Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    ©regmt iatly
University of Oregon, Eugene
UoboH Galloway .... Managing Editor
Claudia Fletcher Ass’t. Managing Editor
William Haggerty Telegraph Editor
Arthur Schoeni . P. I. P. Editor
Arden X. Pangborn, Literary Editor
Walter Coover . Associate P.uitor
Richard H. Syrinx . Sports Editor
Donald Johnston . Feature Editor
Margaret Lon*? . Society Editor
in ews ana bailor rnone», uoo
Larry Ihielen . Associate Manager
Ruth Street . Advertising Manager
hd Bissell . Circulation Manager
Wilbur Shannon . Ays’t. Circulation Mgr.
The Oregon Daiiy Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Si^nday and Monday during the
college year. Member United Press News Service. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate
Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Orgon, as second-class matter. Subscrip
tion rates, $2.50 per year. Advertising rates upon application. Residence phone,
editor, 721 : manager, 2799. Business office phone, 18*15.
Day Editor This Issue—William Schulze
Night Editor This Issue—L. H. Mitchelmore
Assistant Night Editors- Myron Griffin
Harold Bailey
(riving a Name
To the Dog
Our correspondent quotes: “Give
a dog a bad name and, hang it.”
Yes, but if tin1 ring lias no name,
what then? In this instance the
dog “was far too valuable to be ig
nored, so we nicknamed him
“Junior College.”
In section II, page (I of the com;
mittee on superior stiudent.s and
honor courses report, the organiza
tion of honors work is delegated to
a council on honor students, a label
duly plastered on where honors re
forms were specifically intended, by
the editorial in q nest ion. This led to
the belief that the council on etc.
was subsidiary to the committee on
. . . Our error.
But the dog still lacks a name
and we are heartily in accord with
our correspondent in the conviction
that “Junior College” is not only
misleading blit also -well, a little
puppjfish for a University dog.
Since this poor caninie seems to
have suffered bifurcation, our best
offer is “Corlierus” the two-headed
guardian dignified by Dante.
Keep the Heap
Off the Campus
President Clarence (look Little
refuses to be worried by the light
enrollment of freshmen at the Cni
versity of Michigan this year. When
the roster of matriculants fell some
HOC short of last year’s mark, the
“failure” was accusingly attributed
to the university ban on student
owned automobiles. But President
Little is unperturbed; he comments,
“If enrollment has decreased be
cause of the automobile restriction,
L am glad of it.”
Glad the students are ista.ying
away from Michigan ? It smacks of
heresy; page the Greater Michigan
Committee! But those who remem
ber Dr. Little’s visit to Oregon last
year will be impressed with his re
mark. They became acquainted with
his intellectual as well as his physi
cal stature.
It is true that the Michigan 'situ
ation is an inexact analogue to Ore
gon. Xo doubt cars are a more
legitimate asset where transporta
tion otherwise is problematical.
Begulatiou can lie satisfactorily
made for student owned cars here
as it has at the University of Kan
sas, where day-parking on campus
streets is prohibited and permits
are required for campus automo
Bat all this is beside the observa
tion of President Little that, in gen
eral, student-car combinations are
undesirable additions to the univer
sity, and that the loss of persons
ho blind to real opportunities as to
be daunted by such a restriction is
>io crying matter.
Last year Oregon made an impo
tent gesture at discouraging canipVis
car ownership. The horde came
back with reinforcements. Narrow
streets are all but impassable dur
ing the day and nimbleness is the
only security in crossing the Thir
teenth street fhormi|jlif!am And
Logically, the next step will be
restrictive legislation. Prohibitions
will be made that will be onerous
to campus tourists. Many will be
] greatly handicapped, but tlic general
j welfare will be served; the time lias
| < ome for regulation. Tf some get
mail anil go home with their toys—
’■who’ll try?
j -1
Campus Activities;
Help Wanted
To consult Webster as to the
meaning of the word, one findis,
among a mass of definitions, that
knowledge may mean: familiarity
actual, experience; ac
with fact; scope of in
and the act or state of
gained by
j ipiaintaiuee
I formation;
i knowing.
With this information in mind, it
| becomes obvious that all knowledge
! is not to be obtained through the
J reading of books or listening to
; classroom lectures, lwit that irfuc-h
| knowledge is to lie had through
I other channels. To the student on
the University campus, the most
practical of these methods is that
of taking an active interest in stu
dei^ activities.
