I i Webfoot Sportoscope By RICHARD IT. STRING Sports Editor. With ihe first two pre-conference games won, tiio University of Ore gon foottmll team is now pointing towards its first conference tilt with the University of Idaho Van dals next Saturday afternoon on Hayward field. The Lemon-vellow football team showed decided improvement in its 32 to 0 defeat of the lighter Pa cific. University eleven, but is still quite far from a perfected football machine. Although the Webfoots made three of the winning touch downs via the aerial route, their percentage of completed passes was not ns high as it should.have been. The Oregon varsity backs hurled 13 passes, only to complete four for a u total of 07 yards. The Badgers W completed six out of 1-1 for a. total of yardage of 45. Mistiming on a number of oc casions caused the ball to be. grounded. Three Webfoot passes were intercepted. One interception occurred when the Oregonians were in scoring distance. Oregon, used the back pass to the hurler on sev eral intances ami it seemed to work pretty well. - * * * One of the redeeming features of the Pacific contest was the Oregon varsity’s ability to make yardage. Before the timer’s gun. concluded the fracas, Oregon backs had passed, bucked the line, and skirted the ends for 24 first downs. This makes a number of yards gained, as com pared to the three first downs for the Forest drove eleven. The Ore gon Greenmen were heavily penal ized during the contest. This time for a. -total of 63 yards, four being fur offside. * * * Saturday’s game proved to%the minds of the Oregon students that Oregon has a few line plungers. The work of Cotter Gould, George Bur nell and Roland Cp Ionian as line plungers was pleasing to watch. Gould, who plunged the line for gains last year, seems to have added considerable impetus to iiis drives and now goes fighting for a few yards more. Burnell has also made his speed count to a good advantage in going through the line.- Coleman, n * backfieldman from the 1026 yearling eleven, will be a hard player 'to keep from Saturday’s starting lineup. This hard Jutting sophomore seemed to go through the line regardless of opposition. * ^ As yet there ha$ been iio official monicker attached to Robert Robin (Continuecl pn page fold) Seniors to Change Tradition of Yearly Little Kid Party ITent will ho tlie motif of the senio'r dance this year. A hot or chestra furnishing hot music, hot features and a hot time are prom ised by Dick Gordon, chairman of the committee, to all those attend ing. the affair. Slim Purcell and his orchestra, who arc well known on the campus for the music which they have furnished out at Idvl wnod all summer, are to furnish the music for the dance which is to be held at 1he Eugene hotel. No more will seniors stand about in abbreviated costumes and hang on to fluffy teddy-bears self-conscious ly wondering what the Senior Kid Party is all about. Campus clothes are in order for this dance. The men are to put on their cords and the women whatever it is that wo men wear. The committee appointed for the dance is ns follows: Dick Gordon, chdirman; «Edith Bain, refresh ments; Patty Parks, patrons and patronesses; Tete Sullivan, music; and Bob Warner, features. Water Polo Put On Intramural Fall Program Shift of Game from Spring Will Revive Interest of Last Year Wrater polo, introduced as an in tramural sport for the first time last spring, will be a fall intra mural sport lieneefort. Water polo has achieved a wide spread popu larity among Oregon’s athletes and .judging from the amount of inter est evinced by students, the game, will not lag because of scarcity of competition. . Beginning today, October 4, all organizations wishing to be repre sented in the league should have their managers consult Coach Aber crombie at the men’s gymnasium to arrange hours for workouts. A two week period will be devoted to practice play, in order to give the teams plenty of time - to develop their playing technique. Official play begins Tuesday, October 18, and will be on a regular schedule *of Tuesday and Thursday afternoons until the meet is fin ished. Championship honors were close ly contested last spring and because of the great holdover of interest in the sport each organization is ex pected to be represented again. Sig'ma*Nu managed to annex the title finally Jjy defeating the Sigma Chi team in a strenuously played game. Students Directed to Uphold Traditions Of University in Report of Committee The following article is the last of the series of the traditions eom I mittec report. The report was print ed as it finally passed the student council. Wo present the following recom mendations: (a) That all University song week bo continued. This is a splendid medium for acquainting the student body- with the words and music of Oregon songs. (b) That the mvtsi,e committee take steps toward the selection of a new Alma Mater song. We feel that while the ‘‘Pledge Song” is in spiring, it. does not have the dignity and stateliness of thought and music that an Alma Mater song should possess. The committee rec ommends, however, that