Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 10, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    (§regmt iatlt) Ifmeralii
University of Oregon, Eugene
Robert Galloway . Managing Editor
Claudia Fleteher .. Ass’t. Managing Editor
Arthur Schoeni . Telegraph Editor
Carl Gregory . P. I. P. Editor
Arden X. Pangborn . I/itcrary Editor
Walter hoover . Associate realtor ,
Richard H. Syring . Sports Editor I
Donald Johnston .. Feature Editor (
Margaret Long . Society Editor ,
News and Editor rhones, b&5
DAY EDITORS: William Schulze, Dorothy Baker, Mary McLean, Frances Cherry,
Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten.
NIGHT EDITORS: Lynn Wykoff, chief; J. E. Caldwell, Robert Johnson, Floyd
Horn, L. H. Mitchelmore, Ralph David. Assistants: Rex Tussing, Vinton Hall, Myron
Griffon, Harold Bailey, Harry Tonkon, William Finley, Joe Freck, Everett Kiehn.
SPORTS STAFF: Joe Pigney, Harry Dutton, Chalmers Nooe, Glenn Godfrey,
Chandler Brown.
FEATURE STAFF: Flossie Radabaugh, Florence Hurley, Edna May Sorber, John
Butler, Clarence Craw, Charlotte Kiefer, Walter Butler.
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Amos Burg, Miriam Shepard, Ruth Hansen, LaWanda
NEWS STAFF: Margaret Watson, Wilford Brown, Grace Taylor, Charles Boice,
Elise Schrocder, Naomi Grant, Orpha Noftsker, Paul Branin, Maryhclen Koupal,
Josephine Stofiel, Thirza Anderson, Etha Jeanne Clark, Mary Frances Dilday, William
Cohagcn, Elaine Crawford, Audrey Henrikson, Phyllis Van Kimmcll, Margaret Tucker,
Gladys Blake, Ruth Craegcr, Martiel Duke, Serena Madsen, Betty Hagen, Leonard
Delano, Fred Junker, Thelma Kem.
CAKll I iHic.ut.n
Kuth Street . Advertising Manager
Bill Hammond . Ass’t. Advertising Mgr.
Vernon McGee . Ass't. Advertising Mgr.
t.ueielle George . Mgr. Checking Dept.
Kd. Hissed . Circulation Manager
-Associate Manager
Bill Bates . Foreign Adv. Mgr.
Wilbur Shannon .... Ass't. Circulation Mgr. |
Ray Dudley . Assistant Circulator i
Elinor Fitch . Office Administration *
ADVERTISING SALESMEN—Bob Moore, Maunne Lombard, Charles Reed, rrancis
Mullins, Eldred Cobb, Eugene Laird, Richard Horn, Harold Kester, Helen Williams,
Christine Graham.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during the
college year. Member, United Press News Service. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate
Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscrip
tion rates, $2.60 per year. Advertising rates upon application. Residence phone,
editor, 721 ; manager, 2799. Business office phone, 1896.
Day Editor This Issue—Pod Sten
Night Editor This Issue—L. H. Mitchelmore
Assistant Night Editors— doe Rice
ISot Just Because
‘It’s Good for You9
FOR more tli,'in a decade American
critics have wrestled with the
problem of cultural dualism. The
unmistakeabio distinction of the
“highbrow” as opposed to the “low
I row”, they say, is the popular in
dication of a confusion all too rec
ognizable in those who flaunt sub
lime ideals while their methods are
meanly “practical.”
Education is not the least of the
sufferers from this ubiquitous mal
ady. And as a result, learning has
grown barren because educational
curricula have been disassociated
toil radically from living. The tow
cring sunflower of extra-curricular
activities has sprung full blown from
the educational field while it. has
lain fallow in pedantry.
The state university is properly
the mentor of the entire state, and
its responsibilities are by no means
discharged when it lias merely min
istcrcd to its enrolled students. It
is a clearing house for state ideas
and problems, practical-mud cultural.
Beiiificiently it influences state nr-I
livitres by means of this intercourse,]
anti in return is invigorated in its|
own life by these real contacts.
Left undisturbed, a compact uni
versity group quickly grows self
centered. And it continues to be!
unaware of its affliction until in- j
ter rupted.
As hostess to a number Of high ;
school students next week-end, Ore
gon unavoidably is to be disturbed.!
And by glancing over the narrow!
column rule partition thut separates j
us from our witty neighbor, we have
observed thut cvelvuue does not
relish this particular interruption..
