Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    ©tegon fiatlg
University of Oregon, Eugene
i ---- '
2Uj Nash_Managing Editor
Florence Jones___...... Literary Editor
Henry Alderman_Contributing: Editor
Bertram Jessup __— Contributing Editor
Paul Luy..Feature Editor
News and Editor rhones, eo&
DAT EDITORS: Beatrice Harden, Genevieve Morgan, Minnie Fisher, Barbara Blythe,
Bill Haggerty. Alternates: Flossie Radabaugh, Grace Fisher.
NIGHT EDITORS: Bob Hall, Supervisor: Wayne Morgan, Jack Coolidge, John Nance,
Henry Lumpee, Leonard Delano, Addison Brockman.
SPORTS STAFF: Jack O’Meara, Assistant Sports Editor; Dick Syring, Art Schoeni,
Joe Pigney.
FEATURE WRITERS: Donald Johnston, John Butler, LaWanda Fenlason.
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Jane Epley, Alice Kraeft, Edith Dodge, Bob Galloway.
NEWS STAFF: Grace Taylor, Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten, Dorothy Baker, Kenneth
Roduner Betty Schuitze, Frances Cherry, Margaret Long, Mary McLean, Bess
Duke, Ruth Newman, Miriam Shepard, Lucile Carroll, Eva Nealon, Margaret
Hensley, Margaret Clark, John Allen, Grayce Nelson, Dorothy Franklin, Eleanor
Edwards, Walter Coover, Amos Burg, Betty Hagen, Leola Ball, Dan Cheney, Ruth
Milton George ... Associate ManagerFrancis McKenna ..— Circulation Manager
Herbert Lewis .. Advertising Manager Bissell . Ass't Circulation Mgr.
Joe Neil -- Advertising Manwrwubur Shannon .. Circulation Ass’t
Larry Thielen .... Foreign Advertising Mgr. _ , „ . . „ .
Ruth Street . Advertising Manager Alice McGrath . Specialty Advertising
Advertising Assistants: Flossie Radabaugh, Roderick LaFollette, Maurine Lombard,
Charles Reed, Bob Moore, Bill Hammond, Oliver Brown.
Office Administration: Ruth Field. Emily Williams. Lucielle George._
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during the
sollege year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice
at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.60 per year. Adver
tising rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 2293-L; manager, 1320.
Business office phone, 1895.
Day Editor This Issue—Dorothy Baker
Niaht Editor This Issue— Addison Brockman.
Sid King
1 Unsigned comment in this column is written by the editor. Full responsibility
Is assumed by the editor for all editorial opinion.
THE whole of human history
presents unanswerable proof
that only through the open and
unhampered clash of contrary
opinions can truth be found.—
Glenn Frank.
Changing Attitude
In the Colleges
PERIIArs the most hopeful phase
of the educational problem to
day, particularly as it concerns the
universities and colleges, is the
growing interest of the students in
their own education.
The passive interest may have ex
isted long ago, but it is only within
the last few years that the students
have actively entered into an exam
ination of university machinery.
They have done this critically, sin
cerely, and in a manner that has
evidenced a changing attitude to
ward tho ends of higher education.
In great part this indicates a
revolt against mass educational
methods, but in addition it repre
sents a revival (not yet widespread,
it is true) of belief in tho validity
of scholarship and in the worth of
learning as something more than an
investment bearing immediate fi
nancial fruit.
The universities themselves are
not deaf to the suggestions of their
students, and somo measure of suc
cess, in the way of curricular re
forms, is rewarding the efforts of
these students who have actively
participated in their education. The
interesting chapter that is now be
ing written in the history of Amer
ican education probably will soon
record evidences of this movement
in every part of the land. Already
there is widespread reaction against
uncontrolled registration and uni
formity of educational methods.
In several institutions important
changes in the educational machin
ery—changes designed to eliminate
the unfit and to increase the oppor
tunities for individual development
among the fit—have resulted from
student agitation.
During the past few months sim
ilar changes have been made at Ore
gon as the direct result of a student
movement begun just a year ago.
The faculty legislation that gave of
ficial sanction to these changes was
not the end, however. It was only
a beginning and at the beginning
we now stand.
Nothing that is done to put these
new plans into effect, nothing that
the faculty committees appointed
for this purpose suggest, will be
worth anything unless the students
themselves show a desire for tho
new opportunities. No matter how
well the plan is worked out on
paper, it will fail miserably unless
the students are willing to lake hold
of the advantages offered by these
changes advantages in developing
according to one’s own bent rather
than in the all-university mould.
Just how this interest can be
aroused we do not know. That rests
with the students themselves. The
coldness with which the proposals
were first met was due, perhaps, to
a feeling that the suggested changes
were a purely local phenomenon
hatched by a few freakish minds.
