Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    Godfrey Heads
Group for Year
'Wilderman, Pangborn and
Cook Are Other Men
Elected for ’28
o Richard L. Godfrey, junior in the
University, was elected president of
the University of Oregon Sports
writers’ association for the coining
year. He succeeds Sam Wilderman,
who has been head of the organiza
tion for two years. Wilderman is
the A. S. U. O. director of publicity
and Eugene Guard sports writer
while Godfrey is sports correspond
ent for the Portland Journal, Seattle
Times, and Christian Science Moni
Ward Cook, Seattle P-I corres
pondent, was elected viee-presi
dent; Arden X. Pangborn, .Orego
nian sports correspondent, and as
sistant director of A. S. U. O. pub
licity, was chosen secretary. Sam
Wilderman will be treasurer for the
coming year.
The Sportswriters ’ association
was organized on the campus in
1924, for the purpose of co-opera
tion between campus spoTts writers
and athletic coaches. The associa
tion also entertains -^siting sports
writers from metropolitan newspa
A unanimous recommendation was
■made by the sports writers who met
yesterday at a luncheon at the Col
lege Side Inn, favoring the adop
tion of tennis as a major sport in
the University. Washington, Cali
fornia, Stanford, and U. S. C. al
ready have tennis as a major sport.
“Henry Neer, who is playing his
first year of varsity tennis as num
ber one man on the squad,” stated
Wilderman, “will undoubtedly be
the finest singles player on the coast
next year, and should have a bear
ing on putting the sport in the up
per rank.”
Sports writers who have visited
the campus during the past year,
and have been guests of the Sports
writers’ association number some
of the most prominent writers on
the coast, or throughout the coun
try, said Wilderman.
Those who have been here are:
“Briek” Morse, San Francisco
Call; Franklin D. Morse, San Fran
cisco Chronicle; Abe Kemp, San
Francisco Examiner; Harry Gray
son, sports editor, Eos Angeles Rec
ord; Bill Gregory, sporting editor,
Portland Oregonian; George Bertz,
■sports editor, Journal; Larry Smyth,
Journal; Lou Kennedy, sports writ
er, and Duane Hennessy, Telegram;
Billy Stepp, sports editor, Portland
Hews; Tom Shea, city editor of
News; Don Skene, dramatic critie
.and sports writer, of Portland Ore
gonian, and James McCool, also of
the Oregonian sports staff.
(Continued from page two)
doctors, statesmen. And success is
always to be measured by the sal
ary received by tine said party.
Wherever we start in we must aim
only for the top.
Big jobs are pitifully few for the
number of optimistic aspirants Shat
are seeking training fee- these suc
cessful positions. Nevertheless the
colleges plan courses to meet ths
keen rivalries out in world beyond
the campus. The college says for in-j
stance, "here have some out of this
bottle, this will put kick into and
enable you to stage a knock-out
felow with your rival, ’ ’
After graduation the student,
equipped with precious theories and
undimmed optimism, gained by con
siderable mental labor, attempts to
compete against a young man who
has spent his time learning by prac
tical experience plus such aid in spe
cial education as the cooperation he
has worked for has been good
enough to give him, or permit him
to obtain. Perhaps his rival is only
another college boy who has been
blessed with a keener mind. The re
sult is similar in either case. He
fails and he or his parents east the
blame on the university.
The public and the institutions of
higher learning are equally respon
sible for this disillusionment. The
public has demanded a service it is I
impossible to render and the col
lege has presumed to fill it without
> protest.
Another important, and not so
obvious a cause, for criticism, and
one probably conditioned by the
public attitude toward the purpose
of higher learning, is that colleges
encourage shallow thinking.
It is said with some pride, that
• Oregon students do more reading
per student than those in any other
educational institution in the Unit
ed States outside of Amherst col
lege. Long reading assignments are
given, students are encouraged to
skim over contents, with the result
that the thoughts of the authors are
imperfectly understood, if at all.
John Rnskin says that “one might
read all the books in the British
Museum (if you could live long
enough) and still remain an utterly
illiterate, uneducated person; but if
f one read with real accuracy the
pages of one good book, one would
become forever in some measure ar
educated individual.”