It is not merely that the high
school eouforenco is good for ns
that we should accept it. But that
it is a lively and real part of college
life. And its success will be the
measure of Oregon's abilrtv to con
vert her precepts into actualities.
We are confident that, individually
and collectively, Oregon ran make
her principles authentic realities.
Honor Systems
And Honor
WHKN is an honor spirit an
honor spirit ! When it is merely
another scheme to allay the evils of
cribbing in examinations?
American colleges ami unixeisi
t;es have been experimenting with
the problem for many years, ami
have yet to find a solution which
will truly solve the question. Many
systems have been put into prac
tice for a while, only to prove in
adequate. One picks up college
newspapers to read that this institu
tion has adopted a plan and that
its neighbor has decided to abandon
one just like it. The hunt goes on
with scarce an indication of real
This month sees the inauguration
of an attempted Solution by the Uni
versity of California at Bos Angeles.
After an investigation of the honor
system as in use at the University
of California, Berkeley, the Los An
geles institution decided to adopt it
as a model for its own venture in
solving the problem.
The use of alternate seats during
examinations, placing of all note
books on the floor and refraining
bum absenting oneself from the
-loom the room oftener than neces
sary daring the course of the ex-]
animation, are a few of the gov
erning precepts laid down by the
et mmiltee in charge.
The Daily Bruin, student news
paper of the l . C. L. -V., carried the
following statement last week:
“The California Honor Spirit, the
highest tradition of the University
of California, places every student
on his honor to conduct himself
willingly in complete accord with
the highest principles of personal in
tegrity. ’ ’
So far, so good. But in another
portion of the same issue, there ap
pears a notice telling the students
where to obtain blanks for use in
informing on violators of tire coda.
Of course there will be informers,
and justly so. When a new law is
put into effect, it is incumbent upon
all citizens to do their share toward
its enforcement. Many take this
duty seriously. Many do not. They
feel that the work of enforcement
rest with paid workers. Just as it
can not be denied that such an at
titude is wrong, neither can it be
said that it does not exist.
The same is true with student tion
o> systems in examination. Students
who would not under anv circum
stances cheat in an examination, will
not inform on fellow . .students who
do. they feel that the cheater hurts
no one but himself and are willing
that lie take ttie consequences such
as they may be, later iii life.
The small number of students who
are punished for their infractions
of the honor spirit is not sufficient
to definitely curb the practice of
cheating. A real solution may he
forthcoming, perhaps, but there will
probably be a change in tinman na
ture before then. \V. ('.
\k' t
Webfoot Money Would Help
To tin1 Kditor: since it was de
cided I lilt t n Webfoot was not jtoing
to be printed ttiis year, why hasn’t
the business office of the student
body refunded the $l.:io which stu
dents paid for subscriptions.' They
have hud plenty of time to do so
and 1he investors cun lind some
other use for the money.
INoh (loursc Started
By Dr. IIarr\ Yocum
A two Ifi hi course in advitmotl
■\ ert«• l»i'c«te embryology i**. bein** start
ed this term b\ Ur. Harry H. Yocum,
instructor of /oology. 'I’liis is the
Jiist time in the history of the Uni*
vtrsity that the study lias been ot
ft led/
The subject is boitij* conducted
b\ conferences and laboratory work.
All students taking it are required
to have had a four hour course in
t U aionturv /oology. The majority
•of tlit* work will be done on the
embryo of the I'ie. Lb. v -in -lates.
Howard J. Perry,
JSliorl Story Writer,
W eek-Eml Visitor
A short story writer visited oil the
eatnpus this week-end. lie is llow
aid A. Perry, who writes for "La
riat, 1 Northwest,” and other 111115
U sines of the Livtiuu House group.
Lor years Mr. Pern has been
working on newspapers in
Northwest and until reeently
been with the Oregonian. IL
devotes himself entirely to tivtion.
lie writes every morning from S
until I”, averaging more than a
story a week.
"Sometimes i have to drive my
sell to work," said Mr. ferry, "but
generally I would not feel right if
1 did not spend my mornings at m\
typewriter. 1 try*to start on a new
story every Monday morning and
ha vo it tin i.shed by Saturdav at
least. 1 do around ll'i'O words a
Mr. ferry graduated from the
I'niversitv of Washington in lillti
nnd is affiliated with l»elta b'psilon
and sigma Delta Phi. lie was a
guest of Sigma Pi Tan, the loeal
group that is petitioning Delta Up-'
Olio of our professors overlooked
sc important sc detail as a tie when
he donned his tux Saturday night
for a formal reception in the Wo
man’s building.
