Varsity Nine Loses 18 to 8 In Aggie Tilt Oregon Pitchers Not So Good; Gunther Walks 13 Aggies Coach Reinhart Uses Four Hurlers in Vain O. A. C. Pitcher Lets in 12 Webfoot Hits By DICK SYRING NOBODY can say that the Ore gon varsity baseball team is not a reciprocating aggregation. Last term the Ore gon Aggies de feated the Uni versity of Wash ington’s basket hall team, auto matically giving the Webfoots the ■northwest cham pionship. Yester day afternoon the Oregon varsity nine lost, not vol untarily, but by a 18 to 8 score, Jerry Gunther which throws the Beavers into a tie with the Washington Huskies for the championship of the western division of the northwest confer ence. The title series between the Aggies and Huskies will probably be played this week-end with a game at Corvallis, Friday, and sec ond in Seattle, Saturday. Coach Billy Reinhart used 15 of his picked athletes to win but it was to no avail. Four hurlers were sent to the mound only to have their offerings nicked for 14 hits. Freddy West, right hander, started the con test only to retire in favor of Jer ome Gunther who proved less ef fective. Before West’s retirement the Aggies had set on his pitchings for six runs. Three of these were made in the third canto when Scliul merich knocked a home run into center field with two men on. Gunther Walks 13 Jerry-on-the-job Gunther did not issue free passes to New Monia yes terday but to the Oregonian’s in itial sack. When the generous Mr. Gunther took up his burden in the third inning there were no outs. Be fore he retired the Aggie batsmen it required 38 pitches, 28 of which went as balls, 9 as strikes and one t