Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 29, 1928, Image 1

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News Events
Fall Talks on Oil
Stock Market Busy
Flood Relief Passes
———by United Press_
Tall Says Deal Straight
EL FASO, Texas, March 28.
The Albert B. Fall defense for the
> leasing of Teapot Dome was given
today in a copynight Interview
given today in a Scripps-Howard
newspaper. “They are trying to
to prove that it was graft,” Fall
was quoted ns saying, “but I made
what I thought was a good deal for
the government.”
“A geological survey had said
that oil in the Teapot Dome naval
reserve was sealed off by water,
and was in no danger of being
drained off by seepage,” Fall told
the Post.
“In the desire to protect the
government, I sought the advice of
men whom I considered the best
experts available. They said there
was danger of seepage. Later find
ings proved that they were cor
rect. They said that I suppressed
news about the lease to favor Sin
clair but there were others who
knew about it. There was nothing
to hide.”
“I know nothing about the Con
tinental Trading Company. So far
J as I am concerned, it makes no dif
” ference whether Harry M. Black
^ mer, and James E. O’Neil, oil men
for whom the committee is hunting,
have gone abroad. I claim that so
far as I am concerned, the lease
deal was open, above-board, and
good business.”
Four Million Shares Sold
NEW YORK, March 28—For the
third successive day, more than four
millions of shares of stock changed
hands on the New York stock ex
change today. Tightening of call
money until it was quoted at five
per cent, and heavy exports of gold,
close observers said, were the ele
ments which prevented a total sales,
reaching close to, if not over, a five
million mark, and they also oper
ated to prevent a recover of the
losses which leading stock suffered
General Motors lead the market
closely followed by Sinclair oil.
Senate Passes Relief Bill
WASHINGTON, D. 0. March 28
•—After only 90 minutes debate the
Senate today passed the Mississippi
flood control bill without a dis
enting vote. This set a record for
speed in such important legislation,
and forecast early action by the
house with the probability of com
pleted legislation before the ad
journment of Congress May 1.
The Senate bill calls for no fur
ther contributions by the states, in
that respect, running counter to the
insistence of President Coolidge.
The White House principal is ac
cepted theoretically in the bill which
says that $292,000,000 by the states
on levees, can be regarded as a suf
ficient local contribution.
Trans-Atlantic Fliers Ready
lin, March 28.—The monoplane
Brennan was hauled to the wooden
runway early today in preparation
for an attempted non-stop flight
to the United States.
Flares were used to light the air
drome and the surrounding field,
and the mechanics assisted in pre
paring the huge plane for its 3000
mile flight.
The German aviators said that
they intended to take off at 5:30
a. m. A heavy fog hindered.
Bruins Win 1-0
LOS ANGELES, March 28.—Al
though he pitched a no-hit baseball
against the University of Califor
nia at Los Angeles today, Soveski
of Stanford lost his game 1 to 0.
Berlinbach, Bruin catcher, scored
the only run of the contest in the
sixth, when he reached first on a
single, made second . on an error,
and came on home on a two base
hit by another Bruin batsman.
Cinder Path Men Will
Take Rest Until April
After a somewhat heavy schedule
of intramural' track meets Oregon
tracksters will practically cease ac
tivities until the interclass relays
1 April 14. According to Bill Hay
ward, both varsity and freshman as
pirants will attend to studies the
rest of the term, except those who
have back work in gymnasium to
make up.
The cinder path schedule for April
calls for three meets, with the in
tramural relays in April 21. This
tourney will probably bring more
men into action than any other in
tramural meet of the year. In pre
vious years the relays have been
very well attended.
On April 27 the donut athletes
will appear for the last time of the
year in an outdoor intramural track j
meet. Soon after that the varsity j
and the freshmen will start the!
schedule of interscholastic meets. j
fPrivate Peat9 Scheduled to Speak
At Assembly on Popular Address
\ 7ar Hero Makes His
^ First Appearance
In City Today
old R. Peat, internationally
kn as “Private Peat,” the
yoi Canadian soldier who became
a hi ’uring the World war, makes
his . appearance in Eugene this
morning, when he will deliver his
popular address, “The Inexcusable
Lie,” before the student body at
the 11 o’clock assembly.
