Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 04, 1928, Image 1

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Break Looms
If Navy Is
To Start Building
Hostile Eye Turns on
U. S. Activities in
Building Vp Her Fleet
Physical Ed Women
Plan Portland Jaunt
To Supplement Study
physical eduea
ng at 8 o’clock
February 8,
p to Portland,
c Miss Emma
way to Port
ver in Cor
lg and visit
es on the
Fourteen won'
tion majors a
Wednesday n
on an observa
under the dire>
Waterman. On
land they will
vallis Wednesday
physical educatio
O. S. C. campus.
Wednesday night
the Multnomah Ai
club. The rest of ti
spent in visiting 1
schools, parks, pla.
Sliriners’ hospital for
dren, the state accident commission
(for theropeutic work), the Port
land Y. W., and the Portland Turn
verein (a German athletic club).
Those who are going are: Evelyn
Anderson, Vida Buehler, Veulah
Braaten, Mary Galaglier, Eleanor
Glass, Ilazel Kirk, Mae Hileman,
Lela Horton, Margery Horton, Cor
nelia Meek, Hazel Nobes, Eleanor
Marvin, Nellie Johns, Genera Zim
spent at
will be
's, the
ied cliil
If both houses of congress approve
the program of naval construction
laid before the lower branch by the
admirals and rear-admirals, our pro
fessional patriots may continue
their ballyhoo about “the purely
defensive character of our arma
ments’’ and “our traditionally pacific
policies,” but it will be hard to
convince the average Englishman,
.Tap, Frenchman, or Mexican there
We are undoubtedly the most
powerful nation in the world, in
dustrially, commercially, and finan
cially, and as such greatly feared
by foreign nations already. If we
set on an ambitious armament-build
ing program that fear and suspicion
increases no matter what we say to
allay it. And there are recent ex
periences in the Caribbean to add
fuel to the fire.
For the fact is that no nation has
ever confessed to establishing largo
military and naval forces except
for purely defensive purposes. And
no nation in the modern day ever
goes out deliberately to seek a war.
But the existence of a large “de
fensive” armament in one nation is
a potential threat to other nations
and each must increase its own in
proportion so that no one is better
off except the one that has the most
No Aid to Crises
In fact it becomes a repetition of
the building of armaments by Eu
ropean nations before the war, and
while the same results may not bo
inevitable, the danger of crises is
certainly not minimized. The old
talk about a large navy being a
guarantee of peace has never been
borne out in the past and there
seems little likelihood of it In the
But, the big navy men say, we
must have a navy as large as Great
Britain. Why? Do wo fear Great
Britain or do we cherish something
she possesses? But, no, our navy is
purely defensive. Let us examine
this question of defense. If we
mean mere defense of coastline, it
is obvious that a relatively small
navy can stand off 'a much larger
force operating at such a great dis
tance from home bases. But, ac
cording to our business men, defense
means something more. Defense of
trade, defense of American ship
ping, defense of American invest
ments abroad. Ah, defense of in
terests, not merely defense of ter
ritory. And these interests very
frequently conflict with the inter
ests of other nations. Nicaragua
knows ivliat our idea of national
defense is.
Great Britain Excels
But even on this basis, compare
these items with Great Britain. The
total foreign trade of the British
empire in 1926 was 15 billion dol
lars, that of America, 9 billions.
The total merchant marine tonnage
of Great Britain in June, 1927y-was
almost exactly twice that of the
United States. The total foreign
investments of the two countries are
(Continued on page four)
Aggie Yearlings
Battle Ducklings
At Igloo Tonight
Hoop Preliminary, 7 p. m.,
Looks Like Nip and
Tuck Affair
. Probable Lineup
Frosh Rooks
Florner.F. Ballard
Lillie .F.Mack
Eberliart .C. MacLeod
Olinger .G. jDrager
Walgren .Gr. Anderson
Tonight at 7 o’clock the Web
foot ducklings and the Beaver
babies meet in their first hoop con
test of the season on the Igloo floor
as a "preliminary - to the Oregon
Aggie cage classic which is sched
uled at 8 p. m.
Both the frosh and the rooks have
lost to the University of Washing
ton freshman quintet, and have won
from Salem high school. These two
teams are the only fives the two op
posing yearling squads on tonight’s
bill have met in common—and fur
nish the only basis for comparison.
