University of Oregon, Eugene MILTON GEORGE, Manager ; RAY NASH, Editor EDITORIAL BOARD Ciauma rietcner _ asb t. Managing: Joe Bico .-. Telegraph Carl Gregory ...... P. L P. senior Editor Editor waiter ooover-- Associate Editor Richard H. Syring _Sports Editor Donald Johnston .....---Feature Editor 1 araen a. rang Dorn literary traitor mizaoetn Dcnuitze ...society realtor News and Editor Phones, 666 DAY EDITORS: William Schulze, Mary McLean, Frances Cherry, Marian Sten, Dorothy Baker, Miriam Shepard. NIGHT EDITORS: J. Lynn Wykoff. chler; Lawrence Mitchelmore, Myron Griffin, Rex Tussing, Ralph David, Floyd Horn. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Joe Rice, Mil Prudhomme, Warren Tinker, Joe Freck, Glcr.n Gall, Harold Bailey, W. J. Loundagin, Harold Kester, Charles Barr, Wilfred Brown, Thomas Pumfrey. SPORTS STAFF: Joe Pigney, Harry Dutton, Chalmers Nooe, Chandler Brown, Warren Tinker, Scott Milligan. FEATURE STAFF: Florence Hurley, John Butler, Clarence Craw, Charlptte Kiefer, Don Campbell. UPPER NEWS STAFF: Amos Burg, Ruth Hansen, La Wanda Fonlason, William Haggerty. NEWS STAFF: Wilfred Brown, Grace Taylor, Elise Schroeder, Maryholen Koupal, Josephine Stofiel, Thirza Anderson, Etha Jeanne Clark, Mary Frances Dilday, William Cohagan, Elaine Crawford, Audrey Henricksen, Phyllis Van Kimmell, Mar garet Tucker, Gladys Blake, Ruth Craeger, Leonard Delano, Chrystal Ordway, Mar garet Reid, Gienna Heacock, Irene Urfer, Joe Rice, Leonard Hagstrom, Margaret Thompson, Alice Gorman, Thelma Kern, Evelyn Shaner. BUSINESS STAFF LARRY THIELEN—Associate Manager Ruth Street . Advertising: Manager Bill Hammond . Ass't. Advertising Mgr. Charles Reed . Aas’t. Advertising Mgr. Lucielle George ... Mgr. Checking De;>t. Bill Bates ... Foreign Adv. Mgr.' Wilbur Shannon — Ass’t. Circulation Mfet. Ray Dudley .. Assistant Ctrculdbor ADVERTISING SALESMEN—H. Day Foster, Richard Horn, Harold Kester, Ray : Smick, John Caldwell, Kenneth Moore. FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR—George Wener. ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS—Harold Bailey, Herb King, Ralph MiUsap. OFFICE ADMINISTRATION—Doris Pagsley, Haryette Butterworth, Helen Laur gaard, Margaret Poorman, Dorothy Davidson, Betty Boynton, Pauline Prigmore, Mar | garet Underwood. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Student* oi the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday durlnf the college year. Member, United Press News Service. Member of Pacific Interoofleglate Press. Entered :n the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscrip tion rates, $2.60 per year. Advertising rates upon application. Residence phone, •ditor, 721; manager, 2799. Business office phone, 1896. Day Editor This Issue—William Schulze Night Editor This Issue—Rex Tussing Assistant Night Editor—Mil Prudhomme FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1928 On the Defense From Ministering Angels /"'VREGON Commonwealth Scholar V./ ships is what the little official leaflet calls thorn and they are to go to underclassmen who “give evie donee of qualities of community leadership” in amounts up' to forty dollars each month for a year. A fund subscribed by and through patriotic alumni is the source from which these blessings flow. “Qualities of community leader ship” will at onco bo generally read by a sensitive public as a euphemism for varsity athletic possibilities. The hunch will be considered con firmed when all persons interested in the awards are referred to the di rector of athletics or the dean of men for consideration. But in real ity the head of the scholarship com mittee and the registrar also have membership in the determining group, and athletic prowess is but one of the live bases of choosing, the beneficiaries. * * » * # In England they have worked out a soloctivo system which grants “free places” to high quality all ’round men. These student sub sidies derived from taxes enable many of small means but great po tentialities to continue their studies to the glory of the institution. This is exactly -what the Com monwealth Scholarships aim at. The serious disability is