Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 08, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    ©rertmt ®aili| |:tttetali>
University of Oregon, Eugene
Robert Galloway ... Managing Editor
Claudia FJetcher .. Ass’t. Managing Editor
Arthur Schoeni . Telegraph Editor
Carl Gregory .v. P. I. P. Editor
Arden X. Pangborn . Literary Editor
Walter Coover .. Associate Editor
Richard H. Syring ..... Sports Editor
Donald Johnston .... Feature Editor
Margaret Long ...— Society Editor
News and Editor Phones, 655
DAY EDITORS: William Schulze, Mary McLean, Frances Cherry, Marian Sten.
NIGHT EDITORS: J. Lynn Wykoff, chief; Lawrence Mitchelmore, Myron
Griffin, Rex Tussing, Ralph David.
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS:- Joe Rice, Mil Prudhomme, Warren Tinker,
Clarence Barton, Joe Freck, Gordon Baldwin, Glen Gall, A. F. Murray, Harry
Tonkon, Harold Bailey.
SPORTS STAFF: Joe Pigney, Harry Dutton, Chalmers Nooe, Joe Rice,
Chandler Brown.
FEATURE STAFF: Florence Hurley, John Butler, Clarence Craw, Charlotte
Kiefer, Don Campbell.
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Amos Burg, Miriam Shepard, Ruth Hansen« La Wanda
Fenlason, Flossie Radabaugh, William Haggerty, Herbert Lundy, Dorothy Baker.
NEWS STAFF: Margaret Watson, Wilfred Brown, Grace Taylor, Charles Boice,
Elise Schoeder, Naomi Grant, Maryhelen Koupa! Josephine Stofiel, Thirza Ander
son, Etha Jeanne Clark, Mary Frances Dilday, William Cohagen, Elaine Crawford,
Audrey Henrikson, Phyllis Van Kimmell, Margaret Tucker, Gladys Blake, Ruth
Craeger, Leonard Delano, Thelma Kem, Jack Coolidge, Crystal Ordway, Elizabeth
Schultze, Margaret Reid, Glenna Heacock.
LARRY Till ELEN—Associate Manager
Ruth Street . Advertising Manager
Bill Hammond ...... Ass’t. Advertising Mgr.
Lucielle George .. Mgr. Cheeking Dept.
Ed. Bissell .i. Circulation Manager
Bill Bates . Foreign Adv. Mgr.
Wilbur Shannon .... Ass‘t. Circulation Mgr. j
Kay Dudley . Assistant Circulator j
m/r riiwioii'iu —v/nmnea ivteu, rrancis lviunins, r^ugene i-<aira.
Richard Horn, Harold Kester, Anton Peterson, John Caldwell, Sam Luders.
ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS—Harold Bailey, Herb King Ralph Millsap.
OFFICE ADMINISTRATION—Doris Pugs ley, Harriett Butter worth, Helen
Laurgaard, Margaret Poorman, Kenneth Mocre, Betty Boynton, Pauline Prigmore.
The. Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during the
college year. Member, United Press News Service. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate
Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscrip
tion rates, $2.60 per year. Advertising rates upon application. Residence phone,
editor, 721; manager, 2799. Business office phone, 1895.
p — -----» -■ ..-1
Day Editor This Issue—Elaine Crawford
Night Editor This Issue—Warren Tinker
Vice-President Barker
Home from the Outfield
quit the outfield. Ho slides in
to homo plate tonight for the first
time. From then on, no matter
what position ho is playing in the
figurative diamond, the University
is home to the new vice-president in
charge of public relations.
Tho baseball figure of speech may
seem inappropriate in a description
of a vice-president malting his debut.
We lay the responsibility, however,
entirely on Mr. Barker, who sug
gested it in a recent lotter to the
Emerald by a jocular description of
his activities in the cast prior to
departing for the coast. He en
visaged President Hall as batting
flies to tho outfield where he at
tempted to get them without being
very well ablo to judge their prob
ablo landing place. These activi
ties, we deduce, are identical with
thoso of tho torso newspaper report^
“Before leaving for Oregon, Mr.
