Police Ban On Dimly Lit Dance FI or May ‘ Bring Unwa V ted Break Officious Meddling Frowne ' *n by Campus; Patrons and Patrol es Say Informal Light Ei »h By ART SCITOEN Another puff of wind to disturb the*friendly feelings that have existed between the University and Eugene for many years was added Saturday night when the police force of the city threatened to stop the Sophomore Informal being held in the Armory unless more lights were turned on. The opening wedge to the rift was hammered in with the enforcing of the recent “serenade law.” Student feeling ran high against that edict, which was dubbed both “futile” and “unromantic.” . With the falling of the second blow much unfavorable com ment has arisen on the campus, those present at the dance maintaining there was' not. oven the ^ slightest suggestion of any real cause for aetion. Lights were provided but they were tinted to carry out the color scheme of the decorations, and there* was no darkness. “Tt made me sore to have those police interfere with the informal,” said Herbert Roeolofsky, vice presi dent of the student body. Should Get Together “A representative group of the student body should be pickod to meet with the Eugene Chamber of Commerce to discuss the question. “When the serenade law was fun through, one of the big downtown stores informed the A. S. U. O. that they would stick with us in such controversies. They expressed them selves as being against the ‘serenade gag rule..’ ” Marion F. McClain, manager of the Co-op, also stated at the time that lie was behind the students in their “laissez fairo” policy toward the city’s interference. Break Looms A high official in the faculty who j did not wish to be quoted, stated that things were now on a verge where the University would hold all its functions on the campus instead of in downtown buildings. The bone of contention Saturday night was the low lights on the dance floor. The Eugene police force had a plain clothes man sta tioned upstairs. He observed the al leged lack of lights and ordered Tom Stoddard, chairman of the dance, to replace the colored globes with white ones, in compliance to a city ordin ance which is aimed to stop “shadow dancing.” The resultant glare utterly spoiled the effect of the otherwise splendid ly-staged function. Patrons Satisfied Whether there was enough light on the floor or not gave rise to many comments. City police said “no.*’ Patrons and patronesses at the dance, “yes.” Here is what some of them say: Professor W. F. G. Thacher: The lights were dim, but there was no objection on a moral groitnd. The behavior of. the students gave no • reason for the putting in of the lights. . Mrs. Nowland B. Zane: There was plenty of light. They were not justified in coming in and making them put on more lights. Mrs. C. D. Borer: The danee was spoiled by the white lights. There was no excuse for the complaint as there was plenty of light on the floor. Mrs. Campbell Church: It was lovely just as it was. I do not see why the city should interfere with a University dance when it is chap eroned by the dean of women. Mrs. Budolph E. Ernst: There was plenty of light for dancing. Sophs Sorry Keith Hall, president of the sopho more class, said that he was “sorry that there should be any friction be tween the University* and the police force.” With the turning on of the white lights in the corners came the at tendant grumbling and wondering among the dancers. Bouge and f powder on the feminine element, in tended for dance floor lights, glowed and shone in the searchlight beams. Loren Edmiston Hurt When Car Overturns Loren Edmiston, a freshman mu sic major in the University, received scratches from broken glass Sunday afternoon about 2:30, when the ear in which he was riding was forced off the highway by impact with a speeding car which was traveling on the wrong side of the road on a curve, a few miles east of Spring field, and was overturned. When the car was righted the occupants were able to continue on their way. Students To Hold Big Rally Tonight For Webfooters Wetzel, -Riggs, Hotlgen, Dixon Will Fight ' Last Battle “At 6:40 this afternoon there will gather at the Southern Pacific depot the Oregon football team with an undaunted spirit. They will board the train with a hope for one great and final victory, using the Washington Huskies as the delec table meat for their hopeful Thanks giving feast, or inversely substi tuting their Webfoot constituency for that of turkey in the oven of the strong Huskies, in their con cluding game of the year in Seattle, on Thursday, November 24,” it was annoruieed late yesterday by Don MeCopk, rally chairman. To keep the old Oregon “spirit,” which has been proven to be alive, a permanent part of the football squad, and to show the players that the students are still baek of them, the team will be given a record rally at the depot as they leave to night. “The fellows are going to do (Continued on page two) Scribes Wrest Casaba Victory From Lawyers Charge of Frameup Made ’ By Losing Advocates; Suit Vanishes No longer may the campus varris ters inflate their chests and boast fully proclaim to the world that they are the uncrowned departmental basketeers at Oregon. They are now relegated to the mystic order of “ex-" and the Scribes of the school of journalism lay claim to the gon falon by right of conquerer. Last Saturday the journalists suc cessfully toppled the valiant lawyers on the maple court in McArthur court