Montana Has Two Hoop Captains on Team Southern Swimming Trip Is Unsettled; Bears Want Acquatic Meet By RICHARD II. SYRING Sports Editor If captains help a collegiate hoop ton,11, the University of Montana Grizzlies, who meet the Wcbfoots tonight in McAr-__ thur Court at 7:15, should ho world boaters. On the Montana team irure two captains, Cloyse Ove'rturf Forward, and Sam ICain, center. Both men are playing their third year for the Missoula team, mud it see:(is that instead (\f showing any par tiality to one, Jack Benefiel hotli were accorded the honor this year. In addition to the two captains, Coach “Doe” Stewart has one other experienced hoopster, Louis Wendt, a two lettered guardsman. Two of the Grizzlies’ first stringers hoopsters playing their first year of varsity competition. At one for ward, paired off with (iverturf, is Eddie Chinske. Carl Rankin, guard, is the other newcomer on the Mon tana team. Other performers in clude Hank Miller, forward, Ted Rule and Elhil Percy, centers, and Ray Lewis and Jack Doherty, guards. » • * The Montanians have had fair luck so far this season. They drop ped two contests to the fast moving Montana State quintet, 58 to 31 and 77 to 20. To lose two games to the Montana Bobcats is no dis grace, however. In the second Bobcat game a five-man defense proved impregnable to the Grizzlies, but Sam Kain and Eddie Chinske succeeded in scoring a few long shots. Displaying a fast breaking of fensive which could not be checked, and putting up an air-tight defense when necessary, the Grizzlies ran up their highest score since enter ing the conference when they de feated the Washington State Cou gars, 40 to 16. Chinske tand Over turf were the outstanding perform ers in this contest. “Bud” Rankin, last year Cub star, scored nine points while playing guard. Against the University of Wash ington Huskies last Saturday night, the Grizzlies used long passes and long shots but it was all to no avail and the Montana lioopsters lost, 44 to 24. * * # It looks like the varsity swim ming team’s trip into California is all off as far as Los Angeles is con cerned. .Tack Benefiel, graduate manager, said yesterday that he was unable to schedule a meet with the University of Southern California. Stanford is sending its swimming team east to compete, and have no money in their budget to help de fray expenses of an Oregon team. With the elimination of these two, only California is left. The Golden Bear swimmers are willing to meet the Webfoots, but another meet would have to be scheduled near the Bay region in order to take care of the expenses. There is some pos sibility that the second meet could be arranged with the Olympic club of San Francisco or the Athens Athletic club. Benefiel said the only other al ternative in case a second meet couldn’t be arranged for in the south, would be to bring the Cali fornians to this campus. In order to do this the Oregon Aggies would have to bo willing to schedule a meet also. This is the way things stand at present but Benefiel hopes to have something more definite soon. Last fall the aesthetic senses of the athletic world were shocked when several eastern college foot ball teams entered into competition with knee-length pants of brilliant colors. Now, Coach Leo Calland of Hie University of Southern Califor uia Trojans, is planning something new for basketball. He is thinking of substituting silk for the ordi nary wool as material with which basketball jerseya at the southern school are made. Calland believes that silk is much more fitted to California climate than wool. Vesper Choir Makes First Appearance at Five o'Clock Today The Vesper choir will mako its first appearangc of the term at five o’clock services, which will lie held today at the Bungalow. Margaret Lee Slusher, junior in music, has just taken over leadership of the choir. Glenna Heneoek, who organized and directed the work last fall, is unable to continue this year; and Miss Slusher will take her scat on the Y. W. cabinet. . \Daphne Hughes will lead the ser vices. All O . gon women are in vited. The program follows: Meditations .Mary Harney Processional .vesper Choir Scriptural Reading ..Daphne Hughes ‘•When Day Is Dying in the West” —W Slierwin .Vesper Choir Recessional ... Choir Positions Open For Graduates Just Published Many Departments Offer Assistantships and Fellowships A list of various graduate assis tantships and fellowships offered in the University of Oregon for the year 1928-29 has been released, and is being sent to other State universities. These positions are awarded annually for the promotion of graduate study and research, and are open to graduates of any stan dard university or college. Graduate assistantships are open in many departments in both part time and whole-time service. A teaching fellow renders part-time service to the University, and is expected to be more advanced in his graduate study than is the grad uate assistant. A research assistant aids some faculty member in re search. The positions open this year are 