By MARGARET CLARK The hustle and bustle of Junior Week-end with the many athletic events and the annual Junior Prom kept the campus busy not only dur ing the week-end but for several days before. Many engagements were announced during the last few days and many alumnae were visit ors on the campus. • • • The annual Junior Prom had the distinction of being the first student body dance to be held in McArthur court. Transformed into an Aztec palace with colored lights reflected on the elaborate designs, the pa^ vilion made a wonderful scene for the last dance of the college year. About 500 couples were present. The Indian atmosphere was inten sified by the arrival on horseback of an “Aztec maiden” who climbed to the heights of the balcony and there gave an interpretive dance against a background of a pagan altar. In the receiving line were Gov ernor and Mrs. Patterson, President and Mrs. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, Dr. and Mrs. John Straub, Judge and Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Qn thank, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walker, Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Rorer, Dean and Mrs. William G. Hale, Dean and Mrs. H. D. Shel don, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Washburne, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Zane, and Mr. George Turnbull. • * • The engagement of Miss Nona Proctor to Mr. Campbell Church was made known at the PM Delta Theta house in a very novel manner ^ last Friday evening. Mr. Church showed a five-reel motion picture of his trip in Alaska last summer, for which he assembled the members of the fraternity in the living room after dinner. After the last picture, a slide flashed on the screen an nouncing the engagement. Miss Proctor is the daughter of A. Philmister Proctor, famous sculp tor and the artist who made the statue or "me moneer" winch stands in front of the library. Miss Proctor recently returned from Paris where she was attending school. Mr. Church, who is a resi dent of Eugene, is a junior on the campus and a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. *" * * Tiny corsages and violets and sweet peas marked the covers at the Pounder’s Day breakfast Sun day at which members and pledges of Sigma Beta Phi were hostesses. The patronesses present were Mrs. A. E. Roberts, Mrs. L. E. Bean, Mrs. Robert Thompson, and Mrs. W. G. Beattie. Additional guests were Miss Mary Kirkwood, Miss Dorothy Cushman, and Miss Mar garet Atcherman. News of the betrothal of Miss Marian Linn to Mr. Merrill C. Wil liams of Long Beach, California, came as a surprise to her many friends on the campus. Miss Linn was formerly a resident of Eugene and was very active while on the campus, being a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and Mu Phi Epsilon. Following graduation, she attended Harvard University where she ob tainea tne degree or master of arts. Mr. Williams attended the Univer sity of Nebraska and was affiliated there with Delta Upsilon fraternity. The announcement was made at a Mu Phi luncheon in Long Beach, California. The wedding will take place this summer. • • • News of the engagement of Miss Mildred Archibald and Mr. Joe Frazer was received at the Phi Del ta Theta house last week. Miss Archibald attended the University of Idaho where she was affilated with Gamma Phi Beta. Mr. Frazer graduated from the University of Oregon with class of ’26 and is now working for the General Motors Acceptance Corporation. He is a member of Phi Delta Theta. The wedding will take place in August. After the Junior Prom on Satur day night, the announcement of the engagement of Miss Kathryn Short and Mr. Harold Brumfield was made at the Delta Gamma and Alpha Tau Omega houses. The table at the Delta Gamma was dec orated with black and white tapers and each place was marked with a corsage carrying heart-shaped cards with the names of the two printed upon them. Both young people are seniors in the University and Mr. Brumfield was recently selected as honor graduate in the military de partment. Miss Margaret Beans, Miss Mar garet Van Horn, Miss Saralette Phelps, and Miss Margaret Ault were guests at the Delta Gamma house for Junior Week-end. They are all attending the University of Washington. • • • Miss Ethel Montgomery an nounced her engagement to Mr. Ralph Herron at the Kappa Delta house on Friday evening. The table was decorated with a large pink hat as a centerpiece with a band