Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 28, 1928, Image 1

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News Events
Takes Flood Blame
Too Many Machines
Ocean Flight Off
--by United Press_
OS ANGELES, March 27.—AH
the “human” 'blame for the
failure of the St. Francis dam,
which crumbled March 13,’ and
caused the death of more than 300
people, was accepted today by Wil
liam Mulliolland, 73-year-old chief
engineer of the city water depart
“Fasten it on me if there lias
been any error in human judgment,”
Mulliolland said as ho half rose in
a witness chair at the coroner’s in
quest, “I was the human.”
“I want to help you. I want to
take my medicine like a man if
there is any medicine to be taken.
If there must be a human to blame
for the failure of that dam then I
accept full responsibility.”
WASHINGTON, March 27.—
Democratic criticism of un
employment conditions was mot by
the explanation from the Republican
side in the senate today that the
labor-saving machinery has been so
widely introduced that thousands
have been thrown out of work.
This explanation was made by
Senator Smoot, Utah Republican,
who insisted the country "is still
prosperous and unemployment is not
the result of a business depression.
Smoot alluded to the report of Sec
retary of Labor Davis yesterday
which said that while this unem
ployment existed, it was less ser
ious than estimated. It is estimated
that there are 1,800,000 out of work.
Senator Wagner, New York Demo
crat, said that Davis’ report is in
complete and inaccurate and that
he still believes there are 4,000,000
out of work.
I XlJBLIN, Ireland, March 28.—Of
fleers at Baldonnel aii-domc
told the United Press this morning
it appeared extremely unlikely that
the German plane Bremen would
take off on its transatlantic flight
There was no activity at the air
dome and the plane was still in its
hangar. No official word has been
given out since last night, when it
was announced the flight' would
start at 5 a. m. Wednesday despite
unfavorable weather reports.
* * #
Northampton, Mass., March
27.—Seemingly heartened [by
her daughter’s two visits to the hos
pital where she is critically ill, Mrs.
Lemira Goodhue, 78, mother of Mrs
Calvin Coolidge, was reported
slightly improved tonight. Physi
cians said her condition was “ex
tremely critical,” but that she had
shown slight improvement.
University Drops 24;
Large Decrease Over
Previous Number
Only 24 students of the Uni
of Oregon “flunked out” y
declared ineligible to ret y
school on account of low s ^ '
ship, Earl M. Pallett, registra ^
announced. This is a substa q
decrease from last term, when
were not allowed to re-enter,
the winter term last rear, a tota
of 49 flunked out;
This low number shows definitely
that students are devoting more
time to studies, since standards of
scholarship have been steadily raised
] at the University. The high qual
ity of work being done is reflected
in the fact that 99 students won
places on the honor call for earning
grades of II or above in all subjects.
Course Given
To Secretaries
Foreign Trade, Publicity,
Aviation Included
The eighth annual short course
held by the school of business ad
ministration, March 19 to 2,1, for
commercial organization secretaries
was attended by 35 delegates from
all parts of Oregon. This was a
record attendance, the enrollment
last year being 22.
The course was designed to in
struct commercial secretaries in their
work and to afford discussion of
community problems. The classes be
gan at 9 o’clock and continued until
I o’clock. During the lunch hours,
forums werg held with speakers lead
big the discussions. Monday, L. K.
Orainb, Bend, spoke on “The Cham
ber in Politics.” Other speakers at
the luncheons were Richard V. Hal
ler, director of Oregonian radio sta
tion K.G.W., who discussed “The
Radio in Community Development,”
and J. F. Bovard, dean ot the school
of physical education, who talked on
“Outdoor Clubs and Community De
During the dinner hours, reports
of committees were heard. During
Thursday’s dinner, graduation exer
cises were held and degrees awarded
to delegates according to the number
of .years they had attended the
The instructors included Univer
sity of Oregon professors, prominent
Oregon business men, and several
men from out of the state. Some
of the courses were: publicity, avia
tion, foreign trade, community mark
eting and co-operation, land settle
ment, industrial development, and
airport facilities.