(By Clothes Press Sports Editor)
On two successive nights in Mc
Arthur Court the crack basketball
team of Phi Delta Theta displayed
flashes of brilliance, and on two
successive nights the Willamette
Bearcats left the same floor on the
short end of scores separated by
goodly margins.
Coach Bill Reinhart, commenting
on the team after the games, said
a basketball court is under construc
tion in the Phi Delt attic, and that
constant practise at all hours of the
day and night will greatly help in
whipping the quintet into form for
the opening conference game, Janu
ary 21, against Idaho.
“What rlo the bandits do when
yon won’t hold up ?our hands?”
“Deschutes.” (And her merriment
knew no bounds.)
* * *
Embarrassing moments
After telling, in the absence of
the scandal sheet, what good grades
you made, and then finding it neces
sary to explain why you withdrew
from your highest course.
Jack Coolidge, Theta Chi sleep
artist, in all good faith yesterday
morning attempted to heat the ex
isting O. A. C. record for continu
ous class room sleeping. He was
rudely awakened after scarcely an
hour had passed, hut he insists that
he chooses to sleep in 1928 and will
have plenty of time to try again.
■•Where there's a will there’s a
wav,” said the boy as ho shot his
rich uncle.
C<amnia Nu girls have launched a
big campaign against mice, similar
to the one staged last quarter by
tlie liamma Phi's against rats.
Tennis rackets are used to hold the
mice while chloroform is poured
o\ejr them. Whether or not the girls
are out after fur coats could not be
determined at a late hour last night.
P.) — (Special) A green Hudson
sedan bearing a California license
sped through here at 10 a. m. yes
terday. Felice at Springfield. Goshen
and Creswcll have been notified and
are watching the highway. It is
probable that Hickman will be ap
prehended at any time. ‘ The trail
is hot. Police have thrown a drag
net over the entire city," said Un
lock Homes, chief of Creswcll detec
Subhead iii Friday’s Emerald:
* * »
(Discipline must be maintained—
though lie has to stand ’em in a
Looie" Dammash lias acquired
a new (?) chariot. A Hudson.
Whether it is green or not, is not
generally known. Anyway it’s a
family affair. Whenever he wants
another bucket of gas he takes an
other man into partnership.
Flesh Hen l'over says his brothers
always keep a warm scat for him
by the fireplace.
Rapid-Fire Replies
To Curious Queries
The Inquiring Reporter Asks
from Campus folks selected at
random, one question each day.
Replies are directly quoted.
Today’s question: What is . the
question you most commonly hear? i
Hubert Yearian, graduate assis- j
tant in physics: “The thing you
hoar most tfften is, ‘I don’t know
how.’ I'm sorry to say that the
girls ask this question more often
than the boys, though we have
some boys asking it, too. The girls
are mare apt to ask, but the fellows
beat about the bush trying to make
you think they know what they are
talking about.”
Lorena Wilson, freshman in so
ciology: “That ‘How do you like
college?’ is one of the dumb ques
tions always asked. At certain times
■ of the school year it is asked five
times a day and at others only oc
casionally. When you go home you
hear it often.”
,Toe Pigncy, sophomore in journal
ism: “‘What’s new around the
shack?’ is what reporters ask when
looking for news. It’s usually so
indefinite that they never get an
answer. ”
James Moraine, sophomore in the !
Eugene Bible University: “Well, I
I think the most common is ‘whether
we dross the same in Africa as we
j do here.’ I come from Africa, you
sec. Then they always ask if the
I young ladies are the same. Also
I they want to know if white people
| live there. They expect everyone
I to be black.”
Lack of Preparation
Believed To Cause
Poor P. A. Scores
The first physical ability test for
the winter term was held in the
! men's gymnasium Saturday morn-]
ing. The average number of points j
made by the men Who took the test j
was somewhat lower than the test
given at the same time last term,
which is believed to be duo to lack
of preparation. Last term a two
week period of preparation was
available before the first test ^vas
•The three men scoring highest in
the test Saturday were Joe Bice,
j with 133 points; Aarne Pompel, 101
I points; and Charles Latourette, 96
j points.
The two lap run resulted in a tie
at 23:6, the draw being made by
j Joe Bice and John Hamill. In the
rope climb C. H. Barr showed con
1 siderable agility, climbing the hemp
in 11 seconds. L. Stephens led in
j the high jump at 1 feet 10 inches.