Participation in campus activities
.gains knowledge for the student by
bringing him into closer contact
with older students and members of
the faculty. He achieves ‘‘familiar
ity gained through actual exper
ience,” a thing not contained in
textbooks. It enables him to vary
hiw vicarious learning from a world
of words with contacts with actual
ities. It is an opportunity—limited,
of course, by the limits of the
campus world—to 'make his ‘‘ac
quaintance with fact” a concrete
Student activities, however, cani
not be expected to supplant the
classroom with its lessons and lec
tures, but can be made a valuable
supplement to it. Most university
professors admit the value of activi
ties indulged in with discretion. No
one, they will say, should sacrifice
time from his studies for the pur
suit of the honors to be gained
through taking part in activities.
This is as it ishnuld be, for the im
mediate value of .knowledge to be
gained in this way does not bulk
as large as that to be garnered from
He who decides to take part ill
extra-curric,ular activities does licst
to choose the one wherefrom he is
likely to derive the greatest benefit.
Teamwork and the spirit of fair
plav comes from participation im
nthl'etics. Students preparing for
Hie legal profession find oratory
and debate of value to them. Work
on the university publications af
ford opportunities for many to de
velop their talent for writing. Many
others find helpful experience as
[malingers of athletic teams, debates,
concert and lecture series, and in
filling offices and committer ap-.
poiutments in student .government.
The success of worthwhile student
activities at Oregon is dependent
upon the quality of those who Hire
willing to do the work. Hut there
must be a goodly ijuunfity of aspir
ants for office and position if there
is lo be a ichoice of quality. The
present leaders of Oregon activities
will he vacating their places as the
University year comes to a close.
Now is the time 'when those who
wish to succeed to office or position
in later years must make themselves
known. W. ('.
We Stand Corrected
To tho Editor:
I wish to point out what sot*ins a.
misnppi eheirsion of far is in vour
loading editorial of Saturday. More
than a your ago two faculty com
mittees were appointed: one to plan
changes in the work of the upper
division and one to plan chances
for the lower division. It wins tho
latter and NO'l the former to which
the name “Junior v'ollcge” became
t u a tort unateh, the committee it
self believes - attn lied. All ‘the
nett dentil* changes so far formulated
and made public have had reference
to the upper division, and the plans
take a form that has no name, but
which the committee itself some
times refers to loosely as an “honors
school”—most certainly NOT a
“Junior college.”
As to the lower division »ommit
tee. 1 happen to be a member of
that also. While this lias been ad
iodised as the “Junior college”
committee, tlu* members arc awaro
that “Junior college’’ is a term that
means a certain development in
high schools ami not in universities,
ouo that may luove *01110 justifica
tion in California and a fow thickK
settled states, but which has, novor
tholoss, attracted the very unfavor
able notice of some of the most
respected educators in the country.
At its last meeting the so-called
“Junior college** committee depre
cated the name by which it has up
to this time been called, and dis
cussed ways and means of pi-oeecd
in.ii’ with its work and obtaining
valuable results without being iden
tified with l lie so-called “Junjor
eollego itiovemeat,” in which many
of the mouthers ^rofoumll' disbe
lieve. “(div'e a do*; a l ad name and
hang it." but ]dease try to avoid the
term “Junior college" in referring
to the work of either committee. I
have submitted this lettei i > the
chairman of the lower division om
mi'tee, I’roft >mo Stafford, and h«
wishes me to add that he heartilv
concurs in the sentiments expressed.
Try Emerald Classified Adi.
kc_y-r" —
Just another remit)(for that the
University has its enemies.
There's nothing insidious about
dandhuff. Cleaners don’t hesitate
about telling you to get your suit
Gretchen thought Beowulf to
Thomas Hardy was a forward pass
that helped win Saturday’s game.
Dear Aunt Seerali,
I have an awfully big pair of feet
for a girl. Could you help me in
any way?
Dear Down-hearted",
I am sorry to say I don’t need
any and I don’t happen to know
anybody who does.
Aunt Seerali.
Rush week is also over when the
house president is lying if he asks
for butter.
This picture, taken early Sunday
in: rning, shows Peter Punchguzzler
who has been awarded the Open
He use Cup which is presented an
nually to the Oregon man finishing
the rounds in the best condition.
Pe'er was able to get home from
the last house, finished With his
original shoes on, had only seven
corns and the right shoulder of his
coat wasn’t worn quiti! through.