their re liance on private contributions. If alumni put up the money and if the president of the alumni asso-, elation sits on the disbursement, body, and finally, if the donors can prescribe the disposal of their sub scriptions, who actually awards the Oregon Commonwealth Scholarships? If you don’t know, the Emerald will guess . . . the alumni. The Emerald does not blame the alums for working toward a renais sance of the ol’ spirit and the ol’ traditions of alma muter. But after all, it is up to the men on the grounds- -the University faculty and officialdom—to make their account ing to the state; let them do their host and receive t ho credit or curses. A few hundred old grads intriguing on tile strength of their scholarship donation will not ad vance the University. The Oregon Commonwealth Schol arships will be the best possible in ducement. in the University’s now policy of rushing students if the merit basis, which the committee has set as its standard, is adhered to. But the temptation to athletic sheiuiunigans and favoritism will be difficult to combat. The proof of tfy'e pudding is, as they say, in the visceral intrepidity of the commit tee. Help W anted; Wages No Object E'VJSBY campus undertaking that ‘ requtfes any amount of prelimi nary work is accompanied by a full quota of appeals for workers. Com mittee members, regardless of their willingness, are unable to carry the burden alone and must have others to help the task along to comple tion. .Most of the urgent pleas for assis tance are directed to the men of the (Viiinpus, for the women seem to be more prompt in lending a hand than are their brothers. Possibly this is because the co-eds have more time to spare than have the men. Possi bly it is because they are not so aware that"everybody’s business is nobody’s business.” If wages were to be offered in exchange for work on the scenery lor the Junior Vod-Vil, the Prom, and similar campus affairs, tho labor problem would vanish. Such u plan is, however, foreign to the tradi tional conduct of college productions with all talent nod labor being do nated. Until some genius devises a plan which will do away with tho present system, work on Vod-Vilx and dances will limp along in the old manner, Meanwhile, the work must bo done. Oi gan motion heads can help the matter greatly if they will see to it that workers are forthcoming and not depend on the other follow to! function. > W. C. Communications Hitching tlio Vodvil to ;i Star? To the Editor: It is appalling to pick up the Emerald and find that n fee has gone up or that the admission price of some campus event has been raised, hut the recent rise in ad mission prices for the junior class Bream Follies is the straw which breaks the camel’s back. Prices as stated in yesterday's Emerald are exorbitant! Imagine "laying out" $1.50 to see the Pronin Follies, or contenting yourself with several of the back rows for seventy-live cents! This year’s show will have to go far to exceed the Junior Vodvil of last year. Prices for this event wero 50 cents and $1. Charging such moderate prices, the class of llCkS cleared approximately $700. Why, 1 ask, ale the prices raised this year.’ Is the additional rise in price to add dignity to the show, making it excel over last year’- per formance? it is disquieting to wutoli the staging of annual events with a little more added onto the price each year. K. 11. SYH1N0. — STAM’OKl) UNIVERSITY, l’.\LO ' ALTO, April 1?.—t.lM.1’ Stan ford’s fraternities start their rush ing season today when lirst-year men are allowed in the houses on the How for the lirst time this year. The tweutv-four fraternities havej j been divided into two groups forj tlio first period whirl) extends over this week. The houses of one group! rush on one due ond those of the: other entertain on the next. .During this period only one date I is allowed for each house from one j freshman. In the second and final period, however, a first year man may go to the fraternity of his i choice as many times as he chooses. Advertising (iroup thirds Art Professor Professor Nowland it. Zone was elected to associate membership in Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s profes sional advertising fraternity, at the regular meeting of the chapter yes terday noon. \ arions phases of the "l*atsyM campaign were talked over and ex plained. The group moved to ac cept the petitions of two collegiate advertising clubs seeking admission into Alpha Delta Sigma; the Ad vertising (.Hub of the University of Texas, and the Advertising Club, Third Degree, of the University of Southern California. In the near future, the. local chap ter will work in conjunction with linUuia Alpha (.’hi, girls’ advertis ing fraternity, and the Kugene Ad i ub to put on a big get-together of advertising associations in this lo cality. IT TS HUMORED TTIAT A FEE OF ONE DOLLAR IS SOON TO BE C II A R G E D FOR DROPPING COURSES. Why stop there? Wliy not a ser vice charge of $1 per day for the privilege of carrying a course? Another source of revenue might be a $5 charge, similar to that of doctors, for consultations with any of the deans. UNIVERSITY PARCEL POST CHARGES CITED IN HEARING New York to San Francisco Rates Low in Comparison WASHINGTON, D. 0., April 12. — (Special). — Postmaster General Harry S. New, reviewing postal rates at a hearing in Washington today, declared that parcel post rates between New York and San Fran cisco were not exorbitant, especially when it is considered that a laundry hit can be sent from the University of Oregon sub-station at Eugene, to Portland for practically the same charges. WASHINGTON, D. C., April 12.— (Special.)—All attempts of the U. S. Postoffico Department to secure a controlling interest in the University of Oregon postal sub-station had failed up until a late hour today. TODAY’S DIRECTORY ANSWER “I hear you were thrown from your mount.” “Yes; 1 guess the IIorsfeKlt I had been driving him too fast.” LIFE’S LITTLE TRAGEDIES The management of tlio Ivory Soap company receives word that a ship, loaded with their product, has sunk. Released from pledge Is Angela MgSpouse; She asked for seconds At the Chi Psi house. * * # The blonde senior with the coffee stained mustache says there isn’t anything funny in the Emerald since they took out the Old Gold comic, strip. “Are you taking any activities this term?” “No; I have nothing hut classes.” * * * STATISTICS NOT WORTH KNOW! Nil It' all the rubber worn off gym .‘hoes iu the handball courts were "■ado into rubber heels, the guy Hearing them would be ten miles above the ground. * # * A MAN HAS 520 MU HOLMS, KI'T TIIII KLEPllANT HAS HIM UADI.Y BEATEN. IT HAS 40,000 IN ITS THINK ALONE. tiosli! Pity the poor elephant after iL first game of tennis in the spring! I'KW OF Till-: THINGS THAT COM i: TO Till: MAN WHO WAITS ARK I'll 1; THINGS UK WANTS Including the speed cop %vlieii you have stalled your motor in the mid dle of a busy intersection. » * « According jo Wednesday’s Guard, Marian Harms was ou the program o‘' an entertainment at the K. H. U. Suppose she was trying to s*i ui> agitation for a senior leap week o\ 'V there. FAMOUS LAST WORDS It s your ante. S.KV'K\ MK.BRS fflrom (Bur Book Nook Conducted’ by Arden X. Pangborn A new experience in delightful reading awaits those who are not yet acquainted with Donn Byrne’s stories, when they begin his new romance "Crusade,” a tale of old Ireland and the Bast, done in his best vein. It has that charm, difficult to match in the work of | any other contemporary author, which has built up for him a tre mendously enthusiastic following. "Crusade” is the story of the young Irish knight, Sir Milos O’Neill, of Ulster, cousin of the King of Ulster, who leaves tho strange house in which he has been reared from boyhood by his father’s murderers, to becomo a captain in tho employ of the Knights Temp lars, in the Holy Land. There he finds adventure a-plenty, and ro mance. His encounters /with his I evil superiors in the Order, his res i cue of Kothra, daughter of the Sheykh Haroun, his experiences I among Saracens and Christians, aro movingly related and couched in a j style that is one of the delights of modern literature. V■ -fK .