And the dope furnished by said
comparison seems to give the edge
to “Madame X.” The frosh got beat
worse by the Husky babes than the
rooks, but the Oregon youngsters in
turn walloped the Salemites with
seemingly less difficulty than the
Orange cagers.
Coach Leslie is more hopeful for
a win tonight'than he rvas a week
ago, not only because the Corvallis
youngsters are doped a less danger
ous quintet than the victorious
Husky babes, but because his fresh
men backboard artists have shown
marked improvement in their prac
tice the past week.
Frosh Are Ready
With the revised combination of
his duckling hoopers he believes he
has hit upon an adequate check
mate for any lineup Slats Gill, Aggie
frosh coach, may bring over from
O. S. C. Jerome Lillie, although he
is not a particularly flashy player,
appears to be a dependable sort and
(Continued on page two)
Campus Students Explain 'Musts’
For Partners in Matrimonial Life
Blondes, Brunettes, and Intellectuals Fill Demands;
Ignoramuses Totally Excluded
Lawyers, business administrators,
journalists, English majors and all
other members of the ink-slinging
or mud-slinging clans have forgot
ten former feuds and combined in
the grand and glorious search for
“The Ideal Wife,” and “The Ideal
Husband.” Wide, indeed, are the
ranges of ideals .... most aptly
it might be said that “one man’s
heaven -would be another man’s
‘ hell.” Blondes seem to be prefer
red by some, but others have a de
cided leaning toward brunettes.
Ronald Hubbs, president , of the
junior class and a student of pre
law, has very decided ideas. “My
ideal wife if someone hasn’t already
married her, must be congenial, and
quite willing to take in washing to
support her husband. She should
have a slight touch of humor (which
everyone will no doubt believe she
has if she accepts me) and take an
interest in everything but other
women’s husbands.
“She should appear quite respect
able and dress very well, and yet
have a healthy regard for a paltry
bank account. Blonde or brunette,
blue eyes of green eyes, it will make
no .difference providing she is short
er than I, and will vote a straight
Republican ticket. She must be
intelligent but not irftellectual; a^nd
blissfully ignorant of the fact that
she is an ideal wife. I reserve all
egotism for myself. And above all,
she must not scatter cigarette ashes
on the good furniture.”
Arthur Sehoeni, junior in journal
ism, was more skeptical about ever
locating iiis ideal. “Thirf’ model
1 wife is all bunk. When and if I
|get married, the girl’s gotta be
someone I wouldn’t be bashful about
dragging to a party or dance. I
think it would be nice if she could
cook. I hope she is interested in
newspaper work. I expect her to
get a boot out of sports. I don’t
think I’ll get married.” •
Walter Norblad, sophomore in pre
law, insisted upon picking the com
plexion for an ideal wife. “She
must absolutely, positive)^ be a
blonde, and how!” he said. *‘I also
insist that she be a good dancer
and interested in the same things
(Continued on page threeJ *
George McMurphey and His Kollege Kuights
Left to right—George McMurphey, director; “Raz?” Asbury, tmmpet; Billy O’Bryant, piano, chief ar
ranger; Ted O’Hara, trombone, arranger, entertainer; Tom Sandvall, saxophone, arranger, entertainer;
Kenny Allen, banjo, entertainer; Billy Sievers, trumpet; A1 Taylor, soxophones; Bob Say, bass; Howard
Boot, saxophones; Archie Loveland, drums.
U. of W. ‘Gang’
On Kidnap Party,
Beat President
Police Seek 9 WIio Threw
Students4 Chief
In Lake
(By United Pre«s>
SEATTLE, Wash., Fob. 3.—The
University of Washington campus
was in turmoil today as Dr. M. Lyle
Spencer, president, set out to find
and punish nine students who
donned masks and kidnapped Marion
Zioneheck, president of the student
body, beat him, threw him in Lake
Washington and fled, leaving him
to crawl out, half drowned.
It was the startling climax last
night of student civil war that has
raged for a month with the “W”'
men, the university Daily, Darwin
Meisnet, head of the associated stu
dents, and Zioneheck—each faction
with its own army of supporters—
in a see-saw of charges and counter
Zioneheck was in bed today with
one eye red and swollen, his head
and body bruised, and all of his
hair except one tuft on the top of *
his head shaved off.
