Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 16, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    Basketball for
Girls Scheduled
For Games Soon
Donut Contest Will Start
Monday; Captains
Name Players
The first and second class teams
In girls’ basketball have been chos
en and the schedule for intra mural
games has been announced.
Tho teams are: Senior first: c.
Anderson; s. e. Zimmer; f. Johns;
f. Hardy; g. Horton; g. Marvon.
junior first: c. Price; s. c. Landru;
f. Barthel; f. Ralston; g. Lonsch;
g. Agcr. Junior second: c. Rasor;
s. c. Hammer, f. Knapp; f. Hileman;
g. Perazzi; g. Orrick. Sophomore
first: c. Kelly; s. c. Butler; f. Goff;
f. Balseger; g. Miller; g. Cornutt.
Sophomore second: c. Sadilek; s. c.
Beam; f. Duer; f. Noftsker; g.
Kaiser; g. Hurley. Freshman first:
c. Lehman; s. c. Bennett; f. Nelson;
f. McDonald; g. Mynard; g. Rogors.
Freshman second: c. Kjosness; s. c.
Lieuallen; f. Pullen; f. Steinko; g.
Barry; g. Wilcox.
The schedule for one week is,
Monday, freshman first vs. senior
1st, and sophomore 1st vs. junio
2nd; Tuesday, sophomore 1st vs.
junior 1st, and senior 1st vs. soph
omore 2nd; Thursday, freshman 1st
vs. sophomoro 1st, and junior 1st
vs. freshman 2nd; Friday, junior
1st vs. senior 1st, and freshman 1st
vs. junior 2nd.
Regulations announced aro that
team. Substitutes may be obtained
from team of the same classification
or lower. Eacli girl must get her
own substitute and failure to do
so results in loss of points. All
girls concerned are requested to
watch bulletin board for lists of
teams free on each date and for
ether game regulations.
pean of Women To
Attend Association
Meeting in Boston
Virginia Judy Esterly, dean of
Women, will leave Monday, Febru
ary 20, for Boston, where she will
attend the twelfth annual meeting
of the National Association of Deans
of Women.
Mrs. Esterly is chairman of the
section of deans of women in uni
versities and has charge of the pro
gram for tho division.
Many prominent and noted edu
cators are scheduled to address tho
mooting, including Dr. Ben Wood,
director, Bureau of Collegiato Edu
cational Research of Columbia Col
lege, Columbia University, New
York; Miriam C. Goulet, director of
Personnel Research bureau, Vassar
College, Poughkeepsie, New York;
May Yost, dean of women, Leland
Stanford Junior University, Cali
fornia; Martha Tracy, M. D., dean,
Woman’s Medical College of Penn
sylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsyl
vania; Mrs. Esther Allen Gow, dean
of wothen, Ohio State University,
Columbia, Ohio; and Mrs. Winifred
Richardson, dean of women, North
western University, Evanston, Il
Tho convention will meet at
Hotel Copley-Plaza, Boston, Febru
ary 27 to March 1, inclusive. Dean
Esterly will make a flying trip east,
going directly to Boston, and will
return to tho campus March 7.
Prince Carol’s Envoy
Nabbed; Paper Found
(Ily United Press)
VIENNA, Fob. 15.—Carrying a
manifesto from Former Crown
Prince Carol, whose six-year-old son
is king of Rouinania, former Gener
al Rakowiea wnf arrested at the
frontier today while enrouto from
Paris to Bucharest, dispatches from
tliero said.
The Carol manifesto was found on
Rakowiea when ho was searched
after his arrest, the dispatches said.
The incident was regarded here us
an exact duplication of the ono in
which M. Mauoilescu, former under
secretary of finance in Roumania,
was involved several months ugo.
At Eastertide—
Your portrait will carry a personal greeting. A sitting
now will allow ample time for careful finishing.
938 Willamette Phone 2447-J
A flight of stairs and the entrance to a realm of myster
ious and far away Oriental treasures, mingling with
beautiful Italian and Bohemian art work.
Here will be found distinctive gifts for every exacting
The Oriental Art Shop
On the Balcony of The Style Shop
1026 Willamette
Phone 816
'Wig3 Fletcher Comes From Family of
Swimmers Who Were Champions
‘Coming from a’family of swim
rr.r-rs, Willis Fletcher has been a
valuable addition to Oregon swim
ming teams for the last two yeaTS,
first as a member of the frosh mer
men and last year with the varsity.
His older brother, Charles, formerly
held the world’s record for the 200
yard open water breast stroke, and
his younger brother holds the Paci
fic coast 440 breast stroke record.
“Wig” was the holder of the 200
yard short course breast stroke rec
ord until this season, when it was
broken by a Stanford swimmer.
Fletcher will earn his second varsity
letter this spring, in the 200 yard
breast stroke and medley events.
