Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1927, Image 1

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List of Dead
A Grows to 84
InStorm Area
St. Louis Makes Plea for
Troops to Assist in
Number of Injured
Estimated at 1500
Morgues, Hospitals Offer
* Scenes of Desolation
_ 1
(By United Press)
St. Louis, Sept. 30.—The death
toll of the tornado which wrecked
hnildiings over an area of six square
■! miles hero yesterday, reached 84
this afternoon with recovery of twto
more bodies from the ruins of Cen
§ tral high school.
f A Five young girls died under the
wreckage of the school building,
where three floors caved in from
pressure of the wind. The two taken
out shortly after 2:30 p. m. today
were identified as Alice Berner, 15,
i and Lois Shaw, 14. Their bodies
were found near the spot where
three others had been discovered
earlier in the daiy.
Aid of Troops Asked
A plea has been made for govern
ment troops to aid in rehabilitation.
■ Red Cross workers and supplies
from out of town were expected to
aid ini restoring order.
Bodies of 69 dead lay in morgues
and hospitals throughout the city.
Other bodies were believed buried
under debris of the cyclone which
struck yesterday afternoon.
All available national guardsmen
and metropolitan police were dn
duty and plans were made to call
federal troops to assist in guard
ing tlio ruins and in rehabilitation.
Governor Sam Baker was asked
by Mayor Victor Miller amd Police
Commissioner Allen Orriek to ap
| -— peal to the government for troops,
f Red Cross officials joined in the
appeal to the government to send
Food Stations Set Up
Food stations using war depart
ment supplies have been set up in
I stricken districts apd preparations
I were under way for earigig for atn
estimated 250,000 homeless.
Dormitories have been preparfed
at national guard armories and
other publia buildings.
Property damage could not be ac
curately estimated. It was various
ly placed at $50,000,000 to $100,
Tito number of injured in hospi
tals and private homes was more
than. 1000. While it was impossible
to determine the number hurt, po
lice estimates placed it at about
■ 1300.
Orders Looters Killed
Every policeman in the city has.
been ordered for continuous duty
and the entire Missouri national
guard was mustered out. Orders
| were given police and guardsmen to
shoot to kill anyone caught looting.
8 Throughout the night crowds
[i gathered outside morgues and hos
I pitals seeking to identify friends
1 and relatives. Many of the serious
ly injured in hospitals had not been
found by their friends. The work
of identification progressed as rap
idly ns reasonably possible.
President Hall Says
4Paddling Haosier
School Day Relic’
“I am very much Against hazing
of the freshman,” said President
Arnold Bennett Hall in an inter
view yesterday. “Although I have
not followed the work of the tradi
tions committee in trying to curb
this hazing, I feel that this useless
jaddling of the freshman is but a
relic of the haosier school days.
“Hazing is in the same category
with such tricks as putting the cow
in the clm-nol, and destroying prop
erty 01
»form ha:
from the
step forwi
llowe’en. It is just
at isn’t being done in
ges. I do not know of
he Middle West where
t. s in effect,
g ay from hazing of the
ist >a natural growth
O or days, just another
" 1 the progress in the
Foreii r Service
Fielc xplained
By 0. S. Official
Consular Service Attracts
Men to Nations Abroad
For Trade Study
D. P. Miller, an authority on for
eign trade and a member of the
United States Trade Commission
stationed in Berlin, spoke yesterday
at 2 o’clock in.the Commerce build
ing On the “Opportunities in For
eign Service. ’ ’
Mr. Miller explained '{lie advan
tages and disadvantages of work in
the foreign service, and the oppor
tunities open to people interested in
this work. In order to qualify far
a diplomatic position, a man must
have a personal fortune, Mr. Miller
beiieve®, for the salary is smialil
and the expense of keeping up the
proper social standard is very great.
Mr. Miller was more optimistic
about, the consular service. More
positions are open and the salaries
range from $2500 to $9000 a year.