One must understand thoroughlj
the author’s view-point and his pur
pose in writing the book, as well as
the ideas advanced if he is to gait
any real knowledge of the book
These ideas must be criticised anc
evaluated from the students view
point before they can be of anj
service to him in his life’s work, ii
meeting the problems of every day
This is hardly possible during th<
skimming process.
When books and manuscripts
prepared with care as to their ac
curacy, are culled and scannec
through for some colorful ideas 01
expressions, or to get a superficial
idea of the writers purpose the re
suit is likely to be ‘‘words, onlj
words. ’ ’
This hodge podge reading in col
lege is having two results: It causes
students to cover honored institu
tions,. (which no doubt merit severe
criticism at times,) with thoughtless
ridicule, or to meet every situation
in life with spacious platitudes anc
generalizations, because the miar
is not trained to deeper thought.
W. B.
Alma Lawrence and
Kathleen Powell to
Give Recital Tonight
The fourth of a series of studenl
recitals given this term largely b\
graduating students of the school oi
music will be heard this evening a1
8 o ’clock in the school of music au
ditorium when Alma Lawrence, pi
anist, and Kathleen Powell, central
to, present a joint program.
Alma Lawrence is graduating thii
year from the school of music, anc
her playing has taken a prominenl
place in student musical activitie!
on the campus. In her sophomon
year she won the scholarship offer
ed by Mu Phi Epsilon, national mu
sical honorary for women, and ii
now a member of the organization
She is studying at present with Mrs
Jane Thacher, instructor of piano in
the school of imusic, and she ha-e
gained especial prominence through
her accompanying work on the cam
pus. She has already accepted a po
sition for next year at Myrtle Point
where she will teach music. Accord
ing to Mrs. Thacher, Miss Lawrence
plays with a nice, crisp tone, and
Shows a great deal of finger facil
ity and musical sense.
Kathleen Powell’s voice has al
ready won considerable applause and
prominence for her on the campus,
even though she is a freshman this
year. She is a Eugene girl, and as
a representative of Eugene high
school last year at the state high
school music contest staged by Pa
cific university at Forest Grove, she
won the first prize offered the alto
singers of the state high schools.
She is a member of the glee club,
and recently appeared as the prima
4onna of the Junior Vaudeville. She
has' also done solo work in assem
bly during the year.
The program for tonight’s recit
al follows:
1. (a) The Swan ... Grieg
(b) Who is Sylvia . Schubert
(e) Dost Thou Know That Fair
Land (from “Mignon”), Thomas
Kathleen Powell
II. (a!) Spinning .Song, Mendelssohn
(bj) Prelude in G . (Chopin
(e) Prelude in F Minor, Chopin
(d) Waltz in E Minor, Chopin
Alma L&wrence
III. (a) Yesterday and Today __
—.«.... Spmoss
(b) One Sipring Morning, Nevin
(c) The Song of the Robin Wo
man .(from ‘ ‘ Shanewis ”)_
.. Cadman
Kathleen PoweSJ
IV. (a) The Dear Fairy, ....
.. Frank Bridge
(b) The Little Shepherd .
—... Debussy
(f) The Island Spell .j
..John Breland j
(d) Hopak - Moussorgs*ky
Alma Lawrence
Pledging Announcement
Alpha Kappa Psi, national pro
fessional commerce fraternity, an
lounces the pledging of:
Herbert Lasselle,
Beryl Hodgen,
William Cruikshank,
Harold Socolofsky,
Robert Lemon,
Ralph Spitzer.
Heavy Smokers
Surpass Others
In Scholarship
Men’s Hall, Representative
Group, Affords Key
For Statistics
The heaviest smokers surpass the
moderate and the non-smokers in
scholastic standing.
< Thus stands the result of the in
vestigation of Robert H. Lemon,
sophomore in the school of business
administration, of the correlation of
the use of tobacco and the scholastic
j average of the students on the cam
! pus. The study is confined to stu
! dents living in Friendly hall, which,
I according to Mr. Lemon, is taken
j to be representative of the campus,
I having characteristics of both fra
ternities and independents, and be
ing neither.
The scholastic average of the
heavy smokers is 49.67. Non-smok
ers average higher than smokers, be
ing 45.62 against 36.86, but these
averages did not come up to that of
the heaviest smokers. High point
among non-smokers is 66; lowest 10.
Among the heavy smokers 70 is
high and 35 low. Moderates aver
age from 34.50 to 32.
