Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    ©regmt Datli* iimeralfo
University of Oregon, Eugene
. Managing Editor Henry Alderman-Con^touting Editor
Bertram Jessup . Contributing Editor
__ Literary Editor Paul Luy --Feature Editor
Bay Nash
Florence Jones
News and Editor Phones, 665
DAY EDITORS: Beatrice Harden, Genevieve Morgan, Minnie Fisher, Barbara Blythe,
Bill Haggerty. Alternates: Flossie Radabaugh, Grace hisher.
NIGHT EDITORS: Bob Hall, Supervisor; Wayne Morgaii, Jack Coolidge, John Nance,
Henry Lumpee, Leonard Delano, Addison Brockman. .
BPORTS STAFF: Jack O’Meara, Assistant Sporta Editor; Dick Syring, Art Schoeni,
Joe Pigney.
FEATURE WRITERS: Donald Johnston, John Butler, I.aWanda Fenlason.
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Jane Epley, Alice Kraeft. Edith Dodge, Bob Galloway.
NEWS STAFF: Grace Taylor, Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten, Dorothy B?J[eTr’
R^uneV; Betty Schultze France* Cherry Ma'ga^ Long Mary Mcl^Margaret
Duke Ruth Newman, Miriam Shepard, Lucile Carroll, Eva
Hensiey, Margaret Clark, John Allen, Grayce Nelson, Dorothy *®le*"?h
Edwards, Walter Coover, Amos Burg, Betty Hagen, Leola Ball, Dan C e ey,
Newton. _____
business staff
Milton George ..
Herbert Lewis ..
Joe Neil .
Larry Thielen ...
Ruth Street -
. Associate Manager
. Advertising Manager
.. Advertising Manager
.. Foreign Advertising Mgr.
. Advertising Manager
Francis McKenna . Circulation Manager
Ed Bissell . Ass't Circulation Mgr.
Wilbur Shannon . Circulation Ass’t
Alice McGrath . Specialty Advertising
Advertising Assistants: Flossie Radabaugh
Charles Reed, Bob Moore, Bill Hammond.
Office Administration: Ruth Field, Emily W
Roderick LaFollette, Maurine Lombard,
Oliver Brown.
illiame, Lucielle George.
Business office phone, 1896. ___—_
Day Editor This Issue— Barbara Blythe
Assistant— Mary McLean
Night Editor This Issue— John Nance
' Unsigned comment in this column.ia written by the editor. Full responsibility
b auumed by the editor for all editorial opinion. ___
Generally true disputants
are like true sportsmen,
whole delight is in the pursuit;
and a disputant no more cares
for the truth than the sportsman
for the hare.—Pope.
Conscripts in
Time of Peace
NOTHING," writes a corres
-LN pondent, “could ho more
subversive to the true aims of edu
cation than the inculcation of the
military mind.’’
So it seems, yet what of these ed
ucationalists who damn Prussian
ism ip the abstract but nurture it, as
Americanism, in the concrete? As
our communicant writes:
“Along with a denunciation of]
•war . . . We are conducting an or
ganization to pass on the habit of
militarism—through means of com
pulsion! ’ ’
The student is required to spend
two years learning how to fight the
next. war. The universities see to
that. Whether or not he spends any
time learning how to prevent the
next, war doesn’t matter. “Educa
tion “ in general takes care of that,
says the educator. Education—that
piece of modern mythology—work
ing somehow and anyhow, is always
the answer.
There is much more in these words
from Shailer Mathews:
“As far as military preparation
it concerned, military training in
schools is of no real value; but as
developing a bent of mind, an ac
eustoinedness to military thinking
and a respect for war it is liable
to be a psychological suggestion
which will make sanity and justice
more difficult in all dealings of fu
ture public opinion with interna
tional relations.”
This view is gaining somo notice.
Many persons have ventured the be
lief that a positive psychology may
be effective in solving the war
problem. An active preparation for
peace, one thnt omits conscript
armies between wars, may perhaps
be the answer. Surely it can stand
up in the face of the miserable
failnre of all the militarism of the
past. Perhaps even the educational
ists will give it attention if it is
forced upon their notice.
There are many ways, whereby the
university student may fulfill his
sense of obligation to his country.
