Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 02, 1928, Image 1

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    NUMBER 116
Jupe Pluvius
Has Played Havoc
With Ball Team
ff eh foots Play Today?
Varsity Has Futur
Ball Reinforcemer,
(Sports Editor)
There have been yards of blah
■written about Jupiter Pluvius and
his never ending days of precipata
non inn it nas ap
rarantly been to
no avail. If our
recollections aro
correct it has
rainerl practically
every day this
year. Perhaps
Jape, on that cold ,
J a n uary first
morning, copied
after our illus
trious Cal and I
said, “I do not -
Jupe Pluvius
choose to stop tlie
rain in 1928.”
Anyway, in the
opinion of Coach Billy Reinhart, his
Webfoot baseball team and campus
fans, J. Pluvius is nothing short of
an old reprobate and his perforated
rain-can has long outlived its in
vitation to stay. Comparing baseball
practices with those of the past,
Oregon horse hide artists have missed
approximaely 32 outside workouts.
Not more than a dozen good days
have been afforded. Yesterday aft
ernoon Oregon’s .first conference
baseball game, scheduled at Corval
lis with the Oregon Aggies, had to
be called off because nothing short
of a diluvian downpour settled over
the O. S. C. diamond in the morn
If the high potentate of the rain
barrel is not quite so contumacious
today and relents in the issuance of
copious quantities of rainfall, Coach
Billy Reinhart and his water-winged,
bathing-suited baseball team may
leave for Corvallis and play the
postponed game. Then, there is an
other “if.” Yesterday Jack Bene
fiel, Oregon graduate manager, and
Carl Lodell, Aggie graduate man
f ager, were having somewhat of a
squabble over the playing of the
cancelled contest. It seems as though
Jack wanted to schedule it for May
23 and Carl for today, but if the
weather is nice we ’ll bet our slicker
tc an umbrella that the game will be
played today in Corvallis.
* * *
While the “gods of rain” were
causing frowns on the brow of men
tor Reinhart, other “gods” were
forcing large, broa8 smiles - on his
It all come about through the
arrival late Monday night of rein
forcements for the 1947 baseball
team when William J. Reinhart, Jr.,
weight seven pounds, arrived at the
Pacific Christian hospital. Accord
ing to Bill, whose face was wreathed
in smiles regardless of the damp con
dition of the local diamond, the
young fellow promises to be a
three-sport athlete. At a late date
last night it hadn’t been decided
whether Reinhart, Jr., would be a
right or left handed batter.
» * *
It looks as though there will be a
k new baseball champion in the east
ern division of the Northwest sec
tion of the Pacific coast confer
ence. Washington State, who won
two out of a three-game series from
the O. S. C. Beavers for the cham
pionship last year, were the recip
ients of Idaho Vandal spurs last
week-end. At the beginning of the
sixth inning the Moscow players
broke up an even game and won the
tilt, 12 to 5. Coach Buck Bailey,
Cougar tutor, used six pitchers but
was unable to cheek the Vandal
While conference baseball is just
getting started in the Northwest,
southern schools are through. St.
Mary’s was declared this year’s
winner. I won’t be long before the
Stanford Cardinals will pack their
b;bs and tuckers for a.barnstorming
baseball invasion of Australia. Fri
day, Coach “Wahoo Sam” Crawford
and his University of Southern Cali
fornia baseball team start sailing
over the bounding; main from San
Tedro for San Francisco on the first
t Ifg of a journey that will take them
through Japan, Manchuria, Korea
and the Hawaiian Islands. The tour
will encompass approximately 12,
000 miles.
High School Heads Are
Visitors at University
Superintendent F. E. Fagan, of
McMinnville, Superintenlent James
M. Burgess of Heppner, J. G. Swan,
principal at 'Wheeler, and M. E.
Pettit, principal of the Smithriver
high school at Eeedsport, were visit
ors at the University of Oregon ap
pointment bureau last week.
