bo handicapped by the brevity
of their visit, as eflj&jrt executives
and men of affairs approuching the
educational plant in an attitude of
helpful criticism, no doubt they will
be able to see many lacks and dis
crepancies that have escaped the
more accustomed eyes of the men on
the job.
Certain it is, anyway, that what
ever their suggestions may be for
the betterment of instruction, equip
ment, or what not, their qualifica
tions as critics will go unchallenged.
And whether their sampling of the
University as it is now conducted
seems sweet or sour to them, it will
be from a fresh viewpoint of im
mense value to Oregon. The policy
of the administration is more sensi
tive to the will of the fathers than
to that of any other possible com
bination of men in the state.
For this reason, the Emerald is
anxious, for the students’ part, that
the Dads, if it is at all feasible in
the one day they are spending with
us, give a fair proportion of it to a
scrutiny of the faculty staff, llow
does the Oregon faculty size up
alongside those of similar institu
tions f
There has been u lot of desultory
student comment this year in par
ticular about professors who are
lured away from Oregon by irresist
ible bait; too often limy have been
tho kind we are sorriest to lose. I
the Dads can submit some sort '0
remedy wo shall be grateful. Tin
human factor in the University’
teaching equipment should commani
at least as much deliberation as th
Just To Make
It a Bit Brief
^"VKEGON teams with the mino
sports rating have successful];
vied with their major sports broth
ers in guarding Oregon’s athleti
prestige. A continuance of th>
present discrimination is unwar
ranted. The decision lies with tin
executive and student councils. Tin
distinction 'Of major and mino;
sports should bo stopped.
Tho primitive man settled hi;
quarrels “out of court.” In tin
middle ages, he settled matters b;
moans of trials by combat and simi
lar tests ordered by his judges
When prominent Oregon attorney
trade fisticuffs in tho courtroom, i
would seem that tho present day hac
adopted a compromise measure.
Another mouth and all will In
over. The summer past, it must al
be gone through onco moro—tin
collegiate merry-go-round, whercii
each rider strives to get the mos
for his money. The joker in tin
deck is that there are still some win
don’t now what they arc trying t<
get. Time to adjust sights befori
another year passes by.
Oregon sports managers tell of tin
efficient working of the Knights ol
the Hook in caring for visit inj.
teams at the University of Wash
ington. In almost the same breatl
they complain of the difficulty oi
getting co-operation in caring foi
teams visiting Eugene. Tho Oregot
Knights is supposed to be a service
organization, not; an empty honorary
for tho chosen few.
This is the time of year when
more than ever, the student envies
tho man who punches tho time clod
and doesn’t have to bother with as
sigumonts of indefinite length am
W. C.
Co-e<l Takes ’Plane Trip
With Father to Seattle
Myrtis durst, sophomore in busi
ness administration, arrived bark on
the campus Sunday afternoon to tell
her friends about her latest experi
ence in the aviation world. Leav
ing Eugene Friday, she traveled to
Seattle with her father, Vein
dorst,, pioneer aviation man on the
coast, and the rest of the (Joist
family and Saturday had the honor
of “breaking the bottlo”ovor the
prow of the new seaplane which her
father just had built for himself,
‘“'1 christen thee Zephyr. May
the spirit of the West carry you
safely over the seven seas.’’ With
these words, .Myitis concluded the
christening ceremony, on Baud
I'oint, which was attended by a
number of Seattle aviators and
those interested in flying. Follow
ing this she and her father went on
a "peach of a trip,” as she called it,
over the district surrounding Seattle.
The flying boat is a Boeing plane
of the pusher type, the Wright
Whirlwind motor being above and
behind the passenger cabin so that
the vision of passengers will be un
obstructed. Four passengers in ad
dition to the pilot can be carried in
the interior of the luxurious cabin.
The cost of the plane was $10,000.
Yoru dorst plans to do a great :
deal of "barnstorming” this summe
with the “Zephyr,” ami lias prom
isi'i 1 to take Mvrtis ami hor brothei
Wilbur, who plans to become an air
piano designer, on many of the t-ripi
over tho Northwest.
Y. M. 1'. A. Man Scores
Educational Methods
V. C. 1j. A., Los Angeles, May -
(PIP)- .1, Stitt Wilson, former soc
ialist mayor of Berkeley, California
and present international lecturer ot
tin \. M. C. A., see red the methods
of education in American universi
lies when he lectured here last week
“Many students go four years to
college and know less when they
graduate than when they entered,”
Wilson charged. “Their minds are
pickled with the traditions of those
gone on before, and free thought is
discouraged. Those who desire to
In individual lueu and women in life
should not bo imitators of tin
American university routine.”
