Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1927, Image 1

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    Beavers Are
Still Aggies To
State Executive
Hopes of Conference
Victory Grow Dim;
Husky Game Is Noxt
Once upon a time, in 1862 to be
exact, a far seeing national govern
ment authorized the establishment
of an institution in the state of
Oregon for the purpose of promoting
the interests of agriculture; Eight
years later the state, realizing the
importance of the school, accepted
it officially as the agricultural col
lege of Oregon.
For nearly three-quarters of a cen
tury the school has flourished under
this title. It has become one of the
leading agricultural experimental
stations in the country, and is the
source to which many farmers seek
solution for their problems.
Now this institution hopes to cast
aside the name of the industry that
founded it. True, agricultural is not
the limit of the curriculum, but it is
the basis for which the college owes
its existence.
Although the Corvallis institution
has been advertising itself as the
Oregon State College, the governor
of the state has indicated that he
*will oppose the retention of that
title over the original name of Ore
gon Agricultural College.
* » *
After the California-Oregon game
in Portland, L. H. Gregory, sports
editor of the Morning Oregonian,
declared that the Webfooters were
woefully weak in fundamentals. He
again demonstrates the proof of this
by pointing out several faults in
the Oregon football machine which
should have been eliminated early in
the season, but were brought to
light in the Aggie contest. He sug
gests, however, that the great su
periority of the Beavers might have
been the cause of such prominence
to "the Oregon weaknesses.
With the extraordinary success of
the Oregon Homecoming, there are
suggestions of holding the “big
game” in Portland. As football is
becoming a highly commercialized
sport, holding the battle in. the
north would have great financial
advantages. There is, however, a
remnant of sentiment remaining 'on
the campus. To take the annual
game between the rivals of a long
standing tradition away from the
campus would be placing the athlet
ics of the University on a monetary
basis rather than a basis of student
With only one more game remain
ing on the Webfoot schedule, the
possibility of winning a conference
game is more remote than ever. Al
though the Washington Huskies
were defeated by Stanford, they are
still a championship contender. This
year Bagshaw will take no chances
with the Oregon “jinx.” Two years
ago the Web-footers almost fought
the Huskies out of the Pacific coast
title—at that, time the Washington
team declared that it would never
again consider the Oregon game as
a “set up.” That the people of
Seattle have great regard for the
Oregon spirit is proved by the
heavy advance sale for the Thanks
giving day tilt, which is in the
proximity of 25,000.
The last game of the season to be
put on the gridgraph will be the
California-Stanford tilt next Satur
day. This is the big traditional
fray of the South, and the result
will have actual bearing on the
coast championship. A quarter by
quarter summary of the Idaho-O. A.
C. game in Portland will also be
given at the gridgraph, according
to Ed Crowley, who is in charge
for the Order of the “O.”
Mrs. Bevitt to Conduct
Last Piano Class Today
Mrs. Zay Bevitt will hold the last
of her harmony diagram classes in
the school of music today at 1 and
7 p. m., previous to leaving for
Seattle, where she will aid in estab
lishing her piano method in the
public schools.
Mrs. Bevitt’s classes have been
well attended both by University
students and residents of Eugene.
The course has been followed
through her text published by Sher
man and Clay of San Francieso.
During the two weeks’ work, Mrs.