Dr. Spencer’s first move was to
call in Chief of Police William
Searing, who promised all co-opena
When the nine are found it means
suspension, and if Zioneheck wants
to press criminal charges, Spencer
will not interfere.
Dismissal of Students
Follows ‘Tonic’ Party
Three University students, two
women and one man, have been dis
missed from the University and one
former student will be kept from
ever entering the University as a
result of a “party” which it is al
leged was held last Saturday in the
apartment of the men.
Three other students who visited
the apartment during the time of
the “party” have been put under
the supervision of the dean of men
and the dean of women.
The students dismissed are ac
cused of drinking “tonic,” but the
three visitors did not participate in
the drinking. One girl became ill
as a result of drinking the “tonic.”
National Shakespeare
Literature Distributed i
All those who wish to further their \
study and appreciation of the works
of Shakespeare may receive litera
ture from the National Shakespeare
Association by handing in their
names to Dr. C. V. Boyer, head of
the English department.
Dr. Boyer has 'been chosen by
i Barry Surf, head of the English
i department of Reed College, Port
land, to act on a committee to col
lect names of those who would be
: interested in becoming members of
1 the association.
Cr af tsmen-T emenid
Formal *Will Be Held
Tonight at Clubhouse
Tonight will bo the big night of
the year for the Craftsmen, Temen
iiis, and their friends, for it is the
night of the annual Craftsmen-Tem
enid dance.
Nine o’clock, following the Ore
gon-O. S. C. game, is the hour; the
Craftsmen Clubhouse on Fourteenth
street is the place; and $1,25 a
couple is the price. Tickets may
still be purchased at either the
Craftsmen club or the University
Just what the decorations and
the feature of the dance will bo is
being kept in secrecy by those in
charge. Johnny Robinson and his
Seven Serenaders, one of the most
popular Eugene orchestras, will fur
nish the music.
The patrons and patronesses of
the affair are: Ur. and Mrs. Fred
erick S. Dunn, Captain and Mrs.
John ,T. McEwan, Mrs. Edith Pat
tee and Sam R. Mosher.
The joint committees in charge
of the Craftsmen-Temenid formal
are: Program, Ethel Gasman and
Raymond Vocgtlv; refreshments,
Kenneth Shumaker and Lucilo Cor
nutt; music, Frances Wood and J.
Alden Woodworth.
Award for Research
Given Lester Oehler
Lester Oehler, second-year law
student, has been awarded a $500
scholarship bv the American Arbi
tration Society. Only one of these
scholarships is awarded each year,
and this is the first time that a
student, on this campus has receiVed
Mr. Oehler will do research work
on the campus next year for tho
American Arbitration Society. His
work will include a study of the
history of commercial arbitration in
Oregon, its present status, and its
legal aspects.
Mr. Oehler is a member of Phi
Beta Kappa, honorary scholastic
fraternity; Beta Gamma Sigma,
honorary commercial fraternity, and
Phi Dolta Phi, honorary law fra
Former Instructor
Recovers at Hospital
Mrs. Catherine Cogswell Thorne,
for many years a teacher in the Uni
versity of Oregon, is recovering
from an operation this week at tho
Pacific Christian hospital. Mrs.
Thorne was an instructor in the de
partment of drama under Fergus
Reddie until about five years ago.
Solicitors Must Have
Permission of Dean
University students who solicit
subscriptions or do any selling in
Eugene should get a statement from
the dean of men’s office, identifying
them as students, according to El
mer L. Shirrell. Several people have
been canvassing the town, posing as
students, and this statement will
be a protection against imposters.
Sunday Concert
To Be Given at
Vesper’s Hour
Orchestra Will Play Opera
Numbers and Noted
In place of tlie regular vesper
services the University orchestra,
under the direction of Hex Under
wood, will present an hour's pro
gram Sunday afternoon at 4:30 in
the music auditorium, including the
following numbers:
March—La Reine do Saba....Gounod
Symphony Number Six (“Surprise”)
. Hayden
(1) —Andante Cantabile
(2) —Vivace Assai
(3) —Andante
(4) —Allegro molto.
Gopak . Moussorgsky
Overture ,to Freischutz .