* --■ Mr. Byrne’s work shows the in fluences of his education and en vironment. He received a thorough j grounding in the classics at Univ I orsity college, Dublin, and extended it at Paris and, Leipzig. To this education has been added a wide travel experience. He was born in New York in 1889, but before he | was threo months old was brought over to Ireland, which ought to have been his birthplace, since his father was an architect there. His name, then, was Brian Oswald Bonn - Byrne, and his intimate friends called him Brian—or, still more intimately, Briney. His boyhood was spent in County Down, where his mentality was nur tured on rhymes and legends of the misty past until he had the folk lore of the country at his finger tips. He settled down to literary work after marrying Dorothy Cado gan of Dublin. A few years ago he returned to Ireland, j A friend describes him as having j black hair, dark brown eyes, clcar 1 cut features, and the high forehead associated with fine intellect. He is fond of sports and horses and during college was an outstanding hthlcte, especially as a boxer. » * * An event unprecedented in screen history took place the other day when an author of the novel from which a picture was adapted wit nessed a preview and 'was unquali fied in her praise. Dorothy Scar borough is the author and the pic ture is “The Wind,” starring Lillian Gish and made from Miss Scarborough’s novel of the samo name published by Harper & Bro thers. The Oxford University Press, American branch, will publish shortly “The Epinomis of Plato,” translated with introduction and notes by ,T. Howard.' This is the second volume to be added to the Oxford library of translations with in the last few weeks. The Phaedo of Plato, translated by the Hon. Patrick Dunca'n, was recently an nounced. Money Changers Say Student Plot To Pay Tees Early Is Flop The rumor that the A. S. U. 0. were plotting to play a joke on the business office by all paying their fees on the first day of the ten-day period, has proved to be without foundation, according to reports from the money-changers. “We are glad,” they announced,” for we could not have possibly handled the entire student body in one day and it would have been mortifying to have been forced to admit that there was limit to the University’s ability to take money from the students.” , In order to stimulate iutorcst in early payment, each student who pays his fees today will be given a receipt free. Watch for tomorrow’s special in ducement offer. Appointment Bureau Places Two Teachers The University Appointment Bureau is finding its work not at all confined to the field of positions in Ike elementary and secondary school lields. Already this year it has been called upon to recommend candidates ter six positions in institutions of higher learning. Twp of theso have j been elected. Mrs. Buth Graham Base, ’dO, is now instructor in pub lic speaking at Albany College, and Miss Florence Buck, ’do, has already begun her work as instructor in Eng lish at the State Normal School at Ashland. The other positions were in the Middle West and required the degree of doctor of philosophy. Phi Mu Delegates To Convene at Whitman WHITMAN COLLEGE, WALLA WALLA, April 10.—(P.I.P.)—Tau chapter of J'hi Mu sorority, the old est national fraternity on the Whit man rumpus, will be the host of the bianmuH convention of the north west province this week-end. Tau chapter will have as its guests the l.ta Beta chapter from the Univer sity of Washington and the Eta Gamma chapter from the University ef Oregon. During this time the Tau chapter will entertain with its spring formal dance and spring tea for its guests. Infirmary Annex Used j First rime This Term __ ! 1 »'o vases of measles and one of mumps have necessitated the open jiiff of the infirmary annex for the \ first time this term, neeordiug to Miss Caluhafl, nurse at tho infirmary. Alice Jaquet aufl Ernest Jnchatta arc quarantined with the measles, and Don Aloe with tho mumps. Esther Crandall is in the infirmary with poison oai , and Eleanor Nvbreeder, Crac - Elemino, David Mason, Harlow AVienrick, 1\ AVert sreu, and Kalph HChmiller are con-i fin*!