by a decisive score, 23 to 10. Schienbaum, star eager for the lawyers, is their big cry for alibi, lie was unable to appear in the line-up due to the fact that some journalist, early Saturday morning, had annexed the Schienbaum uni form from its hanger in his room. This suit had been especially spliced for the game. The temperamental lawyer star refused to play without it. This story is discounted by the scribes, who in turn complain that Mel Cohn tempted “Oregon” Jones to break training rules the night preceding the game by offering him a cigarette. This is the first known occasion that Cohn ever offered any body a cigarette. The lawyers put up a great battle. In the first period they held the scribes somewhat even. In the last half the writers gradually increased their lead and although Coach Adams sent in his wrecking crew tie defeat eould not be averted. Any other department teams who question the casaba supremacy of the scribes quintet and desire to pit a squad against it may negotiate with Harry Dutton for games. lineup or reams: Scribes (23) Lawyers (10) Milligan (7) ....g. (1) Tarshis Foster (4) .g. (1) Adams Horn (8) .e. (2) Denseo Jones (2) ..!.f. (1) Gordon Dutton (2) .£... (5) Madame X Referee: Dave Epps. Subs—Scribes: Field for Foster; Lawyers: Reid, Gregg, Cohn, Oehler. Dean Straub; “Grand Old Man of Oregon.” Honored i. npHIS'is the life size portrait of John Straub, dean emeritus of men which was unveiled with ceremonies during the Homecoming cele bration. The picture was painted by Julian Lamar, noted artist of New York. During itoe ceremony of unveiling, Dean Straub was described as the “Students’ friend and counsellor for 50 years.” He has served the University for a half-century and is still active in campus affairs and holds a prominent position in the Greek department. Perplexed Alpha O i Girls Fear Bite of New Mouse Pledge All the beer, pretzels and other ' provisions martialed to feed the hungry alums on Homecoming have been .devoured, but the line must be drawn somewhere, and'the left overs include a little mouse in a green and yellow cage at the Alpha O house. Ho was captured by the house-boy | in the flour bin, where he lived with j his relatives, until his freedom was ! cut short when lured by the smell ! of cheese into what proved to bo j the mouse-trap of destiny. A wire | spring clamped down on his tail and held him fast. Properly groomed and with his j whiskers trimmed, Felix, which is j the mouse ’s name as recorded in the' house guest book, presented a sheik i ish appearance- before . the alums, who commented favorably upon the new pledge. If he 4s mannerly and ; uses his napkin to wipe off his chin - when he -eats his cheese, Felix will be initiated into the house next term. So far he is as modest and shy as any freshman co-ed and the girls all hope that if he ever gains prom inence on the campus, a sophisti cated cynicism will never replace his suffusing blushes. But a great problem is taxing the brains of the Alpha O girls. After tearing up three silk party gowns to make a flannel vest for Felix to keep his shoulders warm during the winter when he listens to serenades from the sleeping porch, they are at a loss to know how they can fit it | on him without having their fingers i mistaken for a piece of cheese. J. Mueller Addresses Social Science Club “Psychology in Sociology?’ was the subject of an address by John Mueller, professor of sociology, be fore the Social Science club at its monthly meeting at tho Anchorage last night. Mr. Mueller discussed the influ ence of psychology on sociological thought, regarding the innate traits of the human being that influence his social instinct’s and behavior. Hitherto sociology has been re jecting the innateness of man’s so cial instincts, Mr. Mueller said, by the contention that social institu tions are conditioned by social rather , than innately psychological factors. No Withdrawal Cards Issued After Today Today is the last day that one i maty conveniently withdraw from the University. Any homesick frosh who thinks he might not finish the term had better make up his mind and do it quickly. Withdrawal cards must be filled out and filed at the Registrar’s office before 5 o’clock tonight, according to Earl M. Pal lett. After today one will have to go through a great deal of “red tape” to get out of school without ‘taking flunks. Recognition Service For Y. W. Members Will Be Held Today -r Amid tlie flickering light, of many candles and the so’emn strains of “Holy, Holy, Holy,” chanted by the vesper choir, the new and old mem bers of, the Y. W. C. A. will have their annual recognition service in the Bungalow at d o’clock this aft ernoon. Every girl who has ever signed a Y membership card is invited to be present and make her pledge or renew it. rauline Stewart is in charge of the candle-lighting serv ice. The girls of the vesper choir will lead the ceremony, carrying a can dle lighted from the tall candle in the center of the room. They will march out to the siderValk, form in two lines, and thus make an aisle through which the new members may pass. Bruce G. Gray Visits Campus in Interest Of Foreign Missions Bruce-G. Gray, traveling secretary of the student movement for for eign missions, is now on the eamipus and will leave this evening to* visit other colleges in Oregon. The pur pose of these visits is to arouse student interest in the Detroit tenth quadrennial convention of student volunteers