'of particular interest not only to other -University graduates, but also to Oregon students who wish to continue work in the University with the aid of graduate appoint ments. -v Except for occasional reappoint ments, the folowing positions will be available far 1928-29: Animal Biology—One teaching fel lowship, four graduate aissistant sliips, two part-time graduate assis tantships. Architecture and Allied Arts— Two graduate assistantships. Chemistry—'Four graduate assis tantships, three part-time graduate assistantships. Economics—Two graduate assis tantships. Education—Four graduate assis tantships. English—One teaching fellow ship, three graduate assistantships, four part-time graduate assistant ships. Geology—One teaching fellow ship, two graduate assistantships. German—One teaching fellow ship, one graduate assistantship. History—Three graduate assis tantships, one part-time iig'raduate assistantship. Journalism—One graduate assis tantship. Latin—One graduate assistant ship. Mathematics—Two graduate as sistantships, one part-time graduate assistantship. Music—Three graduate assistant ships. Physical Education—One graduato assistantship. Phvsies — Four graduate assis tantships. . Psychology—Three graduate as sistantships. Romance Languages—One teach ing fellowship, one graduate assis tantship. Sociology—One graduate assis tantship. Graduate School—Five research ■assistantships. Extension Division To Renovate Courses The correspondence courses con ducted by the Extension Division are being revised to correspond with courses offered by the University, according to report given out by Dan E. Clark. Te also stated that more classes are to be added so that a student j who is forced to quit school may con tinue his work in regular courses by correspondence. The correspondence course for January shows an increase in enroll ment of 17 per cent over that of i January, 1927, Blanshard to Address Four GroupsToday Y. M. C. A. Brings Noted Expert on Problems In Industry Economics Classes To Hear Laborite Sigma Delta Chi Entertains At Luncheon Paul Blanshard, author, labor ex port, and traveler, who has lectured during the past two years to more than 75,(Jt)0 students in the leading American universities, will speak to day before two. classes on the cam pus, and will address students and townspeople at 5 p. m. at the “Y” Hut on “From Henry Ford to Ber nard Shaw.” “The story of the British Labor Movement” is to be his subject at 9 a. m. in 105 Commerce building. Blanshard is the author of the only American textbook on this subject now in use. He has visited Europe three times, making special studies of the British labor movement and the Italian Facisti. Labor Is Subject The subject for discussion at the 10 o’clock class in 110 Johnson hall is to be “Labor in the Southern Cotton Mills.” “Blanshard is an authority,” said L. A. Wood, pro fessor of economics. “His talks arc based upon personal experience, and investigation in the South.” “Where is Radicalism going?” Blanshard asks in his talk on “From Henry Ford to Bernard Shaw.” He discusses the future of industrial so ciety, from the Utopia of big busi ness to the Utopia of Fabian So cialism. Speaker Here Before As field secretary for the League of Industrial Democracy, Blanshard has toured the country several times. Ho spoke here two years ago. Just now returned from a trip around the world, ho brings first hand, vivid pictures of social move ments in Japan, Soviet Russia, Den mark, and Grpat Britain. Sigma Delta Chi, national profes sional journalism fraternity, will entertain Mr. Blanshard at its reg ular weekly luncheon this noon at the Anchorage. Bill Schulze, president of the cam pus Y. M. C. A., under whose aus pices Blanshard is coming, heard him address the Pacific Northwest Student Field Cpuncil of the Y. M. C. A. at Portland last Saturday, and declares that Blanshard com pares very favorably . with Kirby Page, noted lecturer on the out lawry of war, who was on the cam pus recently. 4Hit the Deck,’ Musical Comedy From the East, •At Heilig This Evening “Hit the Deck,” musical comedy playing at the Heilig theater to night, is reputed in theatrical circles to be a very brilliant and success ful presentation. Its composer is Vincent Youmans, whose “No, No, .Nanette” was such a success among music loving folk. Its producer is Lillian Albertson, a familiar figure among prominent play producers, who not only sent “No, No, Nanette” on tour throughout the Pacific coast but also several other successes as “What Price Glory,” “The Cradle, Snatchers,” and “Ro mance.” Already in its second year in New York and London^ “Hit the Deck” has entered its sixth month in Chi cago, and only recently closed a most successful run in San Fran cisco. In Lost Angeles it is still displaying the “Sold Out” sign at every performance. “Hit the Deck” is a story of the navy, and works with a smash and a dash that is enlivening. The height of the entertainment is reached when “Hallalujah! ” is sung, then acted, then swayed and danced and interpreted in a dozen different ways. The story of “Hit the Deck” is that of the stage triumph, “Shore Leave,” that David Belasco pre sented with Frances Starr in the stellar role. The musical version follows the original closely. The show begins tonight at 8:20. Problems in Physics Discussed by Forum Members of the Physics Forum met last night at the home of A. E. Caswell to discuss problems in physics. The group is made up of upperclassmen in the physics de partment and graduate assistants. U. of W. Campus War Dies Down; 6 Confess To 4Ducking’ Party " (By United Press) SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 0.