Bevitt has given a remarkable
foundation to people who have had
no previous knowledge of piano
playing. She has also shown many
advanced students how to diagram
pieces as an aid to memorization.,
Jury Acquits Le >
Carrier so Bn s iu
l In
May Invite ( o
_ t*
or re
al of
rs re
(By United Press
Bratianu may seek a b
conciliation with forn
Prince Carol, it was beli
after the surprising a
Michael Manoilescu,' for
secretary of finance, l
martial that tried him f
The verdict was rega
fleeting army sentiment and show
ing that it is not subservient to the
Diplomats characterized the ver
dict as “a cold shower for Premier
By a-s vote of three to two, the
court martial acquitted Manoilescu,
who was charged with trying to
take letters from Carol into the
Grace Gardner
And Joy Ingalls
Play in ‘Swan’
Arthur Anderson Carries
Male Lead in Guild
Hall Production
“The Swan” will be presented at
the Guild Theatre, November 17 and
18, by the class in technique of act
mg under tne di
rection of Miss
Florence E. Wil
bur. The play
will begin prompt
ly each evening at
8 o ’clock instead
of the former
time of 8:30. Re
served seats for
the play may be
obtained at Guild
hall between 3 and
4 o'clock or may Art Anderson
be secured by telephoning 142
“The Swan” gives promise of be
ing one of the most striking dramas
which has ever been produced by the
Guild Theatre group. It is a pe
culiarly difficult play to present, be
cause of the accumulative details
which form the background for the
main plot. It is tire story of a prin
cess, lovely and gracious, who finds
Jier brothers’ tutor .much more con
genial than the Crown Prince, to
Whom she is betrothed. Only the
mastery of Franz Molnar could have
turned out anything more than an
bp-to-date fairy tale. As it moves
under the direction of his careful
diction, the subtleties which under
lie the presentation of each charac
ter come to life and sparkle with
the pungency of his wit. These are
not stodgy characters from Grimm’s
but are outraged royalty in person.
Prineess Beatrice, . played by
Grace Gardner, is not only a royal
match-making mother, but also a
clever woman. In fact, as one of
the feharaeters of the play suggests,
she is the cleverest woman in Eur
ope. This title, however, she dis
claims with the single line; “N-o,
not the cleverest woman in Europe.
. . . only in this room, for in the
next is a woman much cleverer than
I. . . . my daughter.”
Princess Alexandra, presented by
Joy Ingalls, is clever by reason of
the very innocence which differenti
ates her from the other women of
the court. She does not understand
her own emotions and is a little
afraid of them, thus giving the im
pression of coldness to the onlooker.
Only Father Hyacinth, played by
Cecil Matson, understands her, and
understands also the tutor, Hans
Agi. Arthur Anderson portrays the
part of Agi who is astronomer,
scholar, tutor and lover.
Glenn Potts portrays the Crown
Prince Albert. He is a bored, blase,
lazy groumet, with an eye for wo
men and a taste for good food. It
is only for Alexandra and his
mother, Maria Dominia, that he
shows any special interest.
Other members of the cast are:
Arsen .: Thelma Parks
George .Luella Andre
Princess Maria Dominia .
. Eunice Payne
Symphorosa . Ruth Street
Count Leutzen . Milton George
Colonel Wunderlich . Lynn Black
Caesar '. Elmer Grimm
Alford . John Gray
Countess Sibensteyn Mary Campbell
Chambermaid . Vera Ratcliffe
Abbott Lawrence, of the architec
ture department, is in charge of the
settings for the production.
Women’s Honorary
Sponsors Bridge Tea
The active and alumnae chapters
of the Mu Phi Epsilon, women’s
music honorary, will sponsor a
bridge tea for the benefit of the
scholarship fund Saturday after
noon from 3 to 5 at the Chamber of
Artistry And
Skill Shown
By Friedman
Polish Artist Comes on
First of Student
Concert Series
Four Chopin Etudes
Captivate Audience
Own Composition Shows
By N. M. G.
Technical skill was so skilfully
subordinated to moods and phras
ing that the audience which last
evening heard Ignaz Friedman,
Polish pianist, was scarcely con
scious of the underlying sXIll of
the keyboard which he displayed.
The opening Beethoven Sonata
was unusual in its distinct phrasing
and the carrying out of the melody
pattern in both the right and left
hand passages. The gradual varia
tion in tempo and dynamics from
the quiet mood of the second pass
age was the effect of a master
In the variations of the Brahms
number, Friedman made not only a
change in melodic treatment of the
theme but he made each variation
portray a distinct mood varying
from the extreme anguish to the rol
licking rhythm of the dance. The
Fugue part of the number by its
skilful melodic progression and
crescendos created expectancy in
the listeners.
Gives Encores
The encore to the first two num
bers was Friedman’s own composi
tion, “Viennese Waltz,” which is
written in the typical Strauss style.
