* Taste of Defeat Not Relished By Aggie Mermen Coleman for Zamlock Plan; Gregory Thinks It Ia, a Pipe Dream By RICHARD II. STRING Sports Editor The cancellation l>y the Oregon Aggies of the two swimming meets, scheduled for February at Cor vallis and February, 2a at Hjjgone, not j only leaves the Uni-j varsity of Oregon! swimmers in the! lurch as to eompe-! tit ion, but shows j that the Oregon i Staters hate to take] it on the chin. The! Aggies in cancelling the two ncquatic: meets said that they emi!iln’t sign Ed Abercrombii “Hap” Kuril a, last year’s coach, so tliov wore having no organized swimming this year. They hope to have a regular swimming coach next season. » » » In the opinion of this writer, the Aggies have been nutting two and two together and find that this is an Oregon year for victory. The University of Oregon mermen have been meeting the O. R. C. swimmers four years without much of a chance to win. Three of the four meets were lost to the Aggies by losing the relay. Now, for the first time that Ore gon is conceded to win. the Cor vallis school pulls the retiring violet act. The inability to sign Kudin lias been known for a long time. After the Oregon-O. R. C. meet in Eugene last February, which the Aggies won bv breaking a .14 to 31 tie with a first in the relay, Kuelin then declared that that was his last year as swimming coach for the Aggies. Several other well known swimmers of the Northwest have applied for the position and have been turned down. Evidently the decision to do away with swimming this year at O. S. C. was made overnight. A news dis patch on January IS says: “Varied that the Oregon Agricultural Col lege swimming prospects are good for a winning team this season. Kernan Markuson, voluntary swim ming coach, has approximately 50 •men working under him each after noon.” In regards to the cancellation of the two meets, Coach Ed Aber crombie, Webfoot mentor, said: “I keenly regret the loss of competi tion in as much as we have been endeavoring to build up a swimming team at Oregon for the past three years.” The Wcbfoots will have plenty of competition, however. A meet with the Multnomah club finmen is scheduled for the Portland tank to morrow night. Tentative plans are also being made for a jaunt into California which will bring Aber crombie’s men into competition with the University of Southern Califor nia, University of California, Los Angeles, Stanford, and the Univer sity of California at Berkeley. The scheduling of a meet with the Uni versity of California, Los Angeles, water splashers will be of double in terest due to the presence of Don Park as swimming coach. Park graduated from the University of Oregon last spring. While on the campus he was engaged as fresh man swimming coach. • • • Although this isn’t razzing day for the Aggies, there is another thing we must get off our chest. A news story in yesterday’s Morning Oregonian stated that arrangements had been made between Jack Bene fiel and Carl Lodell, general mana gers at University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural College, respec tively, to play two exhibition base ball games under the Zamloclc plan as proposed by Carl Zamlock, base ball coach at the University of Cali fornia. The Zamlock plan gives the batter the option of running to first or third when the bases are clear. The story goes on to say that Reinhart and Coleman think the idea a good one and that the in novation will revive interest in col lege baseball. Well, the funny part of this story is that Jack Benefiel or Bill Reinhart know nothing of the ar rangement. It seems as though the serious minded Mr. Ralph Coleman has approached Billy Reinhart on the proposition several times. The jovial Mr. Reinhart only sent the Aggie coach away, telling him that (Continued on page two) Teeth Endangered By Bobbed Hair, Said Ye Old ime Ladies Tin Up. vnnr teeth ? not, say the lad v ancestors ! Boos bobbed h fall nut? Of e moderns. But tl were not so sum When damp fast teentli century, hair in back and the sides with cuds afraid to try the . fear they would cat jaws and lose their 1 In a letter froi Sevigne, celebrated to her daughter, she toils about the latest styles at the king's court. Special mention was made of this new hair cut and the run on the barber who thought of it. in the seven eribed short niffed out on e ladies were coiffure for old ill their i. lad a me do ich