Punchguzzler isn’t Peter’s real
name but it is printed as an illus
tration of tho evolution of a name
during one evening of open house.
His starting name was Smith.
The htu<U' .who ^vas * travelling
salesman all summer opines that
all the Alpha Chi O house needed to
make it look more natural was a
desk and a couple of^bell boys.
The bozo that drove a milk truck
was very much at home, making the
rounds as a matter of course.
At least 79% pounds were cast
to the breezes, and !i certain little!
frosh from the Phi Psi domicile
lost 1 d 14 pounds of that astounding j
total, judging from the furiousness1
with which he rushed the co-eds i
roiin ’ and roun’.
The professor with the shiny blue
serge .suit says the University isn’t
going to the dogs as long as there
are entering freshmen optimistic
enough to wear cords to the frosh
“Where lie leads me 1 will fol
io vv. ’ ’
As one little freshman girl re
marked when asked how she enjoyed
open house, “Fine and X hope there
were comfortable davenports at all
the houses for the Fiji boys to
park on.”
When asked the other day what
tin' heigh th of fashion was, Bob
Galloway absent-mindedly replied,
“Alxpit even with the knees.”
Chi Psi (awakening- after auto
accident): “Where am I? Where
am I?”
Nurse: “This is number 13.”
Chi Psi: “Room or cell?”
The. House Mother: These boys
surely need a chaperone.
The House President: This is a
swell bunch of fellows; hope they
don’t blow the whistle too soon.
Th-e Visiting President: Darn it,
it’s time to blow the whistle; I sure
hate to leave.
Sorority Sister: Gosh, can’t this i
fellow dance on his own feet. That’s
surely a pretty necktie over there.
Prater: Swell looking bunch,
also fine daheers, hope they’re all
as good as these.
All (after finish.): Thank good
neks, that’s over!
Pledging Announcement
Alpha Gamma. Delta ajuiiounces
the pledging of Eva Davis, Leone
Barlow and Carrie Sorenson of
Portland. ■ !
Only 310 of the 500 students who
applied for adlnission to Whitman
college as freshmen were accepted.
Less burning
of the midnight
oil /
I^ERE’S a good busi
ness proposition! Invest
in a Remington Portable
and reap dividends in the
form of bigger and better
rest at night.
Much faster than writing
by hand, this little Rem
ington enables you to fin
ish your long reports or
theses—not fall asleep try
ing to finish them. Not
only that, but think how
much neater and more
business-like they look
when typewritten!
Examine the Remington
Portable. It is the smallest,
lightest, most compact and
most dependable portable
with standard keyboard.
(Carrying case only 4
inches high. Weighs 8? 2
pounds, net.)
Monthly payments.
The Recognised Lender — in Sales
and Pnhularitx.
Willamette Street
Eugene, Ore.
911 Willamette Street
Eugene, Oregon
1017 Willamette Street
Eugene, Ore.
Division of Remington Rand. Inc.
72 E. 9th. Street
Eugene, Ore.
Amphibian club meets tonight at ;
Alpha Delta Sigma meets Tliurs |
day noon of this week at tlie An- |
c&oraige. Initial meeting of the
year. Important.
The gymnasium class conducted
by Mrs. Lottie Mowrv will resume
practice Tuesday eveninig, October
3, at 8 o'clock in .the corrective
room of the Woman’s building. All
house mothers, faculty wives and
members of the University staff are
invited ,to .join.
Phi Chi Theta meet Wednesday
noon at the Anchorage.
Houses planning to give a dance
must schedule the affair at the
dean of women’s office at least a
week in advance and petition to
the student affairs committee to
give the dance.
All piano students are invited to
a party in the Music building,
Wednesday, October 5, at 7:30. t-w
Color Theory class will meet at
105 Deady hall, Tuesday morning at
0 o’clock, instead of in the Decora
tive Design room of the Art build
Temenid meeting, Woman’s room
of Woman’s building, Tuesday eve
ning, 7:30. Very important.
Theta Sigma Phi meeting has
been postponed until next Tuesday
noon at the Anehotage,' instead, of
fContinued from page one)
is now senior man on the executive,
Don. McCook, senirfr, Pendleton,
served on the Greater Oregon com
mittee, was business manager of
Junior Vod-Vil last year, is a varsity
swimmer and is the president of the
senior class.
