Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 17, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    ©regott ©ailg jpmetalh
University of Oregon, Eugene
Robert Galloway ... Managing Editor
Claudia Fletcher Ass’t. Managing Editor
Arthur Schoeni . Telegraph Editor
Carl Gregory . P. I. P. Editor
Arden X. Pangborn, ... Literary Editor
Walter Coover ... Associate Editor
Richard H. Syring . Sports Editor
Donald Johnston . Feature Editoi
Margaret Long ..... Society Editoi
News and Editor Phones, G55
DAY EDITORS: William Schulze, Dorothy Baker, Mary McLean, Frances Cherry,
Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten.
NIGHT EDITORS: Lynn Wykoff, chief: J. E. Caldwell, Robert Johnson,
Floyd Horn, L. H. Mitehelmore, Ralph David. Assistants: Rex Tussing, Vinton
Hall, Myron Griffcn, Harold Bailey, Harry Tonjkon, William Finley, Joe Freck,
Everett Kiehn.
SPORTS STAFF: Joe Pigney, Harry Dutton, Chalmers vNooc, Glenn Godfrey,
Chandler Brown.
FEATURE STAFF: Flossie Radnbaugh, Florence Hurley, Edna May Sorber, John
Butler, Clarence Craw, Charlotte Kiefer, Walter Butler.
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Amos Burg, Miriam Shepard, Ruth Hansen, LaWanda
NEWS STAFF: Margaret Watson, Wilford Brown, Grace Taylor. Charles Boice,
Elise Schroeder. Naomi Grant, Orpha Noftsker, Paul Branin, Maryhelen Koupal,
Josephine Stofiel, Thiiza Anderson, Etha Jeanne Clark, Mary Frances Dilday, Wil
liam Cohagen, Elaine Crawford, Audrey Henrikson, Phyllis Van Kimmell, Margaret
Tucker, GIndys Blake, Ruth Craeger, Martiel Duke, Serena Madsen, Betty Hagen,
Leonard Delano, Fred Junker, Thelma Kem.
LARRY THI ELEN—Associate Manager
Ruth Street . Advertising Manager Eb Bisscll . Circulation Manager
Bill Hammond . Ass't. Advertising Mgr. Bill Bates . Foreign Adv. Mgr.
Vernon McGee . Ass’t. Advertising Mgr. Wilbur Shannon _ Ass’t. Circulation Mgr.
Lucielle George . Mgr. Checking Dept.
ADVERTISING SALESMEN—Bob Moore, Maurine Lombard, Charles Reed,
Francis Mullins, Eldred Cobb, Eugene Laird, Richard Horn; Harold Kester, Helen
Williams, Christine Graham.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during the
college year. Member United Press News Service. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate
Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Orgon, as second-class ’matter. Subscrip
tion rates, $2,60 per year. Advertising rates upon application. Residence phone,
editor, 721; manager, 2799. Business office phone- 1896.
Day Editor Thin lame—Mary McLean
Night Editor This laaue—William Finley
Assistant Night Editors—Bob Johnson
Working Way
Doesn’t Pay
FIGURES from the registrar’s of
fice show that more than three
fourths of all students on the camp
us are to some degree financially in
dependent. Income from part-time
jobs is a usual method of defraying
some of the cost of education at
Experimentation with arrange
ments for alternating remunerative
work and study has not been lack
ing. Antioch college is foremost in
this field with an oscillating pro
gram, carefully balanced, which pro
vides that work periods intersperse
those of academic attention. Stu
dents support themselves under this
system, caste lines are obliterated,
practical discipline is maintained.
rl'here is little of the country club
about the institution.
At Oregon the self-supporting stu
dent works when he must and
studies when ho may. Curricula are
not designed in his favor as they are
at Antioch where the entire student
group participates. Of his statis
tics, Mr. I’allett says, “. . . students
who must make their own way in
life realize the value of university
training enough to actually earn it
at u sacrifice.”
The Emerald inclines to the opin
ion that students who are self-sup
porting in many cases are probably
not realizing full value. Ami fur
thermore, besides the personal handi
eap of scanty preparation, they tend
to be a depressive on the class as a
whole; an overworked man's atten
tion is too natch averted and ho is
not at his best cither physically or
The courage of many entirely self
supporting students is much more to
be commended than their wisdom.
And it should be / seriously ques
tioned if the University does not do
itself as well as the student body ap
injustice in allowing him to carry
full-time work.
Starring Spirit
At Old Oxford
OT CONTENT with milking tHo
•*■^1 college mini a .jejune jester of
movie palaces, the motion picture
industry is on the point of cxcuriut
iliK him. Stripped of all intelli
gence, dignity and virtue—and now
they are going to exploit even his
This is the good word from the
Isis of Oxford as reported in the
New Student:
‘‘Oxford is to he filmed in order
to acquaint mankind with what Ox
ford stands for; what Oxford is and
has been; to set forth in moving pic
turrs the essential spirit of Ox
As all Amerieau students will al
ready ruefully have guessed, the ve
hicle for this altruistic portrayal of
the “essential spirit of Oxford” is
a scenario adapted from a trivial
novel of twenty years ago. "A sen
timental love story,” snorts the in
censed Isis, “about a young don,
•with the inevitable ending on the
chancel steps.”
