©reymt Daily SuterallJ University of Oregon, E'ugene RAY NASH, Editor MILTON GEORGE, Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Robert Galloway . Managing Editor Walter Coover . Associate Editor Claudia Fletcher Ass’t. Managing Editor Richard H. Syring . Sports Editor William Haggerty . Telegraph Editor Donald Johnston . Feature Edito) Arthur Schoeni . P. I. P. Editor Arden X. Pangborn, . Literary Editor Margaret Long .... Society Editor News and Editor Phones, G55 BUSINESS STAFF Larry Thielen . Associate Manager Ed Bissell . Circulation Manager Ruth Street . Advertising Manager Wilbur Shannon .... Ass't. Circulation Mgr. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during the college year. Member United Press News Service. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Orgon, as second-class matter. Subscrip tion rates, $2.50 per year. Advertising rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 721 ; manager, 2799. Business office phone, 1896. Day Editor This Issue-—Herb Lundy Night Editor This Issue— J. E. Caldwell Assistant Night Editors—Bob Kipp FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1927. The Price Of World Progress A CURT bulletin from Peking Inst night told of the execu tion of twenty university students. One woman student was included in the number. Their offense, in the blunt brevity of the unofficial re port, consisted in “subversive activ ities.” That’s all there was. .Tust “twenty students.” And few will pause to ponder this dramatic bit of history in the making. Yet it is a story as old as history. For in any kind of social ferment, any sort of political revolution, stu dent groups have always been the catalytic. They are always the restive nucleus. It is fortunately so, for the his tory of successful youth-movements closely parallels the story of social betterment and liberty. Young Italy, France, Germany, Russia— these student radicals aggravated the reforms that brought the amount of political self-determination theso countries enjoy today. And the names of those who made the strenuous sacrifice 'for their ideals are chronicled large in the histories of their respective coun tries. They are the martyred heroes, the liberators, the saviors. The ugly charge, “subversive activities,” may tomorrow be ardent patriotism. It’s all according to which is the successful faction. Whether, after the revolutionary pull has cleared, these twenty, will be enshrined as heroes or despised as skulking traitors depends on a fortuitous turn of the wheel of fate. But we know that tlsuy.. played at a dangerous game; the?'played brave ly and for the greatest of stakes. Much is the stuff with which worlds are moved. >OI)AY the Kmerald publishes an other chapter in its interesting series of scribes’-jibes. Only two of the sheaf received are printed. Additional space edn hardly justifiably be devoted to the character sketches furnished. And impertinent personalities tend but to make the issue, always vague, more ephemeral still. The contributions by Miss Bowen and Mr. Miller, wo think, temper ately and fairly show both the alumni attitude and student short comings. Much criticism is wel comed. More About The Family Row Webby Lives Or Dies Today TTt/KBBY is wabbling, Webby, l Oregon’s literary ami humor ous duckling, is too weak to walk without help. Unaided, the young ster will not be able to make his appearance at Homecoming to help 'entertain the old grads. Started last year as an official student publication under the di rection of Rolf Klcp, the Webfoot made its bow to the public. It was judged a success. Student support was cordial and the infant maga- ! zinc more than paid its way in its initial year. This year the students’ response has been lathurgic. It is as though ! a permanent wet-blanket has been , spread over them, damping their normal interests. Such a deplorable condition speaks ill for Oregon, both to her sister institutions and to the general public, A gooil magazine is an asset to I the University. It serves as a j vehicle for the expression of stu-1 dent talent. It is an outlet for thoughts and ideas that must other wise remain silent. Its columns are open to all students to aid in tfeeir development as writers. In addi tion to entertaining its readers, it is a valuable advertisement for the University. To those beyond the campus limits, it says that the Uni versity is alive, that it is up and doing. Webby learns his fate today. If the required number of subscrip-j tions are not in by tonight, Webby, dies. If ho is to be helped, it must ■ be done today. To cease publication now is to imply that the student body does, not believe their fellow students capable to issue a good campus f magazine. Such an implication is false. The staff members are experienced in! the work. Their abilities are proved. Their talents lay ready to be put to the tusk. They can be depended upon to produce a magazine which will rank well among those of other] hist itutious. Oregon should continue to bo represented among the college mag azines. If the Webfoot is allowed to die, Oregon will bo one of the few universities of any rank in the county to be without its humor magazine. The magazine is worth while.. Oregon needs it. (Jive it vour support. If you can not pay immediately, sign up anyway. You cun pay inter. Remember: Webby learns bis fate today! lie lives or dies today! The decision must be made today. Let Webby live! —W. 0. Commun ications ■jil1') f: “Marked Improvement” To the l'Mitor: May I make a speech through the columns of your newspaper1 f 1 am an alumnus ami 1 want to join the cappers' chorus. “Worthy Alumni of the Univer sity of Oregon: Greetings. Jt gives me great pleasure to tell some of you what I think of you. "When i was a student at our University l made the following resolution, to-wit: ‘When l become an alumnus I am going to let the students run their affairs. I’m having my fun now. 1 may bo making mistakes, but tluiuk God they are niv own mistakes. When I graduate, Heaven give mo strength lu refrain from advising the next general ion, ’ "Gentle lpt) per renters, t main tain that we alumni hold the right to assist in giving fiuaneial and moral aid to the University in limi ters pertaining to the educational functions of the institution. “Loyal brethren, J bold that it is no business of ours whether or not the students yell at their foot ball games, whether they dry up the mill race, or whether they spend their leisure time at tea dances. “May I suggest, Oh citizens of the world, that we alumni may not tie watery-eyed, may not be senile, but it's a dead cinch we'ie not un dergraduates any more. We’ve liad our fun, we’ve did our do, we Vo passed out of the picture. “■So eiiiiu yourselves, ancient ones; calm yourselves. The. undergrads are just as smart today as we used to think we were. If I'm any judgCj the new crop skuas marked improvement, Emerald editors not excepted.” Thanks, Mr. Editor, for tlie space. 1 hope you aren’t pestered any more. El)WAltl) iVLIELEE, Jilted Oil Men to Tell Woes in Fall's Trial; Mystery Hands Next (lty United Tross) AMAiSll I Nti’I’ON', Oct. 26j—The j.Kail Sinclair oil conspiracy trial I shifted to a new phase today with i oil operators, who asked and tailed to yet the Teapot Dome lease, sched uled to testify against llarry Sin clair, who did get it. Theodore lioosevelt, assistant sec retary of the navy win.'a the lease was signed In ^secretary rtf the In terior Eall and Secretary of the I Navy Uenhy also is to. lie called 'soon by the government to tell his story of the navy order directing' secrecy on plans to exchange the navy’s reservo oil for battleship fuel oil. Defense lawyers — to exonerate former Secretary' l'all— have cred ited lioosevelt with responsibility for the secrecy order. The government announced at the close of today's session that to morrow it will go into the most spectacular phase of the trial—the ipiestioa of the $-IO,50d iu Liberty bonds found in possession of Fall's son in-law, M. T. Kxerharl, shortly alter the lease transaction. Dr. 11. 1!. Yocuui of the /.oology department has recently had two i papers accepted for publication. One article, “The Effect of the Ijuau j t.ity of Oulture Medium on the l)o ; vision Rate of Oxvtiichu," was ac , vopted by the biological Uulletin. I The other, “A Ease of Physiological I t'ustratiou in the Fowl,” is to be .printed in t_h« Ludox l'inoh e;'. Tk SEVEN SEERS HOLDERS OP TERM PAPERS' PROM PAST YEARS ARE FORM- ! ING AN ORGANIZATION. Our tip: Scout around and get the ones you need before a union \ scale is set. ABOARD SHASTA WITH TEAM — (By Special Seer Repor(er)—Bur nell, on fake reverse, nearly makes observation car but is clowned by porter. Oregon players are talking advantage of the brakes (whenever the engineer puts them on, they use them as an excuse to lose their bal ance and sit down by good looking women). Mason barked the wrong signals before the lights came on in a dark tunnel and the backfield was caught in a huddle. (On this las( play Hodgen was penalized 15 seats for holding). McEwan is clearly worried because Stadelman doesn’t