In the years following the war—*
before such drmaatic plays as Law
rence Stallings’ “What Price
Glory” appeared—“Private Peat,”
the personal diary of the soldier,
used to have a prominent plaee in
almost overy family bookshelf. Grad
ually, people began to see that the
only difference between Peat’s
story and other dramatic war nar
ratives, perhaps, was that “Private
Peat” had a redeeming streak of
Of the tragedy of war, the Cana
dian is well fitted to speak. He
enlisted in August, 19i4. He fought
with tho plucky regiments that Eng
land called across. Once he was
severely wounded, and lay on tho
battlefield seventy-two hours before
being found. His is one of the re
markable recoveries of the war, for
his right shoulder was blown off, his
right arni remained paralyzed /or
three years; and his right lung con
tains a considerable number of frag
ments of explosive bullets. That,
according to the story the Redpatli
publications tell, is the manner in
which Private Peat “got his.”
Style and Humor Praised
“A rebuilt wreck of the World
war,” the Raleight News and Ob
server calls him; “no general in
shiny boots, but Private Peat, who
knew what he was talking about,
last night delivered the most force
ful and the strangest appeal against
war that Raleigh had ever heard.
And he did not preach disarmament
or unpreparedness ...”
Harold R. Peat has come to be
recognized as one of the most in
teresting lecturers on the chautauqua
and lecture stage today. He has
traveled and spoken in thirty coun
tries. Other newspapers are loud
in praise of his picturesque style
and the fine humor that penetrates
his lectures. He is described as the
kind of a man, according tb the De
troit News, whoso story “is the per
fect plato of a photographic brain.”
Lecture Heads Series
The lecture is the first in a
series of interesting assemblies
which are being arranged for the
spring term by the registrar’s of
fice. The second speaker, scheduled
for April 5, is Lincoln Wert, world
trayeler, who recently made a tour
in the interest of Near East relief.
Mr. Wert is a friend of Prof. H.
S. Tuttle of the University school
of education.
Dr. Alan Poster, author 'and lec
turer, will be the assembly speaker
on April 12. He is a graduate of
Johns Hopkins and Yale universities,
and has an honorary degree from
Brown. During the past eight years
Dr. Foster has appeared before
dozens of audiences as a lecturer
on religion and science.
As speaker for April 19, the com
mittee is trying to secure Prof. Ed
win A. Cottrell, a prominent politi
cal scientist of Stanford. Before
1919 he was director of the bureau
of governmental research in the
political science field and has held
various committee positions along
the same line.
April 26 the assembly is devbted
to student body nominations.
World Debaters May Talk
On May 2, if the University de
bating team, now on the home
stretch of its round-the-world tour,
gets back in time, they will prob
ably address the students during
the 11 o’clock period.
During the assembly hour, May
10, the new officers of the student
body will be installed.
On May 17, the students will have
an opportunity to hear Joel Hilde
brand, dean of men at the Univer
sity of California, who will be
brought here under the auspices of
Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi. Mt.
Jlildebrand is perhaps best known
in the United States as a chemist.
The speaker for May 24, the last
assembly of the term, is not yet de
cided upon.
Anderson Will
Compete Friday
Training Completed by
Oregon Swimmer
Johnny Anderson, flashy Oregon
aquatic star, has nearly finished his
intensive training in the east and
will be in the best
of shape to enter
the preliminaries
of the National
ilnterco llegiate
swimming meet in
Philadelphia Frl
lay night. Since
liia arrival in the
east, Anderson has
•been working un
der the expert eye
of Ribert Kiphuth,
famous Yale men
tor, in the large j
Carnegie pool of
the New Haven
institution. Johnny Anderson
Unless nn unexpected change in
the order of events is innovated be
fore tomorrow night, Anderson will
be entered in the 50-yard free-style
and 150-yard back-stroke events. It
was hoped that Oregon’s blond star
would be able to compete in the
100-yard dash, in which he was con
ceded a better chance to place than
in the shorter distance, but the pres
ent order of events makes this im
Keen competition will, of course,
feature in both of the events, but
Anderson is given a little more of
an edge in the back-stroke than in
the sprint, due to his greater com
parative ability in this typo of
locomotion. Prominent men entered
in the 50-yard dash are: Darnell of
Michigan, Harrison of Stanford,
Wright of Columbia, present nation
al intercollegiate title holder, and
Bryant of Dartmouth, who has won
every 50-yard raee but one in which
he entered this year. Johnny’s sev
erest competitors in the back-stroke
are: Hinch of Northwestern, Hubble
and Spindle of Michigan, and Driggs
of Stanford.
