Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1928, Image 1

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Golfers Prepare
For Coast Meet
Divot Digging Should Be
Made Minor Sport;
Huskies Here Today
Sports Editor
As a reward for having turned in
the best, scores in a 3G-ho!e medal
tournament held at the Eugene
Country Club last
Saturday after-)
noon, Edward!
Crowley and Rob-)
ert Gif feu -will ?
represent the Uni-|
versify of Oregon
at the first Pacif
ic coast confer
ence intercollegi
ate golf title play
on the Lakeside
course of the*
Olympic club in
Bob Giffen
ft,an Francisco,Thursday and Fri
day, April 19 and 20. Competing
in a field of 12 contestants, Crow
ley and Giffen made the 3G holes
in 77, 78, and 81, 83, respectively.
John Gray with a 83, 84, and Dick
Schroeder with a score of 84, 84,
were runners up.
Neither Crowley or Giffen are
new men in the Webfoot golf cir
cles, being members of last year’s
successful team. Crowley was a
member; of the two-man team with
Lloyd Byerley which was defeated
in the finals of the best-ball team
match by “Chuck” Hunter and Bar
ney Savery last year. It was at
this same tournament that Byerley
won the Northwest Intercollegiate
singles and Crowley tied “Chuck”
Hunter for third.
* * *
This afternoon will see “Chuck”
Ilunter and Edgar Wheaton, Uni
versity of Washington’s golf team,
arrive in Eugene for several days
of practice matches with the Web
foot team on the Eugene Country
club course. Hunter, by the way,
is one of the most finished golfers
on the coast, having been a finalist
in the Oregon, Washington and Caii
foria tournaments last year. He was
a medalist in the Western Amateur
play-off. held in Seattle last sum
The two Husky divot diggers will
accompany the Webfoot pair south.
They will probably leave on the
Shasta Monday noon.
* * *
Leaving early as Monday will give
the northern golfers two days of
practice before the toprnament
Ed Crowley
upieus. ^iccoru
ing to Ed Crow
ley, the Lake
side course is a
long, beautiful,
hazardous set of
nines. This ini
tial golf tour
ney will have
repr esentatives
from nearly
every school in
the conference.
Bob Taylor and
Hugh Eitzger
aid, u. a. C.; Eddie JMeyerberg and
Herb Eleischaker, Stanford, and
Julian Kahn, California; comprise
the majority of the participants. The
University of Southern California
will enter a team and there is some
possibilities that \V. S. C. may send
one representative.
Two days of play will be in the
form of a 54-liole medal tournament
with 18 holes scheduled for the first
day and 36 on Friday. The two
outstanding contenders for single
(Continued on page three)
Equalization Fee Left
In McNary-Haugen Bill
Passed by U. S. Senate
(Bv United Press)
-^HINGTON, April 12. — Tlio
i \* Haugen farm relief Trill,
eo * V ' the equalization fee ob
ject % * by President Collidge in
his vi * Vhe bill last year, passed
the see
Ve today.
k. ^ '1,1 oetnl
The b V
ernment o *
the White Hoi.
it will be vetoe.
The final vote in the senate was
53 to 23.
Id establish a gov
iion for tho orderly
at if it reaches
s present form
■esident Cool
Girls’ Saloon Is
Leap Attraction
Barroom Bust Assures
Pretzels and Soda
The Malamute Saloon will look
like a Wednesday night prayer meet
ing compared with the Hendricks
bail dancing room one week from
this evening, on April 20th, when the
third feature on the Senior Leap
Week program will take place.
Following the opening of the “no
date -when yoia come, but date when
you leave dance” on' Thursday
right, and the Cat-Astrophe dance
Friday afternoon, the peak of the
entertainment will be reached and
Bar Room Bust will be reversed to
a Busted Bar Room when the senior
class staggers homeward.
Pretzels and—soda pop will be the
main attraction. And a bar—a real
B. P. (Befor’e Prohibition) bar will
be the most popular piece of furni
ture. Between pretzels a«d soda
pop the couples will give each other
support in the recreation of dancing.
The music box -will be in the form
of a four-piece orchestra, which will
give atmosphere as well as syncopa
Crazy -words, crazy tunes, crazy
pesters, and (yazy clothes will be
motifs of the evening, says Iris
Saunders, who has charge of the
Bar Room Bust plans.