The grades were secured from the
list sent out by the registrar of the
University for the winter term 1926
Out of 68 men in Friendly hall
only 26 are smokers. Those using
less than a half a package a week
were considered non-smokers. The
heavies consume five or more pack
ages of cigarettes a week. The use
of tobacco in other forms was found
to be negligible.
These figures, says Mr. Lemon, do
not prove that smoking eauses low
grades or that more smoking will
raise grades. They show, however,
that in this very representative
group, lower grades and moderate
smoking go hand in hand and that
the heaviest smokers have better
grades on the average than do the
moderate smokers.
The information was gathered by
direct questioning.
(Continued from vage one)
Susie M. Shepherd, Philippa Sher
man, Helen Shinn.
Robert Shiomi, Kathryn Short,
Doris M. Young;, Adeline Zurcher,
Nellie Zureher, Harry Leavitt, Al
fred Lockwood, Wilford C. Long,
Robert Love, Audrey Lundy, David
Tnrtletaub, Isabelle Lundy, Imelia
McAuliffe, Kathryn MeAysal,
Gladys McCornack, Grace McDer
mott, Helen Gertrude McGee, Cle
ment McKenna, Jr., Thomas McKen
zie, Cecil May McKercher, Katha
| leen M. McReynolds, Mary Louise
I Mam, Elizabeth Manning, Ethyl
Marks, Chauncey Marstom, Ralph
Martig, Myrtle Helm Mast, Garland
Meador, Florence Sinnott, Paul G.
| Sletiton, Wilmer Cauthorn Smith,
Nareiso Soberano, fedith Dorinda
Sorenson, Frank LeRoy Soule, Har
old Carleton Sox, Maurice Sherwood
Spatz, Jean Gladstone Steel, War
ren Stevens, Robert Harold Stewart,
Charles N. Stockwell, Catherine
Struplere, Margaret Blondel Swan,
Chen Yuen Tao, Marie Elizabeth
Temple, Catherine LaVerne Tirrell,
[ May Tolle, Chi Ta Tuan, Inez M.
Tyler, E. Arthur Underwood, Alfred
Cole Veazie, Edmund A. Veazie,
Thelma Jane Vernon, Bernice Mae
Via, Lillian D. Vulgamore, Helen
Reynolds Wadleigh, Frank Stannard
Walker, Shu Wang, Otis J. White,
Frank Ashton Wilson, Ethel E. Wil
son, Emma Laura Winterberger,
Mary Louise Wisecarver, Daisy Eva
Withaxn, C. Margueriete DeMarcus
Wood, Virginia Wood, Harvey An
derson Woods, Donald Lambert
Clatus Meredith, Marjorie Mer
rick, Ruth Miller, Very Miller,
Maie Mordoff, Frances Morgan, Vir
gil Morissette, Marion Morton, Eva
Nealon, Marian Nelson, Samuel
Newsom, John Niedermeyer, I eon
ard Niemi, John O’Farrell, Miriam
The candidates for the degree of
bachelor of science are: Vesta Mar
tine Hall, Karl D. Hardenbergh,
Doris Adella Healey, Arthur E.
-- " ^
Tomorrow—Ray Griffith in “Wedding BU1$”
| Hedger, Gilbert Leslie Hermance,
j Gertrude M. Hill, George Parsons
Hinkle, Lydia Herrick Hodge, Anna
Katherine Chapman Hopkins, Dale
James Ickes, Chester Jean Irelan,
Reed Jagger, Fordyce A. H. John
son, Ben R. Jordan, Willis Kays,
Fern George Kelly, Alfred Gurney
Kimberley, A. Douglas King, Fran
ces LaVerne Lamb, Ted R. Larsen,
Charles W. Jamison.
George Leroy Allison, Levi Nes
mith Ankeny, Frank W. Autcn,
'Thama H. Barnard, Marion Barnum,
Frank Beer, Orville R. Blair, Jce
Blickle, Jackson Bliss, Loris Julian
Bonney, Margaret Bowie, Gladys
Bristol, Harold Brumfield, Arliane
Butler, Ardath Caldweli, Francis
Cleaver, Harry Coffin .Tv., Ward
Cook, Lillian Costello. Claude
Crumb, Laurence P. Desmond.