Professor II. C. Gavit
Writes Law Article
Bernard C. davit, who is coping
ti the University of Oregon next
Vi ar as professor of law, recently
had an article published in tho lu
d'iana Law Journal dealing with
"■ T-'iitui*' interests in .Indiana
Ho ought to feel perfectly safe
while riding in any of the student
owned machines.
(We are indebted to the Oregon
Journal for the following paragraph
which was taken from its account of
“Dream Follies’’ following the
Portland showing):
“The interpretation of a
Hula girl’s (lance, by Rodney
Banks, eccentric dancer, nearly
stopped the show early in the
first act. As he stumbled from
the stage his grass skirt became
unfastened, exposing a very
ultra-collegiate pair of shorts.”
» * *
* * *
CHI O: “Have you got a leg?”
DOUG WILSON: “I had two
when I came in.”
. CHI 0: “Oh I mean does the leg
of the table bother you?”
DOUG WILSON.' “That’s all
“Topsy,” Kate Talbot’s dog, was
a recent week-end guest at the Sig
ma Nu houso.
* * *
Isabell Murry, premiere danseuse
of tlie Dream Follies, had been car
rying on quite a flirtation baekstago
with a eollegiato individual with a
lil moustache n’everything, “Your
act was fine, lzzie.” “Thanks, ol’
bean,” and she gave him a hearty
swack on the back.
A few minutes later to some stage
hand: “Who is that darling man?”
“Harry Camden, professor iu the
Art Department.”
(It required three stage hands and
four fire buckets of water to revive
Miss Murry).
# * *
Idaho Man Hounded Into Asylum
By Broadcasting Stations
(Headlines in Oregonian)
It's high time that some of the i
forces combatting the drug evil
| were being directed towards stamp- j
1 ing out the above menace to our na- |
| tioual health:
» » *
Terry King, A. B. C. telephone !
artist ami holder of several world
records for endurance, called tiSS j
• (by force of habit) when he really
wanted the Kugeuo Farmers’ Cream
ery. He didn't hear the girl answer
"Hendricks Hall" so he went ahead
and began pricing ice cream.
The joke didn't get out until this
morning when he got off the phone,
‘Number please”
Him Tips
CROWD.” A Harry Langdon fan
who enjoys seeing our frigid faced
hero semaphore emotions to his
audience might get his money’s
worth from this picture?—providing
everything besides Langdon could
be eliminated. The plot just simply
isn’t. Once in a while a good gag
struggles free, but the most of them
are quickly drowned in wishy-washy
bathos. Langdon helps a poor girl
and her ehee-ild through reels of
snow to a bleak ending when the
beneficiaries are reclaimed.
—W s
TION.” This photoplay gets off to
a sloppy start, but long before the
end it more than redeems itself.
We haven’t read the novel of the
same name by Count Leo Tolstoy,
upon yvhich the picture is based, but
if it is half as good as the motion
picture, we want to read it. Dolores
Del Rio does some magnificent act
ing, with Rod La Roche a close sec
ond. This is one film drama that
can be truthfully called powerful,
beautiful and human. It is well
worth seeing.
Also there is an atmospheric pro
logue, a news reel, a comedy and a
“Trip Though the Organ,” by
Frank D. C. Alexander.
—W. S.
IIEILIG: Tuesday and Wednes
day: William Haines in “West
Point:’’ one of those snappy ex
hilarating pictures for which Haines
is famous, including some of his
best sub-titles and gags. As a I’lebe,
he learns the spirit of the Corps by
his cocky attitude towards every
cnc and every thing in general. He
proves that he is of the right stuff
when he gets the chance to show
his merit for his team against the
Navy in their annual gridiron clas
sic. Joan Crawford co-stars with
JIaines as Betty Channing, one of
those impulses for bigger and better
love affairs; this is one typo of
picture that is unusual in that it
shows America’s young men at their
best; tiie pick of the nation. So
Haines, erstwhile Brice Wayne at
last becomes one of West Point’s
rg^iiTaf£'^5>,'prethr'e:'‘'1iira't’ - really is
good. '■
' Also . Pathc News reel; Aesop’s
Fables comedies and a comedy by
Hal Roach that" is so funny it is
tragical. All together, it is a good
performance throughout.
Mortar Board, honorary Senior
Woman’s society, is sponsoring Wed
nesday night’s performance, ahd,
special'feature’s will be added*.
