All Roads Lead To Multnomah Field Saturday Webfooters and Bears Battle in Portland For Grid Honors Vandal Team Leaves String of Injuries ' Two more practice sessions re main befole the Webfooters trek to Portland for the game with the Holden Bears on Saturday. Ore gon’s work against the Vandals, and California’s wholly unexpect ed victory over St. Mary’s has put the necessary edge on the fray that should make it one of the most interesting tilts in the conference this year. Coach McKwan is continuing his policy of fast light drills, taking no unwarranted chances of crippl ing his team with injuries. The hard hitting Vandals left a multi tude of marks that are keeping Trainer Fletcher working overtime conditioning the men for Satur day’s battle. Vandals Take Toll Bobbie Robinson, t, li o shifty speed boy of the 'Webfoot back field combination, is temporarily on the side lines with a crackSil wrist bone. He is wearing a plaster cast, but it is expected that he will be able to go in against the Bears.! The injury is to his left wrist, which won't slow up his effective-; ness as a passer. Ciiuek Williams, who wrenched his hip during the last quarter of play, is back in uni form after spending two days in the infirmary. He is taking things easy and working the stiffness out of his leg by degrees. Harry Wood is wearing a bandage on his left elbow, but the injury is slight and has not kept him from practice: The Webfoots will be opposite a team more nearly their own weight in the next fame. The rapid de velopment of the supposedly weak Oregon line into one that, actually outplayed the Idahoians was the most noticeable point of tile game. What they will do with the Cali fornia line is not causing the Shme consternation that was evident at the first of the year. Oregon Linemen Improve The positions on which revolves the success of the Oregon attack are the guards. Not only must the guards open holes and spill enemy plays, but also run interference and protect the passer of the offense. Wood, Weems, and Keeney, al though outweighed b v m a n y pounds, outcharged and outfought their Vandal opponents throughout the battle. Hodgen and Sta dolman were the bright spots in the Ore gon defense. Stadelman was in on every play, and is expected to be a, big cog in the Webfoot machine On Saturday. The Oregonians are again, work ing to develop a potential passing attack to spring against Nibs Price’s team. Riggs, Pope, and Handley are fighting for first, string honors opposite Wetzel. Pope’s excellent work against Ida ho has put him in front. Neither Riggs or Pope lack in spirit, and they have coupled this with speed and nbilify to snag passes. Hand ley is considered by Meliwau to be a great find, but he is lacking in experience. Game (Continued from pttijc one) will foster a broadcast ing program over KG \V, the Oregonian station. This will include manj features such as rally talks, adver tising, and novelty “blues” pro gram. Many campus discoveries in musical and speaking talent will'ap pear ou the radio program. Among them will be Ken Alien, a freshman lyric tenor; Fred West and Howard Wall, baniy players, and Madge Normilc, who heads the, “blues” program, will sing. As a part of the famous Fall Fid lies the feature picture, “Drop Kick,” will be. presented at the Broadway theatre at 11:. 10 Friday night. Prominent University offi cials and alumni will make brief speeches during the showing of the Follies. Pony Chorus to Ee-appear There will .be many features to the show, all of which are expected to arouse a ’great deal of interest. George McMurphey and his Kollege Knights, one of the outstanding bands of the Paeifie coast, will pre sent a program during this time. Specialty numbers arranged by Billy O’Bryant will be offered dur ing the Friday night show which will feature many of. the stars made famous in last year’s Juuior Vod vil. The well known Pony Chorus will also appear to renew those old friendships made last year. The University Glee club, trio and e|uar tet, will also appear oa the 40 min ute's of promised entertainment. The seating capacity of the Broadway theatre is about 2000 and it is expected to be quite full. After the show oa Friday night the festiv ities Will be over. At 12 o’clock Saturday the band and the bunch will meet at the Im periul hotel and will serpentine down Broadway to the field. The staelium will be closed until every bud} derive®, so it i* Ulged that the Trio of Coach McEwan’s Bear Hunting Squad ! FRANK RIGGS, end who has been bothered with an injured left knee, but is now ready to taste Bear meat! Ted Pope, the young man who stopped Idaho end runs around the left wing last Saturday. Merrsll Hagan, understudy of George Stadelman at center. Dr. T. T. Lew Will Be Campus Guest and Assembly Speaker Or. T. T. Lew, ■celebrated Chi nese educator from Vouching Uni versity, Pekin, will be on the Uni versity of Oregon campus during' the week, October 20 to 2(i. Dr. J Lew will speak at the general as sembly Thursday, October 20, and will give lectures agd conduct meet ings during the remainder of the week. A committee has been appointed to entertain I)r. Lew, and arrange dates for special group meetings during his stay here. Following is the committee: Dean H. I). Sheldon, chairman; Mrs. Gertrude B. Warner, George Godfrey, W. P. Maddox, Dr. Warren D. Smith and Dean George Rebec. Dr. Lew is a prominent man in educational circles, and is the, au thor of several books dealing .with Chinese education and psychology. He was scheduled to lecture at the University of Oregon last year, but because of ill health was unable to fill his dates here. students try to bo punctual. In the stunt section of the field no one will be admitted except those wear ing the reversible rooster’s lid. Ex tensive plans have ,been made by Yell King Bob Warner and assis tants, and glee club leaders, for thorough entertainment during spare moments between exciting plays. It is a big task to entertain so many people and to do so the yell leaders need assistance. Bob Warner again urges that all rooters wear the re versible lid which has been adopted. Tickets on Sale for Follies John Cusick heads the ticket sale for the Follies show. Independent students can secure their ticket by seeing Cusick of buying at the stands, and there will be 2.1 tickets left at each house for sale to house members. They sell for 7b cents ou the campus and will cost $1 In Portland. A student may get as many as he wishes at 7b cents ou the campus. Bunches will be served on the trip to Portland by train officials tor those who desire them. The special will leave the Union depot promptly at (B.'IO in the evening, stopping again in front of Yiliard hall for the students to unload. Subscribe for the Emerald Co-op Handles Tickets For Game in Portland Tickets for tlie Oregon-Califor nia football game are on sale at the Co-op, according to Jack | Benefiel, graduate manager. A temporary student body ticket and $1 will give the student the desired ticket for Saturday’s conflict. Pledging Announcement Tlietn Chi announces the pledg ing of Alfred and Albert ALakinen of Astoria. Send the Emerald Home. Here’s The King of Swat Himself New Show Today With ANNA Q. ; NILSSON __ LOUISE FAZENDA NEW SHOW TODAY-THURSDAY MATINEE THURSDAY 2 P. M. it f * WARNER HROS p rearm i ■ wu Monte iiut The Brute