Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    W. E. Hempstead
Explains Jaunt
Through India
Mahatmi Ghandi Greets
Boys; Name Refused
As Signature
Tourists Visit Historic
Indian Sites
Word lias again been received
from tlie round-the-world debaters.
They are ui India and the words
of W. E. Hempstead will best de
scribe the situation. The letter was
dated January 2, 1928. He says:
“A short time ago we were
within a hundreds yards of the ex
act site of ‘the black hole of Cal
cutta.' Sweltering under India’s
blistering sun, fighting malarial
mosquitos wjth our sun helmets, we
roamed around the burning ghats,
sacrifical temples and memorial
temples and monuments of India’s
largest city, teeming with the same
dark-skinned Hindus who made
Clive’s stay here unpleasant many
years ago.
‘' I sot li Jrefore and after debating
the Indian .representatives of Nag
pur University on tin; question of
democracy, many scenes passed in
panoramic, fashion before our eager
eyes. For in our ten-day stay in the
empire through which we traveled
nearly three thousand miles, we did
Calcutta, (second only to London
in the British Umpire); Benares,
sacred city of the Hindus, whose
worship center it has been since
tin; caste system was established by
the Brahmins from the north; and
-Agra, site of woman’s greatest mon
ument—the Taj Mahal.
Debaters Meet Gliandi
“At Madras wc met personally
Maliatnii Gliandi, greatest leader in
India because of his non-Coopera
tion movement, and as press repre
sentatives in the 42nd Indian na
tional congress while 25,000 of the
favorite chosen sons of India passed
resolutions for immediate independ
ence from Great Britain.
“Living on the very banks of the
millrace at Oregon for the past
three years in a certain house, which
1 learned in Calcutta has acquired
additional fame for noise making in
the Home-coming ceremonies, I
have seen that sentimental body of
water under many circumstances. Ij
is much mure romantic in a canoe
on a spring moonlight night than
about two o’clock some February
morning during a blizzard, especial
ly when one is attired in less cloth
ing than is comfortable even for a
Freshman. On certain of these me
morable mill-race parties I happen
to have noticed the ‘old mill race’
exceptionally muddy. In compari
son with the cess pool bathing places
or. the Ganges, it is far cleaner. I
do not see how the famous composer
of ‘Moonlight on the Ganges’ could
have received his inspiration from
this filthy stream.
View Famous Taj Malial
“The Taj Mahal is one of the
world’s sevun wonders. An appre
ciation of beauty is not a prerequi
site for one to call the Taj a poem
in marble. {Silent as tile magnifi
(,ent tomb it is for the ancient
Moghul ruler and his beloved wife,
it seems almost as if it’s whits
gleaming marble outline is moving
toward you as you walk down the j
Curtain at 8:20
Good Seats at—
$1.10, $1.05, $2.20, $2.75
of mm
beautiful shrub-lmed corridor to
its entrance. Agra is also noted for
I a historic fort, itself'an unexcelled
masterpiece of architectural beauty
although no longer used as a mili-'
tnry stronghold. British militarists
consider railroad communications
far more essential to the defense of
their territory.
“Nagpur University is located in
the central part of India about half
way between Bombay and Calcutta.
When wo finally arrived there pre
parations were complete for the de
bate so we proceeded to tell tlie In
dian audience bow successful demo
cracy had been in the United States.
They didn’t favor the idea and the
notion that ‘Democracy is a failure’
passed by their vote of 131 to 115. j
A nationally known professor ofj
philosophy was on the Nagpur team
which opposed us. lie said the In !
dians would rather stick to caste i
and live as many of the native states
do, directly controlled by heredity
feudatory princes or Mara.jahs.
Visit Home of Ghandl
Most everyone including college
■students know that Mahatma Ghan
di lives in India. Hearing that- lie
v/as in Madras one day as we were
proceeding to Colombo to catch our
boat for Kgypt, we went to his home
and met him. Squatting wit-h his
legs crossed under a muslin breech
cloth, his only clothing, and read
ing a Madras English paper through
his delicate spectacles, his sharp
features betraying no emotion at
our presence, sat the great Swaraj
leader. Jle was observing a day of
silence, lie wrote to us on a piece
of brown scratch paper, and he
couldn’t sign our address books un
less we wore muslin clothes, which
we refused to do. We took a movie
of him as lie sat there but the light
was very dim.
, * -♦>
‘hiring our fusillade of introdue
tory letters at tlie chairman of the
reception committee, we were given
fiee press tickets ho the 42ml In
dian National Congress then meeting
nt Mn liras. Here we heard both
Mohammedans and Hindus, who us
ually fight each other, join in n
condemn,nl ion of Great Britain’s
policy and attack Miss Katherine
Mayo of the United States for writ
ing a book, which you should all
read, called ‘Mother India.
(Continued from paeje one)
:OfJ.O. Smith, O, first; Newbegin,
O, second; Killop, M, third.