—Prosi dent Lyle M. Spencer today had ]>ostponed action on the punishment of eight University of Washington students who last Thursday night kidnapped Marion Zioncheck, presi dent of the student body, hazed him and then threw him into Lake Washington. Six of the eight who took part in the hazing have confessed their part and Spencer is waiting for the other two to admit their guilt be fore he decided on the punishment. Zioncheck, who was back at his classes today, has asked Spencer to deal with the lingers leniently. The affair is said to have grown out of attacks which Zioncheck made on the handling of student af fairs. His attack started a campus war which divided the student body into two factions. Swimmers Send Multnomah Club To 50-18 Defeat Pacific Coast Conference Records Are Toppled By Webfooters The Oregon varsity swimming team generously verified, till ipre1 meet predictions by administering a 50 to 18 defeat to their formerly dangerous rivals, the Multnomah clubmen, in a return match with them Saturday night in the pool in the Woman’s building. Two Pa cific coast conference records top pled unofficially; three P. N. A. records were set aside and another tied; and five University pool rec ords were set up anew during the fast paced tilt with the club nata tors. This decisive exhibition of swimming skill by the Webfoot team places them well to the front in Pacific coast swimming circles. A slender blond-haired lad on the Oregon squad named Johnny An derson set the enthusiastic crowd of swim fans agog by easily out-dis tancing the club star, Dana Thomas, in the 40 yard dash. He covered the distance in :19.1, thus setting aside the recently established mark of Vanden Akker of Stanford, which was : 19.4. Johnny demonstrated his versatility as a swimmer a few mo ments later when he stole glory from another Cardinal merman by. finishing first in the 150 yard back stroke event in the remarkably fast time of 1:49.5, three-fifths of a sec ond better than the time of Driggs of Stanford, 1:49.8, established as a coast conference record on January 27, 1928. Anderson has been stead ily improving in form and stamina since starting training under the supervision of Coach Abercrombie. Charles Silverman, with a sur prising spurt of speed, finished the gruelling 440 yard swim six yards in advance of George Horsfall, thus clipping three seconds from the lat ter’s P. N. A. record, and establish ing a new mark for the northwest division of 5:43.8. The race was a steady grind and the two lead men were neck and neck until the last two laps, when Silverman, suddenly increasing the cadence of his smooth crawl stroke, rapidly widen ed the distance from his rival. Breast-Stroke Wins The breast-stroke race was pat ently a Webfoot event, and Julian Smith and Wade Newbegin captured the first and second positions. The new pool mark set by Smith in this race was 3:_6.9. Stocks, low board artist of the club team, took first honors in the fancy diving division. Stone and Thomson of Oregon placed second and third. The tour into California contem plated by the swimmers is yet hang ing fire because of lack of financial guarantee. But if the Oregon team does not get to meet the California team at Berkeley, it will probably have the privilege of meeting the Bear swimmers here February 25. Schedule of Events Following is a schedule of events, entrants and scores of the Multno mah meet: 40 yard dash: Time :19.1. Ander son, O, first; Floyd, O, second; Thomas, M, third. 440 yard swim: Time 5:43.8. Sil verman, O, first; Horsfall, M, sec ond: Hansen, M, third. 200 yard breast-stroke: Time (Continued on page four) Siefert’s Song Recital Postponed to Feb. 29 The song recital, which was to be given by John B. Siefert on Wednesday evening of this week, has been postponed until February 29. Eugene Will Greet Barker Wednesday Portland To Welcome New Vice-President First, States Regent Dr. Hall and Officials To Arrange Reception Attorney Is Enthusiastic Over Prospects (By United Press) PORTLAND, Feb. (1.