Vocation Field Offers Subject For Research Women’s League Holds Questionnaire Study Among Grads Questions Aim at Changes In Curricula A study in vocational research is being conducted at present by Wo men’s League among rnn women graduates of the class of 1924. One hundred and forty-seven question naires have been sent out under the direction of Katherine Kweeland, chairman of the committee, and the proportion of answers being return ed is reaching a high mark. The study includes information as to the various professions taken up by these graduates and the bear ing that their university education and training had on successful pre paration for each. The research is a part of this year’s plan of the League to he of definite aid to wo men of the University in the field of vocational guidance. Dr. Anita Muhl, psychiatrist and co-worker with the California State Board of Education, was brought to the cam pus by the League February 1 to 6 to speak before the weekly as sembly, Women’s League mass meet ing and at various more informal discussions as an adjunct of this same, policy. The questionnaire deals in part with the definite cultural and pro fessional value of the University ed ucation in the present occupation cf its graduates, and its value as a preparatory for such life problems as earning a living, marriage, par enthood and citizenship in a social gfoup. The final question on the sheet sent out aims at curricula changes and additions that graduates fool would improve the system now in use at tho University. To quote one of the replies: “A teacher majoring in her fa vorite subject would naturally sag' gest more appropriations so that “big” men, and a number of big men could lecture at the state uni versity. More courses given , by nationally known professors would be splendid for tho provincial Ore gon school teacher. Oregon 1ms a splendid faculty, but we need more Sheldons, more H o w c s, more Ernsts, more Straubs. The Oxford plan of glorifying the professor would mean for the student closer contact with superior intellect.” Further returns are still being an ticipated by the League, and com pilation of the findings of the re search has not yet been made, 'but will be undertaken soon. C. L. Kelly Invited To Insurance School C. L. Ki'lly, assistant professor of business administration, lias re ceived a special invitation from the Lifo Insurance Sales Kesearch Buroau to attend a school it is con ducting in Seattle, March 5 to S. The enrollment for this course is very limited, and tne tuition is high; however, in order to he sure that Mr. Kelly-would be present, the bureau has waived the $40 tuition feo in his case. This school is for executives of lifo insurance companies and for agency supervisors. The Life In surance Research Sales Bureau has spent several hundred thousand dol lars in gathering and arranging the subject matter for the course. Failures Remediable, Believes Psychiatrist TL 0. L. A., Los Angeles, Feb. L’O. —1’. 1. 1*.—“College failures are remediable” was the statement of I)r. S. I. Franz, famous psychiatrist, The Dessert | That’s always I CORRECT I Wild Rose Ice Cream will always appeal to your guests. If you would be a thoughtful host or hostess, you will never err by serv ing this universally liked delicacy. If you are tiring of plain flavors, order some of our spe cials. Independence Creamery iilira.iWlM IMi—MB—i chairman of the department of Psy chology at the University of Cali fornia at Los Angeles, in an inter view last week. “To lower the amount of students dismissed for low scholarship each semester,” said Franz, “we must learn better the j individual problems and have more I cooperation between the students land those who represent the admin istration. Without this knowledge and understanding of each other, we cannot hope to reduce the num ber of those who fail in college.” “Education,” went on Franz, “is the process of making a good man better, and the problem of the fac ulty is not primarily to rid the col lege of what appears to be an un desirable human being. Its object should be to make men and women into morally, intellectually, and so cially better citizens.” _ Machine Guns To 1 Be Sold, Hungary Informs League Auction of Seized Arms Stirs Up Mystery of Real Owners (By United Press) BUDAPEST, Feb. 2d.