of America, which is made up of delegates of all the col leges and universities in America. Dr. Francis Wei, and Dr. Henry Hodgkins, are two of the noteworthy speakers who are to speak at the Convention, according to Mr. Gray. Dr. Wei is president of the United Christian colleges of China, and Dr: Hodgkins is an exceptionally fine speaker. "His understanding of what is going on in the world today is, probably, not surpassed by any other,” said Gray. Other speakers include Dr. Richard Roberts of Tor onto, Dr. John R. Mott, Dr. Sher wood Eddy, and Mordeeai Johnson, the great Negro leader. The purpose of the convention, according to a Detroit leaflet, is, ‘‘to make available to a large group of students as much data as possible on the missionary situation in all its aspects, free from any sense of pressure of propaganda that will make our evaluation invalid.” ‘‘The approach is antirely educa tional and not propaganda,” said Mr. Gray. W. G. Beattie Attends Jefferson Institute Because of the paralysis scare, the Coos county institute which was to likve been held at Marshfield to day and tomorrow his been can celed. Professor W. G. Beattie of the extension division has gone to Madres to attend the Jefferson county institute. Ha will return late Thursday evening. Students Must Lose Holiday Visits Home * i Oregon Team Goes To Meet Husky Horde Players Are Determined To Give Washington Hard Battle Team Leaves on Sliasla At 6:40 Tonight Facing almost certain defeat, the Oregon football team will leave for Seattle at l>:40 this evening, where it will clash with Washington on Thanksgiving day. The Web foots are not confident of a victory, bat they are determined to give the Huskies the sort of battle that lias been characteristic, of Iho Oregon elevens of the past. The Webfooters concluded active practise last night with a spirited workout. The team is in as good condition as it lias boon at any time during the season, with pos sibly the exception of the Idaho game. Oregon has nothing to losjc in the Husky contest, and has every thing t» gain. Coach McEwan has used his passing attack very con servatively all season, and will probably instruct the team in a wide-open style of play. Husky Plays Used If Oregon loses, it will be just another defeat, but if Oregon wins, it will turn a disastrous season into a semblance of success. Even a close game wjll bring a degree of credit to the Webfooters. Reports from Seattle declare that Bagsliaw’s men are overconfident. The situa tion is almost identical to that of itwo years ago, when a supposedly outclassed Webfoot team fought its wav t.o within one point of victory, 15 to 14. Perhaps the time is ripe for a repetition of this incident. “Spike” Leslie, assistant eoacli, has been scouting the Huskies all season, and has given his informa tion to a team picked from the frosh squad. During the last, few nights of practice the varsity lias been pitted against the frosh in an at tempt to familiarize it with the Washington style of offensive and defensive. four ienermen win piny unerr last game for Oregon on Thanks giving day. Tlie.se men, Captain Beryl Hodgen, Victor Wetzel, Ho mer Dixon, and John Warren, are reluctant to leave the University without experiencing a 1927 con ference victory. Williams To Go Chuck Williams, who was injured in scrimmage last week, will make the trip. It is probable that he will not play, but will be on Ihc bench as a reserve. The varsity roster includes: George Burnell, Victor Wetzel, Ted Pope, Frank Riggs, Roland Cole man, LaSalle Coles, Homer Dixon, Cotter Gould, Tony Greer, Harold Hatton, Beryl Hodgen, Chester Jamcison, Robert Keeney, Dave Uasei, Del Monte. Everett McCut chan, Arthur Ord, Robert Robinson, Edgar Slauson, George Stadelman, John Warren, Scott Warren, Tom Weems, Charles Williams, Harry Wood, Ira Woodie, and Merrill Hagan. The full staff of coaches will go to Seattle: Captain John J. McEwan, Dick Reed, Gene Vidal, Robert Mautz, and Earl Leslie. Willis D. Fletcher, trainer, and Frank German and Burr Abner, student managers, also arc accom panying the team. Past Scores The following are the scores of the Oregon-Wushington games since 1900: Wash. Oregon 1900 . 0 43 1903 . 0 5 1904 . 0 18 1900 . 12 12 1906 . 6 10 1907 . 0 7 190* . 10 0 1909 ... 20 6 1911 ..'.. 29 1912 . 30 14 1913 . 10 7 1914 ., 10 0 1916 . 0 0 1939 . 13 24 1920 . 0 17 1922 . 3 3 1923 . 24 7 1924 . 3 7 1920 . 10 14 1096 . 23 9 Total Washington scores, 219; total Oregon scores, 211. Precaution Against Infantile Paralysis Is Given As .Reason Dr. Hall Asks Parent-Student Co-operation; Social Gatherings for Week-End i Encouraged hy Deans , -—— No! There will bo no Thanksgiving vacation this year! Students of the University of Oregon will not have a vaca tion, President Hall announced last night after consultation with state and Lane county health officers. The presence of infantile paralysis in various parts of the state, and the possi bility that returning students might contract the disease while at home, was given as the reason. So far this year not a single case of paralysis has appeared on the campus and student health has been excellent, it is stated by Ur. Fred N. Miller, University physician. A single case would cause a quarantine of the University district, with the resultant •omplieations, and it is the aim of the Dr. Bailey Willis ^ Will Lecture in Villard Toniglit Authority on Earthquakes To Reveal Secret of Inner Eartli Most