In the Chopin group Friedman
proved himself worthy of the praise_
of the leading musical critics of
America,. Ip Belle euse he achieved'
a quiet effect in spite of the quick
finger work involved and without
the exaggerated slowness affected
by amateurs. Friedman achieved a
unique result in the C Sharp Minor
Waltz by playing the first move
ment in Viennese Waltz rhythm,
thereby adding to the subtlety of
the hidden melancholy. The Polo
naise was played the bravura style
with dramatic passages in the bass
and contained a good illustration of
Friedman’s “velvety pianissimo” in
the finale.
By far the most popular numbers
of the evening were the Four
Chopin Studies, which included
“The Butterfly Etude,” the famous
“Etude in Thirds,” “The Black
Key Etude,” and the “Etude in C
Major.” Unique emphasis, amazing
velocity and the scintillating effect
of the rapid right hand passages
made them worthy of the applause
he received.
Many Moods
In Debussy’s free style Friedman
showed himself capable of rapid
changes in mood and this samg ver
satility was shown in his treatment
of the imaginative old style of
Friedman’s “Second Viennese
Dance” had the typical swing of
the European Concert Waltz, which
was enhanced by the velocity of its
The Liszt^transeription of Schu
bert’s “Hark, Hark the Lark” was
transformed into the simplicity of
the original song by a careful sub
ordination of the intricate musical
ornamentation. In this Friedman
proved his artistry.
The brilliance and alluring
rhythm of the “Voices of Spring”
called forth applause to which
Friedman responded generously with
two encores.
Messiah Will Be Given
By Oratorio Society
Handel’s “Messiah” will be pre
sented by the Eugene Oratorio so
ciety Thursday, December 1. Ac
cording to John Stark Evans, di
rector, the last few rehearsals have
been very satisfactory and only
three more will be required before
public presentation.
Members of the music faculty,
Eugene Carr, John B. Siefert, and
Mrs. Prudence Clark, will carry the
solo parts. Madame McGrew will
sing the famous ,soprano air, “I
Know That My Redeemer Liveth.”
This solo will be followed by the
triple chorus, “Worthy Is the
Lamb,” which also includes the
“Blessing and Honor” and the fugue
The Eugene Oratorio society is
community ■ enterprise, which in
cludes both students of the Univer
sity and residents of Eugene. In
January the organization will resume
regular rehearsals on the “Elijah,”
to be given in the early spring.
V. S. Ignores Charges
That Mexico Paid for
Revolt in Nicaragua
(By United Press)
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 15.—
dministration ^officials indicated to
day there would be no change in the
present friendly American policy
toward Mexico as a result of the al
leged documentary expose that the
Calles government subsidized the
recent ' Nicaraguan revolution, pub
lished in copyright articles by the
Washington Herald.
The state department continued
to ignore the incident on the ground
that it had no information what
ever regarding the authenticity of
the alleged documents.
Debate Tryouts
Under New Plan
To Be Held Soon
Smoking To Be Discussed
By Aspirants for
Regular Team
With the debate plans well out
lined for the year and one team al
ready in preparation for the Cam
bridge meet on December 5, Debate
Coach Horner announces that the
first regular varsity tryouts will be
held on Thursday, November 17, in
Villard hall on the question, “Re
solved, that smoking should be pro
hibited on the campus.”
Beginning at 3:30 p. m. the men
will tryout foj the first half of the
day. At 7:30; ^he women will take
the floor on the-isame question. Each
debater will be,-given five minutes
to the handle* &e problem in any
way desired. Sowever, be it re
membered that new “squad sys
tem” in use thi»year does not se
lect a standing team and that a de
feat in'this first attempt does not
mean a final one. Nevertheless, it
is well to make the best possible
presentation in the first attempt.
Coach Horner urges that those
turning out make it a point to be at
Villard a few minutes before the
scheduled time so that names can
be presented and arranged. This
will eliminate possible confusion
during the discussions.
“I’d like to see every possible
man and woman out that can ar
range to participate. We need them,
and the experience is valuable and
worth any efforts that are exerted,”
said Coach Horner. Any student
who has never gone out for debate
hnd hjjs any question in mind about
the technicalities of turning out is
welcomed at Coach Horner's office
in 103 Sociology building to talk
over the proposition.