—Burt Brotvn Barker, vice-president of the Uni versity of Oregon, accompanied by Mrs. Barker, will arrive in Portland Wednesday morning at 7 o’clock, it is announced by C. C. Colt, member of the University board of regents. Mr. Colt will head a party which will meet Mr. and Mrs. Barker upon their arrival. * The new vice-president will spend Wednesday in Portland, visiting friends made while on a trip out here last summer, and Wednesday evening he will go to Eugene, where he will be welcomed by President Arnold Bennett Hall and other Uni versity officials. Stay Several Days He will remain in Eugene for several days, and while there will address the Oregon newspaper con ference banquet Friday evening. He will then return to Portland. Mr. Barker is already enthusiastic over his work in Oregon, and in a telegram to President Hall declared that he had succeeded in arranging his business interests so that he could come hero several weeks be for ho had originally anticipated. Talks to Money Men, Before leaving for Oregon, Mr. Barker spent considerable time with various educational foundations, and it is hoped that funds for various research projects at the University may soon be forthcoming. The vice-president is well ac quainted with many of the noted educators and philanthropists in the east and it is expected that he will interest many of these people in the educational needs of the state of Oregon. U. S. Frowns on Cut In Tariffs at Havana (By United Press) HAVANA, Feb. 6. —Refusal of the United States Relegation to agree to a proposal which sought reduction of tariffs today proved another stumbling block in the path of the sixth Pan-American confer ence. The sub-committee of the confer ence which is attempting to formu late a preamble to the Pan-Ameri can union draff convention met bn a two-hour private session but ad journed without reaching an agree ment. According to authoritative infor mation emanating from the United States sources, the insistence of Honorio Pueyrredon, president of the Argentine delegation and ambas sador to Washington, that the pre amble contain a declaration of eco nomic principles through reduction of “unnecessary barriers of trade” caused adjournment. House Grade Ratings To Be Compiled Soon House grades will be out during the first part of next week, if pos sible. Work was started on the averages last week, and is expected to be finished by a week from Wednesday, according to Miss Ger trude Stephenson of the registrar’s office. The house ratings will be com piled a little differently this term, and will contain the number of hours passed by each house, the number of points made by the house, the number of students in the house on November 22, and the rating. No Preppers To Come For Junior Week-end High school students and other prospective University students will not be entertained by fraternities during Junior week end, according to a ruling made by the inter-frater : nity council last Thursday at its | regular meeting. The council voted to continue the i same regulation, adopted last year, 'making Junior week-end an affair | solely for those attending the Uni versity. Aggies Drub Montana Basketeers by 31-12 After Poor Beginning * - (By United Tress) CORVALLIS, Fob. (3.— Oregon State College’s basketball team had little difficultly in defeating Ihe University of Montana, 111 to 12, here tonight, although it was very slow in starting to pile up its spore. Montana was held to two field goals in each half. Neither team scored a point in the first five minutes of play and when only five minutes remained in the first half the score was tied at four all. The local team then start ed shooting baskets from all angles and lead at the end of the .half, 14 to 5. Bill Burr of the Aggies was high scorer of the game with nine points. The Aggies used 12 men during the contest. Term Dime Crawl Is Set by League For Wednesday Mazie Richards Appoints Group Helpers; Two Houses Move You did well last fall, campus eds. That is, you brought more dimes to the dime crawl than ever before. Ilo it Wednesday night for that, is the date scheduled for the winter term crawl. Surpass the amount you brought to the fall term crawl, though, for the money goes to the foreign scholarship fund of Wo men’s League, which this year is bringing Theresc Chambelland, stu dent from France, to the campus as a major in English. The only changes in residence of women’s houses for the evening that, have been scheduled arc Susan Campbell at Friendly Hall, and Delta Zcta at, the College Side Inn. Any others who will bo moving for the affair inre asked to schedule their whereabouts with Ma/.ie Rich ards, chairman of the foreign schol arship committee and in charge of the crawl. Miss Richards also asks that both men’s and wpmen’s houses plan an early dinner so that they will bo ready to begin the crawl at (3:30. It will close at 7:3 . Those appointed by Miss Richards to take the money in the various women’s houses are: Alpha Chi Omega, Lucille McDonell; Alpha Delta Pi, Virginia Hunt; Alpha Gamma Delta, Ruth Wonaeott; Alpha Omicron Pi, LaWanda Fenlason; Alpha Phi, Elise Sundbom; Alpha Xi Delta, Ruth Felter; Chi Omega, Margaret Price; Delta Delta Delta, Katherine Kneeland; Delta Gamma, Pauline Prigmore; Delta Zeta, Eliza beth Jones; Gamma Nu, Margaret Underwood; Gamma Phi Beta, Jane Cullers; Kappa Delta, Eleanor Mc Dermott; Kappa Alpha Theta, Helen