Barker spent considerable time
with various educational founda
tions . . .”
Burt Brown Barker first recom
mended himself to tho Emerald
when tho pleasant alliteration of his
name was heard at the time of tho
regents’ mooting last fall. His pic
ture published then impressed us fa
vorably, too. But it was not until
his cordial, humorous personal let
ter came, that we began to feel
really acquainted with him. And
to tho inevitable cynics, we may
parenthetically add that it whs not
his check for a year’s subscription
that is solely responsible for our
kindly regard toward him.
We observo that Vice-President
Barker commences his service at
headquarters by addressing tho edi
tors at tho newspaper conference
next Friday. Forgetting for a mo
ment the nice things he told us
about tho Emerald, and judging his
ability from such opportunities as
ho has had occasion to reveal it to
us, wo do uot hesitate to prophesy
that ho will be a favorite with them.
And that, iu a word, is what lie’s
hero for.
The Ax Falls
At Washington
THE. action taken by President
Spencer of the University of
Washington in expelling two sftid
suspending six of tho students in
volved in the beating and ducking
of Clarion Zioneheck, president of
tho Washington student body, should
servo as an example to any who
are subject to tho impulse to em
ploy ruffianly methods in correct
ing a condition contrary to their,
own likes.
When tho over-zealous octette
thought to settle tho controversy
over the management of student
body business by throwing Zion
ehock into Lake Washington after
beating him, they saw no further
than they wero able to throw their
Had tho assault boen made on a
more obscure per Soil by one equally
unknown to tho reading public, the
affair would have attracted no more
attention than any ordinary street
scuffle. The fact that it took place
at one of the leading state univer
sities of the country; that it arose
out of a dispute about a campus
matter; and that all concerned in
it wero of some prominence in the
university community mado the in
cident one that has been cried far
and wide.
What was really accomplished by
the vengeful group of maskers'? For
a brief while they no doubt felt a
certain degree of satisfaction at
having demonstrated their prowess
through giving vent to what they
thought to be righteous indignation,
but the feeling did not last long.
The identity of tho individuals
making up the group was suspected
as soon as nows of tho incident be
came known. It was but a rela
tively few hours beforo all had con
fessed to participation in tho affair
and tho university authorities had
taken the drastic action which may
have a. decided effect on Washing
ton’s athletic situation during tho
next year.
Tho “smart thing to do” has not
settled tho original dispute. It has
only succeeded in bringing severe
punishment for the offenders and
adding to the always present body
of prejudice held against colleges
and universities. If it bo at all
possible to do so, tho culprits more
than defeated their purpose.
—W. C.
Hoover’s Translation
Of 4Dc Re Metallica’
Is Topie of Lecture
1 >o Bo Motallioa” (“ Concerning
Metallic Things”), a Latiu book
translated by Herbert Hoover and
liis wife, will bo the main subject
of Dr. Warren I>. Smith’s lecture
this morning at. 11 o’clock at room
101, Condon Hall. The talk nail bo
delivered to the geography class
find is scheduled as one of the “vag
abond” lectures being given on the
campus every day by different pro
Dr. Smith is probably the only
person in the Northwest who owns a
eopy of this book. It is an almost
exact facsimile of the origmul edi
tion which was published in 155th
The illus*rat ions m tho book are
made from the same wood cuts
which were used nearly 100 years
ugo and which arc now in the Brit
ish Museum.
This is the tirst complete transla
tion of “De Be Mottalioa,” and ac
cording to Dr. Smith, great credit
is due Hoover and his wife.
"I am not going to deliv< r a oom
paign speech for Hoover,” Profes
sor Smith said, “but this has merely
happened at an opportune time.”
Tho lecture will be mainly about
tho aiming districts of liurope dur
iag tho middle ages.
Rotest of Students
Shows Reliability of
Psychological Tests
I'Ih- fact that tlio department of
psychology is attempting to deter
mine just what part fright and
other factors play in the results of
freshmen psychology tests may re
call to tirst year students certain
qualms experienced not so long ago,
when they sought to enroll in the
The relative stability of such
measures is indicated by a retest
given in March, ti':.’", to !>d stu
dents who had taken the psycho
logical examination series of 19-5
as freshmen in September, 10-5.
