Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 27, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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    More Sales or
Cut in Cost Is
Oregana Status
Needed 500 Subscribers
Are Found Wanting
In Late Returns
Saturday Is Deadline
For Material
Definite cheek will be made to
day on the results of the Oregana
campaign which started last week.
Itonahl M. Hubbs, circulation man
ager, lias requested representatives
io bring hooks and money to the
Oregana office sometime between
2:00 and 0:00 today.
Returns so for have tjof seemed to
indicate tlinf the five-hundred need
ed subscriptions ore wanting. Tint
additional books liavo to bo sold in
order to rover the expenses of
printing the year book, aeeording
to a statement issued at the begin
ning of the campaign by Jack l’.on
efiel, graduate manager.
Make Oregana Self-Supporting
The Associated Students have
formerly carried the deficit, but this
year the Oregana must finance it
self. Unless returns arc satisfac
tory, some reduction will be made
in the size or material of the 1028
A list has been made of students
who cannot be reached through liv
ing organizations on or near the
campus, and they' will be given an
opportunity to subscribe. Kepro
sentatives will visit them today or
The Oregon Medical School at
Portland is also cooperating in the
sale of the books this year.
Price to Be Raised
“Anyone who expects to got an
Oregana later for five dollars, is
just out of' luck,” said Sam Kinley,
business manager. “A number of
students have said that they will
buy a copy when the book comes
out this spring. The price then
will be six dollars. Now is the time
to subscribe; students will save
themselves a dollar and help the
Oregana by doing so.”
Work on the book is progressing
satisfactorily. Deadline for copy
has been placed at this Saturday, by
Mary Benton, editor. All of the
portrait pictures have been taken
and most of the group pictures are
in. Section editors are already con
templating the work to be done on
mounting. As soon as the copy is
in, freshmen assistants will start, to
compile the index of names.
(By United Press)
WASHINGTON, I). <\, Jan. 26.—
The senate privileges and eleetion
committee today voted, eight to six,
to drop tlie suggestion of William
Wilson, Pennsylvania Democrat,
against Senator-elect Stanley Vare.
The Campus Stroller
_ r'l.
Bv J. L. W.
THAT Washington’s birthday
conics on a Wednesday ttii^ year—
a fact. that all of ns with no (dosses
on Thursday duly appreciate.
THAT Oregon’s present system
of hit-and-miss pledging, and the
resulting frequent releases from
! pledge, stands some chance of int
Iprovement, with adequate dormi
j tories for freshmen jjust over the
I Imri7.0n.
THAT yesterday was a day of
jmiraeies; wo saw a freshman wear
ling a groan lid, a eo-el in a fur
(coat beamed a cheery hello, and a
prof allowed us 10 full minutes for
a so-called “ten-minute quiz.”
THAT another of the stately
firs on the campus must go;
1 he* bui Iding of the new dormitory
will necessitate cutting down the
tree which has shaded the steps of
the dispensary for so long.
THAT a news dispatch tells us
| that co-eds at the state college call
to one another with snatches of
I popular songs; we vision the con
| fusion and chagrin resulting from
■the choice of the saint! song by two
I different cliques of sorors.
J THAT a correspondent fears an
evil intent in the establishment of
| Dad’s Day; and
j THAT, personally, we say that if
[ (he University can get any money
out of our dad after we get through .
I with him, it is welcome!
! The committee held that Wilson’s ;
complaint did not furnish sufficient j
ground for a contest and recount of
the ballots. It decided to permit
Wilson to tile additional charges if
he desired.
After the Game—
—Come in and have a
Toastwich Sandwich.
Students who want ser
vice and wholesome, tasty
food come in for one of
our Toastwich specials.
W. 8t,h St.
(Dptnm etr/st
The Glorious Del Rio
Triumphs Again!
and HOW!
<_•/ 7topical 'Tempest of Cmotion on the^fnian*^
m, T'-y if CLIFFORD FAX *» iv.. BRAl'lLi iun
Hie Charmaine of “What Price Glory” repeats her great
triumph in a romance of primitive passion amid the fas
cination of the tropical Amazons.
George McMurphey
ami his Campus Favorites
with Vocal Trio
wwiiwi'h n ... Also "V .
COMING—Saturday Night Onlv
The Pride and Jov of 0. A. C.
R* U,R. ”, First Winter Term Drama,
Soon Ready for Dress Rehearsals
Finishing touches to the parts or
“B. T'. I?.”, the first drama pro
duction of winter term, will be made
today and tomorrow, so that, the
cast will be ready for dress re
hearsals early next week.
