Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 08, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    Manager Jobs
Open to Sophs
Fifty Frosli Assistants Are
Needed in Sports
About 25 assistant baseball man
agerial positions arc open to sopho
mores and all sophomore men inter
ested in this sport have been asked
to report to Frank German, athletic
| manager, in room 105 in Commerce
hall at 4 o ’clock today. Independent
men are extended an espeeial invi
tation as the independents seldom
exercise their franchise in manager ;
jobs, German stated.
Yearling men have also been asked
to be on hand at 4 o’clock to talk
over tl*e managerial work for next
fall. Approximately 50 of this
year’s frosh will be needed to handle
football, basketball, and other
sports for the coming seasons, ac
cording to German.
From the sophomores who turn
out to be assistant managers five are
picked to be junior managers io
football, three in basketball, and
two in the other sports. Then one
man is picked for the senior man
ager in each sport from the junior
managers. Selections for junior and
senior managers’are based on merit
and the amount of work turned in
by each candidate. The coach,
senior manager, general manager” of
^ athletics, and the graduate manager
select the managers and refer them
tto the executive committee 'who
then pass on them.
At least one junior manager along
with the senior manager accompanies
the football team on its trips to
play other colleges and the junior
managers in tile other sports accom
pany the teams in the short jaunts
away from home, declared German.
Collegiate Smoking
Discussed by Profs
March 0.—P. I. P,-—It isn’t a ques
tion of rights legally, morally, or
otherwise, that arises concerning
smoking among college women, but
of self-respect and the respect and
admiration of others, especially
those of the other sox. Most pro
fessors agree that girls have the
same right to smoke as men but
that it takes away from their worn
^ anliness and accepted rfioral super
iority. When women take1 over all
of the habits and practices of men
they are bound to lose a great deal
of the charm they strive so hard to
One professor expressed himself
thus: “As far as right goes girls
have as much right to smoke as
boys but why does anyone want the
right? Excess smoking by anyone
is disgusting and unhealtliful, just
like eating too much pie or candy;
moderation in smoking is pormis
sable, I believe.”
One professor avoids the question
by saying, "If women wait, as men
should do, until they are thirty
years old it is alright.
“It is a filthy habit for anyone,
but a woman has the same right
as a man. However, I believe most,
college women smoke to be smart.”
A very liberal-minded professor
says, “I can’t see anything wrong
with it. It seems quite prevalent
on a number of campuses and the
girls seem to get by with it alright.”
Another prof says, “Years ago we
jut woman on a pedestal and re
spected her a great deal, now she:
has climbed down by herself and is •
crawling around in the dirt at man’s
Another is of similar opinion. “A
girl does everything in the world
to make herself attractive; she.
wants pretty clothes and insists
upon being well groomed at any
cost, and then she smokes and spoils
it all. Smoking is a verv unfem-j
inine thing and any girl who lowers
herself to it loses her natural pres
“If a woman feels it her right, to
smoke, which it no doubt is, let her
do it. but when she insists on adopt
ing all of the vices of men, she loses
her superiority over men which was
rightfully hers.”
“Smoking and swearing are a
mighty poor Way for her to show
her independence,” adds another
man who says he smokes, himself.
After nil, it comes back to the;
same decision, it is a woman’s right
but is it her privilege 1
February 22 To Cease
To Be Holiday Here
Washington’s birthday will no
longer^bo a holiday at the Univer
sity of Oregon, it was voted by
members of the faculty at the fac
ulty meeting Wednesday. Regular
classes will bo held on this day next
year and thereafter.
The faculty voted" to recommend
that the regents grant the degree
of master of arts to Alevia Alexan
der and Viola Noon Courricr, and
the degree of bachelor of arts fto
Dimitry Vidamir Ogievsky.
No further discussion was heard
on the new undergraduate plan,
which was passed at the preceding
meeting of the faculty group.
^arayny for latest records.
Classified Ads
and Overcoats made to measure,
$22.90. Spring samples. Phone
49-F-5. E. M. DRAGOO.
• f25-marl3
non-smokers. Part time work if
desired. 347 East 11th. mar7-8
TYPING WANTED—Theses, term
papers, ete. Experienced steno
grapher. Paper furnished, one
carbon copy free. Attention given
to spelling and punctuation, if
desired. Public Stenographer,
Eugene notel. Phone 22S. Res.
phone Springfield 111-W.
Offices—831 Miner Building, East Broadway Street
Each patient is assured of the right optical effect, the
greatest comfort, the best style.
<1X S&gmuutWlH
OPTQH ETP G HT / SPf.CI A L ■■ 7 .■
Suite 831 Miner Building Telephone 362
Get the Typewriter Habit!
Can you think of a profession or business in which this
1 habit would not be useful?
