Oregon Rated As Underdogs May Pull Surprise Weight About the Same; W i/ton Takes Place of Hyland at - Halfback By RTCHARD II, STRING Sports Editor. Oregon goes into the Stanford ftamo tomorrow with an underdog’s rating, but the Cardinals may re ceive a surprise. Otacli John J. Me Ewan hasn’t been spending the last two weeks for nothing. The Web foots have one thing in common with the southern team and that is weight. “Top” Warner’s eleven will average about 181 pounds, while McEwan’s men will weigh about the same except in the back field, where the Cardinals have a slight advantage. * * * To date, both teams have tasted defeat. Stanford has won four, lost one and tied for a contest, piling up 93 points to its opponents’ 41. Ore gon, on the other hand, has won two, lost one and tied one, garner ing 39 markers to the opposition’s 22. In the recent O. A. C. game the Cardinals demonstrated their possession of a powerful offensive. Stanford made 10 first downs and gathered 251 yards from passes and scrimmage. * * * Last year tricky Dick Hyland played havoc with the Webfoots after the Oregonians were leading at half time. This year finds a new face in Hyland’s place, Wilton, 155-pounder, with tricky Dick on the bench. This young gentleman Wilton had a great day against the Oregon Beavers, earning 85 yards from scrimmage with 10 plays. Wilton is a little fellow and was only discovered this season. Other halfbacks include Hill and Sims, 173 pounds, Hyland, 155 pounds, Lud Frentrup, 176-pound sopho more, and Patchett at the same weight. The quarterback position seems to be pretty well taken care of by “Spud” Lewis, Portland boy and former Lincoln high school star. Lewis used good judgment with his assortment of plays in the recent Portland tilt. It is in the fullback’s shoes where all of Stanford’s backfield weight lies. Big Bill Hoffman tips the seales for a mere 185 and what’s more uses it to a very good advan tage. The big plunger counted for 71 yards against Coach Schissler’s proteges. This all brings us down to Herbie Fleishhacker, the 19-year-old son of the well known San Francisco fi nancier. All last year this young giant sat on the bench as a full back. His freshman year found him as a guard on the yearling Cardinal eleven. Fleishhacker, who stands six feet four and weighs 211 pounds, re ceived his long awaited chance against the U. S. C. Trojans several weeks ago. With Stanford trailing 7-13 and less than three minutes of play remaining, ‘‘Pop” Warner sent the big fellow into the fray. The Cardinals had penetrated into Tro jan territory. Herb took the ball on four straight plays and placed it on the U. S. C. six-yard line. Then he dropped back, tossed a short pass straight into the arms of a waiting end and the score was tied. Fleishhacker passes with his left hand. One thing that makes this big, fullback so effective as a line smasher is his ability to start fast. In three feet he is going at full speed, and he hits the line with all his drive. In a 25-yard race he can beat Hyland or Wilton, speed boys who weigh but 155. • * * * Although Stanford hasn’t any Shipkey this year they have two capable wing performers in the per sons of Preston and Davidson, ends. Captain Hal McCreery, the fighting Scot, will be found at center, where he has starred all season. TlJls big Scotchman will give George Stadel man plenty to worry about tomor row. Don Robeskv and Seraphim Post will be found at the guard positions. Robeskv played a great game against the Trojans. Sellman and Freeman will take care of Stan ford’s tackling posts. Hindenburg 111, Says Report from Berlin (By United Press) * BERLIX, Oct. 27.—It is learned reliably that President Hindenburg became ill Wednesday night and that he fainted this morning. Later he recovered. Prophylactic Ham Served by Samara, Botany Honorary Prophylactic ham with sterilized : sweet-potatoes formed the piece dc resistance of the annual dinner giv en last evening by Samara, local honorary for Botany majors. The ; banquet hall was improvised from j the laboratory on the top fl' 1 Deady—evidently for the p of working up appetites by sixty-four climb. The decora C were long tails of scarlet ant | loaves strewn adown the lengtl } the disinfected table cloth, tableware was none other tl “petri-dishes,” much scalded, rou receptacles which in regular sessi ! are used for bacteria incubators. Needless to say, the silver (whic some say was scalpels .and dissect ing knives) had been thrice boiled. The place-cards were immaculate slips made by students at marine gardens last summer. In the upper corner of each was a dainty spray of brown algae, to carry out still fur ther the idea of science. Desert consiste'd of ice cream, made from pasteurized milk, no doubt, and wafers whose packets, most likely, were hermetically sealed. No mention was made of finger bowls, but the suspicion is abroad that the water was plentifully doped with chlorine and vitrol—all of which should be valuable tips to the i housewife of the future. Graham Stuart Tells Assembly About Politics Democracy Has Need for Intelligent Opinions, Says Speaker Intelligent public opinion is one of the