Peters; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Mar ion Leach; Phi Mu, Ruth Street; Pi Beta Phi, Ruth Burcham; Hendricks Hall, Alice Collier; Susan Cambell Hall, lone Wcdemeyer; Sigma Beta Phi, Lucile Larsen; Three Arts Club, Janet Alexander; Thacher Cot tage, Dorothy Southard; Oregon Club, Lois Tuttle. Lindy Nearing Goal; Next Hop Takes Him To Cuba Conference (By United Press) PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Feb. 6. —Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh neared the end of his good will trail today, flying 160 miles from Santo Domingo to Haiti to be enthusiasti cally greeted by silk-hatted officials, American marines, and superstitious natives from the wild interior. On Wednesday he leaves for his final destination, Havana and the Pan-American conference, ending a circuitous flijght of several thou sand miles which began in Washing ton and has taken him to Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Carribean islands. Fully 100,000 persns joined: iji tumultuous greeting of Lindbergh as his plane landed and as he headed the parade to the home of American High Commissioner Russell. Amphibian Club Holds Tryouts at 7:30 Tonight The Amphibian club, girls’ hon orary swimming club, will have its tryouts at 7:30 this evening in the Woman’s building tank. Swimming tests for form and speed, and diving for form will be the deciding fac tors in the tryout, the requirement for which is membership ,in the senior Red Cross life-saving corps. Since tryouts are held every term, the ones who fail to mako the re quired grade may try for the club next term. Montana Quint Plays Oregon Here Tonight Webfooters and Grizzlies Battle on McArthur Court at 7:15 Teams Stand Even in Percentage Column New Combination Probable For Contest By JOE PIGNEY The Webfootes will be seen in notion tonight against Montana Uni versity at 7:15 in the last home _ game of the sea son. Oregon, Hav ing lost two straight confer ence! battles, must win all the re maining six games to s|tay in the running for cham pionship honors. The Grizzlies anil Webfeet stand even in the per centage column, Don McCormick although Oregon is conceded a slight edge tonight. Montana has a fast and dangerous team which gave the league leading .Washington Huskies a close fight throughout the first half, tho final score being 44 to 24. Surprise Coming William J. Reinhart declares that lie has at last found a lineup which will keep the Webfooters in tho title race. The Webfoot coach, how ever, refused to announce his com bination, and is leaving the surprise for the opening whistle of tho Mon tana tilt. Dave Epps, moved from guard to forward in the Aggie contest, is being forced to extend himself to retain his job over Mervyn Chas tain. Whichever of these two men are used, Gordon Ridings is a cer tainty for the other forward berth. McCormick Stars Center will either be Ick Rey nolds or Scotty Milligan. If Milli gan starts, the problem will be to bolster up the vacancy at guard. Assumed that Milligan may start at center, Joe Bully and Don Mc Cormick will break in at guards. McCormick was one of the out standing players on the Oreg'on team last Saturday against the Beavers. Sent in as a substitute, he connect ed for two field goals to help start the delayed Oregon rally. Reinhart believes that McCormick will give considerable offensive power to the strength of the team, and he will be a hard man to keep off the line up the remainder of the season. All Won Montana lias been a member of the conference since 1926, coming in during the winter that Eeinhart had his greatest quintet. In tho seasons that the Grizzlies have been included in the standings, Oregon has won all four games played. In 1926 tho Webfeet defeated tho Mon tana five 40 to 19 and 35 to 17 and repeated in 1927, 37 to 24 and 54 to 32. Oregon is by no means eliminated from from chances to win the cham pionship of the northern division. The leading Huskies still have dif ficult hurdles in Oregon, the Aggies and Idaho. Oregon will play its first road game next Saturday night in Corvallis, and with the evenness of the two teams already evident the outcome of the battle is shroud ed in doubt. Tho Grizzlies’ starting lineup will include Overturf and Chinske, for wards; Kain, center, and Konkin and Wendt, guards. Kalph Colman, Corvallis, will referee, and Bill Milli gan, Spokane, will umpire. University Day Heads Will Meet Today at 5 All chairmen of committees for University day will meet in 110 Johnson hall at 5 o’clock today to talk over plans for the affair. Virginia Judy Esterly, dean of women, and Jeannette Galkins, alumni secretary, will give short talks regarding University day. Chairmen should bring their re ports, and it is very important that everyone attend, according to Edith Dodge, general chairman. 18 Mexican Rebels Die In Church War Battles (By United Press) MEXICO CITY, Feb. 6—Eighteen rebels were killed in a battle with Federal troops at Salmanca, in tho state of Guanajuato, according to dispatches today.