of us know that dnncc-hatl floors arc .made of hard-wood hut few of us have more than the slight est inkling about the great earth on which man has roamed for over a thousand centuries say campus au thorities on geology. I)r. Bailey Wil lis, emeritus professor of geology at Stanford university, and o»e of the foremost authorities in the world on the subject of earthquakes, will | reveal some of the earth’s secrets , in his illustrated lecture this cven I ing in Villard hall. Dr. Willis will run the entire gamut of earthquake history from biblical times 1o the present .day, painting his vivid depictions with personal anecdotes gleaned from a life of exploration and adventure in many parts of the world. In some j of the recent great earthquakes, Dr. Willis was on the ground to make personal investigations. He so close ly predicted the Santa Barbara earthquake, that he was in the city of the morning of the great disaster j ready with his instruments and 1 notebooks for compiling data. The lecture is to be given under the auspices of the Condon club, the Oregon Chapter of the ' Geological end Mining Society of America with tho co-operation of the geology de I partment. This is the first of a ser ies of lectures to he sponsored by | the club on subjects of interest to both layman and persons of a scien tific bent. All students and the general public are urged to attend. Tickets are on sale for 25 cents at the Co-op and may also be bought at the door. As Dr. Willis is donat ing his services, the money taken in on the tickets will bn used solely to help defray expenses of the lec ture. Blue-Jeaned Co-Eds Ride to Party on Hay (By Pacific Intercollegiate PrestO STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Nov. 21.—“Whore are you going my •pretty maid!” “I’M going a llaying sir,” slio said. Four great liav wagons wore used to carry on hundred blue-joaned wo men on the annual A. W. S. hay ride held last week. The women rode to the Stanford Isolation hos pital and presented an entertain ment there. English Assistants Win Poetry Honors Walter Evans Kidd and Ernest Krkilla, graduate assistants in the department of English, were given honorable mention in the Witter Bynncr poetry contest which was held recently. Kidd took his 15.A. degree here in 1026, and Krkilla is a graduate of the University of Montana. University aufhorit tes to avoid such a danger. k Although tlie students will lose flip .privilege of seeing their parents and relatives this week, they will actually gain four days this term, since by holding school on Friday the University will lie able to com plete all examinations by Friday, December Id. It. was originally planned to hold examinations on December It) and 20. Class Attendance Required The danger of contagion arises not alone from students visiting their hemes, it is pointed out, but also | from chance contacts on trains and 1 in crowded places. Full approval of the movement made by the Univer , sity was given by Dr. S. M. Korron, city and county health officer of Eu gene and Lane county, and by state health authorities. It is pointed out that contagion from other diseases will also bo avoided, and that stu dent health will not suffer as is usually the ease after vacations. a Students will be required to at tend classes on Wednesday and Fri day and any student missing these classes will not be allowed to take final examinations in subjects missed. It is also planned to have social activities .planned for this week-end, in order to make the campus stay enjoyable. These in clude a campus dance Wednesday night, attendance at the “grid graph” of the Oregon-Washington game Thursday, and parties aird dances on other nights. Hall Asks Student Cooperation “The University has so far been spared in the present epidemic,” stated Dr. Hall in making the an nouncement. “It is our determina tion to do everything within our I power to protect the health of the ! sons and daughters of pareuts of this state. Many fathers and mo thers, as well as students, will bo deeply disappointed in not being at home together for Thanksgiving, which causes mo deep regret; but I bespeak on the part of the fathers and mothers their earnest coopera tion in the .present program, con ceived and executed for the sole pur pose of protecting the interests of | their children in particular and the public health in general. | in uic smile spirit 1 lnvue inn ! eordial and sincere cooperation of tlie students, and hope that they may find ways and moans of mak ing their Thanksgiving in Eugene a happy and memorable one.” In ease of emergency or necessity tt leave, students may get excuses from the dean of men and the dean of women, but all excuses to bo valid must be secured in advance, it is stated. No Paralysis Cases on Campus Rumor has rapidly spread among the students and townspeople about the general situation and about tho actuality of a case of infantile paralysis on the University campus. There is not a case on.the Univer sity campus. The .precautions are merely being taken beeauso of the proximity of so many eases and their generally widespread nature, and tho | possibility of a further spread upon the students’ return. i As for the rules concerning Thurs day, Saturday, and Sunday, the sup position of the health officers and faculty members in yesterday’s meeting was that no definite ruling I could be .passed, but that students would be encouraged to remain in i (Continued on page four)