The freshmen tryouts will be held
later on the same question. This
will give them a chance to be an
audience at the varsity practice on
Thursday and possibly get an idea
or two.
A busy schedule is being arranged
by the managers. Those oratorically
inclined will be guaranteed an ac
tive year if successful in the tryouts.
Remember that the tryout Thursday
is not the last one, but get started
Sculpture Students
To Cast Models for
Campbell Memorial
Dean Ellis F. Lawrence of the
school of architecture and allied
arts announced yesterday that the
sculpture department would aid in
the execution of models for the de
tail of the President Prince L.
Campbell memorial court of the Fine
Arts building. Dean Lawrence,
who is drawing the plans for the
building and its detail, also feid
that the complete plans would be
ready for use in about a month.
The building is a memorial to
President Campbell, but this little
inner court will be especially dedi
cated to him, according to the dean.
In a niche in a small pavilion at
the end of the court will be a bust
of President Campbell, done in
bronze by Phimister Proctor, who
also executed the Pioneer statue.
Other figures which will symbol
ize his life, traits, achievements,
and reward will also be placed in
the court, which is surrounded on
two sides by a cloistered arcade
leading to the pavilion. At the en
trance of the pavilion two figures,
one carrying the Holy Writ and
the other a crusader’s sword repre
ienting the armor of. preparation,
are on guard.
Dean Lawrence stated that Avard
Fairbanks, former head of the
sculpture department, plans to do
the largest figure of the court, a
representation of light conquering
darkness, symbolizing education.
Zebras Scrap
Kappa Sigma
For 'A’ Title
Eberhart, Lindstrom. High
Pointers, Will Have
Shooting Duel
Two Hot Scrimmages
At Men’s Gymnasium
Sigma Chi Loses Tussle
To Phi Kappa Psi
Kappa Sigma and the Zebras
tangle this afternoon. McArthur
court is the place, and 4:15 p. m. is
the time. If you haven’t been fol
lowing the Intra-mural League you
may not know-that this game is for
the championship of league A, and
if you have been following the hap
penings close enough you might
think that this game would proba
bly decide the donut title. Both
teams have won four games and
lost none.
The two high point men in the
donut league will meet in this en
counter. Eberhart, present title
holder with 45 counts, will center for
Kappa Sigma, and Lindstrom, Zebra
forward, who has 43 markers, will
be in the lineup for the “stripes.”
Both men shoot unconsciously and
dropping them through the iron hoop
is. a common occurrence for them.
This game will be a revelation. Come
up and see it. Ladies you are more
than welcome.
Other Games On
At the men’s gymnasium there
will be two other contests. Theta
Chi and Chi Psi will fight it out at
4:15, and Sigma Nu and Sigma Al
pha Epsilon will be ready when the
whistle blows at 5:00. Three fast
games this afternoon; what more
could you want for nothing?
The Phi Psi basketeers Tiave cer
tainly imbibed something spirited
since their terrific beating at the
hands of Beta Theta Pi. Yesterday
afternoon in the men’s gymnasium
they took a hard fought game from
Sigma Chi. At the end of the first
half the score stood in favor of Phi
Kappa Psi, 11-7^ Sigma Chi tight
ened up and evened the score at one
time in the second half, but Phi Psi
shot another basket, beating them
Bob Foster was the shining light
for Phi Psi. This lanky boy dropped
the ball in for 10 counters. Ted
Stoddard, Sigma Chi guard, is
smooth, slick, and fast. He busts
em ’ up under the basket he is guard
ing, then trips down the floor and
pots one himself.
Delts Win Easily
Delta Tau Delta took a one-sided
game from Alpha Upsilon, 24-6. Wolf
was high pointer for the Delts. Chas
tain flipped in two long shots for
the Alpha Ups. This game was com
pleted without a single foul being
called on either side.