Dream Follies Will Undergo Few
Changes for Portland Showing
Special Train To Go Friday and Return Saturday
Evening With 70 or 80 Students
After tlirce days of relaxation and
?t marred only by the 'inevitable
sses, the cast of Dream Follies
g ’
^ in the rehearsal grind again
iratorv to staging the show in
xs_ Tiblic Auditorium at Portland,
» and 5. The Woman’s building
became the scene of dancing
, , wild-eyed jungle characters,
1 is and everything that went
U up the Follies program.
'ged by the capacity
cri at overflowed the Heilig
the .... every one of the three
performances last Friday and Sat
Friday and Saturday, Billy O’Bry
ant, director, will make but few
changes in the personnel of his
cast. Tickets were sold out several
hours before each of the programs
were presented and standing room
was the last resort of latecomers.
Efforts will be concentrated this
week on smoothing off the rough
edges of a few acts. The only im
portant change made last night was
the abolishment of the soothsayer
skit. The men’s chorus will be fea
tured in an act with Madge Nor
mille, who will sing one of her spe
cial songs, “Soft and Sad Music.”
The music furnished by George
McMurphey and his Kollcge Knights
has caused favorable comment to
arise from all sides. On the heels
of the triumph scored by this group
in Dream Follies comes the an
nouncement that George McMurphey
has signed a contract to play in Los
Angeles after school closes in the
spring. If it is as lihrd to keep a
good bunch down as it is to keep the
proverbial good man down, the cam
pus may find itself without an or
chestra next fall. Who knows?
Be that, as it may, the I^ollege
Knights will Be one of the featured
attractions of the Bream Follies in
Portland. Instead of playing occas
ional selections ns was the case at
the three shows here, the orches
tra will play during the whole act
whenever music is required.
Leonard Thomson and Camille Bur
ton, who were instrumental in de
veloping and training the pony
chorus, were on the job again last
night but the ponies fooled them
and didn’t forget a single step. For
this reason the task of these two
directors will be “duck soup’’ as
far as hard work goes in the few
remaining days before the Portland
trip. *
At some undecided time Friday a
special train will leave Villard hall
bearing between 70 and 80 passen
gers who will include members of
the show, directors and stage as
sistants. Then at 9:15 Saturday eve
ning this same special wall pull into
the Eugene depot carrying the same
group, who will arrive in time to
keep all dates for formals, informals
or whatever may be on the program.
Two performances are to be given
in Portland, one Friday evening and
another Saturday afternoon. Stu
dents are asked to write parents and
friends who may be desirious of
seeing the show concerning all the
details. Advance ticket orders may
be sent in to the Public Auditorium.
The Slierman-Clay Music company
will have tickets on sale beginning
Thursday and the box office, at the
Auditorium will open Friday morn
Pre-legal Finals
Will Be Tonight
Six Men Will Compete For
Oratory Prizes
•-. t
Tlirre men will be given a total
of $50 in prizes tonight for giving
the best oration in the finals of the
Jewett pre-legal English contest to
be held in rooi^ 110 Johnson hall at
8 p. m.
The six men chosen last Thursday
to compete tonight and the subjects
of their orations, are: Walter Nor
blad, “The Marquis de Lafayette”;
Claude Hall, “Tolerance”; Harvey
Wright, “Embers”; James Sharp,
“Political Aspragus”; Juliian
Smith, “The Gospel of the Super
man”; and Harry Brock, “Peace
and Economic Intolerance.”
Charles E. Carpenter, of the law
school, Dr. C. V. Boyer, head of the
English department, and Hugh Ros
scn, of the law school, will be the
judges tonight, it has been an
nounced by Kenneth Shumaker,
English instructor. Three men will
bo declared winners in the order of
first, second and third place's.
Prizes of $25, $15, and $10 will be
awarded to the winners respectively.