Community clinics were held at 3
o ’clock on four of the days.
One Thousand Volumes Placed
In Book Shop At Co-op Store
“That man or woman which will look
And well observe this new-made book,
Shall find therein such sweet content,
Which will procure much merriment.
'Twill fill your hearts with rare delights,
And serve to pass away long nights;
'Twill comfort them that are full sad,
'Twill make a sorrowful man right glad;
'Twill make a pretty damsel thrive.
Though almost dead, 'twill her revive.
Then let it be refused by no man.
Since it is good for man and woman;
Buy it and read it at your leisure,
Both for your profit and your pleasure.”
Emerald Book Editor
It’s a limping poem, but then it
■"'as written in 1G75 and anything
that’s old has a right to limp. Be
sides it fits in delightfully not only
with the mood of a true book lover
—even those creatures called biblio
maniacs—and with this story, which
is to inform the reader that there
are books in the book store.
One thousand volumes of the
latest worthwhile fiction and au
thoritative non-fiction have been
added to the University of Oregon
Co-op store. The step, long hoped
for by M. F. McClain, manager, who
has himself a sincere fondness for all
printed matter—even when the bind
ing is not so good and the type posi
tively bad and the paper coarse and
the content terrible—has at last
been negotiated.
The books are not texts; they’re
real books. Nor does the explana
tory word, "worthwhile” (used for
lack of a better one; see paragraph
two) mean that the fiction is un
interesting. A representative list of
the most recent truly literary pro
ductions of America’s several hun
dred English printing and publish
ing houses is included in the selec
tion which lines the shelves. Even
Leon Feuchtwanger is there with
his “Ugly Duchess” and that other
popular thing he wrote, whatever it
was. “Power,” wasn’t it?
The little library, which was in
stalled for the purpose of giving
Oregon students their first real
change to buy the best of modern
books, occupies the balcony at the
front of the Co-op. The tennis shoes
which once adorned this spot have
been ruthlessly shoved out. So have
the empty boxes which once reposed,
dusty, in one corner. In their place
are a number of tables with books
scattered about them in most com
fortable fashion.
On only one table are the books
arranged in order with geometric
precision. Even Dean Rebec re
sisted the temptation to touch one
of those; “bad psychology,” he de
clared when he visited the book
shop, and then he moved to another
table. Chances are the books will
be taken out of their geometric order
before long, for students, just be
coming acquainted with the fact
that the books are available there,
have begun dropping in to take a
look at them in rapidly increasing
numbers. And where there are stu-1
dents there is no order.
The little balcony is a cheerful,
informal and comfortable spot.
Large wicker rockers are provided
for lounging. Rugs add a bright
touch. Ash trays are provided
those who prefer to flavor their en
tertainment with nicotine. Light
streams in from three or four at
tractive windows. One may come
in, browse about, read a bit, and
leave without buying—although, fair
(Continued on page four)
Nine Debaters
On Schedule
For Fortnight
qsliington and Idaho
ppose Oregonians
% *
"'hursday Night
IV. i and Durgan To
. ney Southward
Next Friday
Debates, nine of them, on sub
jects ranging from foreign invest
ments to mass education, in which
University of Oregon speakers will
find competition from the states of
Washington, Idaho, Montana, and
California, are slated for the next
two weeks, J. Iv. Ilorneiy Univer
sity debate coach, announced yester
The -first of the series of forensic
contests is the annual Northwest
Triangular Debate between the Uni
versities of Oregon, Washington, and
Idaho, which will take place tomor
row night. John Galey and Paul
| Clark will take the affirmative of
the question, “Resolved, That armed
intervention in Nicaragua is un
justified,” against, a University of
I Washington negative team at 7:.!0
o’clock in Villard hall. Both Galey
and Clark will participate in their
first varsity debate for Oregon at
that time. Elmer L. Shirrell, dean
of men, will act as chairman, but
the judges haye not yet been select
ed. The students in all the speech
classes will be required to attend
the contest, Mr. Horner said.