] Several telegrams of encourage
ment were sent tp Anderson today,
ind word of his success in the pre
liminaries is expected to be received
some time Saturday.
Marriage Announced
By Former Students
Miss Szwa Leung and Mr. Hung
Fai Chung, two former University
6f Oregon students who received
degrees last June, and who were very
well known on the campus as inse
parable pals of'diminutive size, but
pleasing personalities, announced
their approaching marriage in a let
ter from Hongkong received re
cently by Mrs. Charlotte Donnelly,
dilector of student employment on
the campus. During her one year
in attendance at the university here,
Miss Leung lived in the home of
Mrs. Donnelly, and she expressed
great interest in her Eugene friends.
The date of the marriage is set for
March 30th.
Accompanying the letter from the
ycung people were two small, deli
cate, silken tapestries of exquisite
Chinese workmanship, gent to Mrs.
Donnelly as tokens of friendship.
One paragraph of the lotter tells of
plans for the marriage. Miss Leung
writes: “We are going to marry on
the 30th of March. Wo follow part
of the Chinese custom. Surely we
are sick of the troublesome cere
mony, but as it is a way to please
our parents, we just go ahead and
do it. We don’t kjow exactly where
we will make our home. It all de
pends on Chung’s work.’’
Miss Leung transferred to Oregon
from Mills college and was a major
in economics. Mr. Chung completed
four years here as a business admin
istration major. He has many influ
ential connections in Hongkong and
Shanghai and plans to enter finan
cial work in connection with for
eign exchange banking.
Meets This Afternoon
Students who registered for Camp
Cookery and who have not been as
signed to a section should not forget
to report to class this afternoon
at 1 o ’clock. This group will be
open to both men and women and
will be held on Tuesdays at 1 and
on Thursdays at 1-3. Enough stu
dents have registered to fill the
section but those who are interested
but not registered may be able to
be placed if they will report to
Miss Tingle. Students failing to re
port will be dropped.
One Taggitig Suffices
For Parkers, Asserts
‘Dad’ Emery, ‘Guard’
“Dad” Emery, for seven years
University night watchman, has a
new job—and likes it.
According to “Dad,” few college
men have to be “tagged” more than
twice. No, his new duty isn’t to
amuse the youngsters with that age
old game we all know, but. rather
to put little cardboard slips on
autos that are parked on Thirteenth
street when they should be some
place else.
“Dad” is all for the new ruling
of no parking on Thirteenth. He
says, “I want all to know that this
is good, as it will mean added
safety to 3,000- students. Approve
of it—you bet I do.”
University people have been splen
did in their cooperation so far, and
the number of tags is decreasing
daily. Who knows, “Dad” Emery
may soon bo seeking a now job
teaching students of other univer
sities how to play tag as it is
played at Oregon.
Medical School
Receives Pledge
General Education Board
Makes Payment
A certified check for $35,599.39,
the second installment of the $130,
006 gift to the University of Ore
gon medical school from the General
Education Board, has just been re
ceived by L. U. Johnson, comptroller
'of tho University. A check for $50,
000 was sent shortly after the an
nouncement of the award last April.
A balance of $44,000, making a
total of $130,000, will be sent to
tho University later.
The entire sum is to be used for
research purposes and for the ad
vancement of medical science at tho
medical school. Granting of this
substantial sum by the General Edu
cation Board is held to bo high
recognition for the school, it is
stated by Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall,
president of the Univorsity.