The six men speaking tonight have
been chosen in two previous con
tests from the 40 members of the
pre-legal English classes. All who
are interested in oratory are invited
to come to this contest.
“The Jewett prizes have usually
created considerable interest,” Shu
maker said, “because the winners
are usually active in student offairs
later in their University life.”
Dr. Clark To Return
From Visit Today
I>r. Dan E. Clark, assistant di
rector of the extension division and
director ■ of instruction by corres
pondence at the University of Ore
gon, is expected to return today from
the thirteenth annual conference of
the National University Extension
association held at Lawrence, Kan
sas, April 25-27. While in the east
Dr. Clark visited the extension di
visions of the Universities pf Min
nesota, Wisconsin, Chicago, Iowa,
and Kansas.
Dr. Clark’s family will remain
for a while in Tacoma, where Mrs.
Clark has been visiting her father
since her mother’s death, April 21.
Fifteen Don’t Pay Fees;
Dropped By Uftiversity
Firteen students failed to pay
their fees before'the deadline last
Saturday noon and were^consequent
ly dropped from the University.
Several of the delinquents paid
their fees with cheeks that Were re
turned N. S. F. and were treated as
though they had not paid at all.
Gunman Fires Shots
In Holdup at Lundy’s;
Captured by Students
A man walked up to the cash
register in Lundy ’s restaurant at
11:45 last evening and presented a
small .32 calibre pistol to Ted
Lundy, University student cashier.
The bandit stuck the contents of the
drawer into a side pocket of his
overcoat and started for the door.
Ted Lundy protested.
“Yeu can’t get away with that,”
he said, and jumped in front of the
bandit, who immediately fired a
shot which went wild and lodged in
the counter.
Lundy grappled with the man, as
sisted by two students, another shot
was fired into the floor, and the
plate glass door was smashed in the
general melee, before the capture
was completed.
While waiting for the arrival of
the police, the stick-up man made
another break for liberty, but was
quieldy subdued.
At the police station, later, he
gave his name as Charles Marshall,
Texas. He said that he was “broke
and desperate.”
A large number of University
students who were in the place at
the time watched the fracas, believ
ing it to be more “college comics.”
‘The Ungraded Room’
Of Interest to Teachers
“The Ungraded Boom,” a pamph
let compiled by*the Bureau of Edu
cation Research of the school of
education, is just off the University
Press. This is a discussion of the
problem of educating the subnormal
and deficient child to a point where
he can take his place in society. A dif
ferent educational process is neces
sary for this type, according to the
pamphlet; one that takes into ac
count the pupil’s limitations, and
adopts the difficulty of the sub
jects taught to their lower ability.
Sense and motor training are also
more important for these children.
The manual arts form the bulk of
the curriculum for the more defec
tive. The classes should be small,
and a great deal of personal atten
tion should be given to each child
by the teacher, it is pointed out.
Oregon Senator Listed
On Expenditures Group
United Press)
mittee of five senators to investi
gate campaign expenditures in the
coming presidential campaign was
appointed today by Vice President
Dawes as follows:
Steiwer, Oregon; Dale, Vermont;
and McMasters, South Dakota, re
publicans; and Barkley, Kentucky;
and Bratton, New Mexico, demo
Drama Event
Plans Reach
Final Stage
Eighteen Committees
Named by Director
Guild Cast To End Practice
Of One-act Barrie
Play Today
With the appointment of 18 com
mittees to arrange for the details
of the drama tournament, Miss
Florence E. Wilbur, head of the
drama department, has completed,all
plans for the second annual high
school drama contest to be held on
the campus Thursday and Friday.