Davis, Taylor Leave
Today noon Roland Davis and
Mark Taylor will leave for Moscow,
where they will take the negative
of the Nicaraguan question against
the University of Idaho at the
same time that Oregon meets Wash
ington here and Idaho and Washing
ton clash at Seattle. From Moscow
the Oregon team will continue its
journey to Missoula, where it will
meet the University of Montana
April 2 on the Nicaraguan question.
Both Taylor and Davis are veteran
debaters, having represented the
University in varsity contests dur
ing the past two years. The Oregon
cross-examination system will be
used in all the debates.
A somewhat extended tour of the
Southwest, which Joe McKeown and
Walter Durgan were scheduled to
start during spring vacation, was
postponed because of the illness of
McKeown at his home at Marshfield.
They will leave Eugene Friday,
March 30, and will meet the Uni
versity of Southern California in
their first contest April 2.’ Their
only other debate in the south will
be against Stanford University April
5. Other contests scheduled with the
University of California, Los An
geles, Loyola College, and the Uni
versity of Arizona were cancelled
because of the delay in the tour.
McKeoyrn and Durgan will uphold
the negative of the question, “Re
solved, That the United States
should refuse to protect property
owned by its citizens and situated
oh foreign soil.” They defeated the
Utah Agriculture College on the
same subject March 8.
Two debates are scheduled for
University of Oregon speakers
Wednesday, April 4. Southwestern
University of Los Angeles will send
its negative team to Eugene to op
pose Elvvood Plank and Ernest
Jachetta, who will uphold the af
firmative of the foreign investments
question for'Oregon. Southwestern
is reported to have a very strong
team, Mr. Horner said. Last year
it was the winner of the forensic
championship of southern Califor
At the same time Eugene Laird
and Ralph Geyer will journey to
Portland, where they will debate
the affirmative qf the same ques
tion against Washington State Col
lege via radio KEX'. *
Women Meet in April
The only women’s forensic con
tests that have been scheduled are
those with Washington and Idaho
in the annual Northwest Triangular
women’s debate. The subject to
be used in the contest this year is,
“Resolved, That too many people
in the United States are receiving
college educations.” Florence Me
Nerney and Margaret Edmundson
will journey to Moscow April 10, ^
where they will debate the negative
of this question against the Univer
sity of Idaho. April 13 the Uni
versity of Washington Will send its
negative team here to meet Alice
Clink and Mary Klemm, who will j
represent the affirmative for Oregon.
Commercial Secretaries Meet at U. of O.
y'XREGON chamber of commerce secretaries gathered at the University of Oregon for the eighth annual
Vy short course last week From left, front row—William E. North, Baker; IT. E. Cully, Roseburg; Mrs.
Charles N.Bilyeu, Dallas; Katherine Bailey, Secretary of the school of business administration; Earl C
KPvnnli s Klnmntli k’ollu* T.iM.Jo.r T>t ; 4- ..... .. .. *
Reynolds Klamath Falls; Louise Inabnit,' school ofbusiness administrationVaff; Helen"Weber"’OiTgo'n C
lty; L. J\. Cranib, Bend; J. E, Snyder, North D—’ ” ■- ■ K
Y , . r " ...f II , .H V H II HI MV I, V/IVJMJI1 Vv
. ,, ,7 7 Nr ..011,1 ”e,,,L Kent Shoemaker, llood River. Second row—Carl Bro
derson, Forest Grove; E. G. Harlan, Ashland; G. C.Baer, Pendleton; W. G. Ide, Portland, president of st
Jltp P mm 1P1M T. A. stpvniismi Tnanmo Wool* . rn W r/. .... . . *
, ,' , rn a ct a ’ " , ’ '** '•oiivi, i rmiifiuu; vv. u. Kic, I'oniana, president or st
ate chamber; . A. Stevenson, Tacoma, Mash ; T. W.Zimmerman, Portland; Frankljji Folts, dean of school o
f businessadministration;; A. B. Stillman, professor ofbusiness administration; C. T. Baker, Medford; C W
Tillmorhns*. Sm pmrupn fn f!nl • m r m- . V . ’ ... ’ * *
rn-11* \i.cs , 1 ’ Vi 1 . .uuaim-rvs «i u m m im r;i u on ; v. I. IMlKtr, lVlOUTOrU; l. VV.