Of course we sympathize with Ox
ford students in their futile protest
against “the latest atrocity.” But
we cannot help being eager to view
this new marvel of cincmaphoto
graphy. Tlie “essential spirit” of a
great university will lie isolated,
captured, imprisoned in a , slender
celluloid ribbon!
We only wonder that better dis
ciplined—more tangible—spirit than
Oxford’s was not chosen. There has
been some mistake we arc convinced,
but it may be that spirit photo
graphs quite as well in English fog
as it would in the Hollywood sun
shine. Anyway, majors in technical
training for the motion picture in
dustry at U. 8. C. should not feel
too disconsolate. In college spirit
pictures they will have a wealth of
material for research and senior
theses. *
T hunks giving
Is Anticipated
\ S IS THE custom, the president
hus duly 'set aside the last
Thursday of November as a day in
which to “consider the manifold
blessings granted to us.”
With that day but a week off, stu
dent plans as to how it is tq be ob
served are already will formulated.
Most of them will spend Thanks
giving day and the week-end fol
lowing in giving- the homo folks a
treat. Some will visit with friends
and relatives. Some will remain on
the campus and do as best they can
to enjoy the vacation.
How will these young college folk
give, thanks for the “manifold
blessings” which they have been
permitted to enjoy ? Will they do
as much as give thanks?
As youngsters they were regaled
with tales of how the hardy Pilgrim
fathers sallied forth into the woods
and shot down the wild turkeys
which were to decorate the festive
-boards; of how these same Pilgrims
Went to church on Thanksgiving
Day with the trusty blundnrbus
ready for use in self-defense.
The heroic tales aroused a desire
on the part of the modern youth to
emulate the early colonists as nearly
as possible in these civilized times;
and they did so in the most obvious
manner which was to partake lib
erally of all the good things placed
on the table.
As the. youngsters grow older and
reached high school age, some of
the glamour of the occasion was
missing. They no longer listened
to stirring stories but perhaps had
to tell them to younger brothers and
sisters. They began to overhear
the parents deciding flic momentous
question as to whether or not turkey
was to be had without too great a
strain on the family pocketbook.
Not a bad old custom, they may
have thought, yet somowhpt strange
that one must count his money to
sei- if he-can be thankful in the ac
cepted manner.
Now that these youngsters have
become university men and women,
what do they sav? They will not
be found uttering profuse thanks
for this and for that. They are too
much a part of the times to show
such sentiment.
I’niversity students are thankful
for the opportunities which have
been given them by their parents
and by the tax-payers of the state,
but they say nothing. Their code
demands silence.
—W. C.
To Determine
Term Grades for
AH (’inder Hopefuls
A track moit of all the aspiring
cinder uii’u will bo held near the
1‘iul of the term to determine tho
grades, states William L. Hayward,
head track mentor. At present track
is moving rather slow due to the
unsettled condition of the weather.
Material, for the present, is not
what is should be, asserts Hayward.
At the close of the ic -.ill si.is u
there will bo track men of experi
ence in tho ranks.
A round-robin track tourney will
bo liobl during tlie winter term in
which ilayward hopes to get a line
on tho mon for tho spring training
period. A good share of a track
moot can bo hold inside of tho pa
vilion. All the events except the
javelin and tho discuss can bo hold
on the maple floor.
Tho tourney will bo conducted in
such a way that nil teams will gct«
la moot a like number of times.
Competitive traiuing will bo tho big
lvuturc ot the vviuUr turn.
* * *
We suppose in that ease lie will
almost have to change his famous
phrase to “I do not choose to whittle
in 1928.”
Harold “All-nite” Parker, local
boy who recently filed for a patent
on a new rumble seat. Harold knows
the great popularity of such seats
and also realizes how useless they
are in winter. In making his revol
utionary invention he has overcome
this objection but has not lost site
of the chief lures of rumble seats—
cramped position of occupants and
necessity to climb to get in. His
idea is merely to jam the back seat
of an ordinary sedan up against the
front seat and have the entrance
through a trap door in the top. This
satisfies the climbing instinct and
at the same time fills the demand
for uncomfortable riding.
*■ * *
When you know darned well a
woman isn’t speaking the truth—
”Oh no, I never eat after a show.”
• w * *
”Xs this a dry town?”
“Say; the football team has to
get a permit to uncork an attack.”
“Why are you wearing that Jap
anese cloak this evening?”
“it’s Nippon cold outside.” (And
she laughed as though. . . .)
A serenade during the past week
end, so late at night that there will
probably have to be a new law
against forenoon serenades, was un
able to get any response at a certain
sorority house. They sang any
songs they could think of at first,
but no response. Then they sang
the Pledge Song—no one stirred.
Then they sung the Star Spangled
Banner. (Names of serenaders and
house upon request) <
She is only an ex-house manager’s
daughter, but she sure lias a lot of
* * *
Where did you get your fur coat?”
“Oh yawse, my people arc in oil.”
So are sardines” shouts Gretchen,
and she laughs and laughs.