*1 with cd.ts. * Small Insects Have Lengthy Cognomens, Reporter Discovers iff-£-rv -.r'^ =^r«, -v , Interested in bugs? There are all kinds and conditions of them over in Dr. Yocom’s labora tory that somo of the students have been classifying. Most of the names are bigger than the bugs, but that shouldn’t bother anyone. Just fea ture any poor little animal trying to lead a healthy and normal life with a name like Lampyridae, Dor mestidae, Coleoptera, or Dermostidao. The students of advanced zoology j and the instructors claim that there BEYOND THE HORIZON Guild Theatre Tonight ; I TODAY || AND II SATURDAY ■ stNt snwnQN rofuiRS with Hobart Bosworth and all Star Cast On the Stage— Patterson School “KIDDIES FOLLIES” Nightly—8:15 Comedy News REX PRICES Continuous 1 to 11 Theaters McDonald — Second day — The last, and best half, of our Gala Easter Week bill, headed by Harry Langdon, in “The Chaser,” a glor iously funny farce comedy; also, George McMurphey and his Kollege Knights in “Springtime Fancies,” featuring a brass quartet and Kenny Allen, soloist, in a special setting, nightly at 8:50; also Lupino Lane in “Hello Sailor,” an ocean of fun; Koko, the clown, in a cartoon classic, and Paramount News events; Frank D. C. Alexander in musical comedy settings on the mighty or gan. Coming—“The Love Mart,” with Billie Dove and Gilbert Boland, in a George Fitzmaurice production, with an elaborate atmospheric pro logue featuring the Stang studio dancers and vocalists. REX—First day—Gene Stratton Porter’s popular romance of the Limberlost, “Freckles,” with Ho bart Bosworth, John Fox Jr., and Gene Stratton; on the stage, Patter son school “Kiddies’ Follies,” fea turing a dozen of Eugene’s clever est kid stars, nightly at 8:50; clover comedy and International News events; Marion Zurclier at the or gan. Coming—“Slightly Used,” a com edy delightful, with May McAvoy and Conrad Nagel. are supposed to bo a million of the little darlings, although they can only prove there arc half that many. Be that as it may, thero are boxes and boxes of them over at Deady— and if you are interested in any nice, now spring colors or slightly worn winter ones, .just go over and give the insects the once over. Tailored to Measure VIRGIN WOOL SUITS $29.50 FULTON’S 30 West 10th Bulletins Phi Chi Theta meeting Friday, April 14, at 5:15, 106 Commerce. Philippinenses—Special meeting to night at 8:30 at the UY” hut. Important matters to be dis cussed. Be there. Do-nut Baseball—League C. Phi Gamma Delta vs. Friendly Hall; league D, Beta Theta Pi vs. Alpha Tau Omega, 4 o’clock. Alpha Delta Sigma announces tho election of Professor Nowland B. Zane to associate membership. Pc-ny Chorus—Rehearsal today at 5 p. m. Campa Shoppe. Beauty Chorus—Meet today for 15 minutes, Campa Shoppe, 4:45 p. m. Hunts 2 Years for the Right Tobacco * .j Dallas, Texas March 22,1927 Laras & Bro. Co. ( Richmond, Va. ^ •_ i Gentlemen: 1 The worst thing in the world to try to find, is a good pipe tobacco that is well within the reach of everybody! and at the same time does not tast<( like it had just come out of the cabbagh patch. I I have been smoking a pipe for two years and have just this month started to smoke a real smoke, Edgeworth. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Believe me, I tried for two years,' but finally success is more than mine. • I have just been looking around, and have found to my delight that I ran get Edgeworth practically any where. I even found it out at the lake near Dallas where I go fishing. Oh boy, what a combination—a perfect day, a can of good tobacco, and your pipe. I always thought these ad letters were the bunk, but this time I know somebody is wrong anti that is me. Here’s to old Edgeworth, Edmund Condon Edgeworth Extra High Grade Smoking Tobacco Red and Green Pumps Ultra smart and exceedingly fashionable are these highly colored shoes. Now being shown as the season's newest. Cadet Hosiery Things May Not Be What They Seem— But Our Quality Remains Constant College Ice Cream The Week of April 13th BULK Pineapple Ice Cream BRICKS—THREE LAYERS Macaroon, Pineapple, Strawberry Nougat Eugene Fruit Growers Ass’n Phone 1480 Eugene, Oregon