220 yard free stylo: Time 2:.‘17.4.
Thomas, M, first; McCook, (), sec
ond; Alielo, O, third.
150.yard hack stroke: Time 1:49.5.
Anderson, O, first; MoAlpin, O, sec
ond; Slocum, M, third.
10 yard dash: Time :57. Floyd,
O, first; Sharp, O, second; Temple,
M, third.
Fancy diving: Stocks, Jit, first;
Stone, O, second; Thomson, O, third.
100 yard relay: Time 1 :22.(i.
Oregon, first; Floyd, Sharp, Klnuson,
Anderson, defeating Horsfall, Horn
hard, Templeton and Thomas of
.H nltnomah.
.000 yard medley relay exhibition:
Pool record of : 11!) set hv New
begin, Fletcher, and Anderson.
Last Day
*7he Knockout /pveStoruf
Coming Wed.—
Aggie Rooks Top
Ducklings 27-24
In Sprightly Tilt
Second Conference Game
Shows Yearlings
Last Saturday night the Oregon
frosh lost their second conference
start when they took it on the but
ton, 27 to 24, from the Aggie rooks.
Spike Leslie’s ducklings put up
a determined fight throughout the
contest although the invading
Orange youngsters seemed to have
the edge most of the time.
The Aggie percentage style !of
basketball is already apparent in
these embryo Beaver casaba stars.
On frequent occasions when the
Corvallis yearlings drew avhay from
the frosh on the scoreboard they
backed up and began playing kcep
away—much to the discomfiture of
the frosh.
Whether or not this Aggie style
is popular with the fans and with
opponents is beside the question.
The main point is that it seems to
work. It is a dangerous threat.
The Aggies seem to want their rivals
to attempt to close in on them—to
get the opposition off balance for
an instant when they can dash in
for an offensive thrust.
It must be admitted that when
an offense is needed the rooks cai
produce one. When they need points
they abandon their “ring-around-lm
rosey” tactics and get down to
business of breaking in. Most o
their offensive plays seem to depem
on correct timing—as against, the
frosli system which is apparently a
system adaptable to the spur of the
moment with no regard for timing. !
Ballard and I.bager were the prin
cipal gad flys.to Ihe frosli basket- j
■ers. Ballard was high point man
with 1L pointers. Drager, guard, I
garnered I). Horner, for the frosli,
was the next high pointer with 7.
Archer collected 5 and Calkins and
Lillie 4 each.
This Saturday the freshmen will
have a chance for a comeback when
hey journey over to Aggieland with
the varsity to engage the rooks in
i return preliminary. The frosli
show an improvement over their
Washington freshman exhibition of
:i week ago Saturday. If they con
tinue to improve as much this week
as they demonstrated last they
should lie ready to turn the tables
on the rooks.
Plane Carries Millions
To End Bank Runs
(By United Press)
M1A M T, Florida, Feb. (>.—A m i 1 -
lion and a half dollars in cash was
See Me for
Better Vision
Dr. Royal Qick
Next to First Nat’l. Bank
Her Greatest
On the Stage—•
Nice Day Comedy
784 East 11th
bring rushed to Miami by airplane
today to relieve a tense situation
which developed when three banks
closed this morning.
Failure of the .Southern Bank and
Trust company, one of the largest
in the state, to open for business
caused runs on the Citizens Bank of
Miami and the Bank of Allapattah
which forced them to close a few
hours later.
Handball Tourneys
Slowing Up; Huestis,
Gabriel Cry for Play
They want more! Huestis and
Gabriel arc the ones who so strenu
ously draire a. bit more competition
in the IrandbaH doubles tournament.
At present they are resting nicely
in the semi-finals in the upper
bracket. The lower half of the
schedule is about two or three
rounds behind. Ami so they cry! •
'1 hese two members of the fac
ulty have so far demonstrated lively
handball to the students they have
met in combat. Cohn and Long
were the latest victims to this duet
of professors. They slam a hand
ball harder than they slain quizzes.
There is a little different yarn, in
the singles tournament. The names
of Cohn, Shaw, and Reed are peeping
up and out of the crowd. This tour
ney is also progressing at the pace!
of a swift snail, ('aid .Yelson, di
rector of handball, ventures the sag
gestion that k : re < . . f.a;
move weeks ]e
' ii ■ a men t.
i 1 ; op re . ' ■ ■ , . . .,
■ seemed like ■ - a ■ to upset it
The department - e it tha
way though, so the tv. i main 1 abov
are on thtfgronml at the foot, (la
briel and Ileustis are next abov
them. Howard and Westergren have
the honor of the top seat with Bliss
and Gawer shoving them.