Those who are fighting peace-time
conscription are pioneers in a new
field of devoted patriotism. With
the courage of their convictions
firmly established, they have noth
ing to fear, not even the taunts of
those — educationalists and 'mili
tarists alike—who always find it
convenient to straddle the issue by
questioning the motives of the op
The Kmerald had hoped this year
to make articulate the opinions of
those students who object to com
pulsion in military training, in the
belief that Oregon might ally itself
with the growing list of universities
that have placed military training
on an optional basis. However, the
Kmerald's program has been dis
turbed to such an extent that an
J*L, Commun
f ications
. /is.Aa _
To the Editor:
The proposal or rather the nomi
nation of Phil Bergh as candidate
for the office of Editor of the Enter
aid reminds me of the rich man who
raises a son and teaches him how to
do everything except manage the
work which his father expects him
editorial campaign has been impos
We hope those who would have
given support to such a movement
will not remain silent. They may
find encouragement in the vote
taken on the question last year, in
which the students voted about
three to one for optional as opposed
to compulsory military. The pro
portion probably has not changed.
It may be taken, we believe, as
sufficient assurance that an organ
ized movement against conscription
in time of peace would find support
among the students.
As for the educationalists who
must finally decide the matter if it
is made an issue—who can say? At
least we can hope that student opin
ion carries some weight.
The Soul
Of a Republic
A PEOPLE expresses its temper
and its disposition in many a
curious and often unsuspected way.
That the national and racial soul
does somehow get into the major
social activities and products has|
become a commonplace principle to j
students of civilizations. By their
houses you shall know them is a
fully demonstrated corollary of the
ancient postulate.
The possibilities of an ago appear
in tho works of its geniuses; its ac
tual, breathing spirit in its table
talk and incidental habits. An op
posite illustration and a timoly one
•may be discovered in considered the
I present day national attitude to
I wards education. Exactly what does
the common American mind stnvo
for in its educational policy1? At
first blush ono would be disposed
to point to the high and lofty ideals
of scholarship voiced in the most
numerous dissertations and orations
of the educational seers.
But it is not so. If you would
know the directing spirit of Ameri
can education, go, not to the droam
ing laboring prophets, nor to fac
ulty and studont reformers, ibut to
your local stationer. This is the sea
son whon you will find exhibited
graduation felicitation cards. Go to
your card-seller, study a representa
tive lot with special attention to the
sentiments expressed and you will
have learned the true American edu
cational attitude. You will discover
such gems as these, unmistakable in
their common import:
The study days belong to the past.
But the knowledge you’ve gained
will always last.
May you meet with success, etc.
Text-books finished, lessons learned
As you leave the walls of knowledge
—ad nauseum.
The common theme is something
like this: Now that you aro educat
ed, by dint of long and distasteful
j labor, you will of eourso chuck away
your books with a joyous whoop and
proceed to pile up money and live
happy ever after. Hooray for educa
tion! It costs a lot and it’s hard to
get; but when you once have it, it
pays good dividends. On to success!
This is the working soul of Ameri
can education. If you don’t believe
it go down and consider the cards
Better yet, wait till you get youi
own, private collection—pretty soot
I now.—B. J.
to step into when he becomes of
ago, be it steel mills or candy fac
In the same way, Bergh has spent
his four years in college, dribbling
in all student activities, being a
sucessful man about the campus, a
good politician, a good student, and
a good fellow. But, is that any rea
son whey he should be handed a
position for which he has had no
preparation, no practical experi
! once, nor, up to this time, shown
1 any special interest in except as a
1 colleague of the administrative
"powers that be" in an attempt to
“gag” the paper!
When the "plums" are to be
handed out, Bergh is present. Like
the rich man’s son, he wants to re
place those who have spent years
in training for this sort of work,
regardless of the fact that they
could execute the office to better
The result of an Emerald headed
by Bergh would be a figure-head
whose work would have to be done
by those who really know their bus
iness. Why not give them the oppor
tunity of getting the credit for this
To the editor:
We, the undersigned, members
of the Oregon Daily Emerald staff
Believing that previous service on
the Emerald, and experience and
knowledge in newspaper work are
requirements that must be fulfilled
by anyone who aspires to leader
ship of the Emerald, and
Believing that one who has not
worked on the Emerald or had actu
al and sufficient newspaper exper
ience is unfitted to be editor and
in seeking that position is unfair to
the staff members and to the associ
ated students, because of incompe
Now, therefore: we the under
signed members of the Emerald staff
hereby subscribe to the truths above
(Signed) Emerald position)
Bob Galloway . Day editor
Dan Cheney . News staff
Arthur Schoeni . Sports staff
LaWanda Fenlason .. Feature writer
Lempi Kiviaho . Copy reader
Chalmers Nooe . Copy reader
Walter J. Coover . Day editor
Marion Sten . News staff
Kenneth Wilshire .. Copy reader
Bess Duke . News staff
Mary C. Benton . Special writer
Edith Dodge . Upper news staff
Paul Luy . Columnist
Amos Burg . News staff
Minnie M. Fisher . Day editor
Grace A. Fisher . Day editor
Bertram Jessup, Contributing editor
William Haggerty . Day editor
Henry Alderman, contributing ed.