The correlation of the two tests
comes out .9, which moans that SO
per cent of the factors involved are
the same in both cases. Such things
as variations in an individual’s per
formance due to health, happiness,
etc., differences in the make up and
imperfections of the tests, and
greater maturity in the individual
are much less important factors
than the abilities which the tests
measure. These three factors cause
fluctuations of less than -0 per cent.
While there i.- an increase in the
total test score, the relative scores
remain practically the same.
•• Wo believe that wo can place
a good deal of eoufldeuco in the
psychological tests,” 1’rofessor
Howard K. Taylor of the psychol
ogy department said.
t • '
Tradition has made it a “closed .
season” for conventions and invited
... Normal photo of Duncan Dough
nuts, Oampa Shoppe punch maker,
who is in a state of nervous collopse
today following a chemist’s report
yesterday that his punch contains
no traces of fruit juices.
His original recipe calls for a
half a lemon, a cube of sugar, and
a drop of coloring, all thrown into
the city reservoir the night before
a dance. An investigation yesterday
showed that Duncan had been put
ting these ingredients into a old
abandoned reservoir. He collapsed
when fired.
“Arc you hurt, dear?”
“No, loved one, I Malheur. (And
she smiled out loud.)
Grctchon left late last night for
Salem and the insano asylum whore,
as she said, she would got “loco
color for hor next novel.”
Jack Bencfiel ran out of gas by
tlie men’s gym yesterday afternoon
andj phoned a 'service station to
bring up a gallon of the precious
liquid. A boy arrived with it,
dusted tho cobwebs from the gas
tank cap, then couldn’t turn it
with a Stillson wrench, and finally
had to knock a hole in the top of
the tank.
Once upon a time a formal was
given and no chicken salad was
served. But then that was a timo
when both formats and chicken' sal
ads wore unknown.
Prof. Anitv says if the farm vote
is successful with a dark horse presi
dential candidate, government will
bo a lot moro stable.
A crew of nearly fifty men have
been added to the force of night
watchmen and those gents, each
equipped with a canary bird in a
cage, will patrol the campus build
ings every night in search of tobacco
The special canaries indicate by
the pitch of their voices the brand
of cigarettes that have been smoked.
(Piedmonts excluded because of con
fusion with burning mattresses.)
The buildings that are the chief of
fenders include: Condon, Villard,
Journalism, and Arts.
Little Blue Eyes is so dumb she
thinks police dogs belong to the
When I began reading the Seven
Seers column two months ago, I
had iugrowji toenails, broken car
drums, flat feet, a fractured skull,
and a bad case of corn brew. I
have since been forced to drink the
corn brew and am writing this on
my death-bed. With 11 hiss and a
eurse. POlfcO^KD.
.. Spvv^ s.t'FRS
The Vagabond
(The lectures on today’s cal
endar have been selected for
their general appeal. Everyone
is welcome.) ■
“Man’s Fear and Use of Vol
canoes,” by Dr. E. T. Hodge.
Class—General geology. 101 Con
don, 9 a. m.
“Typos of Reasoning,” by
Professor Howard R. Taylor.
Class—Beginning psychology. 108
illard, 9 a. m.
“Byron,” by Dr. Earl Leslie
Griggs. Class—Romantic poets.
13 Villard, 11 a. m.
Orchesis, honorary dancing society,
will meet tonight at 7:30 in the
dancing room of the Woman’s
Alpha Delta Sigma—Plan for ses
sion Thursday noon at nchorage.
Reports on the campaigns already*
started. Lecture on artistic Eu
ropean advertising by Professor
N. B. Zane on program.
Order of “O”—Meet Thursday at
11 a. m. at Men’s Gym.
Cosmopolitan club meet at the “Y”
hut tonight at 7:30 o’clock. Busi
ness meeting followed by social
Hammer and Coffin and those in
terested in the re-establishment of
the Webfoot, meet today at 4
o’clock in room 102, Journalism
Alpha Kappa Delta meet Thursday
evening, 8:00 o’clock sharp, at
■ Dean Young’s homo.