^num^Myrtl^Ciweb0’ Ca’’ L' ''; s011 alul T- •LFlippin, Eugene; J. G. Eckman, McMinnville; 1. R.
List of Probable
6Y’ Heads Named
Alson Bristol Announced
For Presidency
Alson Bristol, sophomore in pre
law, and an active independent
worker on the campus, was named
as the choice of the nominating
committee of the Y. M. C. A. cabi
net for president of the university
men’s “Y” group for the ensu
ing year, at a meeting of the cab
inet held Tuesday afternoon at the
hut. From the list of six nominees
presented to the cabinet by the
nominating committee, the four of
fices of president, vice-president,
secretary and treasurer, which com
pose the major offices of the “Y”
cabinet, will be filled.
Bristol is a member of the Web
foot club, a charter member of the
International Relations club on the
campus, chairman of the campus
Seabeck committee, former delegate
to the Seabeck convention on Pu
get Sound and the Industrial sem
inar of soeial work held last sum
mer in Tacoma, and has been an
active supporter of Christian acti
vities on the campus during his two
years of university work.
Wayne Veateli, junior in business
administration, and Claud Addison,
sophomore in business administra
tion, were named as the committee’s
choice for the vice-president berth.
The office of secretary will be filled
by either Slmiler Peterson, sopho
more in biology, or Lawrence Mitcli
elmorc, junior in journalism, if no
other name is successful in the elec
tions Friday. The committee nomin
ated Bob Ilynd, junior in econo
mics, for the office of treasurer.
The election of Y. M. C. A. cab
inet officers for the year 1928-1929
will take place Friday, March 30,
at the Y. hut. The polls will be open
from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m. All men
on the campus interested in those
who are to be in active charge
of “Y” activities during the com
ing year will have an opportunity
to vote in this election.
In addition to the report of the
nominating committee at the cab
inet' meeting yesterday two other
matters of interest were reported.
A committee on hut improvement
was appointed by President Schulze.
Ed Johnson was named president,
and Bill Clark and Wayne Veateli
his assistants. They will investigate
means and methods of making some
much needed improvements in the
hut, the center of campus “Y” act
The other matter of interest dis
cussed at the meeting was the re
port of the Seabeek committee,
headed by Alston Bristol, which has
been working intensively the past
few weeks enrolling university men
for the annual northwest Y. M. 0. A.
convention to be held at Seabeek,
beautiful out-of-doors convention
ground on the shore of Puget Sound,
or June 9 to 1T. Fourteen men have
definitely decided to attend the con
vention announced Bristol, and nine
of them have signed pledges. Not
the least of the attractions of the
Seabeek trip, which offers a delight
ful vacation at a minimum of ex
pense, is the opportunity for sum
mer work afforded all dclegtes in
the industrial seminar in one of the
large factories in Tacoma,
Campus Architects Guests
On Portland Building Tour
A tour of (ho Portland thoator,
tho now Masonic temple, and the
Jewish synagogue, a. vsiit to tho
Skidmore fountain and two now
residences, an evening banquet; this
was the entertainment provided for
a delegation of students and fac
ulty members of the University
school of architecture and allied
arts, by the Oregon chapter of the
American Institute of Architects,
when they went to Portland, Sat
urday, March 24.
Carl Heilborn, president of the
architecture club, told of the -gath
ering which, lie said, “took place
for the purpose of carrying on the
connection between the student and
the professional man, and to give
the students an idea of what is new
in architecture.”