, The sum of $130,000 is stipulated
for definite purposes. It will enable
; the school to expend $63,00 pn
' equipment on tho medical school,
Doornbecher Memorial Hospital for
bhildren, Multnomah County hospi
tal and tho Portland Free Dispen
sary; $57,000 for payment of sal
aries, particularly for research;
14,000 for library additions, and
$6,000 for travel of full time pro
In 1920 the board mado an ap
propriation of $163,000, making a
total to date Of $293,000 from this
source. Splendid cooperation and
support accorded the medical school
by the people of Oregon is given as
the principle reason for the gener
ous bequests of the board.
The last gift from the board came
as a result of direct contacts made
by Dr. Hall while in the East. He
is now on an extended trip, during
which he will confer with officials
of several other foundations. He
will point out the needs of the Uni
versity so that appropriations can
be made when funds are available
for this purpose.
Bruce Dennis Sends
Oregon Dads Letters
Follow-up letters were sent to
the Dads of Oregon during spring
vacation by the president of the
Dad's Day organization, Bruce Den
nis. It was to serve as an explana
tion of the Dad’s organization which
was formulated at the Dad’s Day
meeting of January 28.
The letters explained the purpose
of the permanent organization as
one of helpfulness to the Dads of
Oregon to acquaint them further
with the doings of their boy or girl
at the University.
A report of tho firBt annual meet
ing of the Dads of Oregon was also
enclosed with the letter. The gen
eral committee of fathers of Ore
gon students, which was selected at
random from the state at large was
listed. The executive committee
which was appointed was also list
ed. The next general meeting will
probably be held next fall on the
occasion of one of the football
games in Eugene, the executive com
mittee to fix the date.
Extracts from the address given
by President Arnold Bennett Hall’
at the Dad’s Day banquet was en
closed in a booklet form with the
other material. President Hall ex
pressed his wish for the dads to per
fect an organization permanent in
character, and based upon the com
mon interest of all the fathers.
And Idaho to
Meet Oregon
Clark and Galey Speak
Against Husky Men
Tonight at 7:30
Davis and Taylor Journey
To Meet Idaho and
Montana April 2
The forensic title of the Pacific
Northwest, for many years a mat
ter of much controversy, will onco
_ more be at stake
tonight when tho
pride of the Uni
versity of Wash
ington invades Eu
gene, an Oregon
team goes to Mos
cow, and a Van
dal delegation
journeys to Seat
tle, all discussing
the various aspects
of the question,
Kesolved, That
Boland Davis the American pol
icy of armed invasion in Nicaragua
is unjustified.”
Villard hall, the scene of hun
dreds of debates in the past half
century, will bo the grounds for the
word battle between Cloll Georgetta
and Charles Strother, negativo
speakers for Washington, and John
Galey and Paul Clark, who will
represent Oregon in the denuncia
tion of the present Pan-American
Both Galey and Clark are new
cowers in forensic circles on the
campus and will participate in their
first varsity do
bate tonight.
Clark will en
deavor to credit
ibly uphold family
traditions by fol
lowing in the foot
steps of his bro
ther, Dudley. Tho
Washington men
are said to have
had considerable
experience and to
be formidable de- v
baters. They will MJark Tpjylor
be accompanied liero by Frederick
W. Orr, assistant debate coach at
hte University of Washington. The
Oregon cross-examination system
will be used.
Mrs. Buth GraJiam Case, debate
coach at Albany College, and Dr.
I. B. Fox of Eugene have been se
lected as judges for the debato hero
tonight. The third judge lias not
yet been chosen, but will be some
Portland man. Elmer L. Shirrell,
dean of men, will act as chairman.
Veterans Debate Idaho
At the same time that Oregon
and Washington clash here, Boland
Davis and Mark Taylor will face
an affirmative Idaho team at Mos
cow. Both these men are. veteran
speakers, having participated in
many forensic contests during tho
past several years. Taylor will en
deavor to avengo a 2-1 defeat which
he and Avery Thompson suffered
here at the hands of visiting Idaho
ans in the triangular contest last
year. Davis was a member of tho
Oregon team that was defeated by
tho University of Southern Califor
nia here last spring. After their
debate at Moscow, Taylor and Davis
will continue their travels to Mis
soula, Montana, where they will
take the negative of tho Nicaragua
question agajnst the University of
Montana April 2.