Arrangements for designing, stag
ing and lighting have been complet
es in advance for the play, which
will be given the evenings of Feb
ruary hi and 1". Due to an un
usually full program for the term,
students of the drama department
have worked intensely, holding try
outs and rehearsals until late every
evening. After all preparations for
“ R. F. It.” have been completed,
attention will be turned to “Lady
Windemore’s Fan,” Oscar Wilde’s
play, which will be produced a short
time after “ R. IT. It.”
“It is a murderous social satire,
doge in terms of the most hair
raising melodrama, and it hnH as
many frank appeals to the human
goose flesh as ‘The Bat,’ or any
other later day thriller,” was the
comment made in the New York
Herald when Oapek’s [day “R. U.
!i.” was produced there.
The Czechoslovakian writer has
woven into the extraordinary play
nil the satin’, wit and irony which
characterizes his Work. Though Ca
pck tins written some short stories,
poems and essays, critics are prone
to favor his plays, with emphasis
1; id upon “Rossun?'■) T'niversial
Robots”, more familiarly known’ as
“ R. U. R.” o /
The actiofl of the pla'y is centered
around a future date when most
human beings have died and have
been replaced by the more efficient
machine-made men, robots.
Tiie ttossum manufacturing con
cern tins made a vast fortune in the
production of robots because, from
this one island, millions of men and
women robots have been shipped to
all parts of the world, where they
have carried on the amount of work
that equalled, previously, the work
oone by two and one-lialf persons.
The secret and success of the robot
industry lies in the formula which
enables these imitation men to be
made without e notion or soul.
Dr. Frank Crane, writer and lec
turer, saiil of the play: “It is sig
nificant of the oneness of the world
and the unity of flip intellectual
life of modern civilization ihat the
freshest and most thoughtful play
—t lie open in" of our shop with new equipment.
Leon Oil and LelVIur methods of permanent waving. «
Tiffany Bldg. Phone 201
A Three feature Show
It’s Gay - Glorious - Satirical
Phyllis Havlr
Eugene's First Engagement of
Oregon’s Noted Radio Star
Ted Roy
The Young Singing Blacksmith
Winder of 2nd Prize, New York, of Atwater-Kent’s
National Radio Contest from Field of 50.000.
—Appearances at—
7:30 fy 9-30
3—7-30 * f>:30
Rreddv Holt’s
Style Show
Spoti'srrpd by
Margaret M. Coldren
A Bevy of
l’rottv Co-Ed
The Latest
in Sprint?
Toni to
\ Sat. Xite
at 8:40
in America this screen carries from
Czechoslovakia. It is called • R.
U. R.’ The play is very skillfully
constructed and is a delightful en
Stanford Man Twice
Refuses Appointments
} o
| 20. — (P.I.P.)—Few people decline
! appointments to the IT. 8. Military
Academy at West Point, or the IT.
S. Naval Academy at A'nnapolis.
Word was recently sent to Frank
j Sauliere, a junior at Stanford, that
ho had born appointed to the Mili
tary Academy at West Point. He
refused the appointment. In 102.1,
before entering Stanford, lie had
been appointed to the IT. S. Naval
Academy at Annapolis, which ap
• pointnient he also refused.
Such action, it is believed, is
unique. The declinations to both
place? arc rare. In 1&17 Samicrc
'.rent to Btordeaui, France, where he
serve I as the cffkia.1 interpreter
for the 13th Unite! States Engineers
nt the age of 12. He believes that
time spent studying the theory of
hilling men is no means to estab
lish world peace, arid intends to
enter law.
Classified Ads
LOST—Gold Elgin -wrist watc-h.
Lost somewhere between 19th and
Potter street anil the campus.
Finder please call 2898. Howard.
I ja26-27
Is the Place to Get Your Old
Garments Made Lilie New
Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced
728 Willamette St.
NEW Booths
NEW Quick Lunch Counter
-at the RAINBOW
COME to the Rainbow where you KNOW you'll he satisfied. Such good food,
incomparable service, and now we have new booths and a quick lunch coun
ter for your convenience.
Drop in anytime—we want you
The Rainbow
Willamette Street
Women’s to
$24.75 Coats
—S only — lovely wool
coats that show fur col
lars and cuffs.
Women’s to
$47.50 Coats
—Fashioned of exquisite
wool coatinjrs and luxur
iously fur trimmed.
Women’s to
$19.75 Coats
—17 only — sport and
dress models. Some are
fur trimmed.
Women’s to
$9.90 Frocks
—9 only— one and two
piece wool frocks. Solid
and tw color combina
W omen's
—Rubberized rain coats
in ehc-ery colors of green,
yelloev, blue or red.
W omen "s
—TTp-to-the-m i n n t e in
style, in cut. Such good
ones at an exceptionally
low price.