author, Second Drama Tournament To Be Held in May Cup to Go to Winning High School; Trophy Now At Roseburg Bates for the second annual high school drama tournament, to be held in Guild theater under the auspices of the University of Oregon, were ; set tentatively for May 3, 4, and 5, I art a meeting of the joint faculty and student committee in charge, held yesterday afternoon in the of fice of Dean Gilbert. Miss Florence Wilbur, instructor in drama and director of the tour nament, who is chairman of the committee in charge, reported hav ing received numerous letters from various parts of the country ex pressing interest in the one-act play contest, and seeking information to ! enable the writers to put. on similar j contests in their institutions. It was decided by the committee to adopt the same general rules and regulations as were employed last year, with the exception that schools participating will have a voice in the nomination of the judges, none I of whom will be members of the [University faculty. The winner of the contest is to i receive possession of a cup awarded for the first time last year, when the Roseburg high school representa tives won with their presentation of “Trifles,” by Susan Glaspell. The director of the Roseburg players, j Lloyd .T. Reynolds, is now a teaeh iiur fellow in Fmrlish in the Uni versify. Eleven high schools participated in the tournament last year. Ad vance information reaching Dr. Dan E. Clark, secretary of the commit tee, indicates that this number will be somewhat increased this year and that the eastern part of the state will be represented. Perma nent possession of the cup, which is awarded by the members of the Guild Theater company of the Uni versity, is to go to the high school whose players win it three times. The personnel of the committee in charge of the tournament is as follows: Faculty: Miss Wilbur, Dr. Dan E. Clark, Dean James H. Gil bert, Dr. C. V. Boyer, Prof. George Turnbull, Prof. Hugh E. Rosson. Students: Arthur Anderson, Con stance Roth, Merrill Swenson, and Mary Duckett. . Exhibition and Sale Of Famous Etchings To Be Held at Gallery An exhibit and sale of famous etchings will be held at the little arts gallery on the campus, Satur day, January 28, Dean Ellis F. Law rence of the school of architecture and allied arts, announced yester day. The group, which contains work by Armin Hansen, reputed to be the greatest contemporary etcher, will be brought to the University by Frederick Brokaw of New York, and will be here for only one day. “Hunting Drive” and “Sardine Barge” are two characteristic studies from a group of marine etchings by Fisher Harber. Franz Geritz, noted Hungarian etcher, has produced some interesting wood blocks, which will be shown in addition to his etchings. Among studies by Thofcias- Hand forth, whom Brokaw classes as a very promising young etcher, are the originals of reproductions which appeared in the January, 1928, is sue of Vogue. Work by Cortis Stanford, well known English woman etcher, will be shown in this exhibition, as well as that of Wilfred Shaw, an etcher i of repute, who is secretary of the Michigan University Alumni asso ' eiation. Etchings by Thomas Tal madge. Blanding Sloan, and H. Nel son Poole will also be exhibited. Dean Lawrence emphasized the fact that all the etchings will be offered for sale. Itinerary For Campus Tour Is Announced Girls To Take Charge of Registration Booth for Visiting Dads Fathers and Students To Be Given Programs Banquet Is Scheduled for University Guests Girls who will have charge of the ! registration booth for “Dad’s Day”, j Saturday, with the hours they will | work, were announced yesterday by j Marian Barnes, chairman of wel I coming. Itinerary of the campus tour on ! Saturday afternoon was also given out by Dean Elmer L. Shirred, gen eral chairman. Those who will have charge of registration with the hours that they will work are: 10-12—Alice Gormaji, Margaret Long, and Nancy Peterson. 12-2—Marion Leach and Georgia Davidson. 