The directorate for the Leap
Week ha"S had another meeting and
all plans are reported to be leaping
.ahead. Marian Barnes is chairman.
She urges all senior men and women
to remember that at the dance
Thursday all dates must be made—
none before oT after.
Gay and catchy posters will bedeck
the campus next week in honor of
the annual event. Hope Crouch and
Mary Johnson compose the commit
tee working on them.
Levine Case Settled
Out of Federal Courts
(By United Press)
WASHINGTON-, April 12. —The
government suit against Charles A.
Levine, transatlantic flyer for sur
plus war material deals, has been
settled out of court for $150,000, it
was learned today at the depart
ment of justice.
Governor A1 Smith
Leaves on Vacation
(Bv United Press)
NEW YORK, N. Y., •April 12.—
Governor Alfred E. Smith left late
today for a two weeks’ vacation
at the Biltmore Country club at
Ashville, N. C. He was accompanied
by William F. Kenney and his boy
hood chum, James Riordan.
'Big Train’ MacDonald Has Plenty
Of Speed; Career Begun in East
As a speed ball pitcher, Oregon
has an outstanding performer in the
person of Reynold MacDonald, who
has been called
the “Big Train”
of this year’s dia
mond squad.
“Maq” is the
huskiest of the
1928 mound-men,
weighing around
188 pounds, and
when he bears ■
down on a pitch f
the batter is fre
quently aware of ■
no more than a
streak of white
across the plate.
Beynold made umerals last year
in both basketball and bajseball,
playing guard with the hoopsters
and pitching for the baseball team.
Mac came to Oregon from Buffalo,
New York, where he graduated from
the Masten Park high school of that
city. In high school he played four
years with the football aggregation
under Coach Frank Morissey of Bos
ton College, first as half and later
as quarter-back. Selected captain
during his last season, he led his
team to the third consecutive dis
trict championship. He was also
elected captain of the hockey team
during his last year, when the Mas
ten squad won the state champion
ship after a hard fought series with
the Nichols Preparatory school of
Coached by Coach Dold of Yale,
Mac was wing with the hockey sex
tet for three years. His pitching
ability earned him four letters with
the nine, and during this period the
Masten school won one league cham
pionship, nosing out Lafayette high
school of Buffalo by two games.
Mac’s fast ball was developed by
Coach Eugene Heck, a graduate of
MacDonald is a sophomore in the
school of physical education, and
is a member of the Sigma Nu fra
ternity. He is twenty-one years old
and is about six feet in height.
New Fund. Is
Set Aside For
Underclassmen To Be
Recipients Under
Stale Committee Will Be
Named To Solicit
Scholarship funds providing aid
for underclassmen whose personal
ity, character, intellect and physique,
together with practical experience in
the direction of student affairs, giv
ing evidence of the quality of com
munity dcadership, have been es
tablished by the University and.'
are to be known as the Oregon
Commonwealth Scholarships!, it is
announced by Elmer L. Shirrell, dean
of men and member of the com
mittee to administer the scholarship
These scholarships are not pri
marily to replace other funds and
scholarships, but are intended for
underclass students for whom loan
funds are not available, and who
are so far removed from graduation
and earnings that it is undesirable
to encourage them to borrow ex
Group to Administer
A committee to administer the
scholarships has been formed and
consists of the President of the
University, dean of men, director
of athletics, chairman of the schol
arship committee, the registrar, and
one alumnus of the University ap
pointed by the President of the in
stitution. The present members of
the committee are: President Ar
nold Bennett Hall, Dean Elmer L.
Shirrell, Virgil Earl, Dean James
H. Gilbert, Earl M. Pallett, and
John C. Veatch, president of the
alumni association.
President Hall will appoint a
number of sub-committees > to co
operate with the committee in ad
ministering the scholarships. These
will consist of from three to seven
members each, and (the majority
will be alumni of the University.
These committees will be responsi
ble for securing funds in their re
gions for the scholarships.