Choir To Sing Anthems
At Sunday’s Vespers
The University choir will present
two anthems at the regular vespers
next Sunday. The first number,
the composition of Shelley, a New
York organist, is “Hark, Hark, My
Soul.” The chorus of this selection
has a. dramatic climax. Soprano so
los ..of the anthems will be sung by
Madame Rose MeGrew and the con
tralto solos by Mrs. Marvel Ober
teuffer. Cesar Franck’s “O Lord
Most Holy” will also be given.
John Stark Evans will direct the
choir and play the organ accom
Assembly Approves
Prayerbook Revision
(Ky United Press)
LONDON, Feb. 7.—The House of
Clergy and Bishops of the church
assembly today approved that re
vised version of the new Church of
England prayerbook.
McDonald — Last day—“Beau
Sabreur,” a flaming answer to
“Beau Geste,” by the same author,
and produced on an even more elab
orate scale, telling a fervid ro
mance of the French Foreign Le
gion, where a handsome officer
vowed he would never look at an
other woman, but failed to reckon
with the spell of the Sahara, with
Gary Cooper, Evelyn Brent, Noah
Beery, and William Powell fea
tured; presented with an atmospheric
prologue, “One Arabian Night,”
with Arabian dancers and Frank D.
C. Alexander’s musical prelude,
t-wice nightly at 7:30 and 9:30; spe
cial feature, “Creations Parisienne,”
depicting in natural colors, the latest
styles for Milady, from Paris, and
presented by Hope Hampton; also a
new Oswald, the lucky rabbit, car
toon, and International news events.
Coming—Second “Arabian Week”’
feature, Bebe Daniels in “She’s a
Sheik,” a female Valentino, with
the vivacious Bebe doing a “sheik”
romance that takes all the burn out
of the desert sands, with Richard
Arlen co-starred. Also, George Mc
Murpliey and his Kollege Knights in
“ Araby.”
HEILIG—Lon Chaney as Burke,
of Scotland Yard, fiercest of all
sleuths in “London After Mid
night,” as exciting a role .and pic
ture as the screen has seen. Cast
includes Marceline Day and Con
rad Nagel. Freddy Holt in con
cert and playing the atmospheric
score to the feature. The Mack
Sennett present “Run Girl Run,”
a comedy of gorgeous girls and
comedians, in technicolor. “Soar
ing Wings,” a remarkable short
feature of bird life, made in Eu
rope. M. G. M. News.
Coming — “Motherhood,” dedi
cated to the women of America.
Phyllis Haver in “Chicago,” *the
sensational melodrama of city life.
The immortal “Ben Hur.”
Leap Week
(Continued from page one)
the big cars will cut the rest of us
out with the best men. It will be
a matter of getting there first.”
Abbott Lawrence, senior in ar
chitecture: “There arc at least two
good things about it: It will let a
fellow know where he stands, and
it will help out a failing pocket- ;
Frank Riggs, senior in economics:
“Wonderful! It will give some of
the campus heiresses a chance to
spend some of their money on the
boys, and it. will give the boys a
chance to understand the plight a
woman is in when someone calls her
up . far a date that she doesn’t
Gould Changes Tune
Cotter Gould, junior in business
administration: “The girls are fool
ish if they do it,” he said at first.
“They’re just out for entertainment
and it’s a sign that they’re being'
bored if they’re willing to take a
man out for a new thrill.” He
changft his mind, however, when
it was understood that woman was
to foot the bills for the week.
Maryhelen Koupal, senior in jour
nalism: “The idea’s all-right, just
so it comes at the first of the
Claudia Fisher, senior in journal
ism, said: “I don’t like the idea.
I think it would be fun to try once;
but formerly when such things are
brought up, they have become cus
toms. We now have a number -of
customs and this would make just
another. We now have the Senior
Leap Year custom. Every year we
ge more customs and soon we’ll have
nothing but customs. There are also
a number of students who take ad
vantage of these customs and abuse
Patty Park, senior in journalism,
made the reply:( “I think it is a
good idea. It will give the girls a
chance to go out with just who they
want to, when they want to. The
girl can go where she really wants
tc and does .not have to stay out
any later than she wishes. This
would give the girls a chance to pay
back what they owe. It would be
loads of fun and I really wish we’d
have it.”