The Northwest Triangular debate
was won by the University of Wash
ington in 1927, with Idaho second
and Oregon at tho bottom of tho
conference. Two years ago Oregon
won the contest, and the four de
baters are out to duplicate their per
formance this year.
Depot Raises Campus
Parcel Post Charges
An additional charge for all par
cel post packages including laun
dry bags, deposited at the Univer
sity depot, to bo taken to the United
States Post Office, is announced by
L. 11. Johnston, comptroller of the
University of Oregon, and has been
in effect since the opening of spring
The increase in the amount of
package and private mail on tho
campus beyond tho limits of tho
messenger service made it necessary
for the change.
The service rate is now 5 cents
extra for packages from 8 ounces
te 5 pounds; 10 cents extra for those
from 5 to 10 pounds, and 15 cents
extra for packages over 10 pounds.
Second Barrage At
Student Bankrolls
Slated for April 11
When tho University inconsider
ately rolled flip A. S. IT, O. for
iflfl.75 per capita last Monday its
♦mmunition was by no means ex
hausted. On April 11 the attack on
the student bankroll will be re
opened with a barrage of laboratory,
library, and non-resident fees. The
season will last until April 21.
Those who are still stunned from
the first blow may well heed this
warning. They are admonished to
recover their wits and start nursing
their nickels for the happy times
to come. If not paid by tho twonty
first. of April $.1.00 will be the fine
for tho first day with an extra 25
cents thrown in for every day there
after for one week only—and tlten
—“So long, Charlie.”
W. A. A. Elects
New Officers
All-Star Teams Announced
At Recent Dinner
Newly elected officers and tho
all-star varsity teams were an
nounced at a Women’s Athletic as
sociation banquet held March 8 at
the Anchorage. Officers elected
were: president, Dorothea Lenseli;
vice-president, Ruth Jaynes; secre
tary, Beth Ager; treasurer, Marjorie
Goff. Tho mythical all-star teams
are chosen by tho coach and tho
student manager for each sport.
Four freshmen and threo seniors
made tho all-star team in swimming.
For tho freshmen: Onita Jantsen,
'Alberta Reeves, Elsie Sundbom, and
Dorothy Davidson; seniors: Virginia
Lounsbury, Florenco Hurley, and
Myra Belle Palmer. Basketball selec
tions were: guards, Eleanor Marvin,
senior, and Dorothea Lenseli, junior;
forwards, Nellie Johns, senior, and
Editha Barthel, junior; jumping
center, Marjorie Kelly, sophomore;
running center, Marjorie Landru,
junior. Esther Hardy, senior, was
awarded honors in horseback riding,
and 50 W. A. A. points.
Nellie Johns, retiring president,
and Dorothea Lcnsch, newly elect
ed president of tho Women’s Athletic
association, will attend tho conven
tion at Arizona university, Tucson,
Arizona, April 21, 22 and 23. Dele
gates from tho entire western sec
tion of tho national W. A. A. will
represent their respective colleges.
Participation of W. A. A. women
in Olympic meets will bo discussed.
This question has received a promi
nent position because in 1932 the
Olympic meet will be held in Los
About 125 girls attended tho ban
Dr. Boynton To Write
While on Year’s Leave
A year’s leavo of absence has
been granted by the board of re
gents to Dr. W. P. Boynton, who
has been a member of tho University
of Oregon’s physics department for
25 years.
Dr. Boynton plans a busy year
Work, travel and pleasure are in
cluded in his plans. Tho first thing
on liia itinerary is a trip to south
ern California when school is out.1
Ho will attend two meetings while
thcro one of tho Physics Bociety
and the other of the Pacific divi
sion of the American Society of Ad
vanced Science.
The remainder of tho summer will
be spent working on a textbook on
the theory of heat. This will be
based on his lectures on thermody
namics and the kinetic theory of
gases. Dr. Boynton will spend a
month in bibliography work at Ber
keley, and another in the redwood
feiest, thirty-five miles from Santa
Cruz, where ho will spend his time
in writing and hiking.