. C. M. von Weber
The most striking number on the
program is Hayden’s “Surpriso”
symphony. The opening movement
is brief and suave in character
but leads very soon into the more
agitated vivace as sal. Tho sym
phony ree’eives its name from the
following andante which has unex
pected pianissimos and fortes, and
a crashing chord which comes in
the midst of a subdued passage. His
tory has it that Hayden inserted it
as a joke upon Count Esterhazy, in
whose castle he was musical direc
tor, and who had accused him of
dull writing.
“Overture to Freischutz” is a part
of von Weber’s opera by that name.
The opera was first performed in
Berlin in 1821 and four years later
was presented in English in New
York. “Freischutz” means free
shooter or one who fires magic bul
lets. The overture is popular be
cause it is a musical thought com
plete in itself without the usual
snatches of melodics from the work
that follows.
“Gopak,” the “Danse Petite Rus
sienne,” of Moussorgsky, shows the
characteristic, realism of the com
poser in its descriptive Orienfal har
mony and dance rhythm. The mu
sical idea is treated in a distinctly
original manner akin to that of ultra
The opening number, “March from
‘La Rcine de Saba,'” is a popular
part of one of Gounod’s operas. The
opera as a whole was less favored
than “Faust” and “Romeo and Jul
iette” and only the March and a
few arias have survived tho test
of time.
The orchestra has a membership
of fifty students, chosen by an ex
tended tryout system. Mr. Under
wood has used this system of choos
ing an ensemble in preference to
single tryouts.
ATIIEXS, Greece, Feb. 3. —The
Greek cabinet resigned today be
cause of disagreement over the new
roads program.
M. Cafandris, leader of the pro
gressive liberal group, was asked
to form a new cabnet.
Dimes To Be in Great
Demand for Winter
Crawl on Wednesday
The campus will soon 1h? ringing
with tlio juniors’ “A shine for a
dime,” but next Wednesday night
“A dance for a dime” will be the
prevailing tune.
Yes, you guessed it. That is the
night set for the winter term dime
crawl, sponsored three times a year
In* Women’s League for the bene
fit of the foreign scholarship fund.
Up to the-present date no houses
have scheduled their whereabouts
for the dime crawl to be other than
their own residences, except Delta
Zeta, which will be ’the College
Side Tun. Any houses changing res
idences for that event are asked
to schedule the fact with Maisie
Richards by Monday night.
Don't spend all your dimes this
week-end, eds!
Advertising Frat
Eugene Ad Club
Luncheon Guests
Karl F. Tlmiiemaim Gives
Talk on ‘The Young
Man and His Job’
Members of Alpha Delta Sigma,
men’s professional advertising fra
ternity, wore the guests of the Eu
gene Ad club at its weekly luncheon
yesterday noon at the Osburn hotel.
After the introduction of the
members of the fraternity by Milton
George, business nia\nager of the
Emerald and president of Alpha
Delta Sigma, Karl F. Thunemann,
advertising pmnager of McMorran
and Washburno and associate mem
ber of the fraternity, gave a talk
on “The Young Man and His Job.”
Mr. Thnnemann compared man to
a four-cylindcred power plant,. Ho
said that where the plant had four
cylinders, man has intellect, sensi
I bilities, body, and will.
I “When a man disregards any ono
of these necessities ho is lacking,
for in that he is just like an au
tomobile. When a machine is only
hitting on three cylinders there is
more noise but a lessoning in power.”
By making man an eight-eylln
dered machine, Mr. Thunemann de
clared that you could get doublo
the power and strength. Ho said
that the extra four cylinders would
bo a wife who would be more in
terested in her husband and in his
work than in the things that ho
might bo able to give her.
Tho members of Alpha Delta
Sigma who were present wore Bill
Bates, Carl Broderson, Sam Kinley,
Ed Bissell, Bob Byington, Bobbie
Warner, Milton George, and Chal
mers Nooe.
As a feature of the luncheon, Miss
Grctchen Kier sang two popular
songs, accompanied by Miss Lois
Everson, pianist.
Laboratory Assistants
Dinner Guests Friday
Assistants of the elementary bi
ology laboratories were dinner
guests of Miss Laureno Taylor, head
of botany labs, at her home last
Those there were: Frances Schroo
der, Marian Paddock, Ciita Walden,
Lillian Bramhall, Birnct Ilovey, El
ton Edge, and Bollo Patterson.
