Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 07, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    Second Music
Recital at 8:1a
V ocal and Instrumenta
Solos Included in
Varied Program
Students from the various studio
of the gehool of music will presen
their seoond recital of the terr
this evening at 8:15 in the auditor
ium of the music building.
The program, which has been vai
- ied in a manner similar to the pre
vious one by including violin,’piano
organ and vocal solos, follows:
Violin—Concerto No. 1.DeBcrio
Beulah Wynd—Georgia Hickman
Piano—Etude op. 25 No. 2....Cliopir
Etude op. 25 No. 6.'Chopir
"V oice—The Sunshine Song.Grie;
One Spring Morning .Nevii
The Nightingale Has a Lyre of
Gold . Wheplej
Edna Ellen Bell—Barbara Ed
munds, accompanist.
Organ—Prelude .Borowsk:
Tocatta . Borowsk
Meltrude Coe.
\ iolin—Songs My Mother Taught
Me . Dvorak-Kreislei
Scherzo . Von Goens
Edward Best — Barbara Ed
munds, accompanist.
Piano—Sonata in E Maj., Beethoven
Iris Saunders.
\ oice—Voi Che Sa;pote.Mozarl
Morgen Must Ich Port Von
Hier .. German Folk Song
Madle, Buck, Buck, Buck.
. German Folk Song
Agnes Petzold — Barbara Ed
munds, accompanist.
Piano Concerto—A Minor, Schumau
Allegro Affetuoso
* Bernice Woodson—Professor John
Stark Evans at the organ.
This student recital is the sixth
of a series sponsored by the school
of music this term.
(Continued from page one}
disillusionment, as Mr. Bell believes.
H. L. Mencken, “our new intellec
tual pope,” according to the lectur
er, has always been an exponent of
the skepticism, which even during
the war, helped people to keep an
intellectual equilibrium^ lienee Men
< ken was one of the intellectual
leaders of youth who, after the war
felt that they had been “taken in.”
Even in poetry, as the speaker il
k lustrated, this change is felt. Poetrj
has abandoned the old rut of pat
Classified Ads
the- A. NASH COMPANY — Suita
aucl Overcoats made to measure,
$22.90. Spring samples. Phone
49-P-5. E. M. DRAGOO.
* f25-marl3
POR RENT—Rooms for men, near
campus, modern. Have single
beds, good light, furnace heat,
hot and cold water. Phone 922-Y,
or call 1158 Hilyard street.
non-smokers. Part time work if
desired. 347 East 11th. mar7-8
TYPING WANTED—Theses, term
papers, etc. Experienced steno
grapher. Paper furnished, one
carbon copy free. Attention given
to spelling and punctuation, if
desired. Public Stenographer,
Eugene Hotel. Phone 228. Res.
phone Springfield 111-W.
Suitable site for sorority or fra
ternity. Pino view. Close to Uni
versity. #Telephone owner nights
or mornings for particulars. Phone
10C4-R. Alar7
Johnny Hines
Here’s the picture—the story ran
in the Libeyty Magazine—and
you sure want to see it!
Buster Brown Comedy
Aesop’s Tables
Victor Hugo’s
“Les Miserabies”
ttrn, and does not sacrifice the por
trayal of life to beauty.
) | of modern-day work, Dell read two
very modernistic poems from E. R.
Cummings, things dealing with the
[ raw things of life, funny and ora
torical, and which, as the speaker
thinks, completely smash our usual
conception of beauty.
Carl Sandburg is another ■ who
'sings an old song to a new tune”
3 in a realistic, chaotic way, as Dell
J illustrates—things dealing almost
^ with revolutionary things, and con
tradiction of the idea that certain
things are perfect.