-—-Hungary will auction off live carloads of machine guns, which make up the famous St. Gotthard seizure, despite the League of Nations’ re quest, for postponement of the sale, Premier Bcthlen said tonight in a note to Sir Erie Drummond, League secretariat. Bcthlen said the auction would be held Friday as Scheduled be cause all details already have been arranged. The machine guns comprise the consignment seized a few months ago at St. Gotthard which are said to have been shipped from Italy. Various responsible parties outside Hungary have charged the guns were consigned to Hungary. (By United Press) GENEVA, Ecb. 123.—A sensation was created here tonight by reports from the Hungarian government to the League of Nations declaring that five carloads of machine guns would be auctioned Friday, despite, the League’s request for postponement of the sale. Observers interpreted the action of Premier Bethlen of Hungary as openly flaunting the authority of the League. The request of the little entente to investigate the now famous St. Gotthard incident — seizure of the guns — creates for the League coun cil, which meets March 5, its most important problem, with anything likely to happen. Senate Wins Fight Against Oil Chief; Orders Him To Talk (By United Pi-obb) WASHINGTON, Feb. 211. — The government had a successful day in dealing with the various ramifica tions of the Teapot Dome affair. The senate won its court fight over its contempt action against Robert. W. Stewart, head of the Standard Oil of Indiana. The senate Teapot Dome investigating commit tee obtained testimony revealing that Harry M. iilaekmer, one of the ringleaders in the Continental Trad ing company deal, got $7(13,000 out of I1h> profits and fled the country because he feared civil action by oil companies to recover the money. The Stewart ease was decided in favor of the government when ,lus ticc Jennings Hailey of the District of Columbia supremo court dismissed Stewart’s habeas corpus writ, and declared he had not the right to re fuse to answer the Senate Teapot Dome committee’s question ns to whether he knew anybody who got bonds out of the Continental Trading company deal. He took an appeal and it. may be a year before there is a final decision. Siefert’s Recital To Be Presented Next Wednesday Modern American and British Corporations Included The fifth of a series of recitals given by the school of music this term will be presented by John B. Siefert, tenor, next Wednesday eve ning at 8:1:5, in the auditorium of the Music building. The songs have been arranged in four groups, the first of which em bodies songs and arias from 1690 to 1800. It is composed of “My Lovely Celia” by jMunro, Haydn’s “She Never Told Me Her Love,” and two contrasting numbers from Handel’s early opera, “Atlanta,” “Cara Helve” (Come My Beloved), a»d “Co Call Irene.” Following this group Mr. Siefert ! will sing “Ce Oelida Manilla,” which i is one of the most popular numbers ; of the opera, “La Bolieme” and one | that is used extensively by concert ' tenors. This number owes its pop- 1 ularity to the tender solicitude it i expresses. ’file story of the first act of “La ! Bolieme” was portrayed by the j students of Madame Rose McGrew at a recent concert. Mimi, the cm- J broidery girl, has come to the room of Rudolph, a poet of the Latin . quarter of Paris, to ask a light for ! her candle. As she is leaving the ; room a cruel draught extinguishes I both her light and Rudolph’s. In' the darkness she discovers that she i has lost the door key. Together I they search for the key, which Ru dolph finds and pockets. As the search continues—a pretended one on the poet’s part—their hands meet and the song, “Ce Oelida Manina,” or “Your Tiny Hands Are Frozen,” follows. i ne .succeeding group contains four well-known German Heelers. Two of these, “In Waldeseinsnm keit” (“In the Quiet of the Woods”) and Standelien (Serenade) by Brahms, portray contrasting moods. . The .other numbers, “Neu gierie” {“The' Qu'OStidlibr”), ami “Wanderer’s Nachtlied” are con sidered to be two of the loveliest of Schubert’s songs. The concluding group of the pro gram is representative of the work of modern American and British composers. Bridge’s “ Mantle of Blile” typifies the hush that has fallen over a home after a bereave ment. Curran’s “Autumn” is pre dominately sad in its visualization of the falling leaf and the passing of summer. “My Lute” bv Liddle, of lilting quality, Morgan’s “Clor inda,” and “A Baby’s Hair Is Built of Sun,” a composition of Wil liam Wentzell, one of Mr. Siefert’s musical friends, are also included in the group. Mr. Siefert will be accompanied by Louis I’. Artau of the music fac ulty. Kellogg Flays Press Of Europe; Fighting At Havana Is Faked fPy United Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.