around it asking that the news it contained be “kept under your hats.” Little folders with the pic tures of the couple were drawn from the hat by little pink ribbons which led to each place. Rosebuds, sweet peas and cream colored tapers decorated the table. The favors were miniature pink hats. Miss Montgomery is a senior in the University, and Mr. Herron is attending the medical school in Portland where he is affiliated with Nu Sigma Nu, medical fraternity. The date of the wedding has not been set. • * * Miss Helen Dodd, who was a stu dent in the University last year, was a guest at the Chi Omega house for Junior Week-end. Miss Dodd would have been a sophomore if she had returned to school this year. • • Miss Ruth Creager and Miss Beth Sutherland were guests at the Alpha Delta Pi house for the week-end. Miss Frances Pratt also visited the house from the Corvallis chapter. • • • Mrs. A. W. Arnold, Mrs. T. P. Blair, Mrs. E. L. Graham, and Mrs. W. B. Hare were all guests at the Pi Beta Phi house visiting their daughters, Miss Margaret Arnold, Miss Vivian Blair, Miss Coral Gra ham, and Miss Frances Hare. • • • The O. A. C. chapter of Delta I Delta Delta entertained the Ore gon chapter with a tea dance held at the Corvallis chapter house on Saturday afternoon. About fifteen members of the Oregon chapter at tended. • * • Miss Jean Yelm, Miss Betty Clark, and Miss Inez Plumb weTe guests at the Pi Beta Phi house Saturday and Sunday. They are members of Oregon Beta chapter at Corvallis and were in Eugene to attend the Prom. * * * Miss Helen Shank, former society editor of the Emerald, was a guest at the Delta Delta Delta house for the week-end. Miss Shank eame down from Portland on Friday and returned on Sunday. * * * Mrs. Richard McLardy (Mary Alice Ball) was a guest at the Alpha Phi house on Saturday. Mrs. Mc Eardy is now living in Albany. Miss Margaret Vincent and Miss Josephine Purcell of Portland were also guests at the house for the week-end. At the home of her aunt, Mrs. Caroline Benson Unander, Miss Georgia Benson was married to Mr. Paul Linton Patterson on Monday evening. Only a few friends and j members of the family were pres ent. M?s. Glenn Hall of Seattle, sister of the groom, acted as the matron of honor and Miss Margaret Macgowan was bridesmaid. Mr. Hu bert Brazee acted as best man. The couple will be at home in Hills boro after June first. • «■ • At a quiet ceremony on Thurs day, May 12, in Marshfield, Miss Geneva Smith was married to Mr. 1 Arnold Hasle. Miss Smith’s father, ^ Reverend James A. Smith, came from Portland to read the ceremony. The couple left for a short wedding trip and then Mr. Hasle left for Long Beach, California, where he has been transferred by his busi ness firm. Mrs. Hasle will follow as soon as she has completed the May 24, 1927. Dear friends: Out in front of the store the other day a lady broke her chain necklace as she stepped out of her car. She came right on into the store here and Mr. Skeie had the break repaired in short order. Maybe you’ve had a similar accident. Or maybe you have some jewelry at home that needs repairing. Kings, necklaces, mesh bags, bracelets, silver table articles, etc. Mr. Skeie repairs jewelry even better than I write ads. I couldn’t recommend him any higher than that! TICK. If It comes from Skeie’s it must be good year as a teacher in the Coos River high school. Mrs. Hasle is a graduate of the University of Oregon, and a member of Alpha Phi sorority, where she was a guest this last week-end. Mr. Hasle attended the University of North Dakota and was affiliated with Kappa Psi Beta. Communications (Continued from page 2) guide the voting of the students at the polls Wednesday, but rather one of competence in the field, past experience that has proved ability. The loss of such office by the one capable is not, as some seem to think a loss to the students of the “shack,” but a loss to the students of the University. E. V. N. and M. M. F. A Logical Incompatibility? To the editor: What is wrong with making it hompujsory that college students dance to the “Pipe of the Militar ist”? Will investigation reveal con sistency? This question is being asked spon taneously throughout our country. From the viewpoint of those who believe in freedom of the individual mind, and absolute tolerance, the most hopeful phase of the whole situation! is that students in all parts of the United States are be ing moved to protest—some because they respect a spirit of