During the banquet, Professor P.
P. Adams spoke from the instruc
tor’s point of view on the structural
angle of architecture, while Fred
' Stevens spoke for the students on
the same topic. Nowland 15. Zone,
professor of interior design, and
Grace Coey, student in this depart
ment, discussed the interior design
ing end of architecture, and Profes
sor W. Tt. B. Willcox and Carl Heil
born spoke from an architectural de
! sign standpoint.
J Burt Brown Barker, vice-president
of the University of Oregon, deliv
ered. a short address to the archi
tects and studcntis, and Ellis F.
Lawrence, dean of the school, also
gave a talk. Harold Doty, Portland
architect, was toastmaster.
Preceding the six o’clock dinner,
a number of products of tho archi
tecture and interior design depart
ments were, exhibited before the
members of tho institute. A few
pencil sketches ami charcoal com
positions wore included in this
'Glenn Stanton and Walter Church,
Portland architects and graduates
of the Oregon school of architecture,
and Harold Hotv were in charge of
the day’s program, which began at
tt o’clock in the morning. Heilborn
“The Portland theater, the most
magnificent theater of that city,
was visited first, after about thirty
of us met our conductors, members
of the institute, at the public li
brary. Tho Portland was designed
by Rapp and Rapp, Chicago theater
architects, who did the Paramount
theater in New York. After wo
went through the Masonic temple, we
saw the Jewish synagogue, where
Mia Znne had charge of the inter
ior coloration. The rich color ef
fects were wonderful.
“When we disbanded for lunch,
some of the students lunched with
our Portland hosts. The Skidmore
fountain was our first destination
after luncheon, and then we went
through the Autzen residence in the
Alameda district, done by C. C.
Cutter, a Los Angelos architect. It
is done after the English style, and
the interior timber work is ex
tremely interesting. The interior is
beautifully furnished, in keeping
with the style of architecture.
“Lastly, wo visited the Green
residence, done by Herman Brook
man, Portland architect, and col
laborator in the construction of the
Jewish synagogue. Our guides
pointed out the new and interesting
things in each building which we
visited. I can’t say enough about
what a wonderful time we had.”
Dr. Hall To Make Stop
In San Diego on Trip
This is the second week of Dr.
Arnold Bennett Hall’s trip, now in
progress, which will carry him
“south and east.” Dr. Hall’s first
stop was San Francisco, where he
met with the University of Oregon
At San Diego, a dinner is to lie
given for him by Mr. A. T. Balen
tine, one of the “dads” who could
not be present in Eugene on Dad’s
Day last term. To this dinner are
invited all the San Diego parents
of students now attending the Uni
versity of Oregon.
From Sun Diego, the president
will go to Tucson, Arizona, to visit
the state university; and from there
to the University of Texas at
Still in the interest of the Uni
versity of Oregon, Dr. Hall will
leave Austin for Chicago, where lie
will remain about a week. From
there he will return direct to Eu
gene, arriving here about Aprjl 17.
Onthank to Stanford
For Work on Degree
Karl W. Onthank, executive sec
retary, intends to leave today for
Stanford University, where he will ;
do graduate work for his Ph.D. de- |
gree. He will probably return about I
commencement time. Dr. J. II. Gil
bert, dean of the college, and Presi
dent Arnold Bennett Hall will carry
on Mr. Onthank’s duties w^ile he
is gone.
Dean and Mrs. Shirrell
Return from Palo Alto
Elmer L. Shirrell, dean of men,
spent the vacation in*’ Palo Alto,
California, with his wife and her
relatives. Mrs. Shirrell has been in
the southern city several months
with her mother, who has been very
ill, but is now slightly improved.
She has returned to Eugene with
Dean Shirrell for the beginning of
(ho new term.