first obligations that a de mocracy imposes upon its citizens, according to the principal speaker on the assembly program yesterday morning, Graham Henry Stuart, pro fessor of Political science at Stan ford University, who addressed the student body on “American Citizen ship and World Politics.” The old phrase, “Noblesse oblige,” demanded that everyone of posi tion had obligations to fulfil, and it seems that college sftidents, who have opportunities others have not, should realize the changes that have come upon the world and which have affected the economical, po litical and social conditions, in the opinion of the speaker. The United States has always kept the policy of George Wash ington—that of isolation, and when the country became a great power almost over night, its citizens did n ’t realize the responsibilities that were thrust upon them according to Dr. Stuart. In the policies of cen tral government and in inventions the United States is up-to-date, but she is loath to change her foreign relations, since the foreign policy, is not due to the president alone, but to Congress also, and it is there fore difficult for an idea to be put over. American Influence Abroad The speaker said that when he was in Peru two years ago he no ticed that the customs officers were led by an American customs man, the navy was under the charge of an American naval officer, the chief officer in the naval academy was from the United States, and when he visited the mines he found an American colony there. Other incidents that made the speaker think of the influence of the United States as a world power were the opening of China by Ad miral Peary, the calling of the Far Eastern conference by Secretary Hughes, the playing of a vigorous part in the last opium conference, and the holding of the disarmament conference, which latter Dr. Stuart called one of the best results of the Harding administration. “In the question of the interna tional cable, for instance, you must have the co-operation of the world,” said the speaker. “We on the Pa cific coast can communicate with Paris quicker than Louis XIV could communicate with his palace at Ver sailles when he wanted to order a house party.” Dudley Clark, who gave a short pep talk prior to the rally, asked the student body to see the team off on the train, meet the players when they return, and “talk, eat, drink, beat Stanford!” Oregon Spirit Personified Five years ago the captain of the Oregon team was seriously injured in the first four minutes of the first game of the season, according to Clark. In spite of his relatives and the doctor, ‘Tiny’ Shields in sisted on playing the rest of the game and the rest of the games (Continued on pag$ two) CampusCliest Drive to Start Next Tuesday Interviews to Be Made With Every Student In University Pledge Tags to Mark. Subscribers to Fund lan Will Prove Value, Says Beelar luncheod at the Campa Shoppe Tuesday will be the starting 'or the workers on the Campus “drive to end drives” to be held next week, according to an an nouncement by Ronald Robnett, drive chairman. At this luncheon, plans will be outlined for the drive, and talks by student body officials •will be a part of the program. Plans for the drive include a per sonal interview with every student, both those in living organizations and the independent groups. Thes pians, freshmen girls honor society, has been working on the student lists, segregating them in the neces sary divisions for the drive leaders. Appointments Under Way Pledge tags are being prepared by Josephine Ralston, business man ager of the drive, for the purpose of marking those who have subscribed. These will be distributed to the drive workers at the luncheon Tues day. Pledge cards are being print ed and arrangements are being made to take care of the cash contribu tions as they come in. Committee appointments are now being considered by the solicitor chairmen, Bob Hynd and Julia "Wil son. Appointments, both ' those of the speakers and the individual so licitors, will be announced as soon as the directorate is able to find those best able to handle the work. Plans Outlined Plans were outlined to the execu tive council by the drive chairman at a meeting of that body hold last night. The executive council is of ficially at the head of the drive, and works through the permanent Campus Chest committee, which ap points the drive chairman. Although the drive doesn’t offi cially come to a close until Friday of next week, those in charge ex pect to have the quota of $3,000 subscribed by Thursday evening. “A spirit of optimism is noticeable on the campus,” said Ronald Rob nettf chairman. “Students are anxious to have the trouble .and ex pense of continuous drives stopped, and are willing to contribute to the Campus Chest in order to remedy the evil that has become worse with each succeeding year.” Beelar Approves Plan In regard to the Campus Chest, lion Beelar, president of A. S. U. O., issued the follow ing statement yesterday: “The purpose of the Campus Chest drive, is to do in an offi cial way, and under student body administration, that which formerly was done unofficially. The students