freedom of thought; some because they object to the spirit of war; and a great many (a rapidly increasing number) because of a sense of humor aroused by the incongruity of the proceed ings of the E. O. T. C. in an institu tion of higher learning. A less encouraging aspect is to find educational authority ready to be indirectly caught with what some folks might wish to call, if they only dared, the “chaff of pseudo educationalism.” Along with a de nunciation of war in the abstract, we are conducting an organization to pass on the habit of militarism— through means of compulsion! In institutions jealous for free dom of thought nothing could be more subversive to the true aims of education than the inculcation of the military mind. Modern thought has, at least nominally, out Classified Ads FOR SRING days or graduation— Rose Maid lingerie, hosiery and dresses. Their smartness and rea sonable price will surprise you. Call Ruth L. Knowles, 1337 Hil yard. Phone 2507J. m21-24 THE PERSONS who took three overcoats from the S. E! corner of McArthur court, Saturday night, are suspected. Please return to Emerald Business office and no questions will be asked. 24-5-6-7 WILL the gentleman who picked up a checkbook on 13th street last week belonging to E. Burch kind ly return it at the circulation desk of University library. m24 FOR RENT—My five room fur nished home. Adults only. $40. Phone 1653R, 1466 East 13th Ave. Mrs. Dram. m24-25-26-27 TYPING WANTED—Thesis or term papers. Phone 2723J. m24 to 28 grown a feeling of allegiance to ward perpetuation of traditionalism in our institutions. It is reasonable to believe that in an institution of rationalized thought, nominalism can give way to reality. It may appear to be only in cidental that militarism is being so widely discussed in its relation to free thought; but the idea of com pulsory military training is on trial. The trial arises as an aspect of the inevitable articulation of minds in the making, under influence of mod ern thought, as opposed to that of the dark ages. Student Optional Training Leagues conceivably have much to support their growth. L. M. B. Experience. To the Emerald Editor: When I read that a man who has never worked on the Emerald and is inexperienced is trying is defeat for the position one who had earned the job through Emerald work and through merit of the position, a number of questions suggested themselves to me. . Would you trust a legal case to a dentist? Would you put a preacher in charge of an electric plant? Would you ride in a passenger train if the engineer was an inex perienced schoolboy? Why put a man in as editor who is not only inexperienced, but has not worked on the Emerald? Is it unnecessary to study and practice journalism to run a paper successfully? If so, why study to be a news paper man? If so, why should students spend time studying it in the University? Should a man who has never worked on the Emerald be put in as boss over those who have spent their time in the University work ing on the Emerald doing technical work in order to be able the better to portray University jnews and life? Can a man who has consistently opposed the Emerald staff as Bcrgh did in the case of the Emerald “gag rule” amendment (which failed miserably to pass) expect co operation from the staff if he would LAST DAY NORMA Onlu Woman ^r\ with r»w ^ Eugene O’Brien rm?*r s . / /, Comedy — News n tomei Pa1 Pathe News There’s a Bit of Magic— —woven in the dozens of inexpensive but clever tokens of remembrance and love to be found at the— Aladdin Gift Shop “Tasteful Gifts for University People” 25th Anniversary Students’ Suits Two Pairs Pants Stylish semi-English models. Every detail of style, quality anjJ finish for school, college or business wear. All-wool cassimeres with fancy stripes in medium and light shades of grey. An excep tional value, with Two Pairs of Trousers, complete for— $19.75 be put in above them to boss them? Can a man who in iournalism fails to represent campus opinion ! as in the case of the Emerald amendment truly represent the Uni versity as editor of the student’s paper. A man who knows the job and can get staff co-operation should be elected. BOB First ‘Junior Vod-vil’ Manager Featured on Musical Bill Friday Arthur Johnson, Oregon '23, will be tlip featured soloist on the pro gram to be given at the school of music on Friday, May 27th, by Portland artists for the Oregon Music Teachers’ convention. In the story of this young