Dean Esterly Spends
Vacation at Mt. Hood
Tobogganing, Hiring, and other
winter sports were enjoyed by Vir
ginia Judy Estcrly, dean of women,
and her two daughters, Virginia and
Josephine, at Mt. Hood during vaca
tion. Mrs. Esterly and her family,
with Mrs. Rebec and daughter Eliza
beth, also visited at Agate Beach.
Camp Cookery Group
Formed in Afternoon
A group in camp cookery for both
men and women is being formed for
Tuesday at 1 o’clock and”Thursday
from 1 to .'1, according to the in
structor, Miss Lilian Tingle. Those
who registered for the course and
had no place assigned to them
should report on Thursday at .1
o ’clock..
Wet Weather
Holds Oregon
Nine Indoors
Jack Bliss Selected To
Help Coacli Reinhart
With Pilchers
Practice Tilts Slated for
Webfoots; Conference
Games Listed
With flip exception of one day,
Old Jupiter Pluvius and liis over
flowing rain-can played general hoi)
with tho annual spring vacation
--“training camp”
of the Wcbfoot
diamond aspirants
in K u g o n o last
week. That day
was Monday and
it was accompan
ied by such a
brightly beaming
sun that Coach
Billy Reinhart be
gan immediately
making plans for
J. Pluvius an ^tensive prac
tice session for
(lie balance of the period.
On leaving the locker rooms that
night, Hill was hoard to suggest wiiYi
hopeful optimism that the turf on
the varsity diamond would be dry
enough “by tomorrow to start infield
practice.” Alas and alack! When
the mentor dropped this inadvertant
remark he neglected to cross his fin
gers and one of Jape’s couriers, lurk
ing in the rafters of McArthur court,
must have overheard. At any rate
the next day it rained.
Bliss to Help Reinhart
And for all the days of the week
thereafter, it rained! As a result,
the varsity bat wielders were com
pelled to retire to 'the inner sanctu
aries, of the Igloo for their workouts.
In the limited space indoors they
spent most of the time mildly play
ing catch. Sliding practice w,as in
dulged in near the sawdust pit for a
part of the periods. Batting practice
consisted in gentle bunting sessions.
All fence busting inclinations were
necessarily curbed to protect the life
and limb of the players and cut
down costs for broken windows in
the court.
With the opening of the spring
term comes the word that Jack BlisS,
former star for Oregon on the grid
iron and diamond, is to take over
the job of assisting Coach Reinhart
ir training the pitchers and catchers.
This will be the second season that
Jack has been assistant baseball
coach and this year lie will have a
much greater fund of pitching ma
terial to work with than ho had last,
MasDn Back in School
With Bill Baker, two-year veteran
and mainstay of the staff, Ilarobl
Fuller and Reynold MacDonald,
sophomores who give promise of be
ing able seconds to Baker, and Chick
Gannon, Johnny Anderson, Art
Schoeni, anil others, of as yet un
known qualifications, Bliss should
have the nucleus for a strong crew
of slab artists.
Davo Mason is back in school after
taking in some of the sights in tlio
Orient during the winter. He turned
out Monday for his first practice!
David (Goliath) Epps, outfield bat
bemler, is the only letterman in
school who has not yet been ac
counted for on the roster but he’s
due to blow in soon, according to
No word has been received from
Arnie Kiniinki, who is the only eli
gible letterman not in the fold. He
l as not been in school this year but
it was rumored lie might be mi.hand
when the baseball season swung
Practice Games on Sked
Hour regular practice games so far
have been scheduled for the Oregon
nine before the conference season
starts. They include two games each
with Columbia University on April
20 and 21, and Willamette Univer
sity on April 27 and 28. All four of
these games will be in Eugene.
Another two-game series is ex
pected with the St. Mary’s team of
(Continued on page three)
Dad’s Day Balance
Goes to Student Fund
According to-a report sent out by
Karl Onthank, executive secretary
of the University of Oregon, the
balance of $48.2.1, left over from
the checks and remittances sent in
for the banquet on Dad’s Day, was
presented to the general Student
Loan Fund. This action was taken
upon order of the local committee
on entertainment.