will be able to say where their money shall be in vested, the same as usual; but there will be budgets turned in for approval to the Campus Chest committee by the various organizations. “No more money is expected to be obtained in this way, but the one big concentrated drive, will eliminate the embarrass ment of repeated small drives for money. “With the cooperation of the students, there is no reason why the Campus Chest should not be a success, and establish an in stitution which will place the raising of money on an intelli gent basis.” Living Organizations Need Fire Protection Fire hazards in several fiving or ganizations have been revealed by a recent inspection, Frank Taylor, of the state fire warden’s office, told members of the house mana gers’ association at a G o’clock din ner last night at the Alpha Xi Delta house. The fraternities that do not con form to the state law will be given 60 days to get their houses ready to pass the second inspection, which will be made at the end of the al lotted time, he said.* The managers meet monthly to discuss problems of mutual interest. Bill Powell is president, and Mrs. Donnelly, secretary of employment; Mrs. Davis, director of the halls of residence; Dean Esterly and Dean Shirrell are honorary members of the association, i ... Hendrick’s Tea Party Breaks Up in Alarm When Male Rings Bell A peaceful ton party which ended in more panic than a three-alarm fire broke the calm of Hendricks I hall yesterday afternoon. It. was five p. m. (.5iris were get | ting ready for dinner—some were in 1 negligees washing their hair, one ; taking a bath anil scores lolling j around the upstairs portion of the building in various degrees of dis ! hnbille. When the five alarm suddenly | clanged its raucous tones over the i hall the ambient atmosphere rang with screams. Girls tore madly down the halls and out, of doors. The one in the bathtub grabbed a bath robe and followed suit. Another, nursing a sprained ankle and reading a poem in which flames j leapt up and out, seized a pair of j crutches and tore (if people on crutches can ‘tear') down tho hall to the fire escape. After several nerve-racking min utes and no fire had been discovered a search of indignation started. In the corner was found a cower ing male. It was he who had acci | dently rang the fire alarm when he i thought he was turning on the elec tricity- to make the tea for the littlo J party-. It will be a long time before the Hendricks hall girls forgive Bill Crawford for that slip. Dramatic Class Presents Plays Tonight At Guild ‘The Young Dane,’ Comedy of Valley Farm Life, First of Three Throe one-act plays, a comedy, a more serious drama, and a rollick ing burlesque will be presented by members of Miss Florence E. Wil bur 's class in drama interpretation this evening in Guild hall. They were written by students in Mrs. Alice Henson Ernest’s play writing class last year. “The Young Dane,” the first of the plays, is the story of a young Danish farmer in the Willamette valley who, after five years of hard work, has saved enough to send for his fiancee from the old country. Carol Agnes Graham, a senior in English, is the author. Frank Jackson plays the part of Hans Hanson, the unsuspicious far mer; Florence Grimes takes the role opposite him, that of Christine Johnson, the girl from the old coun try who has not seen her lover in the last five years and expects to find him “sitting on gold chairs and wearing silk breeches.” Marjorie Wheftel is Sarah Han son, the suspicious over-worked mother of Hans. The cause of her worry is Nels Nelson, the handsome stranger, played by Merle Benedict. Other characters are Jack Waldrom as the sheriff, and Margaret French as a farmer’s wife. “T’Other Side” is a story of the Tennessee mountains written by Eu genia Strickland now in San Fran cisco. Neither Mrs. Tilley, the old mountain woman (Harriet Hawkins) nor her daughter Sal (Frederica Warren) have ever been but a short distance from their mountain home. The daughter wants to see the other side of the mountain and, when the story opens, has determined to go there at last. Very fine character work has been done in the play, according to Miss Wilbur, in interpreting the stolid mountain folks. The front door yard of great, great, great, great, great Grand mother Eve’s cave is the setting for “Making of Mr. Ig, ’ the third of (Continued on page two) Girls Will Hike to Top Of Spencers Saturday The top of Spencer’s butte is the goal, girls, so meet the rest of the gang in front of the Woman’s build ing Saturday morning at 9 o’clock with a lunch. It is an official hike of fifteen miles for W, A. A. points. Fifty points will t)e given for hiking 70 miles and 100 points for hiking 140 miles. No hike may be less than five miles long and the entire distance may be covered in no less than five hikes. Enough official hikes will be giv en during the year to win the points, j or groups may go on hikes at any 1 time if they have a W. A. A. mem ! ber going along. If any one has j i trouble obtaining a member call j lone Garbe at 1317. A paper chase will be held soon and long overnight hikes arc antici pated during spring term. A map has been placed in the 'front entrance of the Woman’s, i building where it can be referred to I for places to hike and the distance.: |Sharks Grab Survivors of Wrecked Boat Italian Liner's Sinking Brings Gruesome Tale From Eyewitnesses Men and Women Jump Overboard to Death Threw' Dead Away to Make Room for Living (By United Press) BAItTA, Brazil, Oct. 2(5.