Expenses and Fees
Funds received by the Univer
sity of Oregon Scholarships arc
made over to the University of
Oregon and handled by the comp
troller, who is a bonded financial
agent. The funds will be dis
bursed only upon the order of the
The amount of any scholarship
is determined by the committee and
may vary in accordance with its
judgment, depending upon the need
of the individual and the availa
bility of the funds. Scholarships
awarded for living expenses are to
be paid monthly in advance; those
for fees are to be paid upon the
date fees are due.
Awards for One Year
Awards are ordinarily made for
one year. The committee will for
mulate regulations, forms and pro
cedures for making the awards, and
will keep in touch with the recipi
ents of scholarships.
The amount which has been do
nated to the scholarship fund has
not been made public, but a con
siderable sum has been set aside
for this purpose. Donations should
be made to the Oregon Common
wealth Scholarship fund. Donors
who wish to establish scholarships
as memorials or for special purposes
may do so, however, and have them
administered by the committee.
Awards and scholarships cleared
through this committee will be list
ed in the catalog, and will be rec
ognized only if administered in this
Junior Men Asked
To Help With Vod-Vil
An urgent call for junior men to
appear at McArthur court Friday
afternoon and all day Saturday to
help build and paint scenery for the
Junior Vodvil, has been issued by
George Mason, chairman of con
struction work. Little or no re
sponse has Jieretofore been received
and the work is progressing very
Several elaborate and beautiful
scenes under construction have been
temporarily shelved duo to lack of
workers, according to Mr. Mason.
It is necessary to finish these scenes
at once so that pictures may .be
taken of them to be used in pub
licity work, he stated.
Here Rests Future of Junior Week-end
THE directorate which is in charge of arranging the entertainment for the big annual function of the junior
class. Beading from left to right, the committee includes: Roy Herndon, canoe fete; William Haggerty,
publicity; Mel Cohn, assistant chairman; Jo Ralston, campus luncheon; Joe McKoown, general chairman; Ag
nes Petzold, secretary; Billy O* Bryant, junior vodvil; Ed Winter, junior prom; and William Eddy, campus day.
Jesus’ Way Is
Foster’s Desire
Evolution Termed God’s
Own Process
“I recommend the way of Jesus
to anyone who wants to march on
into the future at the head of the
column,” said Dr. Allyn T. Poster,
lecturer of the Baptist board of edu
cation, in his speech at yesterday’s
assembly. His subject was, “Does
Evolution Dispose of Religion?”
“Is Jesus Christ a product of
evolution? Suppose He is, we have
Him just the same. The processes
of evolution are God’s. By no
chance can they belong to the
scientists. If Christ were a product
of evolution He would still be the
one altogether lovely, and chief
among ten thousand. Somehow
Christ was a revelation of God,” the
speaker declared.
“Wo describe things by accurate
measurements and then by symbols,
or first by symbols and then by
measurements,” explained Dr. Fos
ter. “God is not an Oriental poten
tate, wearing a tinsel crown and
surrounded by His courtiers, but a
cosmic God. Ho is everywhere, im
minent and transcendant.
“We are with Him all the time.
We do not lose God. We see Him
in every reaction in the laboratory.
God is not lost, but found,” he said.
Some postulate constant improve
ment in mankind, and believe that
they have but to sit tight and they
will go to the Elysian Fields, accord
ing to the speaker, but they have
only to go into the .laboratory and
hear a scientist speak on evolution
to know that there is a bloody strug
gle going on everywhere. He quoted
the Biblical definition of sin as
“the transgression of law,” and re
marked that when an organism vio
lates the plan of nature it pays the
bill, often -with extinction.
Specialization and cooperation
are two methods of advance, ac
cording to Dr. Foster. Life from
the lowest species to the highest is
constantly being given up for the
good of the whole, and individuals
do not hold their lives as their own,
but as at the call of the group. No
man Jias ever lived in perfect joy
who has not helped lift the burden
of the group, in the speaker’s opin
“Surely human life can reach out
to a higher environment and bo re
organized,” said Dr. Foster. “The
whole thing is based on variability
and reorganization. It is possible
for man to reorganize the atoms of
,his nature. For instance, new in
terests have come to you on the
No energy is ever lost and none
can come into this planet without
disturbing the energy already here,
according to Dr. Foster. The finest
energy is not in the body, not in
the mind, but in both these plus per
President A. B. HaH
Will Returre April 17
President Arnold Bennett Hall
will return to the campus April 17,
according to word received here.