Kobert T, Hall, Chief night editor
Beatrice Harden . Day editor
Eva Nealon . News staff
Renee Grayce Nelson, News staff
i Margaret Long . News staff
Joe Sweyd . Feature writer
Cleta McKennon . News staff
Eleanor Edwards . News staff
Hermione mith . Copy reader
C. Gene vie vo Morgan, Day editor
Flossie Kadabaugh, Advertising stan
Dot Baker . News staff
Mary McLean . News staff
Margaret Hensley . News staff
Ruth E. Corey Feature writer
Barbara Blythe . Day editor
Frances Cherry . News staff
Betty Schultze . News staff
Betty Hagen . News staff
Lucile Carroll . News staff
Ruth Newton . News staff
\\r< Brown . News staff
A. Brockman . Night editor
Joe R. Noil, Advertising manager
John Allen . News staff
R. J. Moore Jr., Advertising staff
Miriam Shepard . News staff
Jack O’Meara, Asst. Sports editor
Margaret Clark . Society editor
Jauo Dudley Epley, Upper news staff
Donald Johnston . Feature writer
Henry Lumpeo . Night editor
Jack Coolidge . Night editor
John Nance . Night editor
Herb Lundy . News staff
Richard II. Syring . Sports staff
Etha Jeanne Clark . Copy reader
Knowing the Work
To the Editor:
In this second choosing of an edi
tor for the Emerald, there arises a
situation which involves njore than
the success of a candidate; it in
volves the success of the Emerald
itself for next year.
Two men are running for the po
sition. Both, so far as intelligence
is concerned, are highly qualified.
But, one lias a back ground in news
paper work; tho other has absolute
ly none.
No more could a graduate of the
school of architecture or of law go
down and take over the editing of
the Eugene Guard or of the Port
land Oregonian, no more could a
Major in the school of journalism
go in and competently design a
building, than a man with absolute
ly no foundation come in and suc
I cossfully edit the Emerald—al
though it does not even aim to eom
ipete with the lluard or the Orego
The Emerald editorship is open to
any student in the University—it
should he. But, if a man desires to
aspire to this position of leadership
of the Emerald, then he should, for
the sake of the associated students,
he sufficiently interested to work
on the staff at least long enough
to recognize news when he sees it,
he able to evaluate stories, to know
something of the workings of the
whole. And appointment to the staff
does not require enrollment in the
department; it is open to anyone
in the University.
We never choose for president of
the student body a man who has not
participated in activities demand
ing executive ability, so that he
may have proven himself before
hand. Should we choose as editor of
our newspaper a man who has never
even been on the lower news staff!
And so, it is not a question of per
sonality or intelligence that should
Things don’t always turn out the
way they are supposed to. In several
writing courses I’ve taken the pro
fessor has gone to no end of trou
ble to explain the importance of
clean and well prepared copy. Well,
that may be all right but when I
was a freshman, and even in my
sophomore year, I believed that this
point was as important as the con
tent itself, but I’ve changed my
vr * *
Some time ago Paul Tracey wrote
an article and decided to experi
ment a little with the publishers.
He made a carbon copy of the said
article, and thinking he would just
as soon receive the rejection slips
all at once, he sent the carbon to
Dial and the original to the Atlan
Shortly the original was fired
back with the polite “We are sor
ry, but - - - as Paul says he ex
pected. But the surprise came later
when he received a letter saying
that the article had been accepted
by Dial. ’The smeary carbon copy!
Things are like that.
“Hammer and Coffin is the only
humorous society on the campus, is
it not?"
“Oh no. Both Mortar Board and
Friars are here."
• * •
I realize that campus confection
ers and owners of eating houses
have a limited season, but gosh
wTlien I paid twenty five cents for
a piece of apple pie with cheese at
the C. S. I. the other day I sure felt
like I was being robbed.
—E. N.
* * *
The professor with the shiny blue
serge suit says that when a driver
runs over the same pedestrian twice
it’s a sign pedestrians are getting
• • •
The Mississippi might as well
quit flooding now. This fellow Lind
bergh has taken all the first page
• • •
Oregon won the ball game yester
day. Didn’t they let the Aggies
Miss Dorothy Mielke, Portland’s
new queen weighs about 115 pounds.
—Eugene Guard. A- conservative es
timate, I’d say.
• * *
Tom Montgomery says if they
would only have Junior Week-end
every week-end, it wouldn’t take
long to pay for the Fine Arts build
ing. lie lost two bucks while hav
ing his lienjl dipped in the senior
He couldn’t play
At blind man’s bluff;
He wasn’t blind
And he couldn’t bluff.