In April Dr. Boynton will drive
east where ho will attend a scien
tific meeting in Washington, D. C.
After that ho will either go to Eu
rope for several months or will spend
the time visiting old friends in Now
England and inspecting the various
Three Students To Go
On University Cruise
Three Oregon students, Walter
Norblad, of Astoria; Olive Ritan of
Portland, and Beatrice Jean Ilurtt,
of Pendleton, have signed up for tho
international cruise of the Float
ing University, which begins its
third season in September.
The Floating University operates
round-the-world trips with a view
to making available for college stu
dents the advantages of educational
travel, strengthening international
good will and developing an interest
in foreign affairs.
Bill Havward
Plans Oregon
Track Season
Relays With Beavers
First on Webfoot
Actual Training Started
To Develop Power of
Cinder Team
With the track season but threo
weeks away, Bill Ilaywartl, Oregon
head coach, will start an intensive
trainiing program
to condition tlio
team for tlio first
relay meet with
the Aggies here,
\April 21.
This meet with
the Beavers will
display both the
individual and the
team power of tlio
Webfeet, giving
Hayward an ex
Bill Hayward cellont opportuni
ty to select a squad for tho Univer
sity of Washington relay carnival
at Seattle on May 5. Tho pre-sea
son outlook indicates that tho Ore
gonians’ point-making chances aro
fairly bright, and as tho season
develops soino good material will
probably come to tho front.
Shuttle Bace
A feature of tho relay meet with
O. S. 0. will be the high hurdle
shuttle race, Prom the onlookers
point of view this race is ono of
tho most spectacular events iii
track. The hurdles aro placed di
rectly in front of the grandstand,
ami the baton exchanged alternate
ly at each end of the row of 10
hurdles. This will bo the first timo
the race has been introduced on
Hayward field, and if it proves suc
cessful it will probably become a
regular event.
Two medley races, one for sprints
and tho other for distance, have
been scheduled for the Aggie meet.
Two men running 110 yards, one
running 220 yards, and the fourth
running 440 yards will composo tho
shorter course. Tho distance raco
will be made up of two men run
ning the, 220, and one each on tho
440 and 880 yard runs. Five other
relays ranging from the 440 yards
to 4 miles wijl bo rup off.
Training Buies Stresed
Bigid rules of training were stres
sed by Hayward at a recent meet
ing of track men at McArthur court,
and in order to make the Web
foots ono of tho strongest squads
in the northwest strict observation
was pledged. Tho hardest work of
the season is the preliminary train
ing. After the relay meet at Seattle,
the team will bo in mid-season con
dition and tho work for tho rest
of the year will bo merely to keep
ir form.
Competition for positions is keen
er this year than it has been for
several seasons. Last year somo of
the Webfoot stars wero handicapped
in conference meet by tho lack of
competitive work in practice. This
year, however, Hayward expects
greater developments to como from
the preliminary work .
Group Practice
Starting today tho track candi
dates will work out in groups in
order that each man will have tho
opportunity of special attention to
his own event. Track is primarily
nn individual sport with each event
independent of tho other. Each racer
must devote direct practice to his
own event, and it is with this in
mind that Hayward made tho divi
The inter-class relays on April 14
and the inter-fraternity track meet
on April 21 will serve as condition
ing work for tho varsity Hucksters
in preparation for the actual confer
ence season.
The following is a complete sche
dule of the Webfooters’ track sea
April 14, Inter-class Belays; April
21, Inter-Fraternity Track Meet;
April 27, Belay Meet with O. S. C.
at Eugene; April 28, Oregon State
High School Belays; May 3, Frosh
Book Belays at Corvallis; May 5,
University of Washington Belays at
Seattle; May 11, Oregon and Wasli
Oregon vs. Washington at Eugene;
ir.gton Freshmen at Eugene; May 12,
May 18, or 19, Oregon vs. W. S. C.
at Pullman; May 25, Frosh-Book
Track Meet at Eugene; May 26,
Oregon vs. O. S, C. at Corvallis;
June 2, Northern Division P. C. C.
meet at Missoula, Montana.