On the contrary, the phenomenon, if
it be that, is national in scope, and
the local manifestations part of a
widespread changing attitude. The
form this movement is taking and
the extent of its activity will be in
dicated in two articles written by
a member of the Emerald staff. The
first will be published tomorrow.
It is our hope that the students
will seriously consider these articles,
which can only sketch the changing
college attitude, in the light of the
local situation. They will indicate,
we believe, that the opportunities
presented in the changes recently
adopted here should not be lightly
disregarded. They mark our way out
of the intellectual wilderness.
Habitability to Be
A Suppressed Desire
f I ''IIE new ruling that university
women cannot live in apart
ments unchaperoned will bo diffi
cult to enforce. In fact, certain ex
ceptions will probably have to be
made as a matter of common justico.
After all, the girls must live some
place and there is not room for all
of them in the residence halls and
rooming houses. Apartments havo
proved a cheap and practical solu
tion of the living problem that must
be mot by unaflfiliated women. Abol
ishment of them will work a hard
ship on a number of deserving, re
sponsible peoplo who are working
their way through school. The stip
ulation concerning chaperonage will
cause trouble. Congenial chaper
ones are more not than often.
It is likely that apartment priv
ileges have been abused during the
past year or two. No doubt a num
ber of persons havo proved them
selves irresponsible and unused to
extra freedom. Without some def
inite ruling to point to, tho admin
istration has probably found it dif
ficult to refuse the demands of stu
dents and their parents that they
lie given a chance to try apartment
life. An official university regula
tion will probably be of consider
able aid to the dean of women’s of
fice in saying a forceful “no” to the
demand of some youngster who
shows little indication of sufficient
responsibility, yet who is backed
by parental consent and the know
ledge that others are doing it.
Nevertheless, if the rule is en
forced too strictly it will be bound
to work injustice and hardship on a
number of very worthy students.—
II. A.
Universities and the Public
To the Editor:
Criticism is always personal, and
conditioned by personal interests,
because the individual thinks, feels
and acts as an individual. If a per
son comes to represent any consid
erable section of the public, he does
so because they think and feel and
act as he does concerning that par
ticular thing. Their interests are
Public institutions, such as a uni
versity, exist for the purpose of
serving the public. If there is a
widespread and continued criticism
of an institution, there must be
something wrong with the kind of
service that it is rendering,—or
perhaps in the kind of service that
is expected of it. The whole subject
will boar investigation and analy
sis. The taxpayers have a right to
protest when they feel ,their money
is being wasted. Edueational insti
tutions have a right to protect
themselves from unjust criticism.
One cause of prevailing criticism
of higher education is that the in
dividuals who make up that inyster
ions and sometimes menacing thing
called public opinion, never suspect
that educational institutions are in
a very real sense their own handi
work and that they are managed
within limits and demands that the
public has made upon them.
The American ideals of materia'
success as exemplified -by the Amor
ican Magazine, catering to out
"Everybody can be President’
idea, have demanded of universities
that they abandon a purely profes
sional and cultural program, and fit
every one who comes within theii
doors, to become bank presidents
expert accountants, publicity ex
ports, as well as successful lawyers
(Continued on [>age three)
Ever since the Mortar Board and
Friars put on their farce at the
campus luncheon last week every
one has been expecting us to give
the thing a razzing in the column.
Well, we’ve had our eyes open and
our ears to the ground, and we’ve
found out quite a few things.
• * *
But what’s the use. Everyone al
ready realizes what big Jokes the
members made out of themselves,
and how absurd and ridiculous the
whole matter of choosing the best!
all-round men and women on the
campus turned out. Much could be
written upon the Theta-Pi Phi com
bine for getting in their girls and
keeping out those of rival soror
ities. Also, the petty politics to
which the fraternities resort for
choosing and blackballing this man
and that.
• * *
But who cares after all? Such
things are but a bit of life, and how
many things that take place are as
they really should be?
# * *
HERBERT C. HOWE spent the
10 o’clock hour discussing campus
politics instead of devoting the time
to the study of literature as is the
usual order in survey class. (Ed.
Note. Herbert C. Howe was demot
ed from the head of the English de
partment two years ago by our
board of regents. At the time stu
dent opinion ran high and much sym
pathy was expressed.) Well, the
only comment I have is that when
a professor becomes so hard up that
he dabbles in petty campus politics,
why perhaps the board of regents
knew what they were doing after
Whatever troubles Adam had
He was luckiest by far;
He never had to hike for gas
To fill his dinosaur.
» * *
Prof. Beebe of Iowa says that the
brilliant students have flat feet.
A broad understanding, eh, Prof?
Before long Gertrude Ederle will
swim over to Paris, and then won’t
Lindbergh be mad.
• * *
Howe E. Greaves, Springfield mo
tion picture theater owner, is in a
rtivil of a pickle. You see Mr.