Up at McArthur court there was
only one game, Sigma Pi Tau losing
to the Phi Gamma Delta, 35-6. The
score does not do justice to the game
itself. The play was fast, with both
teams shooting practically the same
amount. The rest of the story is
that Fiji converted their tries and
S. P. T. didn’t.
D. T. D. 24 Alpha Upsilon 6
Wolf (8) .f. Chastain (4)
Gordon (6) .f. Bead (2)
Stein ..c. Hagstrom
East (2) .g. Biley
Jost .g. Faust
Substitutes—(Delts: Wood, Foulkes,
Wheeler (2), Beal (6), Blair. Alpha
Ups: Barnes, Winetrout, Simpkins,
Phi Kappa Psi 15 Sigma Chi 13
Elkins .—£_ Johnson (3)
West (4) .f. Swindell
Foster (10) .c.... Almquist (2)
Brown .g. Lockwood
Van Doren (1) ....g.... Stoddard (4)
Substitutes—Phi Psi: Greig, Den
son, Cussic. Sigma Chi: Will, Jones,
McAllister (4).
P. G. D. 35 Sigma Pi Tau 6
McDonald (5) .f. Spence (2)
Brooks (8) .f.. Arnett
Heicher (6) .c. McDonald
Laughlin (2) .g. Davis (2)
Brock (6) .g. Lowe
Substitutes—Fiji: Murray, Mc
Cormick, Christenson (8). S. P. T.:
Snyder, Sullivan (2).
Rum Wins First Round
At Denver Elections
(By United PresB)
DENVER, Nov. 15.—The touch
heralded revolt against prohibition
received the support of Denver to- I
day when S. HarriBon White, whose J
campaign was built around a stand
for modification of the Volstead j
law, was elected to congress in spite '
of the opposition of the Anti-Saloon 1
League and the W. C. T. U.
Blackness Enshrouds
Whispered Mysteries
Of Sophomore Dance
A deep dark secret—deep, in the
depths of Hendricks basement;
dark, in its cold shining blackness.
Gobblins and witchesl Who said
anything about them! Perlinps it’s
stalking leopards, lions, and such
that will prowl around the dusky
wall. Or maybe stark white noth
ingnesses will poke their drawn
faces through the blackness.
Don’t shrink, little frosh. ’Tis
but maybes; not the Known. Set
above a sleek floor, in tune to syn
copating rhythm, you need not worry
your head about aught but the
The Armory has witnessed many
a spectacle, but never one such as
will be staged there Saturday night.
Sophs are disappearing from classes,
shirking dates, laboring frantically
—all for the cause of a mightier,
more glorious Informal.
Lester Johnson
Gets Trophy For
Scholastic Work
Hal Harden Runs Close
For Spaulding Cup
With 56 Points
Loster Johnson, ’29, a baseball
letterinan has been announced as
winner of the Spaulding trophy,
which is awarded every term to
the athlete making the best scho
lastic record in the University,
according to Mel Cohn, chairman of
the scholarship committee of the
Order of “O. ”
Johnson’s average for the
spring term of last year was 1.7 or
62 points. The record was made
during the active season of his
major sport, baseball. His home is
in Portland, and he is majoring in
economics at the University.
During his time at the University
Johnson has been president of the
To-Ko-Lo, sophomore honorary;
chairman of welcoming committee of
high school delegates in his sopho
more year; baseball letterman and
vice-president of baseball and of the
Order of the “O” this year; on the
honor roll last spring, chairman of
sophomore underclass mix this fall,
and chairman of field CQpimittee on
the Homecoming directorate this
The next ranking man on the
grade list is Hal Harden, football
letterman of last year. Harden’s
point total was 56. Three athletes
are tied for third on the grade lad
der with 53 points each. They are:
Mel Cohn, Bill Powell, tennis let
terman, and Joe Price, trackman.
Vie Wetzel, star varsity end on
the Lemon-Yellow football team,
was the last winner of the cup, hav
ing the highest grades during the
last winter term..
Homecoming Workers
Complimented by Hill
Thanks to the members of the
Homecoming directorate and to the
many committees working under it
for their work in making Homecom
ing a success this year has been ex
pressed by George Hill, general
chairman of the directorate.
