Oregon Sailg jfmetalii University of Oregon, Eugene KAY NASH, Editor MILTON GEORGE, Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Robert Galloway .. Managing Editor Walter Coover . Claudia Fletcher Ass’t. Managing Editor Richard H. Syring Arthur Schoeni . Telegraph Editor Donald Johnston .... Carl Gregory . P. I. P. Editor Margaret Long . Arden X. Pangborn, .. Literary Editor News and Editor Phones, 655 DAY EDITORS: William Schulze, Dorothy Baker, Mary McLean, Frances Cherry, Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten. NIGHT EDITORS: Lynn Wykoff, chief; J. E. Caldwell, Robert Johnson, Floyd Horn, L. H. Mitchelmore, Ralph David. Assistants: Rex Tussing, Vinton Hail, Myron Griffen, Harold Bailey, Harry Tonkon, William Finley, Joe Freck, Everett Kiehn. SPORTS STAFF: Joe Pigney, Harry Dutton, Chalmers Nooe, Glenn Godfrey, Chandler Brown. FEATURE STAFF: Flossie Radabaugh, Florence Hurley, Edna May Sorber, John Butler, Clarence Craw, Charlotte Kiefer, Walter Butler. UPPER NEWS STAFF: Amos Burg, Miriam Shepard, Ruth Hansen, LaWanda Fenlason. § NEWS STAFF: Margaret Watson, Wilford Brown, Grace Taylor, Charles Boice, Elisc Schroeder, Naomi Grant, Orpha Noftsker, Paul Branin, Maryhelen Koupal, Josephine Stofiel, Thirza Anderson, Etha Jeanne Clark, Mary Frances Dilday, Wil liam Cohagen, Elaine Crawford, Audrey Henrikson, Phyllis Van Kimmell, Margaret Tucker, Gladys Blake, Ruth Craeger, Martiel Duke, Serena Madsen, Betty Hagen, Leonard Delano, Fred Junker, Thelma Kem. BUSINESS STAFF LARRY THIELEN—Associate Manager Ruth Street . Advertising Manager Eb Bissell .... Circulation Manager Bill Hammond . Ass’t. Advertising Mgr. Bill Bates .... Foreign Adv. Mgr. Vernon McGee . Ass’t. Advertising Mgr. Wilbur Shannon .... Ass’t. Circulation Mgr. j Lucielie George . Mgr. Checking Dept. ADVERTISING SALB1SMEN—Bob Moore, Maurine Lombard, Charles Reed, : Francis Mullins, Eldred Cobb, Eugene l^aird, Richard Horn, Harold Kester, Helen Williams, Christine Graham. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during the college year. Member United Press News Service. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate PreflB. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Orgon, as second-class matter. Subscrip- | tion rates, $2.60 per yea?. Advertising rates upon application. Kesideaie phone, editor, 721; manager, 2799. Business office phone, 1895. I Day Editor This Issue—Frances Cherry \ | *’ Night Editor This Issue—Ralph David Harry Tonkon SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1927." .. Associate Editor . Sports Editor .. Feature Editoi _ Society Editor More Formidable Foes Than Doubt O sequence is more ordered than A- si (lie fervent concern of each parent generation for the welfare of its successor. And so it is that in an age when youth goes to col lege, education becomes the fodder of rumination for many persons conscious of social responsibility. Oeorge Thomas White Patrick is one of these. Professor Patrick has .just rounded out his fortieth year as an observer of undergraduates from a philosophy dais at the Uni versity of Iowa. The cardinal weakness of colleges, generally is their dissociation from the world, is his criticism in Forum. He points to the wavering of stan dards brought on by the collapse of the nineteenth century cate chism: Liberty, Equality, Effi ciency, Opportunity, Organization, Science, Invention, lie concludes: “Our colleges must not develop a spirit of doubt and critical aloof ness, but awaken and encourage a sense of responsibility to society and the state and genuine com munity enthusiasm. "They must not cause our youth to" lose touch with the world but to get in touch with Before all, Professor Patrick must realize that normal doubt is the larva of progress. And though it gorges ruthlessly during this period, it is destined to eventually meta morphose into an ideal which will •inspire social advance. Ferments arising from young rebels through out history have been the purga tives on which has depended a tol erable (Mvilization. There is occasion for greater anx iety, we believe, in that modern edu cation tends to force the transition from the omnivorous skepticism of the larva to the complacent passiv ity of a pupa. Undiscriminating enthusiasm for state and community is the major dominant now in American society. And the protesting minor is soft pedalled. It isn’t good for business. We recognize that the argument for social consciousness and interest in the affairs of the world commun ity is eminently sound. But we em phatically disagree with any aprita ism that would induce harmony without critically determining the, values of its elements. Liberty, Equality, Efficiency, Op- , portunity, Organization, Science,! Invention—these basic values