Billy O ’Bryant, junior in the eco
nomics, says: “I think it’s a, mar
velous idea if the girls don’t expect
too much of us.”
Frances Plimpton, senior in. nor
mal arts, made the statement: “I
do not thing it is such a good idea.
It would really be stealing the sen
ior leap week, which has long been
a custom ’here. It has been tried
on several other campuses, and has'
not been very successful.”
Co-Ed Sees Bankruptcy
Marporie Clark, freshman in jour
nalism replied: “-I think it is the
thing to do once, but not to make, a
practice of. If it. came often or
lasted -long ... Ye Cods! I’d be
in the poorliouse.”
Hal Harden, senior in physical
education said:. ‘‘I think it would
be the bunlL ' X poor" feltbSv is lia
ble to get hold of the wrong girl.
I’d hate to have so many women
calling mo up and have to tell them
that I couldn’t go out.”
Kathleen Tharaldscn, junior in
English: “Some girls would be
backward about coming forward. It
would add variety to monotony and
would be something new and differ
ent. If all the girls would enter
into the spirit of the thing and make
it a general instead of a particular
idea, it would be fun.”
Marion Look, junior in English:
“1 think it is cute and lots of fun,
but I don’t know what good it would
do. The novelty of the situation
would be appealing to all.”
Jean Hart, freshman in English:
I like it, but how could you get the
whole campus to do it? It would
givi* the girls a chance to pay back
seme of fheir debts.”
Mary Ann Favors Plan
Mary Ann Hart, junior in Eng
lish: “I think it is a novel idea,
and that is why it would go well.
The girls as well as the men would
get a great kick out of it. It w'ould
give same of the men on the campus
an idea as to whther they were
playing Santa Claus of not.”
George Meade, senior in law: “I
don’t know why I’m asked about
this affair, for I’d be as little af
fected by it as anyone. Anyway it
would be all right if it only happen
ed once in every four years.”
Elizabeth Shields, senior in educa
tion: “I think it would be a rare
week-end and all the girls that had
the courage of their convictions and
asked the man they really wanted
to, would have a good time.”
Alice Morrow, freshman in Eng
lish: “Burn about is fair play. If
it comes near the first of the month
it would be all right; otherwise not
so good on the funds. It w"0uld prob
ably teach the girls not to be such
gold diggers because they would
learn that the run on pocketbooks is
pretty heavy.”
Margaret Achterman
Undergoes Operation
Margaret Achterman, junior ma
jor in education, was operated on at
the Eugen^ hospital for an acute
case of appendicitis last Saturday.
There are two more patients added
to the list of infirmed at the Uni
versity infirmary. David Epps,
junior, member of Beta Theta Pi, is
in the infirmary with a cold. Ed-'
ward Stubbs, sopliomaro from
Friendly hall, is also a new patient.
Robert Keeney, senior, and mem
ber of Delta Tau Delta, and Mark
Jenkins, frcsWman, 9541/2 Patterson
court, will probably be dismissed
from the infirmary today.
Beauty Shop
Permanent Waving
$7.50 Special
Until March
Next to tlie E6x Theatre
Phone 1734
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wmeM You'Re
/m The eesT
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A Package
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ustsms like ths. rpst*
5TAsesjt' oeATHe<SRir?pei
And Yo'o ^ARe "The MISSUS
.SucjiSe-ST- ioni
7mat Cough of 'tbJSG]
, To <3£T avjuaV To A t
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maybe. *a
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AmE> The n4£x.~c NVoWmiirG You
GET Baok oio MdoR. tasgugaf*.
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Som£ more
Aar.. UAHlFFLE. ?
For. Thuh 0
a {MO*.!! OLD
V GOL-D s,char lev
Old Gold
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_not a cough in a carload
® !°'S. F Lorillsrd Co... Est. 1760