Greaves is naturally sort of kind
hearted so when a group of one
eyed theater goers came to him and
protested against paying regular ad
mission because they could only see
half as much as the others why he
gave in. Now, by gosh, Howe has
discovered that one-eyed people stay
in the show twice as long. Oh, heav
ens, ain’t they no jeetice?
i * * *
Gretchen thinks all the “ feath
ers" flying around the campus are
from a big pillow fight up at the
j Fiji house.
* * •
Dear Aunt Seerah,
I have trouble with muddy water
splashing on the back of my stock
ings. Is there anything I can do
to prevent this!
Silk Sox
Dear Silk Sox,
Yes. Walk backwards.
Aunt Seerah
The professor with the shiny blue
serge suit says the most optimistic
student he has seen so far is the one
who came around yesterday and
tried to add a course.
1 “Does your father ever stop to
! think what it means to you!”
“I don’t think so.”
"Because he’d be blocking traf
The Sigma Chi Phi Bet is afraid
'theaters „
McDONALD: Last day: Charlie
Murray and Chester Conklin in “Mc
Fadden’s Flats,” the largest laugh
fest ever photographed, which start
ed Eugene laughing Monday, and
while the run ends tonight, some
will still be roaring with laughter
for several weeks, yet; also, a
Hodge-Podge novelty “Alegator’s
Paradise” and the International
News -are screen features of this
“Laff Week” program; on the stage,
Sharkey Moore and his versatile
“Merry-Macks” have a unique pro
gram of musical mirth, nightly at
nine, and Frank Alexander has a
musical comedy setting on the super
organ, that is a treat. Coming (to
morrow) Raymond Griffith in ''Wed
ding Bill$,” the second section of
the McDonald “Laff Week”—and
some say, that like all good things,
the best comes last . . . surely you
who have seen Griffith in any of his
past successes will know that this
one is bound to be a scream.
• • •
REX: First day: Leatrice Joy in
“For Alimony Only,” a startling
drama of modern married life, that
asks and answers the topical ques
tion, “what of women who marry
‘for alimony only’?”—with Clive’
Brook and Lilyan Tashman feat
ured; Poodles Hanneford comedy,
“Circus Capers,” featuring the fa
mous “big top” riding star right
at home; John Clifton Emmel at
the organ.
Coming (Friday)—“Held by the
Law,” a gripping drama of intrigue
and the secret service in a battle
against the present day crime wave,
—the cast is all star.
* » *
COLONIAL: Mae Busch and Pat
O’Malley in “The Push of the
Devil,” a picture depicting the
problems of a modern marriage^
This is said to be the best character
part that Mae Busch has ever done.
An Alice Day comedy, “Her Actor
Friend.” Aesops Fables. Also Unele
Izzy and his Country Store. The
country store is getting better every
week. The people roar at tBe com
edy he puts into it.
the weather will get so warm that
ho won’t be able to wear his vest.
* * •
Divorced are Mr.
And Mrs.
Ketchup on doughnuts
Is out of
Picnic Goods
The Campus
Phone 578-R
is an
with an
on it. It is made of afine
genuine English Broad
cloth that retains its
nice, silk-like finish.
It pays to insist on
Arrows, because by so
doing, you get the best
that there is in shirts,
collars and materials
Men’s Freshman Hygiene—Those
not attending classes this week call
at office of Men’s gymnasium to get
final examination questions—Del
Order of the “O” meeting 11
o’clock, Thursday. Election of of
ficers. Important.
Freshman Commission meets at
5, on the lawn in front of the bun
Orchesis: Meeting at 7:30 in cor
rective room. Rehearsal for garden
party for Fine Arts building fund.
Alpha Kappa Delta meeting
Thursday, W:30 p. m. Woman’s
Eight New Magazines
Given to Infirmary
Subscriptions to eight magazines
have been given to the infirmary
by the Y. W. C. A. with the funds
raised as a result of a silver tea
held earlier ip the term.
Each year, the Y. W. C. A. makes
a similar donation. The publications
subscribed to this year include:
Harper’s, Asia, Good Housekeeping,
Would you
Pay your
, Husband’s
First wife’s
Now Then see
Leatrice Joy
Clive Brook
National Geographic, American,
Woman’s Home Companion, Photo
play, and World’s Work.
Pledging Announcement
Phi Mu announces the pledging
of Josephine Hill of Eugene.
treal, Canada—The students have
formed a society for the suppression
of vice in and around the univer
sity. Among other things, they de
mand the abolishing of all college
Precious Gifts
For the Graduate
A lasting memento of Graduation Time
- - a Gift the preciousness and adornment
of which carries with it the tenderness
and good wishes of the donor - - such a
Gift is
Special Assortment of beautiful
Graduation Gifts here —
Very Reasonably Priced!
We can put a Sorority or Fraternity Crest
on any article chosen
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