President Hall lias been gone since
March 18 from the campus on Uni
versity business. He was in Chi
cago, Illinois, from April 5 to 13.
Secrecy Hiding Stunts
May Be Lifted as Time
For April Frolic Nears
Tomorrow you can say, “Tonight’s
ihe night,” co-eds.
For tomorrow night at 7:30 the
loors of the gym in the Woman’s
auilding will be opened to what
promises to be the most entertain
ing April Frolic in April Frolic his
tory. Assurance of this comes from
Frances Plimpton, general chairman
rf the Women’s League event.
She got the tip from the heads of
the four class stunts and the var
ious committees for features, cur
tain acts, music, etc., all of whom
have been working hard so that
they can truthfully say it.
It is also hinted that a touch of
humor will pervade the class stunts,
although the birdies are keeping
their luiowledgo of the stunts secret
as yet. Bumor has it, though, that
they will not bo able to keep it
out of tomorrow’s Emerald.
Announcement Orders
Suggested by Kinley
Members of the senior class who
expect to got their announcements in
time for commencement exercises
in Juno should get their orders
placed at the Co-op store within the
next few days, according to an an
nouncement made yesterday by
Sam Kinley, chaimnan of the senior
announcement committee.
The announcements this year are
quite different from thoso of pre
ceding commencements, according
to Kinley. A special effort was
made to find an announcement
which would combine attractiveness
with dignity and yet one which
would be sufficiently inexpensive I
that the class members would not |
be forced to add a great deal to
the regular cost of graduation.
Arrangements for the announce
ments were completed yesterday,
and orders will be taken immedi
ately. However, owing to tlio
length of time which is necessary
for the turning out of a good job,
the orders should be placed without
University High Holds
Successful Shine Day
Thursday was Shine Lay, not
Junior Shine Lay, but University
High Shine Lay. The Uni Times,
the high school paper, needed money
so the staff members converted the
front hall of the school into a shoe
shining parlor and took it upon
themselves to be bootblacks. This
is the first shino day that has ever
been sponsored at the high school,
but, according to the Uni staff, it
has proved very successful. They i
report that they made about $o.
Jones Takes Position
With Marietta College
David T. Jones, head of biology
laboratories here, has accepted a
position as instructor of biology at
Marietta college, Marietta, Ohio.
Mr. Jones will take up his new
duties there in September.
Mr. Jones graduated from tho
State College of Iowa in 192.1 and
received his M.A. there in 1925.
Bremen Flyers
In Mid Ocean
Three Intrepid Aviators
Not Sighted
fPv United Press)
NEW YORK, April 12.—Throe in
trepid aviators, flying into eloml
and gale, were presumed tonight to
be on the second half of their trans
atlantic flight from Baldonnel Air
drome to Mitchell Field, N. Y.
They startod from Baldonnel at
12:38 p. m. eastern standard time
today and should bo over tlio At
lantic. coast near at about 12:30 a.
m., Friday, and at Mitchell Field
at about i2:30 p. m.
At 12:30 a. in., or 24 hours after
they started, nothing was known of
their fate.
ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland, April
13.—Weather conditions at mid
night, New Foundland time, wero
becoming more unfavorable from the
standpoint of the three aviators at
tempting a westward crossing of the
North Atlantic. Skies wero lowering
and the forecast indicated that gales
were possible with rain and sleet.
At midnight no report of the Bre
men being seen or heard had been
Transatlantic Flight
Interests Lindbergh
<Py United Press 1
12.—Colonel Clins. A. Lindbergh to
day followed with keenest interest
press reports on the attempt of
three men to stand the Atlantic from
east to west—a flight shown by rec
ords of death to bo more hazardous
than his own trip from west to cast.
Lindbergh left instructions with
his secretary that any news of the
progress of the trio in their mono
plane should be relayed to him im
Junior Plans
For Week-end
Are Complete
Mother’s Day Program
Added Feature of
Follies Will Start Events;
Other Attraetions on
May 11 and 12
With the addition of entertain
ment for mothers in connection with
the national observance of Mother's
day May It, the program for tho
annal Junior Week-end celebration
has been filled and the directorate
is busy with detailed preparations
for the various events.