—Am bassador Myron 'I'. Herrick’s asser tion in a Paris speech that the Eu ropean press had been unfair to the United States in its reports of the Pan American conference at Havana, was endorsed today by Sec i el ary of State Kellogg. Kellogg believes foreign writers attempted to create a clear case of imperialism against the United States. It was suggested that in this ef-1 I fort foreign writers had emphasized . every allegedly disruptive tendency indicated at the conference, partic ularly the idea that Latin American nations had gone to Havana to fight the United States, raifgijargjrgjra]i ^•IBJHIfiliSJardyHJB/SHSrcUfiMSrcMSlSISEfclfSMSJSMSEMSISISISISMSISSEMSMSISISISFjj I PST CM9IC& i w^have r=*ai°ely seen itlofail with the Miss of Collegiate back^r>Gund-whepevep thepe is a choice^refepenoe always lights upon the semi-taitorn! fpock or simple IinevNaturally DENSMDRE'LEONMU) stocks them at theip best m chic and lowest in ppice. DENSMORE-LEONARD 1004 Willamette E S m 1 1 E G> 9 m _- ! Mulling Over the Current Magazine By JOE BICE “The Saga of the Saddle,”—J. Prank Dobie in the Winter 1928 is sue of the Southwest Review. Horse man, cabellero, chevallier; some of the proudest titles of man’s history have been given to the man on horesbaek. Here is a tale of the mighty riders of the old West in a day when every man must ride to live. “Aviation in 1027”—Edward P. Warner in January number of Yale Review. A bird’s-eye view of the aeronautical situation. An outline of the recent developments of avia tion and an analysis of the trend of commercial aviation. “Children of the Night”—Archi bald Rutledge, January number of 'he Virginia Quarterly Review. A delicate essay of nocturnal exper ience. The woodspeoplc of a South ern forest night furnish a delightful subject for whimsical reverie. “Whj' They Failed to Marry”— Katherine Bement Davis, March Harpers. A thousand college women didn’t get married according to this article. And they tell why. Some of them were dumb, some clever; some were beautiful, some plain, but somehow or other they did not get married. Thirty reasons a’re listed, from failure to find the right man, to fear of childbirth, and desire for a career. “The Place of Advertising in In ciustry”—Sir Lawrence Weaver in j January number of Quarterly Re view. A resume of .the achievements of advertising in England. “Coop erative advertising in effect, is the final answer to the public of honest | and efficient trading.” i “A Modern in Search of Truth.” —S. T. in the March Century. I Christianity and This Business aCll ed Life, is the subtitle to this inter- I esting essay. It would be robbing you of the pleasure of reading to tell you what he found to be the truth. “American University Life”—R. B. Mowatt in the Edinburgh Review for January. An active British mind J is stimulated by the wide chasm of educational methods existing be tween tlie universities of England and the United States to make some striking comparisons and 'point out differences in the two systems. He draws some merry pictures of the U. S. campus. Bee if you can rec ognize yourself in any of them. “The Critic and American Life”— Irving Babbitt in the Forum for February. It seems that most Amer icans do not like to hear the “cold and clammy facts,” quoting a bit of Menckenese from the article. Mr. Babbitt explores the field with rov ing eye and deft pitchfork and toss es out some interesting critical fod der about Americans and their hell bending critics. Debate (Continued from page one) contract's and this money was to be paid back from whatever source I was able to secure it, and paid back from their guarantees. “Personally I think it nothing but downright maliciousness to charge these boys with having been extra vagant. In the first place it took nothing less than a high order of intestinal fortitude to start on a world tour with as little money as they had. They have not been ex travagant. They have gone third class and slept in many eases on the floor with natives of Oriental coun tries on Japanese steamers. They have cutthkdr'-dhtly-'food allowance in many eases just to be able to take advantage of the things they should have had money enough for in the first place. I know the personal expense accounts of these men more closely than anyone and I know that one of the three men left here with nothing but his steamer fare and *N0 in cash. And after the splen did record that these men have made for thojnselves and for the Univer sity of Oregon, it is certainly a re grettable circumstance that anybody would charge these boys of extrava gance in their personal accounts. “Any money advanced by the stu dent association to these boys would not be a gift in this case, but pure ly a loan to be paid back from their American guarantees. 