His early experience was gained
at San Diego high school, where he
swam four years under Coach Gun
tlief, and in his last year there won
the 100-yard breast stroke e.vent in
the Southern California meet. He
also played one season as center on
the basketball team under Coach
Willis is a junior in economics,
twenty years old and a member of
tho Phi Delta Theta fraternity, ne
is 6 feet 2 inches in height and
tips the beam at around 105 pounds.
“Wig” should co'rfie close to the
present record this season, as his
fastest mark last year was only 5
seconds above the present 200 yard
time, which is 2:48, and already he
is showing improvement over his
previous form.
State College Co-eds
Continue Risky Work
11.—P. I. V.—“Dangerous curve
ahead!” “Stop, look and listen!”
“Look before you leap!” All these
signals have a definite meaning for
one co-ed who imagines such warn
ings when approached on the subject
of matrimonial preference.
“Dangerous business, this specify
ing just what kind of a husband one
wants,” thinks Betty MacMillan,
secretary of the Associated Students.
“Often one feels as though beggars
cnn’t be choosers, if you know what
I mean.
“But getting down to dangerous
business, my ideal of a husband is
one who is diplomatic enough to
make mo think I am boss, though
this implies that I don’t care for
the responsibility. I want my own
way at least half of the time but
will be willing to take what I can
“As for looks, all I ask is that no
near-sighted judge at any dog show
should award him any prizes. He
must have at least Bix feet of height
and corresponding breadth of should
ers. And last of all, he must be
just conceited enough to make us
both blind to his faults.”
Craftsman Degree
Team To Pay Visit to
Masons at Medford
The degree team of the Univer
sity of Oregon Craftsman Club will
leave tomorrow for Medford where
it will exemplify the Master Mason
degree before Masonic Lodge Num
ber 103 there, and visiting Masons
from Grants Pass, Ashland, Jackson
ville, and other neighboring towns
in Southern Oregon. A banquet will
be given in honor of the University
men at the Medford lodge tomorrow
at. 6:30.
This will bo the third trip that
the Craftsman group has made this
year. Last November it made a tour
of Eastern Oregon, visiting the Ma
sonic lodges and three weeks ago
it went to Cottage Grove. Thoso
who will mako the trip to Medford
are, Jack O’Keefe, Raymond Voegt
lv, Paul Sayre, Carl Broderson,
George Joseph, Loland Shaw, Wen
dell Van Loan, Alexander Scott, A.
B. Stillman, professor of business
administration, A. S. Kingsmill, pro
fessor of business ^administration,
II E. Rosson, professor of law and
Kenneth Schumaker, pmofessor of
Engl iflh.
House Managers Meet
At Chi O House Tonight
House managers will have their
monthly meeting and dinner tonight
at the Chi Omega houso at 6 o’clock.
.Pinal reports on the matter of
fire escapes in fraternities and sor
orities, made necessary by the re
eent state inspection, will bo given
at this time.
All bills of houses and halls for
entertaining high school students at
the recent conference must be pre
sented at this meeting for consider
ation by the high school conference
Big Growth Predicted
For U. of W. by 1935
TON, Feb. 14.—P. I. P.—“In 1935
there will be in excess of 15,000 stu
dents in the University, according to
prediction charts made out by Be
gistrar E. B. Stevens,” President
M. Lyle Spencer declared in an in
terview recently.
“I have come to no conclusion
in regard to tho number of students
that should be permitted to attend
this university,' or any one institu
tion,” President Spencer said, “but
I think that, given the money, we
could educate 20,000 students here.”
Speaking of the honor system ho
said: “The honor system fell down
because of inadequate campus lea'd
ership and the system under which
it was used. The leaders themselves
did not believe in it. College people
must bo educated up to the point
where they will realize their respon
sibilities, and this is a task we
propose to undertake.”
(Continued from page one)
Tlic rooks beat Salem high twice,
22 to 13 and 30 to 20. In the last
tilt the rooks barely siosed ahead
in the last few minutes of play.
The frosh will have their hands
full in setting back these preppers
tonight. In the forthcoming state
basketball tournament, this Salem
quintet will bear watching. Tues
day they defeated West Linn high,
04 to 3. Duffy, one of their star
performers, is an exceptional player
and has been high point man in al
most all of Salem’s games, includ
ing the contests with the frosh and
the rooks.
The frosh, should they win to
night, have their two hardest games
still ahead of them, with the rooks.
They have already lost two encoun
ters to the Orange youngsters, 27
to 20 and 37 to 20. The O. S. C.
babes have an exceptional first year
five. At present the Oregon duck
lings look like they are in a fair
way to repeat the rec.ord of last
year’s five which dropped all four
Shining and Cleaning
Corner 13th and Alder
Cleaning and Pressing
Tuxedos Same Price as
Ordinary Suits
Open All Evening
University Tailor
1128 Alder Phone 1247
| games to the Beaver infants. This
| would mean that a rook team has
heaten a frosh five in nine consecu
tive games.