Instructors Attend
Nutrition Conference
At a meeting of the State Nutri
tion Council iii Portland Saturday,
Ur. Wilmoth Osborne, director of
physical education for women of
the University of Oregon, and Miss
Lilian Tingle, instructor in house
hold arts, represented the Univcr- ■
Specialization in
Three Methods
LeMur, Leon Oil, Nestle’s
$7.50 and Up
201 Tiffany Bldg.
Phone 1040
•Ft cJ *-■
■'liowiiiif the latest stylos in
Co-Eil finerv
. IN
l(w» a
> SMk:
With Bebe Doing' a Female
and his
Scribes Squelch Squeals of Shyster
Basketeers in Over-Time Tilt 27-19
If a little mouse should inadver
tently wander into the attic in the
Oregon building, where embryo bar
risters play hide and seek among
voluminous law books, and should
in a lilting mood, playfully scamper
across the floor, said playful scam
per would sound like a rampage of
the “thundering herd,” from one
of Zane Grey’s western thrillers.
Such is the deathlike stillness
that hovered over the law school
since Saturday afternoon, when the
pride and flower of the profession
came back to their stomping grounds
after a heart-rending, blood-letting,
vain effort to wrest from the school
of journalism the cherished gonfalon
which represents the inter-depart
ment basketball supremacy of the
The game was in breath-stopper
from the start. Like Dempsey in
his comebaek and his famous seventh
round spree, the lawyers led the
scribes, 13 to 7, at half time. In
the intermission between halves the
scribes were given a psychological
treatise on what the disgrace of a j
defeat by the lawyers would mean :
to the journalism profession.
As a result the seepnd half ended
19 to 19, necessitating an over-time
period. When the over-time pej'iod
f: ided the scribes had redeemed
C mselves, winning the t.iss'e,
to 19.
' he barristers got Die jump • ?.i
~h scribes from - ie ‘ -rf j i v
jc.e ing a dark • ;e r
-I \ n
. ■' s.e .ec ’Acs
,.!. ;kss b, ri ■ e ; ■
rent. Ten .s ,
Callahan furniture bto. >,
Pearl street, between Osburn and
Eugene hotels. f7-9 j
LOST — A blue Parker Duo-Fold j
fountain pen. Name, John Caldwell, j
engraved on barrel. Finder please
return to Emerald business office.
Reward. f7-8
lineup. The grounds for this bit
of strategy was that his name,
Boyer, rhymed with “lawyer.” He
made 10 points for the barristers—
over half of their total. Another
move was their selection of Lyle
Grimes as scorekeeper. How many
points he made is a matter of con
jecture. He is friendly to a girl
"hose brother used to work in the
law library.
The scribes offset the Grimes
handicap by countering with
“Chuck” Mnrlett as referee.
“Chuck” is not a journalist—but—!
And now the scribes hope that
never more will their sleep be dis
turbed by disgruntled wails exuding
from the portals of the law school
questioning the casaba superiority
of the invincible journalists. Game
Scribes (26) Lawyers (19)
Fields (2) .G. Tarskis
Haggerty .G. (4) Bead
Foster (6) .C. (10) $oyer
Kuhn (7) .F. (5) Morris
Dutton (9) .F... (Jordon
Bcferee: Mnrlett.
Bui is: Scribes, Winn (2) for Dut
’9 "Hold
Spanish, vA-:' ■> '
The re
'ijirsday Mr! >.o y • at 7:■ . r
r k abo
■ ‘re 1!'
.v do our
Lot its food vonr ;ri r. Km f
her fat!
East 13th St.
in Hendricks hall. It is expected
that a name fur the club will be
chosen at this meeting. A short
play presented in Spanish by mem
bers of the club will be the feature
of the evening’s entertainment.
This new club, the latest addi
tion to the list of campus organiza
tions, was formed last month. Its
principal purpose is to promote in
terest in the study of the Spanish
language and literature. A short
play will be presented at each meet
Re-discovers >
His Favorite
Charleston, W. Va.,
March 4, 1927
Larus & Bro. Co.,
Richmond, Va.
Recently 1 stopped ir a little village
that consisted of about nine house;:
and a small hotel, which I entered.
A little old man w earing a skull ca p
was seated in a rocking-chair smoking
•\ t r - r: mons pipe. I 1 'id come to Ir
i:" kdgev, erth, ’ at when 1. ear;/
. wh'/i * ,r - tc \c > ’11 w; - s;no
i. oho ■ •' in • n led. '' e :"■ iv. :-i
Vat tobacco to so de’ightful that j
!e rp> riy mir [right then and that ;
..tl v. sated some of the same bra
?c r; your parr x
til e _ Ith.
5 >' , - arf
■v: i A ej.w
o • -g.i vr a.; i went ■:
a. :y truly,
72 r. do: n R. Kocl.
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco
PHONE 2700
PHONE 2700
The season s greatest popular price clothing value, style and
quality. 1 hese suits are made by one of the most reputable
clothing makers in America wh'ose smart styles and superior
fabrics have made him nationally known. This new modern
way ot buying apparel Will enable you to dress well at all times