There are only four of the $9000
positions. In the consular service
it is mot necessary to maintain a
high social rating.
The consular service keeps men
in all the foreign countries to study
trade conditions for American manu
facturers. In Germany, where Mr.
Miller worked, there are about 10
of these men. Mr. Miller’s work
was of an administrative nature.
It is very difficult to find men
to send to the smaller European
countries because so few people
know how to speak their languages.
There is a good opportunity for any
one who knows the languages of the
smaller countries to find an opening
for consular service, Mr. Miller be
Mr. Miller is in Eugene, over the
week-end, while spending a vaca
tion in Oregon.
Condon Club Elects
John Bean President
The first meeting of the year was
held Wednesday evening by Condon
club, honorary geology society. John
W. Bean was elected president of
the club in the place of Carl Wil
liams, who is attending Stanford
this year.
Frosh Paddling, Pigging at Game
Banned by Student Council Members
The following is the second ar
ticle of the traditions committee re
port to the student council. The re
mainder of the report will be run
in Tuesday’s Emerald.
(1) The Frosh Parade
The Committee recommends that
the Frosh Parade be modified. Haz
ing methods are fast disappearing
from the majority of colleges—(per
sisting only in a few *f the smaller
institutions). Upon investigation
the Committee finds that nowhere
in the Northwest do other institu
tions have a Frosh parade where tjie
4 paddle is wielded. Nowhere is
“cockiness” of the freshman sub
dued before he even has a chance
to be “cocky”. The time has come
for a change in attitude toward the
The Committee tecommends to. the
Student Council the following
(a) That the Frosh Parade be
one of greater dignity and that we
dispense with unnecessary paddling.
(b) That some sort of official
welcome ceremony or reception be
instituted—an occasion w"hieh gives
the freshman confidence in our
University—a confidence which will
create a spirit of" service of loyal
ty toward our student body. This
event can easily be made a unique
g and simultaneously impressive cere
mony. The Committee suggests
that it take plaee in the first 01
second week of the fail term—a
time which will afford a splendid
opportunity for freshman instruc
tion in the traditions of our Univer
sity and in the functions of oui
student body.
(2) Frosh Mix
The Committee is unanimously
agreed that this tradition remain
intact. It suggests, that the pro
posed “welcome ceremony” could
conveniently take' place preceding
I or following the Frosh Mix.
(3) Freshmen Caps and Tuxedos
Freshmen at the University weai
the traditional green cap and dc
not wear tuxedos or dress suits dur
ing their first year on the Campus
The Committee recommends to th<
Student Council that the style ol
the green cap be changed by peti
tion of the Freshman Class and £
favorable response from the Stu
dent Council.
(4) Frosh Discipline
The Committee recommends thai
| ftnv violations of the traditions oi
, unruliness by Freshmen be reportec
I to the Oregon Inter-Collegiati
| Knights and that this body submi
i a formula of enforcement to the Stu
j dent Council for its sanction. Oui
j neighboring institution, O. A. C.
(Continuedf on page two^
Frosli, Sophs
To Pit Forces
In Mix Today
Green Lid Tolers Warned
To Be on Hand When
Fracas Starts
Senior Cops Called
For Duty af Parade
Many Events to Feature
Annual Scrap
Whoops! Here’s the program
for the Frosh “Coming Out”
day! Starts at 10:15. Read ’em
and weep, Frosh!
1. Senior cop parade—10:15.
2. Stouting and song contest
3. Push ball—10:45.
4. Cane rush—11:00.
5. Horse and rider—11:15.
6. Pole rush—11:30.
7. The grand finale—11:45.
This is the clay that the freshmen
will remember all the rest of their
lives without the aid of a memory:
The grand opening will be the
senior cop parade. With stars,
canes and sombreros the seniors
will march onto the field at 10:15
and pay homage to the frosh.