Alice Downer, Roland D. Eby,
Frances Effinger, Ernest Erickson,
Walter Fenwick, William Ford,
Evangeline Foster, Woodbridge
Geary, Alfred Geyer, Jr., Wilma
Lester, Elizabeth Lewis, Walter
Lloyd, Lawrence Loveridge, Thomas
McGinnis, John McIntyre, Alice
McKinnon, Edmund MeLarefn,
Louise McLean, Berwyn Maple.
Arlev Marsh, Paul Matthews, Ele
ta Ilo Merrill, Melba Mickkelson,
George Mimnaugh, John Morgan,
Romaine Nicholson, Herman Oakes.
Richard D. Simonton, Earl Wil
liam Slocum, Warren C. Small,
Florence ' Marie Smith, Ralph W.
Staley, Robert Harold Stewart,
Rachel Mae Storer, Robert Carlisle
Thurston, Paul Eugene Tracy, Don
ald E. Updike, Lynn Seeley Van
Gorder, Leland T. Walker, B.S. iu
Architecture; Dot Elizabeth Ward,
Harold Rowland Whiteside, A. Ray
Williams, Harold Leighton Wil
liams, Hubert Jose Yearian, Orval
Dexter Yokom.
Bachelor of Business Administration
Romulo C. Avila, Rev. F. Basil,
Hung Fai Chung, Richard L. Collins,
William Owsley, Lester Porter, An
ne Runes, Charles Heck, William
Kneeland, Henry Maier, Lester
Oehler, Euieho Chung.
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Leland T. Walker.
Doctor of Laws
Aaron B. Touhey, Robert Claper
ton, Bruce Curry, Carl Dahl, Hymen
Bachelor of Science in Education
Morris S. George.
Doctor of Jurisprudence
Ernest Milton Robertson.
Bachelor of Architecture
Virginia Keeney.
Degrees Granted in January
Bachelor of Arts
Betty Marie Alexander, Myrtle L.
Baker, Gordon D. Billingsley, Tliora
jV, Beeson, Enid Faye Bolton, Glen
F. Burch, Ethel Lenore Casford,
Helen Churchill Coplan, Phyllis M.
Coplan, Esther Lucille Cottingham,
Aubrey Milton Davis, Ethel Eliza
beth Dickson, Edward Harwood
LOST—Gold ring with amethyst set
with Masonie crest engraved in
the stone. Return to Emerald of
fice. m2o-26
LOST—A green Parker Duofold pen
with a gold ring on top. Lost be
tween Household Arts building
and Gamma Phi Beta house. Find
er call 563Y. m25-26
TYPING WANTED: Term papers,
theses, short stories, etc. Atten
tion given to punctuation and
spelling, if desired. Paper fur
nished, one carbon copy free. Pub
lic Stenographer, Eugene hotel.
Phone 228, Residence phone
Springfield 111-W.
Week-end Trips to
there and back
Go Friday, Saturday or Sunday;
return by midnight Tuesday fol»
i lowing.
Trains at 3:10 a. m., 5:22 a. m.,
11:05 a. m., 12:27 p. m., 3:30 p. m.,
7:10 p. m. Beturning 8:30 a. m.,
9:00 a. m., 5:00 p. m., 8:00 p. m.,
10:05 p. m., 1:00 a. m.
Special Pullman leaves Eugene 3:10
a. m., ready at 9:30 p. m. and ar
rives Portland 7:15 a. m. Beturning
leaves Portland 1 a. m., ready at
9:30 p, m., and arrives Eugene at
5:45 a. m.
Save time, money and nervous
energy. Travel by train.
F.G. LEWIS, Ticket Agt
Phone 2200
French, ,Tr., H. Lewis Greene, James
G. Harding, Robert Yorke Herren,
i Mary C. Harding, Helen Hershner,
Verden E. Hockett, Florette Janel
le, Laura 0. Johnson, Helen Lath
am, Oscar Irving McKinney, Louise
H. Maxwell, Gladys Dorothy Moel
ler, J ewell Katherine Montag,
Alice Mortensen, Siemon W. Muller,
Charles A. Orr, Thomas Neilson
Page, Fenton Parker, Marian Phy,
Lola Richardson, Paul Shininger.