* * *
IiiEX: Last day: “San Francisco
Nights” is old stuff with a new
twist and is extremely rvell done.
There are some remarkable char
acter sketches portrayed. Tom
O’Brien, unforgettable “Bull” of
“What Price Glory” superbly plays
the jealous bouncer in a Barbary
Coast cafe; Mae Busch, who will be
At the
Campus Barber Shop
13th. Street
remembered as the shoplifter ir
'‘The Unholy Three,” again scored
as Flo, the daneehall girl, in “San
Francisco Nights;” while Percy
Marmont is also good as Vicery,
Every minor detail seems to have
been checked up on.
. In addition to the feature an in
' teresting News of the World reel,
j “Jungles of the Amazon” is given
and a Van Bibber comedy. Marion
; Zurcher at the organ.
E. J. C.
Order of the “O”—There will be an
important meeting of the Order
| of the “O” today at 4 p. m. in the
men’s gym. Election of officers
and definite action upon tennis
and golf. All lettermen bo
present. Frank Riggs, president.
Pot and Quill will meet this evening
at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Clara
Phi Theta Upsilon—Important busi
ness meeting Wednesday", 5 p. m.,
at Woman’s building.
Sigma Delta Chi—Meets at Anchor
age this noon. William M. Tug
■ man will give a short talk.
Y. M. C. A. Cabinet—Dean Elmer
Shirrell will speak on “Relation
of Cabinet to the Campus and the
Rest of the University” at Y hut,
5 p. m.
Amphibian meeting tonight. Very
important. All members and
pledges be there at 7:30 sharp.
Senior class meeting at Villard hall
tonight at 7:30. It is important
that all class members be there.
Girls’ baseball games scheduled for
this week are: Wednesday, fresh
men vs. seniors, and juniors vs.
sophomores; Friday, freshmen sec
ond team vs. juniors, and sopho
mores vs. seniors.
Freshmen-senior hockey game to
morrow night at 5 o’clock.
Juniors, sophomores, freshmen. Class
officers for next year to be nomi
nated today. Juniors will meet at
4 o’clock in room 107, Villard.
Sophomores meet at 4 o ’clock in
j Villard assembly. Freshmen meet
at 5 o’clock in Villard assembly.
Important that all be there!
Alpha Dolta Sigma—Next to last
meeting of the year at the Anchor
age next Thursday noon. Election
of officers for next year. Every
body come.
Tickets for the canoe fete are now
on sale at graduate manager’s of
fice, Qo-o.p and Kuykendall drug
store. Reserved seats, 50 cents,
and general admission, 35 cents.
Phi Chi Theta meeting tonight at
7:15, 106 Commerce. All mem
bers please attend. Important
Regents To Make New
Appointments May 12
New- appointments will (be the
main feature of the regular board of
Tegents’ spring meeting May 12.
Regular routine business will also be
Gretchen wants to know if you
put a dime instead of a nickel in
the jflayer pigjao, will it play
Never Gets
a "Bite” From
This Tobacco
Jasper, Tenn,
March 23, 1927
Larus& Bro. Co.
Richmond, Va.
I have always wanted to smoke a
pipe. After several attempts I gave
my “taste” up, for with each trial I
got a blistered tongue.
One evening, when looking over a
certain outdoor magazine, I read that
a certain fisherman could catch more
fish when using “Edgeworth,” so I
decided I would try “his” tobacco—
for I am no poor fisherman!
The next day I tried to secure Edge
worth. The local country storekeeper
did not have it, so I sent by a friend to
the city for my first Edgeworth. Two
things have happened: I still smoke
Edgeworth, and the local storekeeper
always has a supply.
I catch fish and never get “a bite”
from Edgeworth!
Yours for keeps,
H. V. Massey
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco
A large assortment of delicious warm weather pastries—
Strawberry Tarts, Cream Eclairs, Mocha Squares, French
Doughnuts, etc., baked fresh every day in our own bakery
College Side Inn
Grille Dance After Canoe Fete
• •
This jobbie Diogenes was a Greek who left his fruit stand for the commend
able purpose of questing for honesty by good old-fashioned lamp-light. And
now, loud and ever elearer, rings the cry from the housetops: “Diogenes_
throw away your lantern . . . here’s an honest cigarette! Have a Camel!”
Camels have but one raison d’ etre—to pack the smoke-spots of the world
uith the "fill-fullment” every experienced smoker seeks. Fill your own
smoke-spot with a cool cloud of Camel smoke, and hear it sing out_
“Eureka!” (from the Greek, “Eureka,” meaning—“Oboy, here ’tis!”).