Buy one on our Student Terms
t | Office Machinery & Supply Co. |
Siimiiiii ttasu a * o ■ ■ ■ ■- I
Jewett Awards
Await Speakers
Vfany Orators To Compete
In Spring Contests
The W. F. Jewett prize fund, do
nated about three years ago for
he purpose of promoting interest
ind training in public speaking
vitliin the University, creates the
iwards for the public speaking cou
ests held spring term, according
:o the announcement of H. E. Ros
;on, - associate professor of law,
md .T. K. Horner, assistant profes
jor of English.
There will be extemporaneous
ipeaking contests, for men only, in
nacli class of introductory speech,
i contest open to any woman in the
University, and a contest for the
pre-legal English classes, both men
ind women. x
Sixty-five dollars in prizes will
Is Delicious!
Half Spring Chickeruon
1 Mile South on Highway
Phone 2776
* *
Showing of
Cover a wide
range of
weaves and col
ors this year.
— ju s t around
the corner most
of the fellows
are thinking
SUITS, and |
when you do,
| just run down
for a try-on.
Three and two
button models
to choose from
in tans and
grays. Some
with knickers.
A suit purchased at
this store not only
carries our unquali
fied guarantee of
real worth, hut you
are assured of the
DeNeffe service,
which has contribut
ed in such a large
measure to the suc
cess of this stare.
New Sweaters,
Shirts, Neckwear
Trousers, Knickers
Hats, etc.
* *
Men’s Dress Wear
McDonald Theatre Building
be given in each of tbe .first two
contests mentioned and fifty dollars
in the last one.
Near the end of the term inter
class elimination contests will bo
held in order to determine the prize
winners. The final contest will be
a formal affair, with judges decid
ing the winners.
A record of the awards, written
on real parchment, will be given
the winners at commencement.
The subjects for the speeches will
be chosen near the first of . next
term and further details given
then, said Mr. Horner.
Brunswick “Hall of Fame” rec
ords, reduced 33 per cent. Lara
wav ’s.
Some Real Bargains
Full Dress Suits
University Tailor
1128 Alder
Nicaraguan Question
Brings Senate (Fight
(By United Fresa)
WASlftNC.TON, r». C., March 7.—
While tlx' senate foreign relations
committee voted unanimously today
for continued marine occupation of
Nicaragua, it was learned here that
American Minister Eherhart had
servad a veiled. ultimatum to force
spceilv action by the Nicaraguan
9 to 12 p. m.
8 to 11 p. m.
! legislature of tlio revised electoral
law hill providing supervision by
tlio United States of tho October
Tho expression of policy by the
senate foreign relations committee
was made in a decision which di
rected Senator Borah, chairman, to
report unfavorably to the senate
Ileflin’s resolution which sought to
direct President Coolidge to order
withdrawal of marines from Nic
Is the best thing
we do.
Our specialties in
buns and doughnuts
are just the tiling for
midnight feeds when
study for finals is
Walking Down Town After
Your Two O’clock
, Phil: Am I? Man you don’t catch me staying
on the campus these first spring days!
Phillip: Fine—we’ll celebrate the advent of
spring and feast together at the old stand-by—
996 Willamette
and Return
On account of the
U. of O. Spring
Corresponding reductions to
other 0. E. Ry. stations
Tickets on. sale Mar. 15, 16, 17,
and 18.
Return Limit Mar. 26th
0. E. Ry. Trains for Portland
Leave Eugene at 8:00 a. m.,
11:15 a. m., #2:15 p. m. and
and 6:20 p. m.
* denotes limited.
Tickets, further particulars,
etc., of—
F. S. Appelman L. F. Knowlton
picket Agent Trnv. Psgr. Agt.
Phone 140
That’s The Big Thing!
Visit the College Music Rendezvous
fjherman Clay & Co., under their new management, have made some big im
provements in the store .... Here are a few of the features which will make
Sherman Clay more than ever the campus headqquarters for things musical
. . . . and there’s still more coming!
Complete Stock
of New Records
Everything from Jesse Craw_
ford’s splendid melodies on the
giant Wurlitzer to sizzling tunes
from Red Nichols’ five peppers,
or Whiteman’s famous band. Vic
tor, Brunswick, or Columbia—if*
it’s late stuff, we have it.
Kolster Radios,
All Musical Instruments
Plug in a 1928 Kolser and revel
* in strains of music like you never
heard before. And if you happen
to want a ban.jo-u^e or a piano
.... or anything in between
.... see Sherman Clay.
And Those New
Demonstrators! Boy!
Step into this new booth and sink
into one of the most comfortable
chairs you ever sat in ... . call
for as many pieces as you care
to—and that’ll be plenty when
you’ve heard the music of those
new electric reproducers.
Just Say
“Charge It”!
A charge account in our record
department «will save you a lot
of trouble .... and all you do
is tell the salesgirl “charge it”
. . . . just like nothing.
everything Cfinein Music—-Home of tht £'teinway Tiano
61 West Broadway -- Phone 862