Linda Benge has been appointed
by Joe MeKeown, general chairman
of the Week-end, to head the com
mittee in charge of entertaining the
mothers. It is hoped that as much
interest will bo aroused among tho
mothers as was shown by the atten
dance of tho fathers at tho celebra
tion in their honor.
Tollies First Event
First on the Junior Week-end pro
gram will be the Dream Follies which
will bo presented at the Heilig the
atre, April 27 anil 28. A large cast
of singers, daneers and entertainers
are rehearsing daily under tho di
rection of Billy O’Bryant, chairman
of tho show, and pre-season opinion
expects the Follies to even eclipse
the success of last year’s presenta
tion of Creole Moon.
Two weeks after this e-vent tho
rest of the Junior Week-end events
will tako place on May 11 and 12.
Tho program has been arranged to
appeal to everyone and will include
athletic contests, a canoe fete, a
campus luncheon, the elevation of
tho frosh from their lowly ranks,
and, as a final climax, tho Junior
Frosh Perform Friday
Friday morning, May 11, will seo
: the freshman-sophomore tug-of-war,
: tho painting of tho “0” by the
frosh football men and the burning
of tho green lids by all the male
jnembers of tho freshman class. In
the afternoon a conferenco baseball
game will bo played between O. S.
C. and Oregon. Friday night the
canoe fete will be tho chief attrac
tion. Besides tho, usual entertain
ment of artistic floats, musical and
swimming features have been prom
ised at this time.
Tho following morning will bo
filled by several exhibition tennis
matches between stellar players, and
golf matches with O. S. C. and Ore
gon competing. At noon tho cam
pus day luncheon will bo held and
an entertaining program has been
arranged for this.
Tea to Honor Mothers
Saturday afternoon the mothers
will bo honored with a tea either
ir. tho Woman’s building or out
side, depending on tho weather con
ditions. A track moot between Wash
ington and Oregon will also bo held
at Hayward field in the afternoon.
Then tho big .junior dance of the
year, tho Junior Prom, will bo given
at McArthur Court in tho evening.
As an added feature, a special
Mother’s day program will be given
at Vespers Sunday afternoon.
“With several added features in
i' Continued on page four.)
'Swan’ Makes Year’s Biggest Hit
During Repertoire Performance
The presentation of “The Swan”
last night at the Guilcf theater was
the most perfect production staged
by Miss Wilbur’s classes during tlio
entire year. It may be said that it
didn’t have a weak spot in it.
Every character was perfectly cast
and each individual interpretation
was remarkable for its excellence.
Miss Joy Ingalls as Alexandra,
daughter of the Princess Beatrice
(Grace Gardner), struck the note of
delicacy and whimsy that charac
terizes the entire play. As a very
gentle and sweetswillod young wo
man, Miss Ingalls forms the neces
sary contrast to Grace Gardner, who
is the dominant, strong willed wo
man that governs every one around |
her. The charm of the play be
longs to Miss Ingalls’ rendering, to
gether with Arthur Anderson’s dis
cerning construction on the part
of the professor, I)r. Hans Agi.
Grace Gardner’s portrayal of the
princess mother scheming for the
marriage of her daughter with
Prince Albert was practically flaw
loss aiul tlio more commendable be
cause of its difficulty.
Clean Potts, who played Prince
Albert,, quite captured the apprecia
tion of his audience. We have not
appreciated Mr. Potts sufficiently
before. lie has that enviable abil
ity to litorally make a lino with tho
slightest inflection of his voice.
Cecil Matson was quite on a par
with any of tho characters in tho
play as tho jovial friar, Hyacinth,
brother to Beatrice. Ho was hu
man and understanding, even as
Alexandria found him.
Still another outstanding charac
ter was Eunice Payne, who was
Princess Maria Dominica, mother
of Albert. She possessed all tho
qualities of a queen, majesty, aris
tocracy, pride and poise.
Tho unusual success of the play is
undoubtedly due to the careful and
accurate easting of each individual
part which is to the particular credit
of Miss Florence Wilbur, director of
dramatics. All tho minor parts were
well handled also, which together
with tho very good stage setting
and lighting effects, combined to>
make tho evening’s production en»
tiroly excellent iu quality.