Della Somers, Betty Mae Stamm,
Elizabeth 0 Strohec^er, Clarence
Toole, Alice Tunneli, Marcel Villi
ger, Martha Wade, Kenneth Wad
leigh, Hazel White, Edith Wilson.
Bachelor of Science
Florence Baker, Charles Bollam,
Charles Colistro, Forrest Cooper,
Jeannetta Dugan, Guy Ferry,
Dwight French, Ermine Gentle,
Clara Gravos, Vivian Hargrove;
Boyd Homewood, Frank Johnson,
Rose Johnson, Vasily Kniaseff,
Louis LaFountaine, Florence Leek
ley, Raymond Moeser, Edith Pierce,
Herbert Powell, Albert Sinclair,
Mildred Stephen, Robert Strick
land, Alice Swearingen, Ralph Tuck,
Edwin Warren, Homer Wise.
Bachelor of Business Administration
Antonia E. Koberstein
Bachelor of Science in Education
Ray S. Langworthy.
Doctor of Jurisprudence
Harold W. Emmons, James Ed
win Keech.
Master of Arts
Hilda Carruth, Geraldine Cart
well, Alta Hoover, Pat Morrissette,
Odile Ortman.
Master’s Degrees
Edward W. Bieglar, M.A.; Hazel
I). Borders, M.F.A.; Bison Bowles
M.A.; John 0. Brougher, M.A.; Wil
liam H. Bunch, M.A.; Eugene Cal
laghan, M.A.; Helen Bothwel
Crouch, M.A.; William A. Dew
hirst, M.A.; Alton Gabriel, M.S.
Felipe B. Gamboa, M.A.; Donald P
Grcttie, M.A.; Hazel R. Hayden
M.S.; George D. Helm, M.A.; Her
schel E. Hewitt, M.A.; Arthur C
Hicks, M.A.; Birnet Hovey, M.S.
Georgia H. Johnson, M.A.; Ram
ond D. Lawrence, M.A.; Ralph Luph
er, M.A.; Edgar R. Means. M.A
Francis F. Powers, M.A.; Herman
Scullen,' M.A}; Manuel E. Louza
Ida May Stauffer, M.A.; Frank W
J. Sulwester, M.A.: Harvey Elme
Tobie, M.A.; Ralph Tuck, M.A.
Ralph Van Waters, M.S.; John L
Wilson, M.A.; Emil L. Winterber
ger, M.A.; L. A. Woodworth, M.A.
Flaud C. Wooton, M.A. The degree
of master of business administration
will be granted to Harold Elking
ton, William A. Fowler, John W.
j Graduate Assistant
Gets Position in Bank
Antonia Coberstein, a graduate
assistant in the school of business
administration, has accepted a posi
tion of analyst in the credit depart
ment of the West Coast National
Bank of Portland. Miss Coberstein
took the state certified public ac
countant examination in Portland
last week.
AL COLLEGE, Storrs, Conn.—The
class of 1928 will have to pay $5000
damages to a student who suffered
injuries in a hazing act.
The A. S. IT. W. bookstore has
presented $100,000 to the building
fund of the new Union building of
the University of Washington.
■ • i —
Heilig Sat., May 28
Mat. at 3, Eve. at 8:30
Special Return Engagement
of the
Superb Cinema Spectacle
Exactly as presented here
last month
Touring Orchestra
And Complete Effects
PRICES—Mat. 50, 75, and $1.10
Eve. 75, $1.10 and $1.65
Inc. Tax
Positively the final showings
in Eugene this year
These moderns demand Qamels
MODERN smokers are the most
critical ever known, and Camel is
their favorite. Why?
Camel is the one cigarette that
will stand up all day and as far
into the night as you care to go.
Modern, experienced smokers
know that they can smoke one
or a million Camels with never a
tired taste or a cigaretty after
taste. Present-day smokers
demand goodness, and find it in
Camels — the choicest tobaccos
grown and matchless blending.
That is why Camel is favorite in
the modern world.
If you want the choice of the
hardest-to-please smokers of all
time, if you yearn for the mel
lowest mildness that ever came
from a cigarette—
"Have a Camell”
© 1927
Silence is golden, but—
“I shall never, never speak to you again.’
“Here’s the Peter Pan, I wonder—”
“Oh darlin’, I’d just adore to.”
Peter Pan
10th and Willamette
Phone 1096