The shouting and song contest
will be especially interesting, for
the frosli girls will prove a great
help in winning the contest for the
Gory Doings
Push ball, otherwise., known., as
“bloody ball” will take place at
10:45 with fifty 'men on a side.
The cane rushers, consisting of
six frosli and six sophomores will be
in their respective positions at
11:00. The only danger in this
game is that the frosli usually risk
broken necks when the* sophs get
Promptly at 11:15 sixteen horses
and riders will be turned into the
arena. The point is, of course, in
! this game of horse and rider, to re
main riding, but it is said that
many sophomores have been taking
In the pole rush, the man on the
pple is a human fly imported from
Hollywood for this occasion and
this person must be removed or in
stant death for the frosli will be the
Don’ll Do It
Donning of the green!.. When
Donald Beelar sets off the cannon
every frosli will don his green lid.
All frosh who are not instantly
killed will be assassinated later,
some radical avers.
Burr Abner and some assistants
will show the different classes to
their proper seats. The frosh wo
men will sit in the east end of the
old -grandstand.
Lester Johnson, general chair
man, asks that Gordon Hidings,
Bill Crawford, Bob Hynd and Al
len Boyden report at Hayward field
at ten o ’clock.
Every freshman who is not pres
ent when "the roll is taken had bet
ter make out his will for there is
absolutely no chance of escaping
this fate. The sooner the quicker!
New Singers Needed
For Musical Society
Many vacancies in the Eugene
Oratorio society must be filled, ac
cording to John Stark Evans, direc
tor. This organization, which has
given concerts in previous years,
will begin its activities with a meet
ing of the present members as the
music building Monday, October 3,
at 8 p. m.
Since the membership is allowed
to include more than 200 persons,
University students or residents of
Eugene who may be interested are
requested to inform orte of the voice
instructors at the school of music.
Mr. Evans believes that much of the
talent which cannot be utilized in
the Glee clubs due to their limited
memberships may find outlet in the
Plans have been made to give an
oratorio before Christmas.
Graduate Assistants
Given Appointments
Bay C. Treasher, graduate assis
tant last year in the geology depart
ment, is now teaching geology and
biology in Livingston, Montana.
Balph Tuck, also a graduate as
sistant in that department, has a
fellowship in Cornell this year,
where he is working under Pro
■ fessor Beis, one of the best known
, authorities on non-metallic minerals
jin the United States,
Hurrah! Water Fills
Vacuity Along Mill
Race Site Once More
The mill race is coming up again.
But it hasn’t yet reached the top
by about four feet, and won't for
some time to come.
The rains are responsible for its
added depth this week, for the dam
at its head has not yet been re
moved. All the' work has been fin
ished for some time on that part of
the wall which broke through last
spring. The temporary dam will not
bo removed, however, until the
power plant below the Anchorage
has been installed.
Until then, the water will con
tinue to bo run back into the river
through the spillway directly be
low the raceway. The concrete
work for the new plant has been
finished for some time, but the
equipment was just shipped from
New' York this week.
The current is such that canoeing
when the race is normal will be for
those who have conquered it now
as simple as was last spring’s pad
Indeed, dead man’s curve is the
farthest point reached by most of
the valiant canoeists in th6 last few
days. Day Bailey, owner of the
raceway, is putting a small, tem
porary dam of platforms across the
race in front of the Anchorage in
order to slow down the current and
raise the water.
Many ‘an old parking spot has
gone never to reappear—never, at
least, until spring brings its growth
of leaves and boughs, for most of
the brush and over-hanging branches
have been cleared 'out during the
summer months.
Mark M. Taylor
To Lead Men’s
Social Society
New Group Plans to Have
■Entertainment far
Formation of an* executive coun
cil and the discussion of activities
for the year were undertaken by
the Independent Men’s club when
than organization met at a short
business session Thursday evening
in the campus Y. M. C. A. hut.