1 do not wish to quarrel with anybody on the ques tion of their finances, but I flatly deny that these boys have been ex travagant or tliat their present pre dicament is in any way an attempt to gouge the student association for further funds. I do not care, now, whether the student association comes to their aid or not, for they will get it anyway from some source; but I do resent any insinuation as | to their integrity or judgment in the matter or manner of carrying out their trip. Any attack on these boys is unjustified because those making the attack are positively in no posi tion to know the facts.” J. K. HORNER. U. C. L. A., Los Angeles, Feb. 23. — (P.I.P.)—Warren Garwick, presi dent. of the class of ’30 at the Uni versity of California at Los Ange les, was definitely removed from of fice last week by action of the A. S. U. C. council. The recommendation of the Activities and Scholarships committee resulted in this decision. Garwick was placed on probation last semester, due to a low average. Inability to raise his mark compelled Dr. "Ro^al Qick OPTOMETRIST — OPTICIAN Next to First Nat’l Bank, Eugene Women’s Teams Announced for Triangle Debate Northwest Universities To Compete on Rostrum Friday, April 13 J. K. Horner. University debate coach, todav announced the women's debate teams who will represent Oregon in the Northwestern Tri- j angular Women’s Debate between the universities of Oregon, Washing ton, and Idaho, April 13. Alice Clink and Mary Klemm will ^ entertain the University of Wash- | ington here, taking the affirmative of the question, -Resolved, That too many people in the United States are receiving college educations.” At the same time Margaret Edmund son and Florence McNerney will journey to Moscow, where they will take the negative of the same ques- j tion against the University of Idaho, 1 while Idaho sends her negative team to Seattle to face the University of Washington. The contest last year was won by the University of Idaho. Pauline Winchcll and Irene Hartsell, taking the affirmative on the question, “Resolved, That the United States should establish a department of education,” lost, to Idaho here by a 2-1 decision. At the same time, Frances Cherry and Margaret Black aby upheld the negative of the same question against the University of Washington at Seattle and won, 2-1. Pledging Announcement Kappa Delta announces the pledg ing of Mildred Welsh of Salem, Oregon. Contest (Continued from page one) the law school students to have some contest, say annually, in the nature of a legal discussion, thus materially aiding the student in a necessary branch of law work, and at the same time 'perhaps stimulat ing some public interest in the high purpose of all law.” The contest was established that year and has been held annually since, with one exception. Two prizes arq awarded. First, $50, furnished by Mr. Hilton and a. second of $25, which is a portion of the income of the Gertrude B. and Sam Bass Warner Law School Gift fund. Classified Ads TYPING WANTED — Theses, term papers, etc. Experienced steno grapher. Paper furnished, one carbon copy free. Attention given to spelling and punctuation, if desired. Public Stenographer, Eugene Hotel. Phone 228. Bes. phone Springfield 111-W. fe 22-24-25-28 APAETMENTS FOB BENT—Two or three room apartments with garage. Everything furnished ex cept gas. 719 E. 13th St. Mrs. Nina Blakely. F-24-5t MARCELS THAT STAY 75r Individual Haircutting by Man Barber BOB’S BEAUTY SHOP Upstairs Next to Wade’s 877 Will. Tel. 838 TODAY and SATURDAY 784 E. 11th Ave. MATINEE SATURDAY 2 p. in. Two of the screen’s greatest comedians in one smash ing laugh hit. You can’t imagine anything funnier than George Sidney as police chief of Main Street and Charlie Murray as the Fire Department of the same town. Put them both together and you have a riot— but it’s a riot of laughter, yells and screams! G£©RGf ttfiARUE SUMf&MUlm N»Uft-