Calkins Injures Foot
The frosh are getting nearly fed
up with rook defeats, and plan to I
do their utmost to eradicate this
Aggie jinx. Leslie has his weather- j
eye primed for any new comhina- !
tion that may become apparent, but
as the time draws close for the
games he can see little chance for
betterment by shifting the lineup.
Tonight Gene Eberhart will prob
ably start at center, with Jerry
Lillie and Harold Olinger, guards,
and Woodward Archer as one for
ward. Leslie is at present unde
cided about who will be the remain
ing man on the five. The selection
has largely- settled dow(n to Alf
Makinen or Cliff Horner.
Edwin Stoddard, Ed Dvorak, and
Paul Walgren are making strong
bids for a chance to see action with
the Salcmitej. Windsor Calkins is
bothered with a bad foot and this
may keep him out of the week-end
games. Kenneth King and Max
Rubenstein will be ready to go in
at he first opportunity.
LEGE, Feb. 15.— (P.I.P.)— After
producing 111,021 pounds of milk
and 3229 pounds of butterfat dur
ing the seven years which she has
been in the. State College dairy
herd, the Holstein, Prilly Pietertje
Johanna Favne, 309084, still shows
excellent health and fine shape and
type for her herd, according to Pro
fessor J. C. Knott of tha dairy de
partment at the State College.
tjCnS Day
Throbbing drama of a man
who., sought happiness
through sacrifice!
“On Deck”
Rex Music News
It's past the middle of the term—better get that type
writer and type them out.
Office Machinery & Supply Co.
New Scientific Earthquake Study May
Change World’s Economic Status
The average person • who reads
about, or even is in an earthquake,
probably, never realizes that there
is any importance connected with it
except the destroying of lives and
property. Professor Edwin T.
Hodge, yesterday, in his lecture to
the general geology class on earth
quakes, tried to impress upon his
audience the fact that earthquakes
have a great economic importance.
“With the development of the
new science of geo-physics,” he said,
“we are often able to locate salt
beds or petroleum beds by studying
the* reflection of quake waves.”
The professor explained the dif
ferent types of earthquake waves
that traverse the globe, describing
their actions and the velocity at
which they travel. He then discus
sed seismographs, the instruments
which record the violence of such
shocks and told in detail how they
“Certain areas,” Professor Hodge
continued, “are distinguished by
their frequency of earthquake
shocks, California having more than
any other state. Other areas are
peculiar for their lack of such dis
turbances and are known as nseis
mie regions. Oregon is an aseismic
state. Such places are good situa
tions for seismographs.
“So sensitive is a seismograph that
rarely does an earthquake occur that
we do not know in a few moments
exactly where it was.”
• Hodge told of one of these instru
ments recording the occurance of a
quake far up in Alaska in an unin
habited region. A certain group of
geologists who were going to Alaska
investigated this region and fouiuk
that the sea coast had .been raised
40 feet higher by the disturbance.
Scientifically, earthquakes have
done a great deal towards proving
the theory that the inside of tho
earth i9 rigid and elastic as steel
instead of being liquid or gaseous.
Professor Hodge predicts that in
a few years the geophysicists will
have prefocted their science so that
precious metals may be discovered
and the economic situations of the
world changed by the aid of this
study of earthquake movements.
Canoe Journey Made
By University Boys
15,—(P.I.P.)—A 10-hour canoe trip
down the Willamette river from Eu
gene to Corvallis was made by
Charles Goodwin, '27, graduate in
vocational education, and Amos
Burg, former special student in
commerce, Sunday. Goodwin is
teaching and taking graduate work
at the University of Oregon. Burg
has made several canoe trips in re
cent years, one from the head of
the Columbia river to its mouth and
another down the Snake and Col
umbia fivers to Portland.
Attend the Matinees if pos
sible to avoid the night
For 3 Days
Feared by Most—
Loved by Many—
Admired by All—:
Lover! Adventurer!
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Assisted by Silver King
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A Super-Paramount Production Based on the Life
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Frank D. C.
at the consol
of his super
$35,000 Organ
McMurphey “s KNIGHTS
in a De Luxe Stage Presentation of
Irving Berlin’s Best Successes
(a) “Mine, All Mine”—with Singing Band
(b) “Mr. Airplane Man”—a Symphonic Flight
(c) “Together We Two”—with vocal duet
. Also Trumpet Solo and Vocal Trio Hit
Eugene’s greatest entertainment is always at the McDonald. The highest class of
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ald's programs unsurpassed by any theatre, in any city, on the Pacific Coast today.