2-4 — Margaret Long, Marion Leach, Marion Stcn. 4-6—Buth Bnrchain, Alice Gor man and Julia Wilson. About five o’clock 1ho registra tion tables will be moved to the foot of the stairs in the Woman’s building, in order that, those who arrive in time for the banquet only may register. Eanquet Plates Reserved Students whose fathers sent the reservation card and chock to them are asked to reserve plates at the banquet through the Dean of Men’s office. Students are also asked to make hotel reservations for their fathers who have not already done sc. The banquet will be formal for those students who have to attend a formal immediately after the ban quet, otherwise informal. Students are urged to make their fathers feel at home while visiting on the cam pus. The program for the campus tour has been made out and students and dads will be furnished with copies at tap registration Doom oaturany. Tlio itinerary as announeecl by Dean Shirrell follows: The itinerary is divided geograph ically and not by logical grouping into three parts, northeast campus, central campus; and 'south campus. Students should look over the pro gram and select and check things in .which1 parents will be most inter ested. Every tour should- However, include (a) inspection of infirmary where student health is cared for; (b) the offices of student publica tions; school of journalism and Uni versity Press; (c) the art and ar chitecture exhibit; (d) the central library plant and at least two of the branches; (e) a part of the con cert at the music auditorium and a glimpse of the Murray Warner Col lection. Needs To Be Shown Aim of the students should be to show in case of infirmary and li brary how efficient work is being done under extreme difficulties. This much propaganda is permiss ible. We can, without apology or compunction of conscience make known the basic needs of the Uni versity. The University has never asked for extravagant appropria tions. .An institution with a student body of 3000 needs a $750,000 li brary. We have a $70,000 plant. At the last legislature instead of asking for what we needed we cut the legitimate request squarely in two. i Students whose parents are alumni of Oregon will find them interested ii. old Villard and Deady halls. They . will want to see how Villard assent- : bly was mutilated and morselized to ; accommodate the growing English ! department which now enrolls in classes about as many students as there are in the University and which has in one class, “Survey,” as many students as the entire Uni versity enrolled in 1915. These al umni dads will be interested to see S hew old Deady has been crowded by i galleries, mezzanine floors and mys- | terious dens. Here the University economizes by intensive utilization I of space. Probably no spot in the j United States is so completely con- | secratcd to the cause of science as cld Deady Hall. In order to distribute the guests over the campus and prevent crowd ing while at the same time insuring some patronage everywhere between the hours of open house, three to five, students with initials A to L should begin at the northeast end of the campus and those L to Z be (Continued on page four) Woman's Withered Arm Tells No Tales, Rut Gets Shriek Quota Ami slip ivns ;i handshaker but new lirr withered arm lavs shrunk en and stiff on one of tiro tables in Quavtz hall. Everyone who comes in is asked to look at the hondshak < r. The girls take one. long look, before the full realization of the identity of the brown-looking stick dawns upon them. Then they shriek! The fingerpails on the hand are in poor condition. The cords of the! upper arm are well developed ami ! the muscles of the lower arm show More development than those of the upper part of the arm. Flesh has withered away and. there are evidences of rats and mice having eaten on an end of the arm. The veins and other organs wore left but all blood and other mois ture has gradually dried away. Geologists use the woman’s arm ort incoming initiates who want to be known as successful geologists. As to its origin, that is an unknown thing, but it is guaranteed to work miracles on pick-up, especially on a dark night. Y. M. C. A. Starts Group Meetings Next Tuesday Weekly Discussions W'ill Treat Religious ami World Topics The series of religious discus sion groups in the various living organizations which was inaugur ated last year, and is sponsored bv the Campus Y. M. 0. A., is slated to start next Tuesday, January 111, and will continue throughout the year. The system to be used will be practically the same as was used last year. These groups arc for the pur pose of putting before the collegiate mind different topics of general in terest mainly concerning world and religious affairs. Each group will be conducted by a leader, some local authority on that