• • •
When out to dinner, scratching a
match under the table and then set
ting fire to the table cloth getting
it out.
Ben Dover thinks it can’t be so
near the end of the term after all.
It’s just as hard as ever to get Life
or Judge at the library.
• • •
Dear Aunt Eeerali,
My boy friend always lias a flask
in liis hip pocket. Do you think there
is anything wrong about it?
Dear Upset,
If it is true that, as you say, he
ALWAYS has it in his hip pocket,
then there can be nothing wrong
about it except that it must be
Your Aunt Seerah.
Freshman Crew May
Gtt East With Huskies
TON, Seattle—(PIP)—A drive has
been advocated to send the fresh
man crew to Poughkeepsie along
with tho varsity and junior varsity
The varsity crew has been shaken
up considerably by Coach Callow
since the California race. The pres
ent combination seems to be as
powerful as the last year champions,
judging from their speedy time
Co-eds to Present Act
For Aid Flood Benefits
TON, cattle—(PIP)—A number of
the acts from the Junior Girls’
Vaudeville which was successfully
presented at Meany hall last week,
will turn from campus theatricals
to charity. They are planning a
super-production to offer the public
at the Metropolitan theater for the
benefit of Mississippi flood sufferers.
Freshman track men report in
uniform at Hayward field Thursday
at 4:15 p. m. for pictures.
Theta Sigma Phi—Regular meet
ing at Anchorage Tuesday noon.
Sigma Delta Chi meets today noon
at the Anchorage. Important.
Thesis Tells Origin
Of Installment Plan
In Days of Caesar
Back in the days of Julius Caesar,
Crassus, a prominent Roman realtor,
built many houses outside the walls
of Rome. He introduced the policy
of selling them on the installment
plan, and the system proved so
popular that in a few years he had
built up an enormous fortune. He
was a pioneer in one of the most
important phases of modern busi
ness—installment selling—aecoidy
ing to Harold Elkington, a graduate
assistant in the school of business
administration, who has written his
thesis on “Installment Selling.”
“Installment selling has been
practiced in the United States for
more than fifty years,” Mr. Elking
ton said, “but there Was compara
tively little growth of the system
until it was introduced in the auto
mobile industry about 1915. The
greatest expansion of the business
came in the years 1920-1926.”
Automobiles are by far the most
important article sold on the install
ment plan, Mr. Elkington said. They
make up a much larger proportion
of the installment debt at the pres
ent time than do all the other com
modities combined. “It is rather
intresting to note,” he continued,
“that 92 per cent of the autos, 75
per cent of the washing machines,
80 per cent of the phonographs, 65
per cent of the vacuum cleaners,
40 per cent of the pianos, 25 per
cent of the jewelry, and the greater
part of the radios and electric re
frigerators are now sold on the in
stallment plan.”
It is yet impossible to determine
whether or not installment selling
is economically sound, Mr. Elking
ton said, but the advantages seem
to outweigh the disadvantages.
“All figures and estimates collect
ed on the subject,” he said, “point
to the conclusion that installment
selling is not only here to stay but
that it is markedly on the increase
in volume of sales.”
J __ '
COLONIAL: Today: Norma Tal
made and Eugene O’Brien in one
of the best pictures they ever made,
“The Only Woman.” This picture
has a scene made at sea, showing
one of the best storms that has ever
been taken in a movie. Mack Sen
nett Comedy, “From Hoboken to
Hollywood,” Pathe Review and In
ternational news.
Election Announcement
Phi Theta Upsilon announces the
election of:
Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly, Hazel
Prutsman, honorary members;
Ruth Burcham,
Lily DeBernardi,
Mildred Lowden,
May Moore,
Lillian Vail,
Helen Webster,
Constance Weinman,
Allison Wilder,
Emmabell Woodworth.
Student Soldiers Plan
Sham Battle Saturday
TON, Seattle—(PIP)—The men of
the R. 0. T. C. will stage a sham
battle on their way to an all day
encampment at Sand Point air base
next Saturday. One company will
defend a hill with machine guns
and a smoke screen, while the other
companies attack them.
At the air base the men will en
joy an air carnival put on by ex
pert aviators.
The Biggest Comedy
Hit of the Year
A Hodge Podge
Novelty Reel
International News
fUCKY STRIKES are smooth and mel
low—the finest cigarettes you ever smoked.
They are kind to your throat.
Why ? All because they are made of the finest
Turkish and domestic tobaccos, properly aged
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“It’s toasted”
Your Throat Protection