until a new Alma Mater song is selected that the “Pledge Song” shall continue to be our .official Alma Mater song. (c) That the student body dis courage the singing of any song (or other manifestation) that contains a disparaging statement or inference § towards any other institution. The " committee means to recommend here the withdrawal of student body ap proval to such songs as “To Hell With Agriculture” and others of this type. The committee realizes the strong feeling behind these songs and also the fact that they will probably be sung upon certain occasions of excitement, but never theless recommends that they con tinue to be kept from our official list of songs. (d) That the song, “Fight, Fight for Oregon” ^introduced in 1925), continue to be the official football song of the University. (e) That definite action be taken by the student body, through pub licity and other means, to educate j the students and the alumni of the * University concerning the changes I made from time to time in tout songs. IV. Class Traditions The traditions committee is aware that class traditions are not under its jurisdiction but are to be main tained by the various classes. We only wish to make the following statements: (1) Cords—That cords are worn by upperclassmen only. (2) Stetsons:—For seniors. We recommend to the senior class that the wearing of the Stetson be no longer a tradition. This tradi tion has not been successfully main tained and since its sacredness as a tradition has been impaired it has automatically dissolved. The aboli tion V>f this tradition, however, is a matter incumbent, upon the senior class. (11) Senior Mustache—The mus tache is worn by seniors. (4) Senior Bench—Only seniors repose upon this sacred bench. The committee is unanimously agreed that many members of our j student body are not informed with the content of Oregon traditions, nor with the reasons of their inculca tion. Therefore, we recommend the following mediums for the dissem ination of publicity: ' (1) An All Traditions Day—This day has already been observed in past years, particularly in regard to the “Oregon Hello.” (2) Editorial Columns of The Emerald—The Emerald js an offi cial student body organ and ehfould j rightly devote some space toward | the fostering of worthwhile Oregon ‘ traditions. (3j Inter-Fraternity Council and Pan Helenie Society ;— This is a splendid medium to inform the I freshmen in the living organiza- j tions concerning the traditions of our University. (4) Class Officers—The officers (Continued on page four) Men Chosen For Second Glee Club Test Tliirty-three Aspirants Get Call to Sing at Today’s Elimination Test Glee Clubs May Give Opera if Successful Specially Acts in Demand To Vary Program Tlip first try-outs for the Men's Glee Club were held Monday after noon at the Music Building. Thirty three men were chosen from nearly 50 contestants to appear in the se cond try-outs, which are to be held this afternoon nt 4:110 o’clock in the Music, Building. Each man is requested to bring a familiar song which is within his range. In view of a possible repitition of last, year’s concert tour to The Dalles, Longview, and Portland, men who can do specialty acts or play instruments were invited to the try-outs on Monday. Varied Program, Needed As the Glee Club’s audiences to taled 22,000 people during six days last spring, including three days audiences at the Broadway theatre in Portland, the performances call for a varied program in which spe cial acts are needed. Plans for the year are as yet in definite, but if the Men’s and Girl’s Clubs gather enough good material from the Itry-outs, they may combine to give a Gilbert-Sul livan opera. Men to Report The following mtn made the first Glee Club try-out: Ragon; Orris Page; Pollard; Phillips; Caldwell; Allen Palmer; Fisher; Eugene Howe; Fred West; Bodding; A. Williams; J. Anderson; Winston Lake; F. Evans; Baker; Dennis; Morgan; Burns McGowan; Jack Waldron; Warren Tinker; Johnston; Douglass; Chenney; El liot; Jerrard; K. Allen; 'K. C. Al len; Marion Sexton;« Reynolds; Wright; Blydenstein; Tamura; R. Williams. Rev. Bruce Giffen, Uriiversity Pastor, The Rev. Bruco J. Giffen, Pres byterian University pastor for the past seven years has received a unanimous call to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian church of Cedar Falls, Iowa, and will leave the campus November 1. He has been the only Presbyterian minis ter to work at the University. During the time Mr. Giffen has been working in the interests of the students, the Westminister House, a social center for Presby terians, was built. All of the de nomination’s activities begin at this church home. Plans are already underway for the 1927-28 work. Cedar Rapids is the home of the State Teachers’ college, an institu tion about the size of Oregon. Here the new pastor will work among the students. Immediately upon the absence of Mr. Giffen, the Westminister foun dation, a Presbyterian organization of the .state, will take charge of the local work under the chairmanship of Dr. II. L. Bowman of Portland. Foreign Relation