I The last and most notable example
i that beauty is slowly coming out
j of chaos, and that the hectic period
I | is waning, is the fascinating poems
: of Vachel Lindsay—his Santa Fe
Trail—which .Mr. Dell read aloud,
II as he contends all poetry should bo
j read. Intoning it after the man
ner of Lindsay himself, the author
slowly painted the word picture of
' j the dusty chorus of the thousand
j tourist horns along Santa Fe trail,
| and of the bird in the thorn bush
j who ignored it all to sing on ami
on. As Vlr. Dell sees him, Lindsay
is one of the notable artists to come
first out of the chaos.
Seniors, Freshmen
Win Swimming Meet
In two swimming meets held Mon
day and Tuesday at 5 o’clock, the
freshman girls’ first team defeated
the junior first team, 49 to 16, the
senior first team won from the
sophomore first team by a score of
47 to 20, and the freshman second
team had high score with 23 points
against the junior second with 16
and the sophomore second with 15.
In the freshman first-junior meet
the winners of .the individual events
were: breast-stroke, Margaret Cum
mings;,back-stroke, Elsie Sundbom;
side-stroke, Alberta Rives; free
style, Dorothy Davidson; crawl,
Elsie Sundbom; plunge, Dorothy
Davidson; relay, freshmen; diving,
Alberta Rives.
Event winners in the senior first
sophomore first meet were: breast
stroke, Virginia Lounsbury; back
stroke, Florence Hurley; side-stroke,
Naomi 'Moshbergof; frrie'-styld; Flor
ence Hurley; crawl, Virginia Louns
bufy; plunge, Myra Belle Palmer;
relay, seniors; diving, Virginia
Those who came out first in the
meet between the second teams of
the junior, freshman, and sophomore
classes are: back-stroke, Myrtis
Gorst; free-style, Thelma Kcm;
crawl, Thelm.-r Rem; plunge, Myrtis
Gorst; side-stroke, Hilda Top;
diving, Alice Hessler.
The Patsy’
To be Given
Mask and Buskin To Sliov
Comedy by Conners
On April 4
Mask and Buskin, honorary dra
matic society, will depart from tin
tragic, the fantastic, and the satii'i
cal plays presented on the campui
this year, when “The Patsy,” :
frolicsome comedy by Barry Con
ners, is given on April 4, at tin
Heilig theater.
Members of the club will portray
the difficulties of a family com
posed of domineering Ma Herring
ton, hen-pecked Pop Herringtoi
(Constance Both -will do the hen
peeking, with Gordon Stearns in;
her subject), an all important bif
sister, Grace, and a poor neglectec
little Patricia, who is “Patsied” t(
Patsy, portrayed by Helen Bar
nett, is' in love with Tony Andersor
Cecil Matson—and confides it
him that, she is dreadfully in love
with some one, but he doesn’t knon
Tony tells her just how to wir
the man, and promises his assis
tance. As he gives her tips 01
“how to win the man you love,’
she applies all the suggestions 01
him and eventually “they live hap
pily ever after.”
Plenty of wit and conlliet is pro
[ vided by the domestic heads of the
family. A small revolution . takes
place between Pop and Ma'Herring
r ton, besides the ever flowing con
fab which Connie Both lavishes
upon everyone.
Other roles will be taken by Law
rence Shaw as Billy Caldwell,
Grace Gardner as Grace Herrington,
Joy Ingalls as Sally Buchaean, and
' Glenn Totts as “Trip Busty.”
Tickets will be on sale either the
; last part of this term or the early
i part of next. Mrs. Kenneth Shu
maker is directing the play.
(Continued from page one)
winner will be awarded a bronze
statuette of Abraham Lincoln. The
University of Oregon will be repre
sented in the contest by G. Allan
Belloni, junior in pre-law, who will
speak on the subject, “Dollar Di
plomacy.” Other institutions which
are eligible to enter competitors
are Oregon State College, Willam
ette University, Pacific University,
Linfield College, Albany College,
Beed College, Pacific College, Ore
gon Normal School, and Southern
Oregon Normal School.
Following the contest a banquet
will be given for the competitors at
the Eugene hotel.
Fragrant and Exquisite
v *
Perfectly capable of beautifying the best planned Sor
ority or Fraternity table.