The bar vault event was closely con- S
1 tested, but went to L. Kippinger, i
! who reached a height of 6 feet 4
inches. The swim event proved to
be the Waterloo of several aspirants,
i Bichard Marshall took first honors
! by covering the distance in 1 min- j
i ute and 26 seconds.
The next P. A. test will be given !
I two weeks before* the end of the
i present term. As the grade in this
test will be final for those who do
not make a higher mark in daily
work, it is advised that those who
| desire to raise their grade in the
next test improve themselves in
their weak events. The instructors
especially advise practise in swim
-"' ■■■—■
Attraction Extraordinary
Gulf Coast
of Dallas, Texas
“One of the South’s
Most Famous Bands’’
to tlieir irresistable music
at the new j
Ball Room I
(1 Nite Only) j
Wednesd’y, Jan. 11
See and Hear
Miss Bobbie Williams
Feature Dancer
Blue Singer
Men $1.00 —Ladies Free
Also this wefck—
Johnny Robinson's
Seven Serenaders
Friday and Saturday
Men 7oc — Ladies Free
Amphibian meeting... Important!
7:.'10 tonight. ■
Sigma Delta Chi meets this noon at
the Anchorage.
Woman’s Faculty club — Regular
meeting will be held in Alumni
hall, January 11, to 6. All
women connected with the faculty
are invited to attend.
Intramural league will meet this af
ternoon at 4:15 in the office of
the men’s gymnasium. Come pre
pared to make entries in winter
The Women’s Faculty Club is to
meet January 11 at Alumni ball
from 3 to 6 in the afternoon. Mrs.
James H. Gilbert is to be chair
Senior class meeting in Villanl at
7:30 tonight. The election of a
new vice-president and other im
portant business will take place.
Fhi Chi Theta will meet tonight at
at 7:15, room 106 Commerce. This
will be a short business meeting
and it is necessary that all mem
bers attend.
There will be a very important meet
ing of the Oregana staff tonight
Returns to
His Favorite
Boerne, Texas
Oct. 14, 1926
Larus & Bro. Co.
Richmond, Va.
Dear Sirs:
I am a prodigal son.
I began pipe-smoking with Edge
worth. But after a while I began to
wander, trying other tobaccos, experi
menting to see if there were any better
tobacco for the pipe.
I have tried most of the best known
brands and a number of the more ob
c.cure, both imported and domestic,
but they didn’t suit.
So now I have returned—I am using
Edgeworth again, satisfied that no
better tobacco is made.
“And the prodigal son partook of
the fatted calf”; I bought a new pipe
when I returned to Edgeworth.
With many thanks for my cool, mel
low, sweet smokes, I am,
Very truly yours,
“H. D.”
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco
at 5 o ’clock. Every member must
be there.
Envoy Paints Sandino
In Angelic Garments
(By United Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9—The so
called rebel leader, Augustino San
flino is not a bandit even though he
commits many acts of banditry,”
Alejandro Cesar, a Nicaraguan min
ister, said in a statement here to
Sandino’s activities are political
and he has the support of the lib
eral faction in Nicaragua, which op
posed the Diaz government before
American intervention, the state
ment declared.
Pledging Announcement
Gamma Phi Beta announces the
pledging of Louise Wilhelm of Cor
vallis, Ore., and Kutli Harbaugh of
Stang's Dance Studio
Ballroom, Ballet and Toe
Dancing Taught
217 E. 11th—Phone 2569-J
sophisticated temperaments
-»■ — supreme achievement of
matchless perfume—creating the at
mosphere of delicate illustriousness.
Parfum I/Origan is internationally
favored above all French perfumes.
Crystal Bottle Fancy Box—Twd ounces, $7.00
“Purse Sizes”, Quarter, $1.00, Half, $2.00 and One ounce $3.75
That’s what it is ... >
No use trying to put a definition around
Camel. It is as diverse and fugitive as the
delicate tastes and fragrances that Nature
puts in her choicest tobaccos, of which
Camel is rolled. Science aids Nature to be
sure by blending the tobaccos for subtle
smoothness and mildness. One way to'
describe Camels is just to say, “They are
Sometow, news of Camel has got around.
Each smoker telling the other, we suppose.
At any rate, it s first—in popularity as well
as quality. It has beaten every record evec
made by a smoke. Modern smokers have;
lifted it to a new world leadership.
Camels request a place in your apprecia
tion. Try them upon every test known.
You’ll find them always loyal to your high
est standard.
“Have a Camel!”
© 1927
A LEM, N.' C<