The committees have been named
as follows: Ruth Street, chairman
of transportation; Helen Allen, reg
istration; Merrill Swenson and Mary
Duckett, housing; Mary Duckett,
stage managpr; Sherwood Reed, as
sistant stago manager; Edwin Crebs,
lighting; Svlvana Edmonds, lighting
assistant; Edna Ellen Bell, proper
ties; Emily Williams, music; Fred
erica Warren, hostess; Hugh Logan
and Cecil Matson, hosts; J. Alden
Woodworth, business manager; May
belle Beakley, matinee performance;
Esther Saager, women’s dressing
rooms; Jack Waldron, men’s dress
ing rooms; Alice Gorman, publicity.
The receptioA committee is com
posed of Thelma Parks, chairman,
Glenn Potts, Cecil Matson, and
Arthur Anderson. The luncheon,
which will be given Friday by the
Guild theatre players in honor of
the high school drama students, will
be arranged by Mary Duckett. Mary
Lou Dutton is in charge of reserva
The cast for “Shall We Join the
Ladies?” Sir James Barrie’s unfin
ished jday, has been rehearsing
every day this week so that the
stage may be used by the high
school students for rehearsals after
they arrive in Eugene Thursday.
The one act play, presented by
the Guild theatre players, will bo
given Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock
in honor of the visiting students.
The matinee performance will be an
(Continued on page two)
To amend Article 7 of the
A. S. U. O. Constitution by add
ing a paragraph to read:
An additional fee of twenty
five cents per term shall be paid
by each student at the time of
paying the regular registration I
fee. This fee shall be used to I
form a lecturo fund to provido
guarantees and expenses for vis- !
iting lecturers. This fund shall
be expended according to the
budget submitted by the lecturo I
committee to the Executive
» * #
To amend Clause 2, Section 4,
of Article 7, to read as follows:
The treasurer of the respective
classes shall authorize all pur- (
chases of the class by requisition
and shall endorse all bills and
approve all claims for the pay
ment thereof. Duplicate requisi
tions and invoices shall be turned
over to the treasurer of the As
sociated Students for payment.
(To modernize constitution to
system in use).
To amend the A. S. U. 0. Con
stitution 'by repealing and taking
from the Constitution all of Ar
ticle 3 of Section 9. (Note?: The
Article is to no effect since the
organization of the Women’s
* » *
To amend the A. S. U. O. Con
stitution by adding paragraph 9
to Section 3 of Article IV.
for all student body activities
shall be designated by a perma
nent resolution from a joint
meeting or meetings of the regu
larly provided Student Council
To regulate the finances of
dances and entertainments given
by campus organizations which
are held primarily for A. S. U. 0.
* » *
To amend the By-laws by sub
stituting the following for all of
Article 8 of the By-laws: Awards
and the Executive Council. Pro
vided further, that any perma
nent motion of this joint com
mittee relative to awards may be
•epealed or amended by a major
.ty of the members present at a
regular meeting of the associa
Campus Campaigns to
End With Vote Today
Flunk-out Rules
May Be Changed
Faculty Hear Regulations
At Meeting To<lay
A new regulation, proposed by
the scholarship committee, will be
brought before the faculty meeting,
to be held in room 110 Johnson hall,
Tho proposed regulation reads
that all regular upper division stu
dents must carry at least twelve
hours per term and must pass at
least, ten hours per term or be
dropped from the University.
Lower division students will, if
the new ruling passes, be compelled
to carry at least twelve hours a
term and to pass five hours or be
dropped fiom the University. Un
less they successfully pass tea hours
a term they will be placed on proba
tion. Both lower ai^l upper class
men are urged to carry sixteen
hours per term.
Both upper and lower division
students who are dropped imay peti
tion the scholarship committee when
nine months have elapsed, for rein
statement, which, if granted because
of unusual extenuating circum
stances, will be for one term. Dur
ing that time tho student must
refrain from all student, extra cur
ricular, and organization activities,
must carry at least twelve hours a
term, and must pass twelve hours a
term or bo dropped permanently.