'—•Call f<7r • a-(quick delivery of Da^odils or Sweet Peas.
* . . I • i
Chase Garden’s Florists
Corner 9th and Oak—Phone 1950
Films Developed
and Printed
Carl R. Baker
7 West 7th
and Return
Oregon .
On account of the
U. of O. Spring
CorresDonding reductions to
other 0. E. Ry. stations
Tickets on sale Mar. 15, 16, 17,
and 18.
Return Limit Mar. 26th
0. E. Ry. Trains for Portland <
Leave Eugene at 8:00 a. m.,
11:15 a. hi., *2:15 p. in. and
and 6:20 p. m.
* denotes limited.
Tickets, further particulars,
etc., of—
F. S. Appelman F. S. Knowlton,
Ticket Agent Trav. Psgr. Agt.
Phone 140
Electric Ry
~U}ilLametta UaUey Line
McDON'ALD — Last day — The
noted actor, Conrad Veldt, in “A
Man’s Past,” a compelling drama of
love and loyalty, based on tho fa
mous novel, “Diploma,” that brings
to the screen one of the most force
ful dramas since “The Way of All
Flesh.” With Barbara Bedford, Ian
Keith and George Sicgmann featur
ed; on the stage, “Banpomania,” a
medley of popular banjo melodies,
featuring Merle Benedict and Carl
McDowell, night at 8:50; also, Billy
Dooley in “Dizzy Sights”; Oswald,
the lucky rabbit cartoon; Interna
tional news events; Frank Alexan
der at the organ.
HEILIG—'me Student Prince,’
gorgeous—spectacular—and with a
mighty romance that all the world
knows. Student days—carefree,
footloose—replete with life and
laughter! Golden days when Youth
—glorious youth—binds Prince to
peasant maid with the bonds of
love! Ramon Novarro and Norma
Shearer bring the mad, glad hours
of first love back to us in this beau
tiful picturization of the famous
play. On the stage, Robert Me
Knight and Company presenting a
Beauty Shop
Permanent Waving
$7.50 Special
Until March
Next to the Eex Theatre
Phone 1734
I prologue of Student Prince selec- ,
tions, nightly at 7:20 and 0:20. The
beautiful Studonjf Prince ►musical,
score played by Freddy Holt. Four
showings daily, 1:00, 3:00, 7:00 and
0:00. Feature starting at 1:20, 3:20,
7:20 and 0:20.
» » •
REX—First day—Olive Borden in
“Pajamas,” a heart tickling tale
of love, lingerie and ladies at play, ''
that adds a few Lindbergh thrills
for good measure, and is packed to
the top with laughter and the ro
mance of mad-cap youth, with Law
rence Grey co-featured; also,
“Dates for Two,” a full thirty min
utes of mirth, and Oregon Pictorial
news events; Marion Zurclier at the
organ. (Thursday is Florizo “Candy
night,” at 0 o’clock.) i
Cooking Students Give
Two Practice Dinners v
Wilma Bevercomb and Louiso
Buchanan arc the culinary artists
jchind two of this term’s dinners.
Yesterday Wilma entertained a
;roup of eight friends at dinner
ind this evening Louise will enter
ain six guests.
A. J. Atwater
Tiffany Building
Phone 1115
The Noted Actor
“A Man’s
The Mirth of
a Nation!
I til
\y«R4HnUNR COfttlLLO v _,
J >
A WARNER unv* w
At 8:50
SINCE the organization of the
University Co-operative
Store in 1920 it has been the
ambition of those responsible for
its management to operate an at
tractive and efficient Miscellane
ous Books Department.
FOR two years we have been
experimenting in a limited
way in this field and the
friendly attitude of the entire stu
dent body, the hearty support of
the faculty and the book-loving in
dividual students, has given us
courage to enlarge our activities in
this line
SO now, we have the result of
hope, the experimenting and
the support—our new book
balcony. We are sure it is worthy
of your notice. Come up and see!
The University “Co-op”
“The Students’ Store”