Lester Johnson, junior, Portland,
a letterman in baseball, had charge
of the recent F rush -soph o m o r e mix.
Jeannette . Calkins is well known j
an the campus ns alumni secretary
and editor of Old Oregon.
The first meeting of the director
ate will be held Thursday at 4
u.Ylock in room 105 Journalism.
(Continued from page one)
O. A. C. vs. _ Stanford, fit Port
land, October 22.
Washington vs. Stanford, at Seat
' tie, November
Washington vs. California, at
Berkeley, November 12.
1 California vs. Stanford, at Palo
Alto, November lb. .
Kappa Delta announces the pledg
ing- of Helen Brattain, of Cushman,
‘ Oregon.
4 'WhosWipe^l
the Rwfessori
There’s no reason why any;
student should—because he
can buy a perfect Waterman’s
for the trifling amount of
$2.75 and keep his con-j
science clear.
If you want a low-priced pen that
is as perfect as even high-priced
pens can be made, ask your supply
dealer to show you a Waterman’s
No. 52.
It -will write one word or one
thousand words with unerring
No. 52 U
$075 j®\ j,
\v Waterman’s
; : PS '
0 — — • _: «■* ■'
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.v-’ ■Vy-v'/v.-'.l.m-:,. >'<*
Find the missing Factor !
" f;4 . ■
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You do not have toown a 1 v. p'
pen to enter thls cpntest j
First Prize . •
Second Prize •
Third Prize .
. $100
. 75
. 25
Seven Equal Prizes
(fourth to tenth)
Choice of Parker Duofold Junior Pen
or Lady Duofold Pea
■ vi'mcnams must oe uuiy rcgisierea students Ot
* a University, College, or High School. Only one
entry permitted from each contestant.
*7 Entries arc to be mailed before October 25th,
** * 192 7, to—Contest Judges, The Parker Pen Com
pany, Janesville, Wisconsin.
'I Judges will be: R. B. Henry, Mgr. Sta
'-'•tionery and Book Dept., Carson Pirie
Scott &. Co., Chicago; H. B. Fairchild, Adv.
Mgr., N. Y. bun, New York; L. A. Crowell, Pres.,
Crowell, \ViIliams & Co., Inc., Adv, Agency,
Chicago. Their judgment shall be final.
A Prises willbe awarded to the ten having highest
merit. In the event of a tie, equal prises will be
-- awarded to both or all contestants tied.
e All contributions submitted become the
-’♦property of The Parker Pen Company,
and no entries will be returned to the sender.
Improvements unknown until
recently are introduced in the
New Model Parker Duofold —
Non-Breakable Barrel, and Pres
sureless Point by means of capil
lary flow, combined with gravity
feed. We spent 35 years on 47 im
provements— made 16,000,000
pens — own 32 Pen Patents be
sides 12 on Pencils and-Desk Sets.
HoW would you advertise this
pen? Give us your ideas. Write
an ad and win a prize.
Seven well known advantages
of the Parker Duofold are told
here. The new one—announced
April 1st — Factor number 8 — is
missing. If you find it—if you write
an advertisement including it with
the following seven—you may
win as much as $100 cash jer one
of nine smaller prizes.
Are 7 Factors! .
Can you find number 8?
1. Pressureless Point — starts
and writes at feather-weight touch
— extra strong because of extra
thick gold. But tempered so it yields
to any hand yert never loses shape.
2. Non-Breakable Barrel-l-now'
made of Parker Permanite—28%
lighter than rubber formerly used
hand sized, and perfectly bal
3. Instant Ink Flow—tip always
moist. Capillary attraction com
bines with gravity to produce
pressureless writing.
4* OVer-Size Ink Capacity—
writes longer on one filling.
3. Duo-Sleeve Cap—a positive
safeguard against leakage when
cap is kept on tight.
6. Press-Button Filler—-con
cealed inside the barrel out of
sight, out of harm’s way.
7. Beauty Rivalling Colorful
Jewels — lustrous Black-tipped
barrels in Jade, Lapis Lazuli,
Mandarin Yellow, or Lacquer
Red. Also plain Black and Gold.
S. The Missing Factor!.. What
is it?
Try Parker Puofold at your
dealer's and ask him about the
missing factor. \ ou do not haVe to
buy unless you can’t resist. Either
way—write an Ad and win a
prize. Note conditions of contest.
___Note: This announcement wUl not appear again