Officers for this year are: presi
dent, Mark Taylor; vice-president,
Roland Davis; and the secretary
treasurer wll be elected at the next
meeting. Besides these officers,
and Elmer Shirrel, Dean of Men,
Melvin Cohn and Alson Bristol were
elected at the Thursday (evening
meeting to serve on the executive
council of the club.
President Taylor outlined the
purpose of the organization as be
ing entirely social; to provide an
opportunity for social contacts and
enjoyment for men who are unaffil
iated and hence not otherwise con
nected with a great deal of the
campus social program. Immediate
plans call for an informal dinner,
where the men will meet and talk,
form friendships, and enjoy a pro
gram of entertainment. The time
■4Mul place for this affair will
be fixed so&n by the executive coun
cil. Dances, a smoker, and other
parties were also projected as part
of the year’s program.
All unaffiliated men on the cam
pus jyho wish to attend the Open
House dance this evening with the
Independent Men’s club are re
quested to sign a list posted on the
bulletin board in the Y. M. C. A.
hut. Only a limited number of
men can go in one group to the va
rious hotses. It is necessary that
officers of the club know ahead of
time the number who wish to attend,
so that necessary arrangements can
be made.
Campus Chest Fund
Suggests Solution
To Campus Drives
An effort is being made to relieve
the students*of the numerous money
raising campaigns bv means of a
campus chest fund. By this plan a
single drive would be held each
year during which enough money
would be raised to be able to ap
portion the desired amount out to
any need that may arise without
troubling the students individually.
The plan is the project of Ro
land Davis, who was appointed last
spring to find a possible way of re
lieving the situation,
i The heads of any organization
that intends to raise, money this
■ year are urged to be present at a
meeting in Don Bcelar’s office at
10 o’clock Saturday morning. Each
| one is asked to bring an approxi
mate estimate of the amount of
|money raised in the drives last year.
women to Be
fAt Home’This
Evening at 7
Men’s Groups Will Visit
Ten Minutes at Eaeli
Hall ami Sorority
Unaffiliated Girls Will
Entertain at Y. W. C. A.
Men to Meet at Y. M. C. A.
At 6:45 P. M.
Open house, the first gala social
affair of the season, when all of
the Joneses meet all of the Smiths
going to college, will be kept this
evening starting at 7 o’clock. Each
men's group will dance ten min
utes at the designated place.
Men’s groups will begin at the
house opposite on the list. Unaf
f ilia ted girls are asked to meet at
the Y. W. C. A. and all unaffiliated
men are urged to meet at the Y. M.
C. A. at. 6:45, at 'Which time they
will be divided into two groups.
One will ig’O to the Y. W. 0. A. first
and the other to Alpha XL Delta.
Girls of the Oregon club wild use
the .Campa Shoppe.
The list is as follows:
Alpha Omierou Pi—Delta Tan
Oregon club— Alpha Upsilon. .
Alpha Chi Omega—Alpha Tan
Pi Beta Phi—Bachelordon.
Kappa Kappa Gamma—Phi Delta
Kappa Alpha Theta—Psi Kappa.
Chi Omega—Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Alpha Gamma Delta—Sigma Phi
Delta Gamma—Phi Sigma Kappa.
• Alpha Xi Delta — Unaf filiated
Sigma Beta Phi—Sigma Chi.
Kappa Delta—Theta Chi.
Phi Mu—Sigma Pi Tau.
Delta Zeta—Phi Kappa Psi.
Alpha Phi—Sigma Xu.
Gamma Phi Beta—Beta Theta Pi.
Alpha Delta Pi—Kappa Sigma.
Gamma Nu—Chi Psi.
Unaffiliated girls—Unaf filiated
Susan Campbell—Alpha Beta Chi.
Hendricks—Friendly Hall
Thatcher—Friendly Hall.
w • n,.u T>i.: /^ia,, u
Three Departments
Make Claim for Aid
From Prof. Thachcr
W. F. G. Thacher has more mas
ters than any other instructor on
the campus. Professor Thacher is
teaching advertising flor the school
of journalism and the school of busi
ness administration and in addition
to ths he is giving a course in short
.story writing in the English de
partment. Thus lie is under, the
supervision of three deans.