Both lower and upper classmen
may petition to carry less than
twelve hours a term. In doing so
all students, except in tho case of
graduating seniors carrying the
maximum need for graduation, must
withdraw fpom all student, extra
curricular, and organization activi
ties. Upper division students are
compelled to pass at least ten hours
a term, or all hours carried if less
than ten, or bo dropped from tho
University. Lower division students
come under the same rule with tho
exception that they will be* placed
on probation for one term.
Lindy Plans Second
Flight Across Ocean
fBv United Pres*)
WASHINGTON, May 1—Colonel
Clias. A. Lindbergh told the United
Press today he plans to mi^ko an
other trip to Europe.
Just how ho will go, he said, has
not been'determined.
Asked as to plans for an air jump
via Greenland and Iceland, Lindy
said he had been opposed to “fur
ther trans-ocean flights unless they
add something to the science of
lie did say, however, “I am very
much interested in the feasibility of
flying by way of Greenland to Eur
ope, but as far as the flight is con
cerned, I *don’t know yet whether
it is feasible or not.” Lindbergh
admitted he had been much inter
ested in the Greenland-Iceland route
possibilities. “Will you take the
flight to Europe that way if you
find it feasible?” he was asked.
“I don’t want to say anything
about that because I don’t want to
be in a position of announcing
something that I cannot accomplish
S. E. Skelley To Speak
On Financial Problems
S. E. Skelloy, an official of tlie
Portland Electric Power company,
will come to Eugene May 9 to ad
dress the students of business ad
ministration on the topic of “Prob
lems of Financing Public Utilities.”
The lecture, which will bo in room
105 of the commerce building at 2
o’clock, is under the auspices of
Alpha Kappa Psi, professional ac
counting fraternity.
Co-op Requests Titles
Of Next Year’s Books
The University Co-op wishes to
ask the cooperation of the instruct
ors in handing to them as soon as
pessible the titles of books to be
used in their classes next fall.
Students are always clamoring
tc sell their old books and it would
help the Co-op greatly if they
could obtain the information early
as to just what books will be in de
Campus Candidates Who
Are in Race for Offices
Lester Johnson
Joo McKeown
Art Anderson
Bob Hynd
Agues Petzold
Jo Rdlston
Helen Webster
Walter Coover
Arden X. Pangborn
Senior Woman (One Year)
Charlotte Carll
Elsie Goddard
Junior Man (Two Years)
John J. Anderson
Senior Man (Three)
Burr Abner
Bill Eddy
Ralph Geyor
Roy Herndon
Ernest Jaehetta
Senior Women (Two)
Dena Aim
Luoln Bongo
Irene Hartsell
Roso E. Roberts
Junior Men (Two)
Dick Horn
Kenton Hamaker
Walter Norblad
Junior woman
Eldress Judd
Bra Milligan
Sophomore Man
Ed Appel gren
Chet Floyd
‘•Squeak” Parks
Dorothy Baker
Pad Ston
Sophomore Men (Two Years)
Hal Anderson
Itosscr Atkinson
Bay Foster
Jaines Raley
Freshman Man (One Year)
Josh Alexander
Alexander MeEvvan
Allen Palmer
Professor F. S. Dunn
To Work on Dictionary
Professor F. S. Bunn, head of tho
Latin department,'has been ashed to^
assist in preparing a new dietionary
on lato medieval British Latin in
cluding the years 1066-1G00.
A good many British and Ameri
can scholars are cooperating in this
work. Professor Tout heads the
British committee and Professor J.
F. Willard tho American. Professor
Dunn as one of the compilers will
select his own particular document
to work on and ho expects to devote
some time to it this summer.
Professor Dunn has written many
articles for publication. lie recently
had one published in tho Oregon
•Education Journal entitled “Latin
Advance, In Betrospect” dealing
with tho much discussed question of
just why it is profitable for a stu
dent to have a knowledge of the
Frank Fay Eddy Talks
To Sigma Delta Chi
A freelance writer lias a wide
and versatile field of operation, one
that never grows stale in interest,
according»to Frank Fay Eddy, free
lance writer and editor of the Eu
gene Shopping News, who addressed
the members of Sigma Delta Chi at
their luncheon meeting yesterday
at the Anchorage.