particular topic. He will eat dinner at the house where the discussion is to be held, and afterwards, either at the table or around the fireplace, will give a short lecture and then conduct open discussion. The leaders of the groups will meet with representatives from each house at a luncheon at the Y. M. C. A. Hut Monday noon. Definite plans for the groups will be dis closed. The committee in charge of the series is headed’ by .Toe McKeown. The other members arc Hal Ander son and John Konigshofer. Besides the regular meetings in the living organizations, a special group for unaffiliated men will meet in the Y. M. C. A. Hut. The dis cussion will be from 7 to 7:4.1 in the evening in order that those wishing to attend may finish their dinner first. The groups will •’meet regularly every Tuesday except February 7. There will be none on this date be cause of the basketball game then. Leaders of the discussion groups and their topics are: Harold S. Tut tle, Science and Religion; Warren D. Smith, Evolution and Religion; E. E. DeCou, Prospects for World Peace; Hurl R. Douglass, The Out lawry of War; Captain Jotyi J. McEwan, Elements of True Sports manship; Dr. A. E. Caswell and A. H. Baldridge, Has America any Re ligion Worth Exporting?; Rev. E. M. Whitesmith, Can the Spirit of Christ Be Taken Into Modern In dustry; Dean C. E. Carpenter, The Eighteenth Amendment; C. L. Huf fak'er, What Vocational Guidance Can Do for the Individual; F. S. Dunn, Origins of Christianity; Dr. J. Franklin Haas, Reality in Re ligion; Delbert Oberteuffer, Eu genics; S. Stephenson Smith, The Race Problem; Victor Morris and Donald Erb, Christianity and Pro gress; Howard Taylor, Finding One’s Vocation; Dean Shirrell, Self Re spect; J. K. Horner, Money and Tolerance; Kenneth Rowe, Religion in tiie University; L. O. Wright, Mexico; Dr. Edwin V. O’Hara, The Fact of Christ; and Roger Wil liams, Chemistry and War. Former Football Star Injured in Wood Saw Clifford “Skeet” Manerud, who was severely cut when he was drawn into a wood saw, at the Manerud-Huntington Fuel Company, Monday evening, is expected to re cover, according to the report given , today at the Pacific Christian Hos pital. Mr. Manerud is a former Univer sity of Oregon student and was quarter-back on the football team that played Harvard in 1919. Oregon Lineup For Husky Tilti Is Undecided • _ Reynolds and Edwards Stage Battle for Center Job Washington Will Play Beaver Five Tonight Webfoot Is Underdog in Saturday’s Fray Oregon’s starting lineup for the Washington fray is still undecided. With Dave Epps out and Scotty | Ick Reynolds Aluligan (moved from center bock to guard, ttip prob lem of bolstering the pivot position is causing some little consterna tion on the part of Billy Reinhart, Webfoot. coach. lck Reynolds and Ray Edwards, who I'inve both seen action in con ference g a m e s in is iiir loss spectacular hattlo for the first string honors, ('outer has boon one of the weakest spots on the team ali season, ami the outlook for the immediate future is not particularly bright. Reynolds is the only candidate for center who really has the necessary qualification of height. Edwards, weighing close to 200 ponds, has sur prising speed and agility for a big man, but has been consistently out jumped by opponents. Ridings Leads Attack Both these men are better defen sive players than scorers, and will be used in a guard position after the tip-off. This leaves Milligan, regular guard, free to play a roving game, and to work into the scoring combination, doe Bally, playing the other guard position, will stay back as he has in previous games, to pro tect the basket from the sudden rushes of the enemy. Gordon Killings anil Morvvn Glias tain have played such a brand of basketball to warrant permanent forward positions. Ridings, who is the key of the Webfoot attack, has been the leading scorer for Oregon all season. Chastain, while not as certain.a scorer ns Hidings, fits well into Reinhart’s offensive combina tion. Oregon Is UnJcr-dog Oregon is decidedly the under-dog in the game with Washington. The Huskies have shown an early sea son strength that entitles them to first cons-Ulerat ion as championship contenders. The 1 orthern quintet has defeated tie:- same teams that Oregon has, and, in the case of Ida ho, by a much larger score. The Huskies will encounter the severest test so far this season when they meet the Aggies in the first