Are Prepared
For Big Battle
Beavers Are Confident of
Win Over Reinhart's
Team Tonight
Oregon Quint Takes
6 Out of Last 8 Gaines
Rooks and Frosh To Play
Prelim Tilt
Probable Lineiup
Oregon , 0. S. C.
Ridings .F.Burr
Chastain .F. JMntliews
Reynolds .C. Savory
Milligan .G. Hartung
Epps .G. Wnsoher
Referee: Emil Piluso, Portland.
Umpire: Ray Brooks, Portland.
Preliminary game at 7:00; varsity
gamo at 8:15.
• The Oregon homo basketball sea
son will reach its climax tonight
when the Webfooters line up against
the Oregon Aggies
in one of tho most
important games
of the conference.
Tho winner of the
tilt is conceded tho
best chance to
eliminate the
league leading
Washington Hus
.m&sa At present the
Bill Reinhart Oregon ians and
Beavers are in a tie with the Mon
tana Grizzlies for second place hon
ors, and the outcome of tonight’s
battle will have a definite bearing
upon the championship race. Neither
team is thought to have any par
ticular advantage over the other,
both having lost to Washington and
having won from Washington State
and Idaho. ,
No Definite Lineup
William J. Reinhart, Oregon head
coach, refused to state a definite
starting lineup owing to the prob
ability of last minute changes. He
said, however, that the likeliest com
bination would include Gordon Hid
ings and Mervyn Chastain at for
wards. Both these men have start
ed the threo previous conference
games, and demonstrated that they
are the smoothest and most power
ful offensive combination on, the
squad. Hidings, one of the leading
scorers in the northern division, is
ono of tho swiftest floor men in the
Ick May Be at Center
Chastain, although not so bril
liant as Hidings, is consistent, and
has developed into a well balanced
player, being equally effective on
the defense and the offense. Chas
tain is extremely adept in handling
the ball, which wins a noticeable
advantage in tho short passing style
of play used by Reinhart this year.
Tho center assignment will prob
ably be drawn-by Ick Reynolds. Ore
gon, while weak at any time at cen
ter, is perhaps the strongest with
Reynolds. Reynolds has been work
ing hard to remove the habit of
running with the ball. Many times
in conference games the Webfoot of
fCnnUnuetl on paax four)
McMurphey Orchestra, Famous
On Coast, Rates High in New York
George Started With Drum When Nine Years Old;
Now Ranks With Paul Whiteman
A dozen years ago, a small boy in
the pantry of a Eugene homo was
busily engaged beating in tho bot
toms of dish pans and kettles with
kindling wood. He was George Me
Murphey, now a junior in business
administration and leader of the
Kollege Knights, preparing for a
musical career that was to make
him the youngest band magnate in
the United States. Today his 11
picoo orchestra, known along the
Pacific coast from British Columbia
to tho Mexican boundary, has tho
distinction of being the only na
tionally advertised college band. It
is featured on tho same page with
tho big guns of tho orchestra world,
such as Paul Whiteman, Jean Gold
kette, Vincent Lopez, Mai Hallett,
and George Olsen.
In order to protect the cooking
utensils, George’s father bought
him a'new drum when he was nine
years old. It made George prouder
than if he had cut his big toe with
a broken beer bottle. lie drummed
his way through high school, across
the Pacific to China and Japan' with
an orchestra on the heaving decks
of a Pacific liner, into many of the
best orchestras on the coast, and
finally into college.
As leader of George Olsen’s Moon
light Serenaders and head of his
booking agency in Portland, George
acquired valuablo experience that
he applied when he came to college.
Ilis orchestra, recruited from mu
sicians among his fellow students,
played their way to distinction until
now they are featuring songs for
some of the largest music publish
ers in the country.
The picture of the Kollego Knights
appears on the cover of the song,
“An Old-Fashioned Sweetheart,”
published by the Gold Leaf Pub
lishing company. Another song that
tho orchestra features and which
carries their picture is “When You
Came Along,” published by Water
son, Berlin and Snyder, who have
international offices.
The Kollege Knights are rated by
Variety, a New York theatrical mag
azine, as the most famous college
band in the country.