seem to fit into his regular berth. (Berth is too short). Starved in an attic Did William Me Forse; The editors thought lie was writing Free verse. KISS MAY CARRY PARALYSIS GERM | (Headline) Prosh Ben Dover says you get more than /he germs—you get the paralysis; temporary, at least. D1ZZY*DI FF1 XITJONB Optimist: Student who rises at I 7:55 and expects "to dress, shave, eat and make an 8 o’clock English his-; torv class. We have often wondered what happens when a person gets sick in one of those classes where they keep the door locked. Oh, well, it prob ably never happens. CO-ID) COUNCIL Dear Aunt Seerah: One of the sisters has been smok-, ing cigarettes now for three weeks running. What (jni wo do to stop her? “BILLIE” CLUBB. j Dear “Billie” C’lubb: If she isn’t running too fast, you might get somebody on. the track squad to take after her. AUNT BEER AH. The blond senior with the coffee stained mustache says he wishes his house would respond to campus drives like it responds to Cay Da rue. Clare Nett, first trumpeter with the University band, received na tional fame and honor recently when he was complimented on his rendition of Sam ltzikowitz’s “Asleep in the Ditch,” or the five hundred and fifty-fifth sympathy in A flat (tire). Carrie Toons, director of the glee clubs at the deaf and dumb school in New York, New York, said that his technique •> was very finished, ami that his execu tion was, or should be very obvious. CtlAEEEN'O 11! Seven Seers hereby issue a chal lenge to any five-man chess team on the campus. Came must be played on a sawdust board because our team is not in the best of con dition. It is said that the lateness of the train at the rally yesterday was due to the efforts ‘of the Anchorage management. It is estimated that they sold more lunches yesterday noon than they have since they opened. “CLAP HANDS, HICCUP CHAE LEY." * * * SEVEN sEKKs. — Stanford W ill Start Dubs Against Oregon (Unitrd Dress) I’ALO ALTO, Cal., Out. *J7.—Tlu* Stanford Cardinals are expected to take the field Saturday against Ore gon with a second string line ami backfield to start. Coach Pop W. ■ tier is anxious to guard his first string against injury in preparation dor the Washington Huskies a week from fcsiturdav. ' e Am pus i Ballet ini All sophomore and freshman girls, j come out fhr volleyball practise > tonight, and seniors and juniors Monday. Teams will be picked at these times. Don’t forget the hike up Spencers butte for W. A. A. points Satur day. Meet in front of the Wo man’s building at 9 o’clock with a lunch. Varsity Philippinensis — Important meeting tonight at the “Y” Hut at S o’clock. Reverend Gilbert Lovell of New York, connected with the student department of the. Presbyterian church, will be at Westminster House today and Saturday. Those who desire interviews with him should call 2190. Sunday morn ing he will meet the Bible class, and at 11 o’clock he will preach at the Central Presbyterian church. A faculty horseback ride around Spencers butte will be held Satur day. All persons going meet Mr. Roy Boyd at the Co-op at 2:15 p. m. More sophomore track men needed for the interclass track meet to be held November 4. Report to Bill Hayward. (Continued from page one) the plays. The time is 348 A. E. (after Eden) on a June afternoon and evening, l'g (Merrill Swenson) and Eva (Helen Barnett) are the modern lovers of that time. Grandmother Eve, played by Mary Duckett, is even in that day and age controlled somewhat by convention and she makes certain to instruct her great, great, great, great, great granddaughter in the correct mode of behavior when being carried off by a cave-man lover. Mary Kessi, a freshman last year on the campus, now in Alpine, Ore gon, wrote the play. All three au thors are members of Pot and Quill. Tickets are on sale at the box of-1 fice, from four to five o’clock and I may also be purchased at the door, j All seats are reserved and admission | is fifty cents. The producing staff includes: ' Florence E. Wilbur, director; Helen Barnett, stage manager; Maurinc Brown, and Louise Storla, lighting; Bylvana Edmunds, Wardrobe man ager; G. Leonard Thompson, stag ing; Virginia Coke Mabelle Berkley and Ruby Hayes, hostesses; C. A. Shafer, business manager. Football (Continued from puyc one) grout ends, guile from the ]inenji, j Warner lias been .having trouble finding flankinen to take tlieir places. “Spud” Harder was the best bet at the beginning of the season, but a >St. Mary’s player fin ished liis football aspirations for the season. Hod'ge Davidson, specializing on end-around plays, and John Pres ton, second, man on the long passes, I are the two regulars. Giving them a good race are Louis Vincenti, the football Phi Bete, Don Muller and Dick Worden, all of whom will likely see action against Oregon. Shipwreck Off Brazil Claims Many Victims; Death Toll Nears 100 (By United Press) RIO DM JANEIRO, Brazil, Oct. L’7 (Thursday).