An office has been fitted up re
cently for Professor Thacher in
room No. 2 in Johnson hall. His
office was formerly in the Journal
ism building.
Prexy Job Not Easy,
Says Homer P. Rainey
Just how hard it is to bo the
president of a university wais told
to Hart B. Douglas, professor of
educations, in a letter from Homer
P. Rainey, former a professor in the
school of education here, and now
president of Franklin college in
President Rainey, who is very
much interested in athletics, finds he
has little time for tennis and hand
ball because of the many speaking
engagements lie has planned for the
next two months. He misses the
associations of students and faculty
at Oregon very much, lie says.
Franklin collage is 'an endowed
school with less than a thousand
students. President Hall was grad
uated from Franklin.
Kathleen Powell Wins
Chicago Music Award
Friends of Kathleen Powell will
I be interested to know that her
i mother Iras received word from the
! Chicago Musical college that her
| daughter won the free fellowship
j for the coming year offered by that
I institution in a vocal contest. Miss
Powell was a freshman on the
campus last year and a soloist in
tho Girls’ Glee club. The previous
year she won first place in tho
mezzo contralto division of a high
| school contest held at Forest Grove.
Mrs. Prudence Clark, voice instruc
tor on the campus, has been-assured
by tho institution of a promising
^future for her former student,
Game Will Be
Hard Fought
Frosh To Take
Respite From
Grid Practice
Billy Reinhart Leaves for
Idaho to Scout’ Vandal
Pigskin Tilt
Billy Reinhart’s “thundering
herd” of yearling gvidsters will not
kick up the sawdust of their prac
tice field in scrimmage today as
had previously been intended. A
last minute conference of officials
yesterday evening decided that in
view of the other activities today,
which are of very vital interest to
all the freshman class, practice
would be called off. However, this
does not mean that the football
squad is expected to participate in
the parade nr the “square” Mix.
It is not! The men are to remain
distinctly spectators and any parti
sanship feelings that may well up
in their manly chests is to be quiet
ly and effectively quelled before it
has a chance to develop beyond the
bounds of mental discomfort.
Coach Reinhart left for Moscow,
Idaho, yesterday afternoon where
he will scout the Vandal team when
they play Montana State College
today. The freshman squad was
left in charge of “Bar,” Williams,
line coach, for yesterday’s practice.
The freshman team is slowly
rounding into the semblance of a
formidable football machine. It is
early yet to adequately judge all
the material on hand but some of
the men are beginning to show' up
well. Among the backs are Dono
hue, Ivitzmiller, Johnson, Dvoraxi,
Christensen Moeller, Tutticli, Van
Orman, l’ark, Blaekburne and Men
denhall. 'Hie first six of the men
named are good punters, the lack
of which in former years has caused
a number of Oregon coaches sleep
less nights. All these men are
adept passers.
“Bar,” Williams and Bert Kerns
are not yet predicting a better line
than last season’s freshman team,
but they do say it will be consid
erably heavier. At present it lacks
the polish of the 1926 squad.
A few of the linemen who look
good in practice are, Bang, Barks,
Chappel, and Martin, centers; Ben
rose, Lowe, Lillie, llall, Kagain,
Ilodgen, Oblbort and Devcreaux,
guards; Johnson, Lehman, Bryan
and Douglas, tackles; Harrington,
Archer, Carson, and Hoskins ends.
These names are just a few gathered
at random among the players that
show promise and others are ex
pected to develop who have so far
been slow in getting into shape. The
coaches aren’t overlooking any bets
and some “darkhorsos” are apt to
loom up over the football horizon
within the next few weeks.