game of their road trip tonight at Corvallis. The Reaver team, has not lost a conference gftmp, and has been playing with such form that it is a likely team to topple the Hus kies. Montana Undefeated After tli(> game in Corvallis to night, three teams will remain in undisputed leadership of the north ern section. Montana is the other five that lias not been defeated. The Grizzlies will meet Idaho Sat urday night, and although the Van dals have yet to break into the win column, they are a strong team and ere liable to shatter the pennant hopes of any opponent. A preliminary game between the University of Washington freshmen and the Oregon frosh will be played Saturday night. This is the first time the freshman teams of the two schools have met, and the game is expected to be exceptionally fast. The preliminary will start at 7:.'i0, and the varsity contest at k:.'iO. New Language Club Organized on Campus The first meeting of a new cam pus organization whose members are enthusiasts for things Spanish was held Wednesday evening at Sigma Beta Phi. They have not yet decided on a name. Short Spanish plays and musical entertainments are to be featured on their pro grams, which will bo conducted in the Spanish language. The play given at the first meet ing was “El Doble Robo,” meaning, “The Double Robbery.” Those tak ing part were; Julia Charpentier, Maeccl Barton, and Wavno Veatch. Straw Ballots Yield Hashed Up Results j For Vote Counters! Wot Republicans pulling for Hoover and dry Democrats fur Smith; wot Democrats for McAdoo mid drv Bopuldiemis for almost any body. This is only ono of tho ninny amusing situations which appeared on tho straw ballots oollootod yes torday. on tho University of Oregon campus. Sonio woro not satisfied with tho list of enndidatos subinittod for their voto and added their own ehoieo, among others, Will Rogers and Loon Trotsky, and many were tho misinterpretations of tho ques tions asked. 11o you subscribe to tho present governmental policy of intervention in Nicaragua!” asked the ballot. “No, 1 won’t give a cent,” averred an earnest senior, while some naive sophomore asked “IIow much is the subscription !” And still there are many who think the straw vote was taken to stuff a scarecrow! Oregon Orators Slated To Clash Wednesday, 7:30 University Will Compete In Three Contests; Prizes Offered Tryouts for the right to repre sent the University of Oregon in the three oratorical contests to bo held in the state next term, an nounced for Saturday morning, have been postponed to Wednesday, Feb ruary 1, at 7:.H> o’clock, J. K. Hor ner, debate coach, announced ves t erday. Fach of the contestants should have an oration prepared'as per fectly as possible, Mr. Ilorner said, and he will be called to give at. least eight minutes of it. Judgment, will be based on the content and delivery of the orations. All un dergraduate men are eligible for competition, and Mr. Horner is vorv desirous of having a, large number of competitors, as there is a short age of veteran material on tho campus this year. Avery Thomp son, Benoit' McUroskey, and Jack Hempstead, the Oregon World Tour debaters, have participated in the stale contests during; the past three yea rs. Tho three oratorical contests in winch the University will compete this year are the State Old Line contest, the Stale IYnee contest, and the National Constitutional con test. The tirst is sponsored by the Oregon Oratorical association, of which the following institutions are members: Albany College, Pacific College, Pacific University, Wil lamette University, Linfield College, University of Oregon, Oregon Agri cultural College, Oregon Normal School, and Southern Oregon Normal School. The Old Lino Oratorical contest will be held in Eugene during the spring term. The participants may present orations on any subject, and the winner will be awarded a bronze statuette of Abraham Lincoln. The University lias not participated in tliis contest since 1926, when Avery Thompson took fourth place. Since 1900 Oregon has taken five lirsts in the Old Line contest. The winner of the State Peace contest, which will be held in Cor vallis, will receive a reward of $00, and the manuscripts of the two first speakers will be sent east to com pete with those of the winners of other states. Last year Donald Beelar won this contest. In 1920 Jack Hempstead’s manuscript placed first in tho national competition, though he was awarded second in tho state. Oregon has won the ■State Peace contest four times since 1914. The state winner of the National Oratorical contest will later com pote for the coast championship, and the coast winner, in turn, will en ter the national finals. In 1927 Benoit McOroskejy won the state contest and placed second to a speaker from the University of Southern California in the Pacilic Coast meet at Corvallis. Jack Mc Guire won the coast championship for Oregon in this contest in 1920. Arrest Priests, Nuns For Operating Schools fBy United Press) MEXICO CITY, Jan. 20.