singer is found one of those accounts of unusual development and attainment in mu sic that only occasionally makes an appearance. During his days on the campus, “Art” Johnson was known for the diversity of his interests and ac tivities. For three years he was a soloist with the glee club. He was a member of Fergus Beddie’s Little Theatre ‘ ‘ Company, ’ ’ manager of Guild threatre for a year, and for a time a teacher of “dramatics.” During his entire college career lie was a library assistant in the circulation department, thus earn ing his way through school. For four years he was tenor soloist at the Congregational, church and part of that time also held down the po sition of choir director at the Springfield Methodist church. As a junior ho staged the first “Junior” Vaudeville,” ever brought to ac tual production and before that managed a Y. M.-Y. W. “Mix” at which, for the first time, the two religious organizations sponsored a dance. Johnson was also active in “donut” debate and basketball. He appeared on innumerable musi cal programs and was one of the most ardent workers for the estab lishment of the University Concert series. Phi/ Beta Kappa and Phi Mu REX LAST DAY THE “PRINCE OF TEMPTERS” with BEN LYON Lya De Putti Lois Moran Ian Keith and Mary Brian Also Playing Jack Duffy in Queer Ducks ‘ A A A A. A A A Alpha honored him with member ship. Professors Listed To Give High School Commencement Talks Eighteen Oregon high schools will hear members of the University faculty- give commencement ad dresses this week. Thirteen profes sors are scheduled for talks. W. G. Beattie, university lecturer, speaks Tuesday at Riverton, Thurs day at Mapleton, and Friday at Harrisburg. Victor P. Morris of the economics department will address the high school in Umatilla, Thurs day, and the one at Cottage Grove Friday. President Arnold Bennett Hall is scheduled Thursday for the com mencement exercises in Woodburn. High schools in Clatskanie and Rainier will hear James H. Gilbert, acting dean of the college, Thurs day and Friday, respectively. H. \V. Davis, University pastor, will speak at Yoncalla Thursday and Wolf Creek Friday. Other addresses scheduled include: D. Oberteuffer, member of the phys ical education staff, Thursday at Goldendale, Washington; Dean John F. Bovard, of the school of physical education, Friday at Langlois; Walter C. Barnes, professor of his tory, Friday at Sweet Home; N. B. Zane, of the school of architecture, Friday at Blachly; Dean E. C. Bob bins, of the school of business ad ministration, Friday at Oakland; L. A. Woods of the economics de partment, Friday at Dorena; E. E. DeCou, head of mathematics de partment, Friday at Kerby; Harold S. Tuttle, assistant professor of ed j ucation, Saturday at Gervais. I “Shiny Nose” One of the most re markable of the V alaze Beauty Preparations is Helena Rubinstein’s Valazc Liquidine By overcoming the se cretions in the pores, Valazc Liquidine corrects oiliness and shine, closes the pores and imparts to the skin a most flattering mat linish. 1.50 Carroll’s Pharmacy 730 Willamette St. Between 7th and 8th HEILIG SS SAT., MAY 28 Matinee at 3, Evening at 8:30 SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT AND THE FINAL SHOWINGS HERE THIS YEAR _Exactly As Presented Here Last Month v METRO-GOLDWVN- MAVER^ 4 IHM ARRANGEMENT WITH i AbRAHAM L. ERLANGFR. j C.B.DILLINGHAM kF.ZIEGFELD. JR. I PRESENT I gen. lew Wallace's' . IMMORTAL STORY V1 Directed by 1-KtD nidlu ,uk RAMON NOVARRO BETTY BRONSON.MAY ffl<-AVOY FRANCIS X BUSH MAN* CARMEL MvERS The GREAT CIRCUS-^asp and thrill at the mad dash of fortv-ei^ht SWIFT HORSE? m the CHARIOT RACE The Thrilling Galley Scene and Sea Fi^ht | The Romance of Esther and the Prince of Hut A Treasure House of beauty and Art' breath-Taking Climaxes -150,000 people Production that was THREE YEARS m the> ■ making and COST $^.000,000 l MAIL ORDERS NOW Box Office Sale Friday .• To MISS &EH-HUR WILL SEA , SOURCE OF LIFETIME REGRET PBESENTED WITH Touring Orchestra And! Complete Effects PRICES (Inc. Tax) Mat. 50c, 76c, $1.10 Evening 75, $1.10, $1.65 .A. A. A Graduation Photos Nothing will be so reminiscent of your last year at college than one of our beautifully finished photos. Come down to our studio and have it taken with your cap and gown or in your *'sum mer togs. Your friends and relatives will es pecially appreciate one of these. Numerous dif ferent poses to choose from. Romane Studio Very Reasonable Rates Just Above Pennys.