—With six rescue ships steaming toward Brazilian ports—two of them due tonight—of ficials early today were making a filial check on the toll of the Italian liner Principessa Mathilda disaster. Estimates of the missing ranged from (>s to 1144, with the probability that tiie number lost when the liner sank Monday night, 09-miles off the Brazil coast, would be approximately 100. Tlie owners of the ship, the Nuvi gnzione Gencralo Italians, insisted only 08 of the ship’s 135(5 passes- 1 gets and crew had gone down with j the 10-year-old vessel which 'was making its last trip as a passenger carrier. The owners of the aoinslirdlunnn Tabulations here by marine ex perts showed at least 93 were un- , accounted for. Reports from the captains of the French steamer Formosa and the steamer Acciona added to the eon l'usion regarding the toll, their fig ures showing 314 persons missing. Patients! With Varied Ills Virdt Infirmary It’s just one thing after another in the way of ailments at the in firmary, Frances McKee, freshman journalism major, entered the in firmary today. Nellie Johns, senior in physical education, suffering from boils; Gladys Blake, freshman journalism ma jor, who had a bad coltl, and George Mason, senior in biology, who had a sore foot, were all released from the infirmary. Malcolm Morrill, who lias a slight case of measles, improving, llomer Dixon, who has the poison oak, is ■ also better. - . The Campus Stroller Observes. THAT twilight on the campus, with a background of purple haze over the distant hills, one star over head, dark shadows where trees ap pear by day, and the soft yellow lights in front of campus buildings, is something almost worth being late to dinner to see. THAT while we have no wish to become involved in the alumni-stu dent mud-slinging contest, we feel that no alum could sincerely criti cize Dregon Spirit were he present at the rally yesterday. THAT we do not believe that changing street names is one of the signs of progress and growth of a town. THAT the fate of “Webby” rests with the size of the subscription list. THAT a campagin is being con ducted by our sister institution for the substitution of the word “>State” for “Agricultural” in its name. THAT such a substitution seems logical -in view of the number of courses other than agricultural of fered. That someone advertised a canoe for sale in the Emerald yesterday, and the mill-race is dry. Make your own quip on this one—we’re tired. THAT’S all. Assembly (Continued from page one) that season. Afterward, when he was in the hospital, lie had the games forwarded to him by tele gram, play by play. Not long before Health Bread Williams good health bread means just what •its name implies. Health! \ welcome change 7rom the ordinary ev ery day white bread. Phone 914. J. Watch the bread plate get empty when health bread is on the table. ,'W\VV\MiA.V Butter-Krus S( BREAK his death, when the doctor rcmon- < strated that lie was too ill to bear i the excitement of the telegrams, he ! replied that he might be out of the i game for life but that he was not i out of the spirit of it. “We’re on trial for the next two weeks,” declared Bob Warner, yell king. “We haven’t had the very ; best team, but at the same time we ’ haven't been at the bottom. We i tied with Idaho. It’s up to us, whether we want to go out and work for the team.” Dr. A. M. Spangler, former pastor if the First Congregational c-liureh n "Eugene, read the invocation. Dr. tpangler, who left here about sev n years ago, now holds a position n Tryingham, Mass. Pledging Announcement Alpha TJpsilon announces the dodging of Jerome Simpkins of Mc .linnville and Byron Patterson of Ivrtle Creek. Try Emerald Classified Ads, Subscribe for the Emerald Always keep a little Edgeworth on your hip UUbBS HATS Dobbs hats produced by the Cava naugh Edge Process have the made-to-order look and custom made feel that are not found in any other hats. In addition they wear longer and keep their distinctive style. We are exclusive representatives of Dobbs hats here. 5TORE>MEN 713 mCuAMETTH ST. KNOWN FOR GOOD CLOTHES XXXXXAXXXXXXXX QiestafeM smokers clout change with the winds/ .. but natch hoic other smokers are changing to Chesterfield!