—TTow frantic humans wore swallowed by mountainous shark-infested seas was described today by survivors of the Italian liner, rrincipossa Mafalda, arriving here aboard the Frollch steamer, Moaollo. “I saw a shark swallow a man,” said a passenger of the Mosella, which rescued 80 persons and brought 2ii to Bahia. The others were transferred to the French steamer Formosa. Jetison Dead “We picked up many bodies and threw them into the raging sea again to make room for the surviv ors,” said the purser of the Mosella. “Wo saw many mangled bodies floating on the water.” “I saw the captain on the bridge when the boat went down. Perhaps he is still on the bridge,” said First Engineer Carlo Luiseta of the Maf alda. Music No Charm Passengers were panicky even be fore the terrifying explosion. The stirring strains of the Italian na tional anthem failed to pacify the crazed men, women and children whose screams and shouts were terrifying. Some men and women jumped overboard. Six Hundred Frosh Attend deception To Get Acquainted Dr. Hall Regrets Absence To the Members of the Freshman Class: I desire to express my sincere regret that my doctor forbade me to be present at the reception given by the Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, and myself. I like every opportunity to meet the incoming class. They are the ones who are to be with us long est, whose cooperation I need the most, and whose sympathetic un derstanding can help me to tho fullest extent. I shall hope later to have an opportunity to talk with the Freshmen and in person to solicit their cooperation in de veloping the kind of University life «jnd spirit and ideals that is essential if the University is to serve you to tlio largest possible extent. ARNOLD BENNETT HALL. Approximately COO freshmen at tended the president’s reception Thursday afternoon in the Woman’s building. Crowds filed in inces santly from 3:30 to 0 o’clock to meet, shake hands, and converse with Dean Esterly, Dean and Mrs. Shirrell, and Mrs. Hall. Dr. Hall was unable to attend because of ill ness.. The receiving line was headed by Don Beelar and Herbert Socolofsky, president and vice-president of the student body. Esther Hardy, president of the Women’s league, was at the head of the reception, and assistants were Mortar Board Girls: Nellie Johns, Constance Roth, Maizie Richards, Pauline Stewart, Gladys Calef, and Claudia Fletcher. A panatrope loaned for the affair by the McMknran and Washburne store furnished music for the danc ing in the dance room. Mrs. Davis, director of the halls of residence, was in charge of the refreshments, which were served by members of Kwama, sophomore hon orary. Fifty-two Students Have Not Paid Fees The present enrollment of the University of Oregon will be dimin ished by 52 if that number of per sons do not appear at tho comp troller’s office and pay their fees and fines before tomorrow noon, ac cording to L. H. Johnson, University comptroller. Forty-two students have paid their fees since Saturday, when the 10-day period for payment expired, Mr. Johnson said. W ebby Will Quack Its Last if Support Docs Not Come Today If -100 subscribers (in not step for ward and present $1.2.') tomorrow, Webby will qnnek its last, niTd px j pire. So sav those in the know. A final plea for support from the student body is being made for Webby, a youngster who is just try ing to make his way in the world against great odds. Webby put forth a brave front last year, and Was received with acclamation, but this is another year, and tho Web foot must have subscribers. “It is rather a shame that out of a student body of .'1500 you can’t find a thousand students who think enough of a. college magazine to get behind it and put it over. If there is no response today, the work of the staff since the term began will end in failure,” said Louis Dam maseh, manager of the Webfoot. “If the magazine is published, it will be entirely different than it was last year, but it cannot be pub lished without the backing f>f more students.” Donut Fives In Torrid Games Of Basketball Delts Nose Out Phi Psi; ^Friendly, Phi Sigs, Victorious Phi Gamma Delta . 0 Phi Sigma Kappa . II Friendly Hall . 33 Alpha Tau Omega . 8 Delta Tau Delta . 19 Phi Kappa Psi . 