which are responsible for the state of ci\-< ilization today are deposed. What is to rejdaco them demands a su perior discernment and wisdom which in no way can be engen dered by an appreciation of things as they are. Evolution has been proved hopelessly inadequate; revo lution must determine. TIIE averuge euliege, student is more or less envious of tile fel low st intent who boasts a string of honorary fraternal badges spread across iiis vest and is not slon to embrace the opportunity to increase it.” Dead limber: 'A Dead Weight his own collection. The desire to conduct oneself as to gain recogni tion is u commendable trait, pro vided that the recognition is of a character which warrants the effort put forth. Most campuses have a numerous collection of honorary fraternities. In many cases there'is a plus qual ity. The groups may be roughly divided into two classes: those I which bring together a number of selected students for the better studying of their chosen profession; and what might be called the hon orary honoraries. Formed with a serious purpose in view, the professional honoraries, as a class, justify their existence. Many of groups iu the second class are just another mentis of taking more time and money from the students who are invited to be come members. Flections are not on the tm.sis of any real merit dem onstrated in the conduct of affairs. It often happens that a student is chosen for membership without having had an opportunity to show whether he was in possession of any special abilities or entirely devoid of them. This is especially true of iionorflries whose ranks are filled by representatives of the various living organizations of the campus. Uy the same token, however, these honorary fraternities which have no real purpose or well-defined niche in the scheme of things are a means of wasting the time of stu dents whose abilities might be of real value elsewhere.f The University of Washington chapter of Sigma Delta Dili, men’s professional journalism f rtiternitjc, according to the Daily, has subject ed itself to a self-imposed house cleaning. For three weeks, its1 members scrutinized their chapter i in an effort to determine its worth ! to them; their worth to the chap- i ter; and the worth of the chapter’s | work to the campus. The exam inn- ! tion completed, they were able to’ go ahead..with the fraternity’s pro-| gram with the feeling that their i time was not being wasted. In commenting upon the fritter-] nity’s action, an editorial in the Daily says: “ Many groups whose object and purpose in the end is comparatively trivial and inconsequential, would, if they once forced themselves to such treatment, soon cease to oc cupy student time and attention and would vanish into an appro priate limbo. "Other organizations of unques tioned value, if they examined their purpose and object in similar man ner would clarify in thu minds (if their members the purposes for which they exist and determine ex actly what contributions they have made and can make to the Univer sity.'’ Membership in campus honoraries are often overlapping in that many individuals are members of several organizations. An earnest internal investigation of itself by each hon 01 orv group on the Oregon campus would do much toward clearing stu j dent activities of a quantity of dead j timber whose presence is a dead weight about the neck of .real I achievement. —W. C. Spanish Speakings Students Organize New Language Club \ lieu i lull nl whose meetings only Spanish is to In' spoken, and whose purpose (hi* jiromotion of interest in Spanish speaking eoun trios, «us organized lit a Uleeting ot students and faculty held Thursday afternoon in tin' Oregon building. Jean Tompkins, senior major in TOtuauee languages, was elected presi dent of the new organization, and Alida Thiriwcll, freshuinn in music, was chosen secretui v, Tlie name ot 1lie dub "ill be selected later. The dub is planning some talks to hi gh eu by per; is iul*-! -tel in its program, ami is also expecting j to give some plays in Spanish, ac-j cording to the president. The first regular meeting will lie held Thurs day, 1 >ovember t>, the program and place of meeting to l>o determined I later. Any interested student who’ speaks Spanish is asked by the pres- , idea' to tvaleh for further news of the club, (liy United 1’rcs.s) KOMK, Italy , Nov. 18. —t’ardinal | John Bon/.auo, former papal dele-j gate tec Washington and papal dele gate to the Kueharistie conference hold in Chicago last year, is erlti rally ill. lie will undergo an opera tion Saturday morning. The opera tion is described ns the only hope I for saving his life. j TfeSEVEN > SEERS r ^ Did you hear about the gentle man from Scotland who lost his eyesight while trying to read a newspaper by the light of bia luminous-face alarm clock? TWO INSTITUTIONS CLAIM ‘OREGON STATE’ (By Clothes Pres*) SALEM, Ore., Nor. 18.