It’s too bad some church doesn’t
start having freo Sunday night
movies; it would give Eddie Walker
and his Sunday night dates some
thing to do besides the inevitable
bridge game.
Clara Bow's
The other day in an English
Poetry class, a selection was read
about the fallen angels in “Paradise
Lost”: "Alt these and more came
flocking, but with looks downcast
and damp.”
“That’s the first reference in lit
erature about anyone being ‘all
wet’,” explained Professor Ilowe.
* *• *
We don’t know but wc sort of im
niagine that after tlie S. A. E.’s
move into their new home the ten
nis court may be the scene of some
pitched battles between the Chi
Omegas and the owners of the house
on the corner.
The one who heats the butter car
| tons so he can get all the butter out
of them.
• * *
i Some of Del Monte's old friends
, are .just discovering that lie is on
the campus this year. Now that his
[hair is growing out again they arc
able tt> recognize him.
CHI OMEGA. (By her anklets)
1 Bulletin
Oregon Knights meet at 7:30 in
Administration building.
Will the following Order of the “O”
men please report to the men’s
room in the Woman’s building at
10:50 today to administer the
necessary punishment to Fresh
men—Hidings, Magee, Hpps, Hut
ton, and Crowley? -•
Intramural basketball, men’s gym
nasium, 4:15, Delta Tau Delta vs.
Beta Theta Pr; Alpha Upsilon vs.
Phi Kappa I’si. McArthur Court,
Friendly Hall vs. Psi Kappa at
4:15; Phi Delta Theta vs. Alpha
Tau Omega at 5 o’clock.
The girls of the Y. W. C. A. chorus
please learn the first, second, and
fourth verses of “Holy, Holy,
Holy” before next Tuesday.
To-Ko-Lo meeting tonight, College
Side Inn, 7:30. The attendance
of all initiated and uninitiated
members is urged.
Agora: Very important meeting to
night at 7:30 at 1370 Beech street.
Matters of extreme importance
will be discussed. All members
are requested to be there. Maddox
on the Future.
Sigma Delta Chi meet at Anchorage
today noon.
Order of the “O"—There will be a
meeting of the Order of the “O”
at 11 o’clock in the men’s gym.
Frank Riggs, “Prexy.”
The volleyball games for women of
Tuesday, November 22, have been
changed to Tuesday, November
29, and games of Tuesday, No
vember 29, set ahead to Thursday,
December 1.
Don’t forget the Wesley club line
party Friday night. First thing
on the program is “Tillie the
Toiler,” at the Heilig, and after
that a big surprise. There will
be cats. Meet at the Methodist
churc.li at 7:30.
The Mathematics club will not meet
this month.
Alpha Delta Sigmas
Attend Corvallis Meet
The members of the W. F. G.
Tliaeher chapter of Alpha Delta
Sigma, national advertising frater
nity, attended a .joint meeting with
the O. S. C. chapter of Alpha Delta
Sigma at Corvallis last night. The
meeting was for all the advertising
clubs of the state. Clubs from Port
land, Salem, Albany and Kugcne
were represented. . —■
Shining and Cleaning
Corner 13th and Alder
MCDONALD — First day—“Rose
of The Golden West,” with Mary
Astor and Gilbert Roland; also,
“Collegions”; George McMurphey’s
“Kollege Knights,” in a “Spanish
Serenade,” featuring “Spanish
Nights,” from “Creole Moon,” by
Billy O’Bryant; Frank Alexander
on the' organ; Paramount News.
HEILIG—Association vaudeville.
Weston’s Models D’Art in “Repro
ductions from Famous Galleries”;
Kiku and Yoshi present a “Japan
Our Lenses
Are Best for
Better Vision.
Dr. Roi^al Qick
878 Willamette
Next to First Nat’l. Bank
ese Novelty Equilibrists.” Gus Erd
nian, with songs and jokes, at the
piano. Marjorie Tait and day Zellc,
“Song, Music and Dance.” Tudor
Cameron and Euth Davis will offer
comedy talk, songs and eccentric
comedy dancing. Freddy Holt and
his “Arcadians.” A1 Cooke, Kit
Guard and Alberta Vaughn in
“Sally’s Irish Rose”; Metro News.
* * *
REX—Last day—Thomas Meighan
in “We’re All Gamblers”; also
clever comedy and Oregon Pictorial
news events; Marion Zurchcr at the
“With Eddie Cantor I agree that,
Luckies never irritate the throat”
Said Andrew Tombes to Claire Luce
and Frances Upton during a rehearsal
of The Ziegfeld Follies.
You, too, will find that LUCKY
STRIKES give the greatest
pleasure — Mild and Mellow,
the finest cigarettes you ever
smoked. Made of the choicest
tobaccos, properly aged and
blended with great skill, and
there is an extra process—“IT’S
TOASTED”—no harshness, not
a bit of bite.
“It’s toasted”
No Throat Irritation-No Cough.
Eddie Cantor,
Famous Comedian,
“My voice must be in condition 365
nights a year and when I smoke,
I insist upon Lucky Strikes because
I found from experience that they
don't irritate my throat.’*