15 It might have been the hot wea ther, anyway there were a consid erable number of warm tempers dis closed to the public eye yesterday afternoon in the intramural basket ball games. Funny thing, it was tho losing teams that were torrid. Incidentally, the Delta Tau Delta team nosed out the Phi Psi quintet by two long shots. For fully five minutes they played at 15 all, and one minute before the final whistle, Wolf, Delt forward, let fly at the basket. The ball hit the rim, bounced straight into tho air, came down, bounced up again, repeated the pro cess, then trickled into the basket. Friendly hall had Alpha Tau Ome ga just where they wanted them in their tangle, and proceeded to keep them there tho entire 30 minutes of play. Reid and Colwell, Friendly men, each scored 9 counters. Seconds counted in tho Fiji, Phi Sig struggle. When the finish whistle blew, the Phi Sig gladiators were only two precious points to the good. Phi Sig’s forward, Holden, is the hero down on Aider street, as he made 10 of their 11 counts. P. G. D. 9 I>. S. K. 11 Sargeant .f... Ogle McDonald (4).f. Holden (10) Heicher (3) .c. Sathod Felter .g. Blair Substitutes: Phi Psi, Jackson. Delts, Beal (6). Students May Serenade, Says Mayor Williamson Mayor A. L. Williamson stated today that he will not interfere with serenades as long as townspeople do not complain of disturbance. If complaints are received, however, the mayor will instruct the police to stop the serenades. This an nouncement was made to Tim Wood, committee of one appointed by the student council to investigate the matter. The laws or ordinances covering the matter are the curfew law that everyone shall be off the streets by midnight, and the ordinance forbid ding’ anyone to disturb the peace. | The mayor also said that he would not issue any permits to serenade. Cards Plan On Feast of Duck Meat Redsliirts Confident but Don’t Underrate Squad of Oregonians No Injuries Suffered In Clash Witli Aggies First String Intact for Webfoot Tilt r P By MTT.TON SILVERMAN’ Sports Editor, Tlie Stanford Onily. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Oct. 27.—(Special)—After suitably dis posing of the O. A. 0. grid team, Coach Bop Warner and his Car dinals are making complete prepara tions for the invasion of the Oregon Webfopters this Saturday. The Oregonians have a scoreless tie with Idaho to their credit, and have kept California down to a 1(1-0 score; neither feat promises an easy after noon for the Redshirts. A fast, tricky attack has kept Stanford in the conference race in spite of bad breaks and bad fum bles. And when this attack has been stopped, the Stanford spirit has made itself known, as the U. S. C, Trojans can well testify. The regu lar Cardinal baekfield, not at all green material, starting off the sea son in rather poor shape, lias been forced to show more than a bit of reputation to keep first string posi tions, and are rounding into form. Fleislihackcr Speedy The most sensational, but not the most important, addition to the Stanford ball-carriers is Herbie Fleislihackcr, the “poor little rich boy,” who attained the highest vic tory possible in any football play er’s life by scoring the tying touch down- with 10 seconds to play. Fleishhacker’s performance against the Trojans was one that promises j more for next year than for the re mainder of the 1927 season. wmon displaces nyiana Taking the place of “Tricky Dick” Hyland, who has thus far proved a disappointment to Stan ford fans, is Frank Wilton, a now candidate for “outstanding player.” After proving decisively that lie can run and pass and kick as well as anybody, ho has taken and held tho position of the speediest and most, consistent player on the team. Fumbling, Wilton’s main fault in oafly games, has been stopped, and the Redshirt flash will bo at top form against tho Webfooters. Hill Fast Back Don Hill, another fast back, has been reeling off yards and yards on reverses and lateral pass plays, lie is heavier than Wilton, hits harder, and backs up the line better. Mike Murphy, a red-headed piece of dyna mite, is Pop’s best bet for open field running. Coming into his own after a bad start, Biff Hoffman is ready to challenge any fullback on the coast for all honors! When it is last down and a yard is needed, Biff handles tho ball. When it is first down and five could help, Biff again crashes through. If it is a five or a forty-yard pass, it is Hoffman to another Redshirt. On kicks Hoff man gets the ball away faster and farther, and more accurately than any other man in tho back field. McCreery Looking Good Captain Hal McCreery, the “Bad Pass McCreery” of two years back, is tho first center of all coast cali bre since the days of Dud DeGroot. Around him are Seraphim Post and Don Robesky, two guards who began playing football three years ago, aud good football last week. At tackles are Chris Freeman and Roland “Tiny” Sellman, two big brutal blonds. These two have been play ing together for a good long time, and provide tho best defense work in the line. With Shipkey and Walker, two (Continued on page two) Coolidge ‘Worst Office Holder,’ Says Mitchell (By United Press) MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct. 27.— William C. Mitchell, who was de posed from his office in the army because ho “talked out of turn” about the condition of army avia tion, has broken loose with another verbal fusillade, this time against the president. “ President Coolidge is the worst public official in office,” Mitchell said in a speech today. “He has made an industry of office holding and is trying to rule the country— not govern it.” Mitchell accused the president of “attempting fo establish a bureau cracy in Washington.”