—(Special) —A committee representing the Oregon State prison appeared before Governor Patterson here today to protest the use by another institu tion of the nanio “Oregon State,” which for so many years has been undisputedly attached to prison athletic teams. TODAY’S GEOGRAPHICAL ANSWER “Goiu’ to the dance?” “I guess Siam.” (And she laughed, etc., etc.) The Seven Seer Oregana team, under the leadership of Chot Kiefer, and long thought of as a dark horse contender for honors in the recent subscription race, has finiohejl a poor fourth, according to figures made public late last night by Ron Hubbs. Not a single volume was sold, with the exception of a back cover which was purchased from the team by a women’s club and which is to be presented as a door mAt to the proposed Fins Afcte building. Giajtohen is afraid the “Slow School” painted ou the pavement »o near the. campus doesn’t speak very well for the University. • * * TODAY’S MILL RACE CANDI DATE . The playful brother who paints a great big yellow “O” on the pack of our tux coat. The blonde senior With the cof fee-stained mustache says you eau always toll when a fraternity man is in the infirmary. He cats a tot to make up for lo$t time (or meals). Reginald’s mother wouldn't let him play football—she was afraid he might catch cold in an open field. A BACHELOR’« SWEETHEART SONO Love, applesauce, slush, rot: I glory that I lore thee not. And when I die, if such may be, I hope I go not THERE with thee. (She is only a bootlegger’s daugh ter—her father is chased; she isn*t. I'rof: “And now how would you classify woman?” Wise One: “Well, in the arms ot a man, 1 should say she were nest to nothing.” (Contributed by school of physical ed.) It remained for the A\ O. Pi’e to dope out a scheme for making up for small helpings received at the table. While the idea has been tried only on sherbet, it seems feasiblo enough to work on almost anything. Four (or any number, as far as that goes) shout in unison, "We feel slighted." If the results don’t bring at least a dishpan full, as was the case with sherbet, then it has failed. ETIQUETTE HINT It is perfectly proper to uot take hot- t« oat after a formal, providing you explain that you don’t dare eit down in your tux. Frpsh Ben Dover, after reading the classified ads in the Emerald, says a person is liable to lose al most anything. Just in one day a lb foot ladder was lostt near the Theta house and some Alpha Chi O lost her pin. Hut then, iu the long run. fewer sorority pins are lost than fraternity pins. LAUGH AND SHOW YOOTR IG NOKANCE. Si-L V K_\ SEEKS. Martha Spafford Says Old Italian Towns Interesting Feature of Trip University Library Worker Travels Two Months In Italy During Five Month Sojourn ■ “What did I enjoy most in my trip to Europe?” repeated Miss Martha Spafford, University Librar ian, who has recently returned from abroad. “I think it was the old fortified wall towns in Italy. I visited seven of them while I was there. They arc charming old plates, all gray and overgrown with weeds and vines. ‘San Gimigniano’ is one of tho old est of them. It was built in the twelfth ecntwy and has thirteen towers, about twenty feet square and built of stone. The various towers were built by quarreling nobles who used to shoot arrows down on their enemies whenever they passed by. Each man tried to , build a tower just a little higher than the other. The tallest one that jl saw there was 176 feet. “From my terrace room at the hotel I could see six of the towers. The hotel there was gray and wea ther beaten on the outside, bnt in side there were electric lights, fans and running water I spent two months out of my five in Italy.” Veniee.was the next place visited by Miss Spafford. “One can’t go through Italy without seeing Ven ice,” she said. “I stayed in the house where Ruslcin lived. The place was very large and, although tho back rooms had been modernized, the large front ones were exactly the same as when he lived there.” Gondolas are not so plentiful as formerly, says Miss Spafford. There were just half as many when she was there this year as there were in 19112. Steam launches are taking the place of the gondolas to a large extent, she said, for they are used just like we use taxicabs. This cuts greatly into the trade of the gondo liers and consequently they have to charge twice as much as they for merly did, she stated. While in Italy Miss Spafford saw a great many notable persons,, in cluding Mussolini, King Emanuel, and Princess Marie-Jose, of Bel gium. Mussolini is well liked in Italy by most of the people, Miss Spafford believes. “He has done lots of good for the working classes,” she