The first thing is to get contacts
with people who want freelance
I work done, he pointed out. Onco a
start is made and people know a
writer is in the market for this
work, it is volunteered. It is import
ant for a freclanco writer to be able
to do all kinds of work, he said.
University Hi Quartet
Wins in Music Contest
The boys’ quartet of University
high school wor^ first place in the
Class B division for the boys’ quar
tets last Friday at the state music
tournament in Forest Grove. Tho
quartet consisted of Kermit Ste
vens, Alton McCully, Gifford Nash
ar.d Alford Frese. .
Gifford Nash also won third place
in the violin solo division.
Polls In Villard Hall
To Receive Ballots
From 9 to 3
Strong Student Vote Urged
As Political Climax
For Year
Today is election day. From 9
o’clock this morning until 3 o’clock
this afternoon, members of the
A. S. U. O. will bo dropping their
ballots in the ballot boxes in Villain!
hall. Early this evening the results #
will be known. On one hand will
be the victorious office seekers and
their supporters in the limelight
passing out the cigars, while those
who go down to defeat before the
mass of student votes, will retire
from the prominence they liavo oc
cupied during the political cam
Every student is urged to get out
| and vote today. The hours for vot
| ing are arranged so that everyone
| may have an opportunity to cast his
The election board has been se
lected and everything is in readiness
for tho opening of the polls at 9
o’clock. The Oregon Knights will
assist the inspector at tho polls
and will also be on hand to aid in
case of congestion.
Attention is again called to tho
electioneering and the clause con
cerning tho voting for the wrong
number for an office. These rules
will bo strictly enforced.
Members of the student body who
have not as yet given any considera
tion to tho proposed amendments to
the constitution aro urged to read
them over that they may vote on
them with some degreo of intelli
gence. They aro printed in this
issue of tho Emerald.
All members of the election board
are requested to report for duty a
few minutes before the hour in or
der that those serving tho previous
hour may reach their classes on
Counting of tho ballots will begin
at 3 o’clock this afternoon and tho
first results aro to be posted at
Villard hall at 4 o’clock and each
hour thereafter now results will bo
Besides the voting on candidates
for student body offices, members
are to be elected to tho University
Co-op board.
Dr. Packard’s Study
Gets African Inquiry
After traveling all tho way from
Bloemfontein, South Africa, a letter
came in to the Emerald yesterday
asking for Dr. E. L. Packard’s dis
cussion of the “Trigoniao From tho
Pacific Coast of Northern Amorica.”
Tho paper by tho member of tho
geology department faculty here was
issued as one of tho University
scientific publications.
Dr. E. C. N. van Hocpen, director
of tho National Museum at Bloem
fontein, was struck by a reference
to Dr. Packard’s study. He is him
self engaged in describing a vast
collection of cretaceous fossils so
when lie saw an allusion to an asso
ciated study in the Pacific area, ho
sent a request for tho details to
supplement his own observations and
“I am now writing to ask you,”
said his letter, “if you will bo so
kind as to present the part of your
publication containing this paper to
our institution. Any other papers
on cretaceous fossils which your
university may have published
would also be very welcome.”
Quarantined Patients
Released From Annex
The infirmary annex may bo closed
within a day or two, according to
Dr. Fred N. Miller, University phy
Wilfred Brown and L. L. Estil
were released from quarantine yes
terday. Winona Irving, recovering
from the measles, will be discharged
today or tomorrow. Unless new
cases develop this will leave tho
annex without patients, Dr. Miller
Those under tho nurses’ care at
the infirmary are: G. M. Ede, Tom
Bunn, Jean Temple, Emily Williams,
William Baker, Sam Itzikowitz and
Warren Powell.