Club Will Be Organized The International Relations club, formed last year by W. P. Maddox, instructor in political science, will soon be reorganized. The purpose of the club is to further interest in international relations, and anyone interested may attend the meetings. No definite program has been formed for this year, but the organ ization of the club will be the same as last year. Meetings will be held about three times a term, and an address on some question of inter national importance will be given. Y. W. Cabinet Meeting Forms Plans for Term The Y. W. C. A. cabinet will be in meeting most of today 'et the home of Mrs. H. W. Davis, in Col lege Crest. Plans for the term will be discussed, and appointments will be made to fill the three vacancies now existing on the cabinet. The meeting will begin at 8:30 in the niQrning and last until 2:00 p. m. About fifteen girls are ex pected to attend. They plan to get better acquainted with the new sec retary, Miss Dorothy Thomas, __ Iowa Call Chop-Stick Supply Dwindles as Bur ft Rides Bounding Sea After wearing out six pairs of chop-sticks eating chop suey in China all summer, Amos Burg has returned to the University to re sume his study of journalism. Burg shipped out. to Japan, China and the Philippine islands on the trans- j Pacific liner President Jackson, ! July 5, to take pictures and gather publicity material for the American Mail Line. If his observations tally with the confusion ho encountered, China is in the greatest uproar of its whole career as g nation. Beheading a man i.u China seems to be the mere formality of whacking him over ! the back of the neck with a sword, j Hurg saw many heads mounted on j posts along the roads as a warning to bandits and looters. Milder methods are employed for lesser offences, such as hanging a man by his chin in a stock with his feet several inches above the ground. Unless the victim is a toe dancer, his nock is apt to suffer consider able stretching. Torturing a wealthy victim to extort money by cutting dff his ears or inflicting other torture is common practice among the bandits. Burg returned by way of the Hawaiian islands, where strict look outs were posted at sea for any signs of the Dole-prize fliers. After spending a week in ^Hollywood col lecting autographs ®f most of the movie stars who could write their own names, he came north to enter the University. students r'lays Will Be Staged At Guild Hall Oct. 28 Set for One-Act Dramas Written by Campus Folk Banging from a story Of the primitive cave-man, one of the Tennessee mountaineer, on down to a story of the up-to-date man and woman, are “T’Other Side” by Eu genia Strickland, “‘The Befuge” by Bay Stalker, “The Making of Mr. Jgg” by Mary Kessie, and the “Fugue” by Florence (Tot) Jones, entertaining one-acts written by campus students, that are to be staged by the Sophomore Guild Theatre Players October 28. Miss Florence E. Wilbur, dra matic coach, announced today that in addition to the original one-acts there are to be staged several three act plays by the senior group. Try outs for “The Swan”, by Molnar, have been in progress during the past week. A wire from New York publishers giving permission to stage “Beyond The Horizon” by Eugene O’Neil arrived yesterday, and rehearsals on this play are ex pected to start immediately. Before ^receiving credit .in ^he Upper Guild Theatre group the seniors must produce, that is stage, direct and costume, a onernct play. Due to the fact that there are sev eral new members in this year’s class, it will be necessary that some of these plays be given this term. An attempt will be made to stage at least one play, Miss Wilbur said. Musical Honorary’s National President Visits Local Group Members of 'the Mu Phi Epsilon, women’s musical honorary, wein spected by their national president, Mrs. Lucille E. Brcttischneider, of Cincinnati. She was the guest of Mrs. W. F. G. Thacher. An entertaining schedule was ar ranged in her honor, according to Frances Pierce, local president of the organization. On Friday after noon, following a reception «t the Alumni hall, formal initiation of the present members and an im portant business meeting took place at the home of Mrs. John Stark Evans, followed by a banquet at the Eugene hotel. Saturday noon officers of the or ganization had lunch with Mrs. Brettschneidcr at the Osburn hotel. In the afternoon at 3:30 a tea and reception were held at the Wopien ’« building. Mrs. Brettschneidcr, Mrs. A. E. Boberts, Mrs. T. A. Pearson, Mrs. A. C. Dixson and Frances Pierce received the members. Bar ! bara Edmunds had charge of the j musical progran> of the occasion, to which Mrs. Clare Macdonald, Mrs. ; Prudence Clark and Mrs. George Hopkins contributed vocal numbers. J Instrumental solos were furnished ! by Lois Everson, Mrs. Gwendolyn i Hayden, Wanda Eastwood and i Emily Williams, Reform Bills Numerous in Labor TVIeet A. F. of L. Convention Opens in Los Angeles With 400 Delegates Pres. Green Delivers .Welcoming Address Beer and Five-Day Week Leading Measures (By United Press) Los Angelos, Oct. 4.—Opposition to c.hi.l