“The many jobs necessary to make
Homecoming a success are big
responsibilities, and tho workers
this year are to bo complimented,”
declares Hill.
Powell Names
Directors of
Prep Session
Talks on Pertinent Topics
In Discussion Groups
Main Factors
Week-End Important
Event for Delegates
Faculty Committee to Aid
Personnel of the directorate for
the eighth annual high school con
ference, to be held on the campus,
January 13 and 14, was announced
yesterday by William Powell, gen
eral chairman of the conference this
Tho directorate will consist of the
following: assistant chairman, Art
Anderson; secretary, Louise Clark;
housing and registration, Joe Rob
erts; Women’s League, Esther
Hardy; welcoming and campus tour,
Jack Jones; banquet, Josephine Ral
ston; correspondence, Bob Hynd;
entertainment, John Cusick; public
ity, Paul Wagner.
Delegates Grouped
Delegates to the conference this
year will be in four groups: student
body officers, editors of annuals and
school papers, representatives of the
girls’ leagues, and faculty advisors.
Each group will have talks on its
individual problems by prominent
men from all over the country, as
well as discussion groups on timely
subjects having to do with their
particular field.
A faculty committee, consisting
of Dan .Clark, George Godfrey, Earl
Pallett, and Elmer H. Shirrell, has
been appointed to work with the
various student committees in mak
ing arrangements for the confer
Discussion of the problems that
confront the student body officers
in their own high schools will be
an important part of the conference.
Those students will be able to go
back to their high schools with a
much broader viewpoint, after min- .
gling with the representatives from
the other high schools in the state,
according to Chairman Powell.
Entertainment Planned
Several events have already been
planned for the entertainment of
the delegates during their two-day
stay at the University. A specially
conducted tour of the campus is
being arranged by Jack Jones, who
is in charge of this phase of the en
A banquet for all delegates, which
is being planned by Miss Ralston,
will be an opportunity for the high
school leaders to hear the various
student body officers, members of
the faculty, and others speak.
“This week-end is the one oppor
tunity for the University to enter- .
tain the leading high school stu
dents from all over the state, and
it should be made a week-end that
they will remember when deciding
on a school to attend,” said Powell,
in speaking of the need for the
whole-hearted support of the stu
dent body in putting over a suc
cessful conference.
College-Year Section Open Sesame
For Ambitious Hollywood Aspirants
The Oregona’s request to stu
dents for snapshots to help fill 22
pages of the college-year section
evidently fell on broken ear drums
for so far no pictures have been re
ceived. Mary Benton, editor, de
sirous of making the 1928 Orqgana
more representative of campus life,
is urging that students turn in all
available snapshots of themselves
and their friends to Dorothy Baker,
section editor, by sticking them to
the bulletin board in the journalism
Previous Oreganas have been
filled with a limited and entirely
too sectional range of pictures. This
has not been the fault of editors,
but due to the lack of available
pictures. This plan is calculated to
give the students a chance to seleet
the pictures themselves and will
give them many chances to grace
the pages of the Oregana if they
hard in good pictures.
Perhaps some of the pictures will
have to be staged, but the editors
urge that group pictures do not rep
resent a line of victims before the
firing squad at sunrise. Pictures
should be taken illustrating action
so that they will tell their story
without titles. Swimming, golfing,
riding, pigging, tubbing, canoeing,
hiking, and any rare shots showing
a student studying are welcome.
Serenade picturos will be more
striking if the photographer will
include the police strying to stop
The college-year section is the
only part of the Oregana that is
the open sesame to Hollywood. It
is rumored that First National, Metro
Goldwyn-Mayer, and the Lloyd
Hamilton comodies are looking for
screen material in the college year
books. Naturally they will look for
their selection in-the college-year
section that gives full expression of
the dramatic ability of the future
star trying to crash the gates for a
As a suggestion, Larry Semon
might tender an offer to the stu
dent who has his picture taken
while engaged in a pie eating con
test with the pioneer. The Oregana
nee'ds you (not Uncle Sam) for the
college year section. Send in your
snapshots and help enhance its
value by making it truly representa