said. For in stance, on week days tho working men only have to pay half fare on the street cars. On Sundays there ig an extra charge though, so that almost makes up for the loss that would otherwise result.” “1 was in Paris during the Sacco* Vanzetti riots,” Miss Spafford stat ed, “and I think that the newspa pers over-emphasized them. The only mobs there were mudo up of foreign anarchists who wanted to stage a revolution. The Paris police did wonderful work in keeping the frenzied anarchists under control, and later forced them to leave the city.” Miss Spafford regards Lindbergh as the greatest ambassador that was ever sent to France. “When I first went to Paris in May,” she said, “the Parisians were indifferent, even sullen, to the Americans. After Lindbergh came they were cordial again. Everyone was carrying a Lindbergh doll, which was dressed in khaki and had^very long legs and arms. The faces and hair on these dolls looked exactly like that of the hero. There were a great many Lindbergh medals on sale there too. “While I was in Paris I met Miss Florence White.who taught Spanish at this University several years ago,” Mis3 Spafford continued. “She had recently come from Spain where she had attended college on a schol arship won from Brvn Mawr. She is now head of the Spanish depart ment at Milwaukee-Donor College, Wisconsin.” ”1 spent two weeks in the lake district in England, visiting Gras mero where Wordsworth used to live, and also the grammar school at, Hawkesbery, just seven miles from Grasmere, whene he went when a boy. His name was carved on the desk and a p.iece of glass had been put over it to protect it from the contact of visitors.” Two weeks were spent in Switzer land by Miss Spafford. “It looked exactly as if the whole thing had just been gone over with a scrub bing brush,” she said, “with the white capped mountains above and the green valleys below. “Yes, they yodel there in the farming districts just as they do on the American stages,” she replied with a smile, to a question asked by the reporter. “Every morning when one wakes up in the small villages there he hears the tinkling of eow bells. All the bells seems to har monize when they ring.” This is the fourth time that Miss Spafford has been to Europe. “The next time I go I hope to visit Spain and a number of the countries that I missed this time,” she concluded. Phil Bergh Gets Work With Jantzen Company Phil Bergh, senior in the Univer sity last year in foreign trade, has just been placed by the school of business administration in a posi tion with the Jautzen Knitting Mills in Portland. Mr. Bergh will study the merchandising, production, and finance policies of the firm, with particular emphasis on the foreign trade aspects. lie began work with the company November 17. Phi Delta Phi banquet Sunday at 6:30 at the Osborne hotel. All law students and pre-law majors are invited. Special practise of Y. W. Five o’Clock Chorus, Monday evening at Bungalow at s o ciock. v ery important. t. W. C. A. discussion group: “Poetry,” Dr. Smertenko, Sunday, 7:30 p. m. “Belation Between Men and Wom#n,” Miss- Thomas, Monday, 3 p. m. “Psychology and Religion,” Dr. Conklin, Monday, 4 p. in. Try Emerald Classified Ads. Send the Emerald Home. Enjoy Your Sunday Dinner —with— “Dinty” Moore % AND HIS Orchestra We are opening up 30 additional booths—making a total of 52 booths to serve you this wonderful Turkey dinner. | Special Sunday Dinner Menu .* From 32 to 8 P. M., Nov. 20, 1927. 75c 75c COCKTAIL | Fruit - : I SOUP Cream of Chicken | RELISH | Hearts of Celery Bipe Olives | Sweet Pickcs CHOICE OF ENTREES | Boast Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce m | M Fricassee of Chicken and Dumplings Baked Young Chicken, Celery Dressing Chicken a la King on Toast g Fillet of M'ignou, Muchroom, Sauce j Baked Virginia Ham, Candied Sweets Special T-Bone Steak, Mushroom Sauce Mashed Potatoes Vegetables | DESSERTS Fruit Jello Ice Cream or Pie DRINKS 1 Coffee Milk or Tea SinniminitimiiiiiniHHBmiliiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiHmilnimiuiiumiiiiinimniiimilUilimimmiiimiiinJHiliHnitimmimiminiMileiiiilUiS College Side Inn _ % Wonder What an All-Star Half Back Thinks About ; ,; By briggs wCLW>iVa off ffo* MV 39 m •••.' rcet,so Sovn fexOFF ■ Those guvs voho're Yelling FOR A TOUChVOUIaJ OUGHTa GOME ©OUJfO O/O The F«ElI> AMD TrV To MAKE <5(OE i Loo* at that, luckv stiff yp tM THE »STAMDS LtGHTIM* A <3l<3A«eTTE WMArr 1*0 FOR * \ CifiARETTe RlfiMT NOW . OH,BOV * "Three months . VMtTHOVT A SMOKf; t*M PCD IH> Of** BOOTSALC. VA/HBN this season’s OVeR i'm im* to buV Me A CARTOM OF OLD Golds and smokf 'em ALL AT ONE 51TTIN* JL i Old Gold ^ The Smoother and Better Cigarette _not a cough in a carload ©119*7. P. Lorilltrd Co . Eit. 1760