Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 28, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    jrage ^
Builders End
Row With Men
Wage Scale of Carpenters
Settled Amicably at
Labor Confab
Differences arising recently over
the employment of carpenters for
construction ,of the new dormitory
at. the University of Oregon were
amicably settled here yesterday
when a conference was held by R
E. Hammond, of Hanson and Ham
mond, contractors in charge of the
work with B. W. Klecman, repre
senting the national brotherhood of
carpenters, and J. E. Kindred, re
presenting tlie Eugene carpenter s
local organization. Charges had been
made that the contractors were em
ploying carpenters and paying less
than the regular scale, and as soon
as word of this reached Mr. Ham
mond, the conference was called.
Both Mr. Kindred and Mr. Hlee
man expressed satisfaction with the
terms under which the men are to]
work. These will be in accordance ;
with the uni in practices here, de
tails of which are now being ar
ranged. Mr. Ilammond has always
been fair with his employees, poijit
out the union men, and it was only
because a misunderstanding arose
that there was a necessity for the
At present 100 men are employed
on the construction work, and this
force will be increased to 200 as
fast as workmen report, says Mr.
Hammond. Work is being rushed
and already all footings are poured
and walls are in to the ground
floor level.
With the construction work pro
gicssing rapidly the structure will
be ready for occupancy at the bc
ginning of the fall term, according
tc Elmer E. Shin-ell, dean of men
and a member of the building com
Several recommendations have
been made by tin* dormitory commit
tee, and approved by President Hall,
which will become effective with the
completion of the new hall of resi
dence. The recommendations in
That students be required to
THE new beauty cream-—created especially
(or American complexions—for the mil
lions of women who constantly use Coty
Face Powders for their matchless quality.
“Colcreme,, Coty—cleansing, nour
ishing, beautifying in one
gives young, fresh loveliness to
the skin—exquisitely in
creasing day by day.
At all
Drama t hat will hold
you tense!
A picture that will
thrill you to 1 hu ut
most !
Today's Comedy
Oregon News
Hex Prices
Matinee - - - 20c
Night - - - - 35c
Children - - 10c
Love in the fa
mous Latin Quar
ter of Paris. Life.,
gayety, happiness
and then grim,
stark, stalking
tragedy! Drama
that startles in
P5?a Negri’s lat
est THE* WO-1
Musical Score
Marion Zurclier
at the
agree to live in the dormitory for
a full term at a time, that the
“year tenure” arrangement opera
tive this year be abandoned; that
students now' in the dormitories bo
given first preferenefi for residence j
jr the dormitories next year; that
second preference be given enter- •
ing freshmen and if vacancies still
remain sophomores and upperclass
men in order of application be per
mitted to live in the halls. If vol
unteer applications from this group
still do not fill the hall vacancies,
a general requirement will be en
forced requiring all lower division
students not living with their fami
lies in Eugqne, or in fraternity or
sorority houses to live in the dorm
itories unless excused by their re
spective deans.
Beginning with the fall of 1928,
room rent must be paid in advance
for the quarter. If a student is
| compelled to withdraw from the
| college or is granted permission by
i bis respective dean to leave the
dormitory at any time within the
I first month, half , the term’s rent
! will be returned to the student.
After the first month of the term,
no part of the term’s rent may be
| returned. Self-supporting students
may arrange with the comptroller
to pay part of the term’s room
I rent by assignment of earnings to
j be made during the term.
i Rent for the dormitories at the
| beginning of the fall of 1928 will
! be as follows: Tn the new men’s
dormitory, $20 per quarter; Friend
Iv Iiall, $iiO per quarter; Hendricks,
Susan Campbell, Mary Spillcr and
Tkaeher halls, $.'10 per quarter.
Board*\vill be payable, as now, by
the month. Assignment of dormitory
rooms will be made by the dean of
men and women respectively. A uni
form room deposit of $10 will bo
required of all persons residing in
the halls.
Pledging Announcement
Alpha Gamma Delta announces
the pledging of Irene Connell, of
Hillsboro, Oregon, and Kona Alex
ander, of Portland.
REX—First day—Pola Negri in
“The Woman on Trial,” a drama of
nuvthcr-love and romance, in which
the popular star rises to unparal
leled heights of histronie achieve
n * *
MCDONALD — Last, day — The
hysterical epic, “The Private Lite
of Helen of Troy,” based on the
hilarious satire by John Erskiao
that bares the private love affairs
j Back Again.
And Better Than Ever—
George McMurphy
And His
Friday and Saturday Night
of the first flapper queen, and pro
duced on a scandalous scale surpass
ing the laughter of “A Connecticut
Yankee in King Arthur’s Court,”
with alluring Maria Covda, Kieardo
Cortoz and Lewis Stone heading the
east of thousands.
Pledging Announcement
Kappa Ni.gnin :inn<.iin,t)|
pledging of William s.-ut t, 0*
Portland, Oregon.
Try Emerald Classified Ads
Real artistic skill lies gone iiiiothe
creation of Gordon hosiery. I
only the ability that comics from
long experience in making beaiith
ful hosiery, but the inspir; ion uad
sound taste of a true artist.
The exquisitely tapering V-line
designed to follow exactly the shad
ows an artist sees in u perfect ankle
—the little Narrow Heel, softly re
peating the slim line of the shoe
heel the Shadow Clocks, like
French handwork for delicacy —
every Gordon stocking exist: d first
in the mind of an artist.
Gordon colors are selected by
fashion experts to meet the precis*
icauireoxab of the. ensemble.
these umtsuaj stockings are priced at
($1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00).
One of the leading tobacconists in
Eugene, Ore*, says:
"The rapid growth in* the popularity of OLD
GOLD Cigarettes among the students is remark
able. Never in my experience have I seen, a new
cigarette catch on so quickly with the boys on
the campus/*
Obak Cigar Store
V:' S.'