—Be tween 250 and 300 priests, nuns, and pupils have been arrested in the past three days on charges of operating four Catholic schools iii Mexico. In making this announcement to day, tho police said they have ! seized quantities of alleged seditious propaganda and religious emblems. Hoover Wins Student Votes For President Smith Democratic Choice; Modification of Dry Law Favored Small Margin Decides Entrance Into League Over 1200 Ballots Cast; Enthusiasm Shown By BILL HAGGERTY Herbert Hoover was the over whelming choice of students when the results of the current questions 1 oil held on the campus yesterday were totalled last night. lie receiv ed 420 votes to LtO for his leading Democratic -rival, Governor A1 Smith. A negative vote of Sll to 1545 was given as the opinion on the success of the Eighteenth Amendment. Only 122 favored the repeal of the Amend ment, but 6156 wanted to modify tho existing law and 422 desired more rigid enforcement. The attitude in regard to tho League of Nations was decidedly divided. There were 500 voted for formal membership in the League as compared to 501! who favored tho present policy of informal coopera tion. Detachment was wanted by 1117. Nays Have It Evidently tho students knew enough about the governmental pol icy in Nicaragua to -say that they were opposed to it. Tho nays had it by the majority of 050 to 442. Considerable interest was aroused by the poll as was shown by tho fact that over 1200 votes wore east. Because of tho lateness when tho ballots wore totaled, tho separate opinion of the sexes and classes could not bo determined. Those who counted the ballots, however, ro ported that the views taken on tho candidates anil separate questions were quite similar. A more compre hensive report will be published in Saturday’s paper, A comparison of the faculty and student vote will be made when more of the ballots passed out To tne rormer irave oeen returned. wil liam Maddox, assistant professor of political science, who is in charge of thj faculty poll, reported that only about half of the 200 ballots passed out had been returned. G. O. P. Vote Larger The Republican candidates receiv ed 9112 votes ns compared to 202 for the Democrats. The votes on the other Republican presidential possibilities were as follows: Charles E. Hughes, 138; President Coolidge, 106; Senator William Borah, 81; Frank O. Low den, 77; Vice President Charles Dawes, 71; Andrew Mellon, 27; and Senator Charles Curtis, 4. The complete Democratic vote was: William G. McAdoo, 04; Sen ator James A. Reed, 18; Governor Albert Ritchie, -14; Senator Thomas Walsh, 10; Governor Vic Donahev, 7; Newton Baker, 5; and Senator Carter Glass 5. Cadet Military Ball Will Have Neighbor Officers as Guests The University of Washington and O. S. C. will have representa tives at the Oregon Military Ball tonight, according to Roy Herndon, chairman of the committee in charge of the affair. The ball, to start at 9 o’clock in the Eugene hotel, will have among its guests Colonel William Moses of O. S. C., and Ted Smith, cadet officer at tho University of Washington. About 70 officers are expected to the affair, 39 of whom arc members of tho local corps. The annual Military Ball, always an imposing event, will be made more important this year because Scabbard and Blade, national mili tary honorary, is being petitioned for membership. Student Body Voters Decline at Washington UNIVERSITY OF WASHING TON, Jan. 26. — (P.I.P.) — A still waning interest in student body elections was officially recorded recently when but 2,990 votes out of a possible 6,800 were cast at the annual winter quarter election. While the figure is 60 votes above the figure of last winter, which was considered a poor showing, tho en rollment of the University has in creased sufficiently this year to warrant a larger vote.