Coach Abercrombie
111; Classes Continue
Edward F. Abercrombie, head
coach of tennis and swimming, is
confined to his homo with a bad
cold combined with a ease of poison
oak, according to reports from the
department of physical education
for men yesterday.
New Players
Will Get Call
Before Yets
Coles and Hal Hatton Start.
In Baekfield; Riggs
i On End
Pacific Line Made Up
Of Capable Players
Badgers Have Confidence
Of Victory
The Oregon football machine will
take the field against Pacific Uni
versity this afternoon at 2:110. The ’
Webfooters are favorites to win,
but plenty of competition is expect
ed from the veteran Badger eleven.
The starting line-up will see new
men in the position tTiat were
thought to be capably filled by lot
termen from, last year’s team. Only
one regular lineman and two backs
on the 1926 team will begin to
day’s game. The baekfield, al
though never very heavy, will bo
at its heaviest, during the first quar
Coles Gets Call
Coles, a new man, will get the
C. Gould
with Wootlie, Ma
son, ami Mim
naugh held in, ro
se r v o. Hatton,
from the yearling
sipiad, will start
at left half. He
is fast and power
ful as a lino
plunger and in
terference run
ner, and is a
punter of ahili
ty. Tim outer halt back posi
ability. Tim other liulfhack posi
t.ion -will be taken care of by speed
Burnell, a regular from the 1920
combination. Burnell is developing
into an all round back, and is excel
lent on the defense. He was tiro
outstanding ground gainer in the
Linfieltl tilt, and will bo looked to
for a considerable amount of yard
age against the Badgers. Cotter
Gould draws the fullback assign
ment, Gould is perhaps the best line
plunger on the team, and is equally
strong on the defense.
Riggs on End
-Frank Biggs has supplanted
Howard Handley on the left end of
the line, and the ever reliable Wet
zel will start tit the opposite wing.
Bigg’s work during the last week
of practice warrants him the posi
tion. Red Hlauson, Ted Pope, and
Tony Greer will in all probability
get into the battle.
Captain Beryl Hodgens is the only
letterman on the line. McCutchan
and Weems will start at tackles in
preference to Warren and Dixon.
Weems is a .transfer from Sacra men
to; ho weighs about 182 pounds,
and has been showing unusual prom
(Continual on page four)
French Brunette Finds American
Women’s Dependence Puzzling
Among world problems which
Thcrcse Cha-mbellaml) bew honor
student from France, cannot under
stand, is the Amenicau woman’s
dependence on man, as flnaneilail
matters go, and yet, her hide
pen dence in other things. The
chubby little brunette tells a story
about her country and ours, in
Which this sad inconsistency almost,
brought her to grief, and very near
ly deprived her of an appetizing
It begins in France. In that
country, according to Therese, the
woman pays her own way to all
dances, “feeds” and social func
tions. And if she does not, happy
is the man—for it is am unspoken
promise that the girl will allow him
the luxury of a kiss before the eve
ning is over. Miss Chambellancl
| came to America with this custom
! firmly registered in her curriculum
of etiquette.
Then the story shifts to America,
Jon a Pullman somewhere betjv'ceu
Vow York and Portland. Am oblig
ing gentleman of a few hours’ ac
quaintance asked the French girl
[lolitely one evening: “Mademoi
sellc, won’t you have dinner with
me f ’ ’
“I will not.” This, or its equiva
lent, was the answer that smoto
sorely on the astonished gentleman’s
ear. But lie lost heart not at all,
md renewed his supplication. Fin
iilly, Mademoiselle threw caution to
the winds, and decided to go in with
the gallant man, anyway, regardless
jf consequences. The meal pro
gressed; likewise the evening. Lis
teners prick up their ears at this
ipproueh of the climax, but Therese
only (gives a littio disappointing:
gesture. “But you know,” she tells
them confidently, “he didn’t try to
kiss me at all.”
And this is only one of Miss
C'hambelland’s discoveries about
America, since she left tho protect
ing walls of the Sorboune, ,